Michelle Obama: The Actress
While her husband is Politician Celebrity, we finally got a glimpse last night of Michelle Obama, The Actress, and exactly how far she will go to pretend to be something shes not in order to get into the White House.
I mused yesterday that Obamas speech could in no way eclipse the rank absurdity of Teresa Heinz-Kerrys Ode to Herself four years ago. But I was wrong. In her widely panned speech, at least Mrs. Kerry respected everyone enough to be honest with us about herself.
Michelle Obama, on the other hand, simply was not. Her comments last night in no way, in any small part, reflected her repeated speeches over the past 18 months. It in no way gave us even a tiny glimpse into the world we know she and her husband live inone of grievance, anger, entitlement, and general whiny unhappiness. Whether it be through her own now consistently famous complaints, or the people they have chosen to surround themselves with America-haters, in one instance, a domestic terrorist with a commitment to kill Americans and topple the government. The Obamas own words and their associations belie the Donna Reed image MIchelle Obama tried so hard to convey last night.
Americans are very open-minded people. We like the underdog, those who come upwe like to hold up the unexpected. But what we dislike with as much passion is being lied to. Differences of opinion are one thing, being lied to is quite another. Michelle Obamas contempt for the mean American people is apparently so complete she now has no problem smiling as she spins her pretend story of patriotism and gentle, optimistic love for family and country.
She did make one mistakeshe must have left the pillbox hat back in her suite.
I fucking hate Fox News.