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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Final summary before bed:

Great speeches by Ted and Michelle, and a great way to kick off the convention. The bloodhounds will be loose tomorrow.


First tragedy, then farce.
Margaret Thatcher has dementia. Seems voodoo economics takes the mind.

:looks at Buchanan:

yepp, takes the mind.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
This one has the same stink on it that the Republican convention of 92 had. That convention was a total bomb as well.

WHAT? Ted Kennedy alone makes this epic. We'll see what Hilldawg and Bill do, but really you had 2 strong speaches tonight, with 3 better public speakers to come.


Incognito said:
Anyone else not watch MSNBC anymore simply because they aren't broadcasting in HD yet?


MSNBC has Chuck Todd.

Chuck Todd >> HD

Chuck Todd on MSNBC in HD? *swoon*


First tragedy, then farce.
besada said:
Just heard the McCain noun, verb, POW response to the house question on Leno. Keep milkin it.

the backlash over milking it is coming soon. My guess is SNL does it, then like wildfire.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FoxNews in HD? What channel? I only get the SD feed on DirecTV, unless it's on its own channel and not on 360.


First tragedy, then farce.
siamesedreamer said:
At least Michelle looked proud of her country.

What's that like the third time now?

the free market allowed her to buy some of McCains abundant supply of patriotism. Its a commodity now. Free market prevails!
StoOgE said:
WHAT? Ted Kennedy alone makes this epic. We'll see what Hilldawg and Bill do, but really you had 2 strong speaches tonight, with 3 better public speakers to come.
It clearly wasn't that good. I'm watching Larry King right now and they're interviewing Republicans who are far from impressed. Clearly, this convention is a failure. After all, Obama is up against an opponent who, little known fact for those playing at home, was a former prisoner of war.

Ben Stein just informed me that Michelle's speech was cliched, and that she didn't support the troops in her speech.


StoOgE said:
That gives disaster a bad name.
Democratic leadership in 2004: "Hmm, people don't seem to believe/care about John Kerry's military service. We have a chance to find a new message and turn around this campaign at the convention. I guess we should devote the convention to Kerry's military service... DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR."

Man, 21st century democrats are just so bad at winning elections.
Steve Youngblood said:
It clearly wasn't that good. I'm watching Larry King right now and they're interviewing Republicans who are far from impressed. Clearly, this convention is a failure. After all, Obama is up against an opponent who, little known fact for those playing at home, was a former prisoner of war.

Ben Stein just informed me that Michelle's speech was cliched, and that she didn't support the troops in her speech.

Yeah... but what do you think?
I like this one.



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
msnbc seems to be having an "america, fuck yeah!" moment. The guy just interviewed kept talking about how improvement in racial discrimination is not seen in any other country, like Britain, France, Germany. He then shat all over history by saying that the Civil War was entirely about slavery, and it was about white man's freedom to enslave other men. He even took pride in the fact we had a civil war unlike other nations! As if 500,000+ deaths is a good thing when compared to England's peaceful ending of slavery an very successful integration of culture.

Anyway, one of the reasons that I like Obama is that he focuses on policy and doesn't associate with that nonsense.
Karma Kramer said:
Yeah... but what do you think?
If this is a serious question, then you're making break through my armor of facetiousness temporarily. But to answer the question in earnest, I'm a devoted Obama supporter, so I thought that the Michelle Obama speech, coupled with the emotional Teddy Kennedy appearance were more than enough to make up for the lackluster start (come on Pelosi!) I'm more than content having wasted my evening tonight.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Karma Kramer said:
Does anyone have a link to McCain on Leno tonight?

Most programming is standard, and has ironic and annoying "HD" banners on the sides.


One of his weaknesses is that it seems that he has to think of every anwser before he anwsers.

That's what most thoughtful people do. Somehow, that's become a negative in this country's politics.

People just want the same prepared talking points over and over and if you don't operate that way, you're a bad debater :\
speculawyer said:
But he didn't play the Hitler card?
I'm flipping channels wildly, so if he did, I didn't see it. But as I said, he is nailing home the point that she doesn't support our men and women overseas, so clearly she is still unpatriotic and hates freedom.


*drowns in jizz*
I hate Ben Stein so, SO fucking much.

Those 4 GOP shills just contradicted themselves about 50 times in the span of 10 minutes.
Cloudy said:
People just want the same prepared talking points over and over and if you don't operate that way, you're a bad debater :\
In fairness, even those of us high on hopium are willing to concede that "skilled debater" doesn't belong at the top of his resume. Skilled orator? Of course. But up to this point, the Democratic debates weren't always his greatest moments.
Awesome. Michael Reagan just pointed out to us that, while Joe Biden was running for Senate, John McCain was being tortured. Clearly, all of Biden's experience is negated, now.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
teh_pwn said:
Most programming is standard, and has ironic and annoying "HD" banners on the sides.

Luckily those burn in permanently on older Plasma displays, rendering all channels HD forever.


I am really wondering if anyone here knows of a website that I can find a summation on McCain's and Obama's stances on all the different issues? I want something concise and relatively easy to read. I never have time to actually watch the debates and such, but I want to be as informed as possible before I cast my vote. I really don't want to start reading shit on either McCain or Obama's websites because they will obviously be biased toward that candidate. So I ask you GAF, where can I get a relatively impartial summation?
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