Looks like the Ayers commercial is in some trouble.
I just love how the ad says "United 93 didn't hit the capital on 9/11" as if Obama said that himself.Obama e-mail said:Yesterday, a right-wing smear group launched a full-fledged attack against Barack, pulling in every baseless lie and re-hashed false assertion in their playbook.
Not only that -- it turns out the ad may be illegal. Campaign finance experts are weighing in about violations of election law. And the ad is so ridiculous that CNN and even Fox News have both refused to run it.
This is exactly the kind of politics Barack is running to change.
Unfortunately, some TV stations in Pennsylvania are running the ad right now.
Contact stations in Pennsylvania and tell them this kind of garbage shouldn't be run on the public's airwaves -- no matter how much money they are getting to run it.
John McCain claims he had nothing to do with this attack, but a former McCain consultant leads the so-called 'third-party' group behind these lies.
The primary funder of the ads, Harrold Simmons, is one of the main culprits behind the Swift Boating of John Kerry and a top bundler for John McCain. The spokesman for the group also has ties to the Kerry Swift Boat attacks.
The McCain camp and the Swift Boaters must be truly desperate to change the subject from John McCain's shocking disconnect with the economic struggles of the American people.
Take action right now to make sure this trash doesn't pollute another election:
Keep fighting the good fight,
Obama Action Wire