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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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*drowns in jizz*
siamesedreamer said:
Except when a whole year disappears off Biden's page...

God, you're so pathetic sometimes. Frankly, one would think you'd be embarrassed that you get your 'news from these trashy tabloid websites, yet you proudly advertise it here. Newsbusters? Really? Why the fuck don't you think for yourself instead of letting conservative blogs and shitty right-wing sites hand you your opinion?


SD I don't know how you find time during the day to dig up this stupid stuff? You'd think that after watching 10 hours of tv in a day you'd want to get up off the couch and get some fresh air or something.
Is it the dress or what's in it? Michelle Obama covered the key milestones but the image of her in a cocktail dress left us wondering.

So her speech was great, but her wearing a dress means she's lying and hates America.

lol Republicans
quadriplegicjon said:
actually. it didnt disappear. the blurb is still there, it was just repositioned since he didnt really campaign in 2004.





please try again. kthanxbye!!

Right-wing "news" pwned . . . will that stop the true-believers that got suckered by phantom WMDs & "fiscal responsibility". Of course not. Like fools to their folly and dogs return to their own vomit.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Obama Says His Speech Will Be 'Workmanlike'


MOLINE, Ill. -- Barack Obama played down expectations Monday about his convention address on Thursday, saying he expects it to be a more "workmanlike" speech than the one he gave in 2004.

Obama has been working on his convention speech over the past few days and is still refining it. He seemed aware that it will be hard to top the 2004 speech that launched him to national stardom. He also suggested that, rather than relying on lofty rhetoric, he would talk about concrete issues that are important to voters.

In keeping with that theme, Obama's crowds are getting smaller by design. Just 250 people were invited to a town-hall-style meeting at a fairground in Davenport, Iowa, on Monday. Members of Obama's field staff reached out to Republicans and undecided voters on their lists in order to draw a meaningful cross section, rather than the cheerleading swarm that will greet the nominee when he gets to Denver.

Obama is also on a regular-guy roll. He mused at length about what it is like to travel by plane commercially these days -- going through security, suffering delays, circling overhead in a holding pattern -- and advocated a light-rail line between Chicago and St. Louis in a response to a question about the country's infrastructure. He talked about the debt that he and his wife, Michelle, went into to pay for school. And he continued his populist tone, one that sounded remarkably like the one Hillary Clinton adopted at the end of her bid.

"I won't be a perfect president, but I can promise you this: . . . You will have someone fighting for you in the White House the day I set foot in it," he said.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Secret Service let Obama travel by commercial airline AND train? Odd.
Cloudy said:
That's what most thoughtful people do. Somehow, that's become a negative in this country's politics.

People just want the same prepared talking points over and over and if you don't operate that way, you're a bad debater :\

Cloudy don't disagree with you, and I'm on the hopium just like everyone else from Planet GAF. That doesn't mean that I'm going to overlook potential weaknesses in the man just becasue.

I'm looking past the conventions and to the debates. The same thing that got Gore and Kerry are their esoteric meanderings. IMO Obama should be able to anwser with an absolute first (yes/no) and then when pressed for more detail go into that detail. I think right now he does it the opposite way. He needs to get comfortable again with how to engage at the personal/one on one level. He did that early on when he was the snappy underdog and he needs to do it again.
siamesedreamer said:
Except when a whole year disappears off Biden's page...
I understand the outrage you were trying to muster, but it was probably a case of someone noticing "Hey, Biden didn't really run in 2004," and nothing else of consequence happened for him that year, rather than attempting to bury the fact that Biden urged Kerry to ask McCain to be his VP. After all, the information is still there. And Biden knows he'll be asked about that. I'm sure he's got some zippy rejoinder for it, too.


Holy shit she had an amazing speech.

Oh, and anyone that says the thing with his kids was planned and set up: you're dumb.
John McCain said some people thought he shouldn't have saved Washington in the 1800s.


Oh and his Social Security number is 8.

Is anyone else on the west coast watching Jay Leno right now?

HOLY SHIT McCain is turning to the POW a lot.



*drowns in jizz*
polyh3dron said:
Is anyone else on the west coast watching Jay Leno right now?

HOLY SHIT McCain is turning to the POW a lot.


I'm just utterly shocked at this news. That will pretty much be the theme of next week's convention, so get used to it.
Excellent speech.

Michelle in '16

Michelle might even be a better speaker than Obama. She knows how to inject emotion into her speeches and it feels like she's speaking to a small group of 20 instead of thousands of people. Ted Kennedy and Obama have a more "booming" style where as Michelle manages to make a personal connection to the viewer. I'm not listening to her speak. She's speaking to me.
I'm surprised at the overwhelming reaction to Michelle's speech here. I thought it was a decent speech, but not amazing. It managed to mostly convey the things it was supposed to but the delivery struck me as a bit stilted, to be honest. Still, all things considered it was pretty impressive considering that she isn't personally a politician. You could make a drinking game out of how many times she started a statement with "See" or "You see" though. It was like a nervous tick.

As for her being a better speaker than Barack... :lol


GrotesqueBeauty said:
I'm surprised at the overwhelming reaction to Michelle's speech here. I thought it was a decent speech, but not amazing. It managed to mostly convey the things it was supposed to but the delivery struck me as a bit stilted, to be honest. Still, all things considered it was pretty impressive considering that she isn't personally a politician. You could make a drinking game out of how many times she started a statement with "See" or "You see" though. It was like a nervous tick.

As for her being a better speaker than Barack... :lol
Yeah, I agree. It was a good speech, but nothing great, which is to be expected since this isn't her line of work.


Anyone else see this?


Clinton Delegate that is now supporting McCain in a commercial by McCain about her switching...and she's interviewed by Shepard Smith. Her reasoning for switching? Not the issues....it's "resume and experience". (which sounds like a ruse for being a Clintonite/feminist)


Party Unity in full force.


DENVER -- A black Hillary Clinton delegate on Sunday accused Illinois state Senate President Emil Jones of calling her an "Uncle Tom."

Jones -- Barack Obama's political mentor -- denied using the racially loaded slur against Chicago political consultant Delmarie Cobb, but two aldermen who said they witnessed the Saturday night exchange back up Cobb's account.

Lyle, alderman of the South Side's 6th Ward, said she was standing with Jones when the conversation took place in the lobby of the hotel where the Illinois delegation is staying, but she dismissed it as Jones engaging in harmless banter with someone he knows, although Lyle said she told him, "Emil, that's bad even for you."

Another of the aldermen who was standing in the lobby added, "He said it in jest."


force push the doodoo rock
On the news here they just had a segment about the Demo convention and they talked about how historic it was and they interviewed a woman who lived through the civil rights movement and what not. It was nice to hear a political report without the god awful spin. They talked about Michelle and not one person talked about her dress or who they convinced with the speech and shit.

Now there's a story about the chimp that starred in Tarzan.
Morning Joe is always fun to watch. Scarbs hammering Shuster (who looks like a deer in headlights). I notice that Rachel hasn't (to my knowledge) been a guest on his show in a long time primarily because she won't put up is Scarborough's crap and can hold her own as can Olberman and even Matthews.


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BenjaminBirdie said:
HOLY SHIT. EPIC ownage of Davey Schuster by Joe Scarbs right now.

What's the discussion about?
mj1108 said:
On Fox News right now: Is Barack Obama the first American Idol president?

They're so blatant now it borders on ridiculousness. I think the description: "Fox News is an appendage of the Republican party" is spot on.

This morning they pretty much called the Democratic National Convention an 'infomercial' (actual word used).

And seriously Carville needs to shut up. All the networks picked up on his comments and it's the narrative for the day.
RubxQub said:
What's the discussion about?

Schuster is harboring the delusion that somehow Scarbs is soft about the Iraqi Timetable to GOP guests. Scarbs, quite naturally, asks he's even watched his show for the past few months. I know Scarbs gets ridiculous unfounded accusations of bias in liberal circles, but I didn't expect it on his own show. It was hilarious to watch.

Basically Scarbs said "Look, if Iraq wants us out, we can leave tomorrow, and you'll be inhaled by a Civil War in like twenty seconds." Schuster says like "hay why don't you call out the GOP for mocking Obama for bringing up a time table" and Scarbs is like "Dood I do that all the time" and Schuster is like "hay why don't you call out the GOP for mocking Obama for bringing up a time table? and Scarbs is like "SRSLY do you watch my show?" And so on and so forth.

Scarbs 345 Everyone Else 0

He fucking owned that pretentious wonk Olbermann last night, he owned Schuster this morning. That's why I love Maddow. She doesn't resort to dipshitted pontification nor would she run into a conversation with no fucking clue.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Schuster is harboring the delusion that somehow Scarbs is soft about the Iraqi Timetable to GOP guests. Scarbs, quite naturally, asks he's even watched his show for the past few months. I know Scarbs gets ridiculous unfounded accusations of bias in liberal circles, but I didn't expect it on his own show. It was hilarious to watch.

Basically Scarbs said "Look, if Iraq wants us out, we can leave tomorrow, and you'll be inhaled by a Civil War in like twenty seconds." Schuster says like "hay why don't you call out the GOP for mocking Obama for bringing up a time table" and Scarbs is like "Dood I do that all the time" and Schuster is like "hay why don't you call out the GOP for mocking Obama for bringing up a time table? and Scarbs is like "SRSLY do you watch my show?" And so on and so forth.

Scarbs 345 Everyone Else 0

He fucking owned that pretentious wonk Olbermann last night, he owned Schuster this morning. That's why I love Maddow. She doesn't resort to dipshitted pontification nor would she run into a conversation with no fucking clue.

I thinks Olbermann called Scarbs on his BS last night (something people seem to rarely do) and he couldn't back up his talking points with any substance. Scarbs did the same today as well but Shuster isn't an attack dog. Most regulars on show rarely challenge him and that's why he gets away with most of the BS he spouts. When a guest comes on that makes a clear argument that Joe can't refute he just thanks them and ends the segment quickly, gearing up the talking points again for after the commercial break.

Also, again, Halperin is a tool.
mj1108 said:
Anyone else see this?


Clinton Delegate that is now supporting McCain in a commercial by McCain about her switching...and she's interviewed by Shepard Smith. Her reasoning for switching? Not the issues....it's "resume and experience". (which sounds like a ruse for being a Clintonite/feminist)
That was talked about on MSNBC last night. There was a woman who said it wouldn't be that hard to find a republican who is voting for Obama this election and make an ad out of it.
maximum360 said:
I thinks Olbermann called Scarbs on his BS last night

By dragging out one poll and trying to float the idea that it's impossible to state that the race got tighter and more dicier for Obama over the past two weeks (Olbermann's Point)?

I don't think so, no.
Joe was throwing around his bullshit speculation about the Obama camp.

Polls are polls but inventing the idea that people didn't think they could lose due to being up by 4 points in the 3rd week of August is crapola.
Saw the McCain interview on Leno last night. Eh. MSNBC really exaggerated on the whole POW/houses bit, especially when Norah O Donnel said that after McCain's POW comment, that was it. Nothing else was said, which is a lie.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
I'm surprised at the overwhelming reaction to Michelle's speech here. I thought it was a decent speech, but not amazing. It managed to mostly convey the things it was supposed to but the delivery struck me as a bit stilted, to be honest. Still, all things considered it was pretty impressive considering that she isn't personally a politician. You could make a drinking game out of how many times she started a statement with "See" or "You see" though. It was like a nervous tick.

As for her being a better speaker than Barack... :lol
You haven't been following this thread, evidently :lol :lol


From your own experience---
Do you guys think Obama is doing well in terms of online media advertisements?

All I see is McCain ads on every political webpage I go to, and I clear my cookies frequently.
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