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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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laserbeam said:
See Bill Clinton really is the wild card this convention. You know I would love to see Bill explode and just go on a rant just for the sheer shock of it. That would be epic TV

Maybe we can get a lecture on the meaning of the word "as" this time.


bob_arctor said:
Hmm. My take is this: it's just bizarre that he doesn't realize that Obama makes more or less the same implication but just says it more nicely. Obama saying "The world came together" or whatever obviously doesn't include whatever the fuck enemies we had beef with at the time nor does it mean we weren't in the lead.
I think the point is to portray Obama as yet again having a frivolous polyanish view of a world full of sunshine and rainbows, while McCain has the realistic gritty down to brass tacks straight-talk.
Kildace said:
It's sad but true, and America in 100 years will be seen as the first true failure of Democracy because when the majority of the people are idiots, they really should not be deciding who will run one of the most powerful nation in the world.


Price Dalton said:
Slight derail.

Coming back from the Magic fashion trade show in Vegas today, I was driven by a cabbie listening to Sean Hannity's AM show, super loud. She kept nodding in agreement, even as I sighed and shook my head (in retrospect, my reactions may have been the impetus for her driving).

It woulda been tolerable if she had been a decent, honest driver - but she took a roundabout route back to Monte Carlo, and then opted to get stuck in traffic on Vegas Blvd. Slowly approaching yellow lights, driving a bit under the speed limit, that sorta thing. This is all behavior that cab drivers are notorious for, I suppose, and for which we're mostly prepared, but Hannity made it all different.

I stiffed her - the first time I've ever done that - and she made some smart comment as I exited the vehicle. I told her to "go suck Hannity's dick."

Childish and possibly counterproductive? Fuck yes, but damn satisfying. I like to think I won some small victory today.

Right on

ALeperMessiah said:
Wow, you're a dick.

And the cabbie was deliberately screwing her customer out of money by deliberately taking as long as possible and gettign stuck in traffic. I'd have stiffed that cabbie to, if it was as blatant as it seemed to be.


APF said:
I think the point is to portray Obama as yet again having a frivolous polyanish view of a world full of sunshine and rainbows, while McCain has the realistic gritty down to brass tacks straight-talk.

Oh most definitely. I actually had a mention of "Kumbaya" in re: to what McCain was striving to ram home about Obama in my original post but took it out.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Gotcha. Wouldn't surprise me though.

Which part wouldn't surprise you?

There's no way they'd do that sort of thing deliberately, and only to him, and there's no way he'd even take an insult like and still speak at the convention.
Who's "post convention" coverage should i record tonight?
Cnn,Pbs,Msnbc or Cspan?

Last night i recorded Cnn & it was terrible but i'm interested to see how Carville will react to Clinton's speech tonight.
Howard Fineman is probably one of the major proponents of the "Obama is arrogant" theme. He uses different words but spouts the same crap on every program he's on. It's as if Obama doesn't do exactly as he wants or expects, "Obama is pigheaded and arrogant".
theviolenthero said:
Who's "post convention" coverage should i record tonight?
Cnn,Pbs,Msnbc or Cspan?

Last night i recorded Cnn & it was terrible but i'm interested to see how Carville will react to Clinton's speech tonight.

theviolenthero said:
Who's "post convention" coverage should i record tonight?
Cnn,Pbs,Msnbc or Cspan?

Last night i recorded Cnn & it was terrible but i'm interested to see how Carville will react to Clinton's speech tonight.

He'll probably say it's the greatest speech ever and that Hillary finally gave Obama his testicles back.


I also have no doubt in my mind that many pundits will find one or two phrases in the speech to focus on and say that she's not being whole-hearted.
Incognito said:
I have no doubt whatsoever that Hillary is going to knock her speech out of the park tonight.

It'll be her concession speech x10.

Yeah, it should be absolutely amazing.

Who else is speaking tonight?


Tamanon said:
I also have no doubt in my mind that many pundits will find one or two phrases in the speech to focus on and say that she's not being whole-hearted.

I think we have to be realistic here. This speech is being made because it does have to be made. Hillary has no choice but to make this speech or be done in politics with the democratic party.

She has to be "washed clean" of any guilt that could be applied ot her if Obama loses.

Politico has said it best Hillary is very goal-oriented.


Tamanon said:
I also have no doubt in my mind that many pundits will find one or two phrases in the speech to focus on and say that she's not being whole-hearted.

Take a drink every time a pundit says, "BUT IS/WAS IT ENOUGH?!"


I thought this was interesting : in this Politico article about the Clintons I saw this :

Politico said:
It also requires them to embrace a generational transition in which the Clintons — whose political personas once stood for youth and the excitement of change — are cast as sunset figures, two conventional politicians in their sixties being shoved aside by a charismatic young celebrity.

No matter what anyone says, the Karl Rove school is down right amazing at what it does. 3 weeks ago everyone was laughing at McCain's "celebrity" line of attack, now the word is used in unrelated articles to describe Obama. It makes me sad.
How about we take a drink every time someone says that voters don't really know Barack ot that they don't know what he "stands for"(the worst code evar).
laserbeam said:
She has to be "washed clean" of any guilt that could be applied ot her if Obama loses.
There's no way she can be washed clean, if Obama loses it WILL be the Clintons' fault in the eyes of many.

Hillary needs to reject AND denounce these PUMAs.


polyh3dron said:
There's no way she can be washed clean, if Obama loses it WILL be the Clintons' fault in the eyes of many.

Hillary needs to reject AND denounce these PUMAs.

Oh I agree. I expect her to give a great speech but I still think its more because she has to then she wants to. Her staffers etc have said she wants to run again in 2012. That clearly hints at a desire for Obama to lose
maximum360 said:
I don't there will be much fabricated drama since there's no one with the name 'Clinton' on the republican side.

of course, the ironic thing is that there is actually a substantive "split" in the Republican party (Ron Paul vs. everyone else obviously have wildly different views of "conservatism"). And isn't Ron Paul hosting his own convention? And weren't Huckabee and Paul still pulling down a ton of votes even after McCain had clinched?

Why isn't the Republican Party united???????? lol


soul creator said:
of course, the ironic thing is that there is actually a substantive "split" in the Republican party (Ron Paul vs. everyone else obviously have wildly different views of "conservatism"). And isn't Ron Paul hosting his own convention? And weren't Huckabee and Paul still pulling down a ton of votes even after McCain had clinched?

Why isn't the Republican Party united???????? lol

Not to mention Huckabee has been pretty off the reservation from any McCain message, even going out of his way to shoot down Romney as a Veep in evangelicals' eyes.

But then again "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line"


bob_arctor said:
Oh most definitely. I actually had a mention of "Kumbaya" in re: to what McCain was striving to ram home about Obama in my original post but took it out.
See that's one of the big differences between you and me. You look to remove that stuff while I always edit to add more.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Michelle Obama: The Actress


While her husband is Politician Celebrity, we finally got a glimpse last night of Michelle Obama, The Actress, and exactly how far she will go to pretend to be something she’s not in order to get into the White House.

I mused yesterday that Obama’s speech could in no way eclipse the rank absurdity of Teresa Heinz-Kerry’s Ode to Herself four years ago. But I was wrong. In her widely panned speech, at least Mrs. Kerry respected everyone enough to be honest with us about herself.

Michelle Obama, on the other hand, simply was not. Her comments last night in no way, in any small part, reflected her repeated speeches over the past 18 months. It in no way gave us even a tiny glimpse into the world we know she and her husband live in–one of grievance, anger, entitlement, and general whiny unhappiness. Whether it be through her own now consistently famous complaints, or the people they have chosen to surround themselves with– America-haters, in one instance, a domestic terrorist with a commitment to kill Americans and topple the government. The Obamas’ own words and their associations belie the “Donna Reed” image MIchelle Obama tried so hard to convey last night.

Americans are very open-minded people. We like the underdog, those who come up–we like to hold up the unexpected. But what we dislike with as much passion is being lied to. Differences of opinion are one thing, being lied to is quite another. Michelle Obama’s contempt for the “mean” American people is apparently so complete she now has no problem smiling as she spins her pretend story of patriotism and gentle, optimistic love for family and country.

She did make one mistake–she must have left the pillbox hat back in her suite.


I fucking hate Fox News.
laserbeam said:
Oh I agree. I expect her to give a great speech but I still think its more because she has to then she wants to. Her staffers etc have said she wants to run again in 2012. That clearly hints at a desire for Obama to lose
There's no way Hillary would get a nomination in 2012 if McCain won. Too much rage from Obama supporters.



I'm surprised no one has come out against Obama's children yet. I keep saying it's only a matter of time.

Some dipshits started that direction last night. Some here, even.


Tamanon said:
Not to mention Huckabee has been pretty off the reservation from any McCain message, even going out of his way to shoot down Romney as a Veep in evangelicals' eyes.

But then again "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line"
I heard a hilarious interview on NPR last night. The story was all about the divided Democratic party, and the host asked this pollster about the CBS poll showing most Clinton supporters falling in line with Obama. The pollster said, and I'm paraphrasing, "I don't know the details behind that poll, but our own data show a very divided party. Only 79% of Clinton supporters are fully behind Obama."

And I'm like, WHAT? 4/5ths of her supporters are there already, and that's "very divided"? And it's before the convention?

Teh narrative. I tell ya.


woeds said:

McCain new 3 A.M ad. I'm so incredibly pissed off by this. *%#&^*#*&^^& I KNEW when Hillary started spouting this shit that it would be used by McCain in the GE.

And supposedly she's not very happy about how the Obama camp is treating her and Bill right now. Really? It's your own f*cking fault for treating the Democratic Primary as the general Election.

Wow that ad is just brutal. McCain is really going after Clinton voters.
GhaleonEB said:
I heard a hilarious interview on NPR last night. The story was all about the divided Democratic party, and the host asked this pollster about the CBS poll showing most Clinton supporters falling in line with Obama. The pollster said, and I'm paraphrasing, "I don't know the details behind that poll, but our own data show a very divided party. 79% of Clinton supporters are not yet fully behind Obama."

And I'm like, WHAT? 4/5ths of her supporters are there already, and that's "very divided"? And it's before the convention?

Teh narrative. I tell ya.

Either you quoted wrong or misheard, because what you posted would indicate a divided party.


BrandNew said:
Well to be honest, they were kinda annoying. But I hate kids, so...

Malia wasn't annoying. From the very few things I've seen her in, she's actually pretty mature for her age. Sasha (the younger one) was the one all excited to be on camera and wouldn't give up the mic. I thought it was funny since it wasn't scripted. You could tell Barack wanted her to stop talking. :lol
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