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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Steve Youngblood said:
It makes me ashamed to admit that I was a huge fan of Win Ben Stein's Money back in the day.
He kept quiet back then.

Not so now.

Freaking celebrities trying to shove their views down others throats.

You get so tired of it. Yes, you've got your causes, but why the fuck should I care? I can barely afford to keep afloat my causes. Let alone listening to yours.

They get preachy. They get me testy.

Somebody keep Sean Penn quiet now please.

*wanders off ranting*


daw840 said:
I am really wondering if anyone here knows of a website that I can find a summation on McCain's and Obama's stances on all the different issues? I want something concise and relatively easy to read. I never have time to actually watch the debates and such, but I want to be as informed as possible before I cast my vote. I really don't want to start reading shit on either McCain or Obama's websites because they will obviously be biased toward that candidate. So I ask you GAF, where can I get a relatively impartial summation?


That lists each issue category for them and how they have voted in the past. For future legislation I'd suggest each candidate's website for the policy they're advocating.
daw840 said:
I am really wondering if anyone here knows of a website that I can find a summation on McCain's and Obama's stances on all the different issues? I want something concise and relatively easy to read. I never have time to actually watch the debates and such, but I want to be as informed as possible before I cast my vote. I really don't want to start reading shit on either McCain or Obama's websites because they will obviously be biased toward that candidate. So I ask you GAF, where can I get a relatively impartial summation?
Non-partisan analysis is largely a misnomer. In all honesty, if you want to make an educated choice, then you're going to have to do your homework. I would love to link you to what I think is a "fair and balanced" site, but as an Obama supporter, I will probably lead you in the direction of a site that favors him. McCain supporters will likely do the same thing.

If you want to make the right choice, then I say this not to be be flippant and derisive, but to be fair to the process, do your own homework. Find a site that works for you. Watch the debates. Read the news when you have a chance.


Setec Astronomer
Our non-american friends should remember that the Head of State and the Head of Government are the same person in american government, not split into a ceremonial position with no authority and a business-only governing job.

PantherLotus said:
Don't underestimate Carville's tactics or strategy.
You mean his opposition to Howard Dean and calls for his firing even AFTER the '06 election?

Carville = Old and Busted
Check out the reviews of Michelle's speech that just came across my Google RSS feed aggregator

Unedited copy/paste --

11:11 PM (3 minutes ago)

Michelle's convention speech
from Ben Smith's Blogs by media@politico.com (Ben Smith)
Blog: Michelle could hardly have done better in the biggest speech of her career. She's been on the trail for more than a year, but still gives the impres

11:04 PM (11 minutes ago)
Michelle Obama's Speech Seems Quite Good
from The Plank by Jonathan Chait

Her voice is quavering, as if she's on the verge of tears the whole time, yet still pretty genuine. Lots of good images of military families, night-shift workers and parents with children. This is Hallmark TV at its best. (Which, to be clear, is still not as good as HBO at its worst.)

It's possible that the calculation was that they had to present her with a soft image, and so they couldn't have any red meat on her night -- that it was worth sacrificing a night to have a knockout Michelle Obama speech. Who knows? Maybe it's worth it.

--Jonathan Chait

11:04 PM (11 minutes ago)
from The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan by Andrew Sullivan

One of the best, most moving, intimate, rousing, humble, and beautiful speeches I've heard from a convention platform. Maybe she should be running for president. You don't need any commentary from me. This was a home-run. And sincere. Thank God that in the end, the truth struggles out there. Just look at her mother's face.

11:03 PM (11 minutes ago)
Michelle's Moment
from The Stump by Noam Scheiber

Funny, for over a year now we've been hearing how Michelle is the "black" half of the couple and Barack is the one who transcends race. But between the doting big brother and the father who got up an hour early so he could button his own shirt, it's Michelle who suddenly seems totally familiar in a race-less sort of way. No shortage of authentic American stories in this household.

P.S. I mean, a brother who sizes up the boyfriend's moral character over a game of basketball? It's like something out of Goodbye Columbus...

--Noam Scheiber

11:03 PM (11 minutes ago)
"The Night Shift"
from The Stump by Michael Crowley

Michelle's speech has a very Hillary-esque stretch as she talks about what Mark Penn would call "invisbles" who work the "night shift... work long hours and face long odds," join the military and say grace at dinner. Sure enough, she segues right into a nod to Hillary Clinton--and then immediately transfers that mantle to Joe Biden.

And then, the inevitable declaration of her love for America. You'd like to think that's not necessary, but....

--Michael Crowley

...And from Neo-Con Central --

Michelle Obama

I thought she did exactly what she needed to do, said what she needed to say and avoided saying the sorts of partisan, hard-hitting stuff she normally says on the stump that would have violated the first-do-no-harm rule. It was a nice speech, well delivered and not so over-the-top with her love of country refrains that it felt forced. Whether it made much of a difference over the long haul I have no idea.

08/25 11:13 PM

No Question

Michelle and the girls were a homerun for Dems tonight. It's no small thing when both sides can talk American exceptionalism. It's a start.

08/25 11:10 PM

Is This Crazy?
from The Corner by Kathryn Jean Lopez
This may be a reaction to having heard Barack give the same speech too often, but tonight Michelle may have topped him.

I Agree
from The Corner by Ramesh Ponnuru
with Jonah and Kathryn. Michelle Obama did not seem aggrieved, entitled, whiny, extreme, unpatriotic, or even particularly liberal. She didn't sound anything like the off-the-cuff Michelle Obama we have come to know. The speech was well-crafted to achieve its goals, and she delivered it well.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Karma Kramer said:
Yeah saw this too... fucking disgraceful.

Wonder what will happen if Roger Ailes and Murdoch butt heads. Murdoch may see Obama as a better investment. He did it before in the UK when he realized labor would be better for the economy.
Steve Youngblood said:
Awful? Why do you hate war heroes, sir?



that was his answer to being asked about his houses.
Incognito said:
Anyone else not watch MSNBC anymore simply because they aren't broadcasting in HD yet?

Also, ever since the Olympics started MSNBC has had an unstable aspect ratio that keeps flickering between 4x3 pillarboxed and 16x9 stretch-o-vision. I notice it's been fixed tonight though.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Check out the reviews of Michelle's speech that just came across my Google RSS feed aggregator

Unedited copy/paste --

This one is pretty douchy:

from The Corner by Ramesh Ponnuru

I Agree with Jonah and Kathryn. Michelle Obama did not seem aggrieved, entitled, whiny, extreme, unpatriotic, or even particularly liberal. She didn't sound anything like the off-the-cuff Michelle Obama we have come to know. The speech was well-crafted to achieve its goals, and she delivered it well.
mj1108 said:
On Fox News right now: Is Barack Obama the first American Idol president?
I see they've already transitioned from parroting the Bush Administration's talking points to regurgitating the talking points of the McCain Campaign. I bet the McCain campaign sends Fox their daily talking points memo for them to stay on track.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
daw840 said:
I am really wondering if anyone here knows of a website that I can find a summation on McCain's and Obama's stances on all the different issues? I want something concise and relatively easy to read. I never have time to actually watch the debates and such, but I want to be as informed as possible before I cast my vote. I really don't want to start reading shit on either McCain or Obama's websites because they will obviously be biased toward that candidate. So I ask you GAF, where can I get a relatively impartial summation?

Impartial? In this order:

EDIT: ontheissues.org first, forgot about it.

1. Youtube.
2. BBC.
4. CNN.
dead last. Fox News.

Economics: Moderate (by comparison), believes in more spending domestically
Social: Civil Libertarian
Foreign Policy: Neo-con light

Economics: Flaming liberal. He promises low taxes, but what he means is that you'll have slightly lower income tax percentages while using the Federal Reserve to dilute the money supply. Iraq and Bush's inability to veto has caused massive spending, and it's one the of primary reasons why your bread and butter goods/services are 3-4 times more expensive than 8 years ago.
Social: Moderate, but he panders towards authoritarian. You can tell when he's pandering when he stiffens his shoulders and speaks more robotically and unemotionally. Not sure what his administration actually does.
Foreign Policy: Bury you with monetary inflation Neo-con. For whatever reason, he acts like he wants to pick a fight with Russia.
Could someone recap the convention for me? I was too busy watching James Blakes tennis match. I saw some of Ted Kennedys speach. Did Bill Clinton and Obama get together??
teh_pwn said:
Economics: Moderate (by comparison), believes in more spending domestically
Social: Civil Libertarian
Foreign Policy: Neo-con light
bubububububu Rush told me Obama was a Muslim Communist?


Honorary Canadian.
so aparently there's been something brewing in Denver about guys maybe or maybe not attacking Obama?

this election just made me want to fire up S1 of 24. knew it'd happen sooner or later, but jack bauer could get palm-bama elected.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CNN: Did Democrats Waste 1st Day?

Nice. All the big channels are on the same page now. Talking points successfully implemented.
Ok, did anyone else catch this idiot congresswoman on Larry King say that Obama will raise taxes on you if you're making $42,000 and not get called on it at all?

It's crazy that people think giving one side air time and giving the other said air time is fair. It's not about "fair and balanced" it's about no letting these fucks get on national television on "news" channels and tell bold faced lies...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Lars Larson: "The democrats will give you lots of great ideas that will take money out of your pockets."

Oh, like the Iraq war?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
reilo said:
CNN: Did Democrats Waste 1st Day?

Nice. All the big channels are on the same page now. Talking points successfully implemented.

It's just how retarded they act. Positivity is bad and negative shit is good.
Byakuya769 said:
Ok, did anyone else catch this idiot congresswoman on Larry King say that Obama will raise taxes on you if you're making $42,000 and not get called on it at all?

It's crazy that people think giving one side air time and giving the other said air time is fair. It's not about "fair and balanced" it's about no letting these fucks get on national television on "news" channels and tell bold faced lies...
In fairness, Larry King was calling out some of the talking points.
Steve Youngblood said:
In fairness, Larry King was calling out some of the talking points.

The fairly dumb ones, bringing up a discussion about race between those four clowns isn't going to get anything other than finger pointing. However, calling someone on lying about policy can easily be backed up with facts.


*drowns in jizz*
Byakuya769 said:
Ok, did anyone else catch this idiot congresswoman on Larry King say that Obama will raise taxes on you if you're making $42,000 and not get called on it at all?

It's crazy that people think giving one side air time and giving the other said air time is fair. It's not about "fair and balanced" it's about no letting these fucks get on national television on "news" channels and tell bold faced lies...

Yup. Also caught a bunch of other lies they spewed.

What gets me is why they bother interviewing these people asking what they thought of the Convention. Hmm.. I don't know, what the fuck do you THINK they're gonna say? At least we get to see how shit-faced they really are. Ben basically resorted to whining that Michelle didn't 'support the troops' enough in her speech, and that Obama just isn't 'likeable' enough to become President- cause he bumped into some guys the other day that told him so. Thanks for the insight, you twat. How the shit do these these toolbags get to do political commentary? Why do they deserve to have audiences of millions listen to their feces-laced vitriol?
Byakuya769 said:
The fairly dumb ones, bringing up a discussion about race between those four clowns isn't going to get anything other than finger pointing. However, calling someone on lying about policy can easily be backed up with facts.
Well, he also pointed out that he's going to have a Democratic panel during the RNC. I agree with you, I'm just saying that this is far from the worst offense of Mass Media.
perfectchaos007 said:
Could someone recap the convention for me? I was too busy watching James Blakes tennis match. I saw some of Ted Kennedys speach. Did Bill Clinton and Obama get together??
They sure did...it was so hot...there was jizz everywhere.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

Michelle Obama has the audacity to speak of Dr. King's (a republican) struggle without mentioning that he was fighting against the Democrat Party his whole entire life. But with even greater audacity she mentions the struggle he faced with out one word of gratitude for one single white person who made that struggle with Dr. King. She couldn't find it in her heart to recognize one single white person who risked their life in support of civil rights? No gratitude what so ever, and it's shameful.




"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
reilo said:
Lars Larson: "The democrats will give you lots of great ideas that will take money out of your pockets."

Oh, like the Iraq war?

There's been so little truth about economics discussed in the media.

The difference in tax percentages for low income isn't that much lower with Bush. Bush has paid for all of his expensive foreign affairs by creating cash in the Federal Reserve. This increases the price of goods/oil and just about everything that poor people spend their money on.

On the other hand, capital gains tax is only 15%, and no one talks about it. I think there's this misconception that rich people get paid all of their wealth in income. That's simply not true. Rich people make so much of earnings on investments that their income is insignificant. Capital gains IS their tax bracket.

Bush's economics effectively tax the poor a much higher % of REAL income than rich people's income and capital gains.

But then again, what do I expect from a media that uses 50 year old charts of a changing and arbitrary index (Dow Jones) in nominal value and think it's an accurate indicator of the economy. They're idiots.

Here's how you help low income and middle class:
1. Keep taxes where they are in %.
2. Withdraw from Iraq immediately.
3. Withdraw troops from places like Germany and Japan. Seriously, wtf. These countries are capable of funding their own military and they aren't going to turn on us now.
4. Increase capital gains to 30%.
5. Increase 401k/IRA limits.
6. Mandate 10% matching for all companies with 401k, and slowly transition off Social Security over a few decades.
7. Stop subsidizing corn and corn ethanol.
8. Invest in advanced and practical biofuel, like algae.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
quadriplegicjon said:
actually. it didnt disappear. the blurb is still there, it was just repositioned since he didnt really campaign in 2004.





please try again. kthanxbye!!

Poor guy left his Firefox tab open and checked it every day, too. Thought he was really smart. Too bad for him he had no clue that Wiki keeps a history of everything that has been edited :lol
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