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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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worldrunover said:
I'd say the opposite. He's advocating that we be the main (sole?) authorities on world affair and policy since we are far superior to the rest of the globe. It's actually borderline xenophobic.
Yeah, that was probably the wrong term. Obama was talking about the US stepping and partnering with the rest of the world to solve problems we can't solve on your own. McCain is proposing "our way or the highway", essentially.
schuelma said:
I think you're reading waayyy too much into this.

From what I gathered, he lambasted Obama for saying the world united, and then corrected him by saying America showed the rest of the democratic countries the way to victory. He included:

The criticisms tend to pass or quiet down when global threats and dangers appear. In times of trouble, free nations of the world still look to America for leadership, because they know the strength of America remains the greatest force for good on this earth

Which to me signifies other countries (including democracies) can't do shit without our might and guidance. It's a play for the red-blooded Americans who think we can do no wrong, but it's an insanely egotistcal view to take.


Price Dalton said:
I stiffed her - the first time I've ever done that - and she made some smart comment as I exited the vehicle. I told her to "go suck Hannity's dick."

Childish and possibly counterproductive? Fuck yes, but damn satisfying. I like to think I won some small victory today.

So basically, you're a thief. You took a service and then declined to pay for it because you didn't agree with her political views. That's your choice of course but I hope the next cabbie you see just ignores you and keeps going.


reilo said:
So basically what McCain is advocating is for the US to be the #1 power. Unlike in previous years, where leading by example was the mantra, he is advocating getting our hands dirty in every aspect of the modern world and enforcing our will onto societies at large.

I guess where I got confused at was when he attacked Obama for asking other nations to come together and help out with the troubles the world faces today.

Still not what he was saying; though I don't care enough about this enough to make a big deal about it.

The McCain statement was a jab at specific wording; the nations of the world did not stand united as one, as cited from an Obama speech, because obviously they weren't all united or there wouldn't have been a Cold War because everyone would have been hunky dory.

The difference he felt compelled to speak of was one of unity with all versus alliance with likeminded nations against a common foe. I'm not really a fan of either notion; entangling alliances suck and world peace is a pleasant sounding pipe dream.

I don't think it's a particularly compelling point, because I want the other Western powers to spend more on their own defense and for us to stop extending a blanket of protection.
Price Dalton said:
Slight derail.

Coming back from the Magic fashion trade show in Vegas today, I was driven by a cabbie listening to Sean Hannity's AM show, super loud. She kept nodding in agreement, even as I sighed and shook my head (in retrospect, my reactions may have been the impetus for her driving).

It woulda been tolerable if she had been a decent, honest driver - but she took a roundabout route back to Monte Carlo, and then opted to get stuck in traffic on Vegas Blvd. Slowly approaching yellow lights, driving a bit under the speed limit, that sorta thing. This is all behavior that cab drivers are notorious for, I suppose, and for which we're mostly prepared, but Hannity made it all different.

I stiffed her - the first time I've ever done that - and she made some smart comment as I exited the vehicle. I told her to "go suck Hannity's dick."

Childish and possibly counterproductive? Fuck yes, but damn satisfying. I like to think I won some small victory today.

Wow, you're a dick.
Can somebody explain to me all the doom and gloom? People talk about dips and surges in the polls, then I go to Pollster.com and see that Obama still has 260 Electoral college votes pretty much locked. Is there that much concern that he won't win an additional 10 votes or am I reading something wrong?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Double trouble.

JayDubya said:
Still not what he was saying; though I don't care enough about this enough to make a big deal about it.

The McCain statement was a jab at specific wording; the nations of the world did not stand united as one, as cited from an Obama speech, because obviously they weren't all united or there wouldn't have been a Cold War because everyone would have been hunky dory.

The difference is unity versus alliance against a common foe.

It gives great insight to how he views the world though. It's the entire ideology that Bush employed when he said "you're either with us or against us."


Kildace said:
He decides on the nation's energy policy though, and I doubt that "Drill here and drill NOW" will solve america's dependance on foreign oil that is hurting your economy.

So you don't think that doing pretty much nothing to solve the collapse of the housing market and doing nothing to solve your dependance on foreign oil could have a disastrous, lasting impact on your economy?

The gradual collapse of this economy has far more then just Oil dependancy to blame. How about the fact through numerous treaties we have seen the very backbone of the United States economy exported to China and other areas fo cheap leabour.

The United States was a manufacturing behemoth then it all started getting exported.


It's all just a specific bubble of time, but I hope Obama can manage to change the tone of the election after this convention


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
worldrunover said:
From what I gathered, he lambasted Obama for saying the world united, and then corrected him by saying America showed the rest of the democratic countries the way to victory. He included:


My God. It was such a small, trivial little point- He was critizing Obama's word choice- saying in effect that Obama was saying ALL countries joined together when in reality it was countries against countries. That's it. It was a pretty petty and weak nitpick in all honesty, but the leaps you people are taking is just way too much.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Dax01 said:
http://www.electoral-vote.com/ has it at Obama 273 and McCain 252 with one state tied (Virginia).

This makes me feel better too. Obama is competing in Alaska, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, North Carolina, Virginia, Montana, North and South Dakota, and Flordia.

These all are states that Bush won and now Obama can win all if not most of them.

The only state that McCain can when that Kerry won is New Hampshire and Michigan.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Maybe not entirely, but how do you explain something like cutting taxes? That can contribute to hurting the economy.

Cutting taxes only hurts the economy if you don't pair it with cutting spending as well.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Maybe not entirely, but how do you explain something like cutting taxes? That can contribute to hurting the economy.

You did not just say that to JayDubya!

laserbeam said:
The gradual collapse of this economy has far more then just Oil dependancy to blame. How about the fact through numerous treaties we have seen the very backbone of the United States economy exported to China and other areas fo cheap leabour.

I agree, of course. I was just pointing out specific ways in which a McCain presidency would make things even worse.


worldrunover said:
I'd say the opposite. He's advocating that we be the main (sole?) authorities on world affair and policy since we are far superior to the rest of the globe. It's actually borderline xenophobic.

Hmm. My take is this: it's just bizarre that he doesn't realize that Obama makes more or less the same implication but just says it more nicely. Obama saying "The world came together" or whatever obviously doesn't include whatever the fuck enemies we had beef with at the time nor does it mean we weren't in the lead.

So in a way, Mac is saying the same thing. Just in a more asshole way. I think Obama would agree that we should lead and that we do in fact hold a lot of shit together. But do we have to be pricks about it yelling "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!"?

To McCain, the answer is a resounding yes.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
laserbeam said:
The gradual collapse of this economy has far more then just Oil dependancy to blame. How about the fact through numerous treaties we have seen the very backbone of the United States economy exported to China and other areas fo cheap leabour.

The United States was a manufacturing behemoth then it all started getting exported.

That's why I don't agree with many of the free trade agreements [yes, including the liberal NAFTA]. Local economies are being crippled by many factors - including too much influence by labor unions and too many incentives for corporations to take their jobs outside of the country. For example... the Ford Fusion is built in Mexico, while its direct cousin the Mazda6 is built in Michigan.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Maybe not entirely, but how do you explain something like cutting taxes? That can contribute to hurting the economy.

Does not compute. People having more disposable income is a good thing for any economy, because people buy more shit.

Now, if you want to talk spending too goddamn much, causing the debt to increase, and increasing inflation, okay.
Gaborn said:
So basically, you're a thief. You took a service and then declined to pay for it because you didn't agree with her political views. That's your choice of course but I hope the next cabbie you see just ignores you and keeps going.
He stiffed her a tip, I think.

Hey, Gaborn's back! Um, yay?
Gaborn said:
So basically, you're a thief. You took a service and then declined to pay for it because you didn't agree with her political views. That's your choice of course but I hope the next cabbie you see just ignores you and keeps going.

No, I paid. I just didn't tip. Well, there was a dollar and change left over that she got, but I'm usually pretty generous.

I'll admit that her political views colored my reaction, but I mainly stiffed her because she took an obviously roundabout and inefficient route back to the hotel in an attempt to get more money.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
bob_arctor said:
Hmm. My take is this: it's just bizarre that he doesn't realize that Obama makes more or less the same implication but just says it more nicely. Obama saying "The world came together" or whatever obviously doesn't include whatever the fuck enemies we had beef with at the time nor does it mean we weren't in the lead.


Agreed. It was just a stupid little non-distinction by McCain.
Gaborn said:
Doesn't sound like it was just a tip to me.

Edit - Well, I was wrong, Sorry, and fair enough.

Although the implication that I might be an asshole is, admittedly, most likely a sound one.

No hard feelings.
Amir0x said:
It's all just a specific bubble of time, but I hope Obama can manage to change the tone of the election after this convention

I'm very confident that they will go in full attack mode after the convention. If there's one thing you can be certain of is that the Obama campaign is less concerned with the day to day and more concerned with the long run. The McCain's camp is the opposite, where they would rather win the day politically and hope for the best afterwards.

The only thing that's the 'X' factor is the Clintons. Win or lose, they bring drama wherever they go. They are so contrary to the Obama campaign's efforts of trying to stay drama-free.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
lawblob said:
Who would you ideally like to see as a conservative President?

To be fair, ideally he'd vote for Goldwater if he could.
JayDubya said:
Does not compute. People having more disposable income is a good thing for any economy, because people buy more shit.

Now, if you want to talk spending too goddamn much, causing the debt to increase, and increasing inflation, okay.

Bush's tax cut package that he signed in 2001 resulted to years of budget deficits, so I'd say tax cuts do effect the economy.


lawblob said:
Who would you ideally like to see as a conservative President?

Ron Paul or someone of a similar mindset. Heck, even Jim DeMint is good from a fiscal standpoint (though I don't agree with him much on social issues at all). The real problem of course is that with the Democrats in control of congress (and if the Republicans by some miracle gained control of congress they wouldn't be any better on this) you're not going to see the substantial cuts in spending we'd need.
You guys should actually be glad McCain pulled ahead when he did. It plays to Obama's benefit to no longer be "Presumptuous" about winning this thing, and polling at this stage means next to nothing. He's been ahead for two months straight, it had to happen eventually.


schuelma said:
I don't see any ideal conservative at the moment. :(

It is sort of hilarious; the Republican party spent the last 25 years cultivating this bizarre red-state, Jesus-mongering, xenophobic demographic, but now this bizarre creation has in many ways taken over the party.

I was listening to CSPAN few months ago and they had on a classically conservative foreign policy expert; and the entire hour was phone calls from conservative hillbillies yelling at him, telling him he was 'liberal,' etc.

I find it incredible that the Republicans have created this zombie demographic that they don't know how to manage.. The democrats used to take a lot of flack over the crooked unions they had to support to get their votes, but unions are disappearing fast; I don't see the same thing happening to the Republicans 'problem demographic' any time soon.

Bill Clinton's Convention Speech to Be on Five-Second Delay
August 25, 2008 | 03:48 PM (EST)
Andy Borowitz,

Former President Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver Wednesday night will be broadcast on a five-second delay similar to that used to screen callers on talk radio programs, party officials confirmed today.

The five-second delay, customarily used to censor callers who might use profanity or other unacceptable speech on a radio show, has never before been used in the broadcast of a speech by a former President of the United States, experts believe.

But convention planners, nervous that Mr. Clinton might depart from his prepared remarks in an unacceptable way, said that they were using the delay "just in case."

"We hope and expect that Bill Clinton will give a stirring and perfectly acceptable speech, by broadcast standards," said DNC chairman Howard Dean. "However, if we see his face turning red and his forehead starting to throb, we'll be there to pull the plug."


Gaborn said:
So basically, you're a thief. You took a service and then declined to pay for it because you didn't agree with her political views. That's your choice of course but I hope the next cabbie you see just ignores you and keeps going.

Uhh, I think it's pretty clear that he paid the base fare but skipped on tipping, which is something I will happily revoke when provided terrible service.
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