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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Looks like the Ayers commercial is in some trouble.

Obama e-mail said:
Yesterday, a right-wing smear group launched a full-fledged attack against Barack, pulling in every baseless lie and re-hashed false assertion in their playbook.

Not only that -- it turns out the ad may be illegal. Campaign finance experts are weighing in about violations of election law. And the ad is so ridiculous that CNN and even Fox News have both refused to run it.

This is exactly the kind of politics Barack is running to change.

Unfortunately, some TV stations in Pennsylvania are running the ad right now.

Contact stations in Pennsylvania and tell them this kind of garbage shouldn't be run on the public's airwaves -- no matter how much money they are getting to run it.

John McCain claims he had nothing to do with this attack, but a former McCain consultant leads the so-called 'third-party' group behind these lies.

The primary funder of the ads, Harrold Simmons, is one of the main culprits behind the Swift Boating of John Kerry and a top bundler for John McCain. The spokesman for the group also has ties to the Kerry Swift Boat attacks.

The McCain camp and the Swift Boaters must be truly desperate to change the subject from John McCain's shocking disconnect with the economic struggles of the American people.

Take action right now to make sure this trash doesn't pollute another election:


Keep fighting the good fight,

Obama Action Wire
I just love how the ad says "United 93 didn't hit the capital on 9/11" as if Obama said that himself.


Master of the Google Search
Fatalah said:
From your own experience---
Do you guys think Obama is doing well in terms of online media advertisements?

All I see is McCain ads on every political webpage I go to, and I clear my cookies frequently.

No but he doesn't need to since he has the "online" vote wrapped up.


Wearing a gray T-shirt, khaki pants and a healthy stubble, the "Daily Show" host told reporters at a University of Denver breakfast that Fox's "fair and balanced" slogan is an insult "to people with brains" and that only "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace "saves that network from slapping on a bumper sticker. . . . Barack Obama could cure cancer and they'd figure out a way to frame it as an economic disaster."
The response by Fox is... weird, as the Daily Show arguably has the youngest audience out of all the news-related shows on TV.
A Fox News spokesman, who was authorized to give the network's response to Stewart's comments but declined to be named, replied that "Jon's clearly out of touch," citing a Pew Research Center study showing the network has the most balanced audience in cable news, 39 percent Republicans and 33 percent Democrats. "But being out of touch with mainstream America is nothing new to Jon, as evidenced by the crash-and-burn ratings of this year's Oscars telecast."


Master of the Google Search
Thomper said:

The response by Fox is... weird, as the Daily Show arguably has the youngest audience out of all the news-related shows on TV.

Stewart vs Fox News. Gotta love it. But I thought it was the media's unofficial rule to just ignore the Daily Show cast except when playing clips on their own shows? hehe

Asked if late-night comics are shying away from Obama, Stewart cracked that they were, because of "liberal bias and not wanting to be racist. They want him to win badly, and yet don't like black people."

Diablos said:
:lol I'm done with CNN this year. DONE.

They're just a few steps away from being about as bad as Fox News.

CNN in general is terrible. I can't believe The Situation Room even won an Emmy for crying out loud. It's only MSNBC for me.


adamsappel said:
I understand the outrage you were trying to muster, but it was probably a case of someone noticing "Hey, Biden didn't really run in 2004," and nothing else of consequence happened for him that year, rather than attempting to bury the fact that Biden urged Kerry to ask McCain to be his VP. After all, the information is still there. And Biden knows he'll be asked about that. I'm sure he's got some zippy rejoinder for it, too.


:lol I hope this doesn't backfire.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Doesn't the Daily Show bring in 3x the ratings that the O'Reilly Factor does?
grandjedi6 said:
No but he doesn't need to since he has the "online" vote wrapped up.

Yeah, I don't see much benefit in him putting more money in online advertising. If anything, his free publicity online through social networking sites and blogs absolutely crushes McCain's paid presence.

I mean even right here, it's pretty heavily pro-Obama messages sandwiched in between McCain banners at the top and bottom of the page. I wouldn't count that as a mcCain win at all.


Asked if McCain, a frequent "Daily Show" guest, ever complained about his treatment, Stewart said the senator understands his role: "He knows we're there to introduce him to 20-year-olds smoking out of apple bongs."

:lol :lol


Master of the Google Search
reilo said:
Doesn't the Daily Show bring in 3x the ratings that the O'Reilly Factor does?
Overall? No but they are pretty close. However the Daily Show does get 3x the ratings in the 18–49 market, which is all anyone really cares about.
Carville is wrong. The first night was for definition and re-introduction. Yesterday APF said he thought the Obama kids were the only vote getters of the night, and that mindset is similar to what Carville was saying. People don't decide their votes based solely on conventions or parades and speeches. The first step of the process is getting people to warm up to the idea of voting for someone: the Obama family moment isn't going to convince someone to vote for Obama, but it will make people more comfortable with the idea of voting for Obama. Last night people saw the human side of Obama, a side that is sometimes hidden by the wave of...celebrity that surrounds his candidacy. Last night Michelle was very genuine, showing a side that the media has sort of overlooked in their rabid obsession with sticking to narrative ("the somewhat controversial Michelle Obama...").

Today is the day the punches are thrown. Carville is right in respect to the idea that the republicans will be throwing out punches the very second their convention opens. But consider who will be throwing them: Bush. Cheney. Lieberman. Lets see how that plays out with the public.
Is there anywhere where I can see some of the speeches from last night? I keep reaching about them, but can't seem to actually find footage anywhere.
Fine for Jimbo to have that oppinion but more broadly accross the media they lose either way.

Atrios' thoughts.

Back in 2004 the media were obsessed with the idea that if the Dems showed any negativity about Bush they'd be doooooooooooooooomed.

Now they're obsessed with the idea that the Dems aren't showing enough negativity.



PhoenixDark said:
Carville is wrong. The first night was for definition and re-introduction.

I hate to agree with Carville, but I think he's right. This personal biography stuff should have been saved for Thursday leading into Obama's speech. They should have went on the attack Monday night.
omg rite said:
Holy shit she had an amazing speech.

Oh, and anyone that says the thing with his kids was planned and set up: you're dumb.
So, just what is Cindy McCain going to say, to let us know she's one of us?...

Multiple servants? Jet airplanes? ..

What is she going to do to connect to the average American?

Bring her maid to the convention floor?
ViperVisor said:
Fine for Jimbo to have that oppinion but more broadly accross the media they lose either way.

Atrios' thoughts.

Back in 2004 the media were obsessed with the idea that if the Dems showed any negativity about Bush they'd be doooooooooooooooomed.

Now they're obsessed with the idea that the Dems aren't showing enough negativity.


I love the switcheroo instantly.

"Obama needs to connect with regular Americans!"
*Michelle Hits Home Run, Erasing Said Issue*
"They blew it! Obama needs to attack McCain!"

*Hillary Eviscerates McCain, This Time It's Personal*
"Boy, Obama really blew it by not picking her."
Deus Ex Machina said:
So, just what is Cindy McCain going to say, to let us know she's one of us?...

Multiple servants? Jet airplanes? ..

What is she going to do to connect to the average American?

Bring her maid to the convention floor?
Cindy McCain doesn't speak she just stares at people.


Quinnipiac does swing states.

Florida (1,069 LV, 3%)
McCain 47, Obama 43
(July: Obama 46, McCain 44)

Ohio (1,234 LV, 2.8%)
Obama 44, McCain 43
(July: Obama 46, McCain 44)

Pennsylvania (1,234 LV, 2.8%)
Obama 49, McCain 42
(July: Obama 49, McCain 42)

Obama slips a bit in Flordia, but the others are essentially unchanged from last month. Looking good.
Deus Ex Machina said:
So, just what is Cindy McCain going to say, to let us know she's one of us?...

Multiple servants? Jet airplanes? ..

What is she going to do to connect to the average American?

Bring her maid to the convention floor?
All she needs to do to connect with average Americans is to remind us that her money comes from beer.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
siamesedreamer said:
Obama using the DoJ to bully around political enemies as a candidate?

That doesn't bode well for them if he wins.

Like when I used the local police to bully Burglars. Luckily I am not running for anything.

siamesedreamer said:
Bah...that's what I get for linking a news story that's a few days old.

Too bad they changed your tag back. It made it much easier for folks to see your agenda.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
ShOcKwAvE said:
Has anyone here been polled by some group? I'm kinda surprised that I don't know a single person who has.

Polling's biggest problem is that it only polls the type of person who agrees to be polled. That makes the constituents unnaturally old and weird.
I need to break my Poli-GAF exile to ask for a quick favor. Can anyone post a link or pm to me any site that has a collection of the speeches from last night. For a friend I'm looking for the Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama speech in full last night and I don't feel like trolling through Youtube searches. Thx in advance.
On a whim I just went back and watched his speech on race... seems like so long ago... but man - it was honest, nuanced, and showed real intelligence and wisdom on the issue of race. Just another reason why Obama should be 44.


Stoney Mason said:
I need to break my Poli-GAF exile to ask for a quick favor. Can anyone post a link or pm to me any site that has a collection of the speeches from last night. For a friend I'm looking for the Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama speech in full last night and I don't feel like trolling through Youtube searches. Thx in advance.
How about Obama official YT channel?


testicles on a cold fall morning
so the Dow dropped like a ton of bricks yesterday because the financial and credit markets are in the shitter and Larry Kudlow lays an abortion of stunning insight that blames it on the DNC Convention.
Are the Denver Dems downing the stock market today? The Dow is off 230 points, starting right from the get-go. So-called market analysts are blaming financials and the credit crunch as they always do. But there’s more.
you're right Larry, instead of the hard data implicating a lot of unease among banks as to one another's exposure to risky ABSes, it's instead some unspoken fear of Democrats raising taxes.

the only rebuttal i have to that is '...fucking idiot'.
scorcho said:
so the Dow dropped like a ton of bricks yesterday because the financial and credit markets are in the shitter and Larry Kudlow lays an abortion of stunning insight that blames it on the DNC Convention.
you're right Larry, instead of the hard data implicating a lot of unease among banks as to one another's exposure to risky ABSes, it's instead some unspoken fear of Democrats raising taxes.

the only rebuttal i have to that is '...fucking idiot'.

whenever the stock market tumbles kudlow, like clockwork, always manages to find a way to pin the blame on some democratic resurgence.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So it looks like McCain cheating on his first wife isn't a bad deal since he was a POW.

Why are people on TV saying this for McCain? Why is he getting a free pass for everything?


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sp0rsk said:
Jesus Christ Scaroborough is annoying.
He loses at life. Something about his voice infuriates me.
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