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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Amir0x said:

*tee hee* I made myself giggle!
Well, that's partly what I'm suggesting with my post there, only for the other candidate: medical records are confidential, but one would assume intelligence reports wouldn't be confidential to a President. However, personal family records and things like dates of birth are not confidential if you're that person. So not bothering to research it when you're writing a book about your life story that your campaign is essentially based on, well... see your post for the reaction.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.

ABC News' Eloise Harper reports: Sen. Hillary Clinton's chief strategist Mark Penn is stepping down from the campaign, sources close to the campaign tell ABC News.

After it was discovered that Penn had been hired by the Colombian government to help secure a trade deal, one that Sen. Clinton opposes, he realized he needed to step down, sources told ABC News.

Clinton agreed that he should step down, the sources said.

Penn will still continue to provide polling information to the campaign, but will no longer serve as the chief strategist. Instead, Geoff Garin and Howard Wolfson will head up the message for the campaign.


APF said:
Well, that's partly what I'm suggesting with my post there, only for the other candidate: medical records are confidential, but one would assume intelligence reports wouldn't be confidential to a President. However, personal family records and things like dates of birth are not confidential if you're that person. So not bothering to research it when you're writing a book about your life story that your campaign is essentially based on, well... see your post for the reaction.

oh I know what you're suggesting! I think Obama has made it very clear that he has embellished parts of the books and changed some names, and made certain characters more important than they were to drive a certain narrative. It's not necessarily better overall, but at least he isn't trying to win voters with this sort of methodology. Better to sell books than buy voters, although I admit that the crossover is still relevant.


Amir0x said:
oh I know what you're suggesting! I think Obama has made it very clear that he has embellished parts of the books and changed some names, and made certain characters more important than they were to drive a certain narrative. It's not necessarily better overall, but at least he isn't trying to win voters with this sort of methodology. Better to sell books than buy voters, although I admit that the crossover is still relevant.
Aah but he did! He lied about his father's connection to Kennedy (Kennedy had nothing to do with his father coming to America), and lied about his own birth / conception's connection to Selma (Obama was born years before), both in stump speeches. smh at politics as usual.


APF said:
Aah but he did! He lied about his father's connection to Kennedy (Kennedy had nothing to do with his father coming to America), and lied about his own birth / conception's connection to Selma (Obama was born years before), both in stump speeches. smh at politics as usual.

You'd be a brilliant politician.


lol Penn lol

Really, this is the perfect time to get rid of him for her. This way she doesn't have to go through a pummeling in the news cycle starting Monday over the whole disparity between the Canada/Goolsby thing and her Colombia/Penn thing. Also it probably won't even be mentioned in the next debates, whereas if she had stuck to habit and let it drag out before getting rid of him she would have gotten major shit over it in the next debate. Unless Katie Couric is the moderator of the next debate, then there would just be powder puff questions for both candidates. WHY IS SHE READING MY NEWS?????/burgundy


APF said:
Aah but he did! He lied about his father's connection to Kennedy (Kennedy had nothing to do with his father coming to America), and lied about his own birth / conception's connection to Selma (Obama was born years before), both in stump speeches. smh at politics as usual.

I'm pretty sure the Kennedy thing was merely because he had the year wrong by a single year, which is so incredibly minor it's absurd to really care so much about that specific detail. The actual mythology it created was more significant, but that's still relatively minor.

The lie about his conception is obviously more significant (how can you get that wrong?), and I personally find issue it. Unlike Hillary, though, these lies or mistakes have not become endemic to his campaign. He readily admits that many details in his book are embellished or changed to create a compelling narrative (not "sleep deprivation") - which is ok if he admits it off the bat, which he pretty much did. Seeping into his stump speeches is where the problem is.

I'm pretty sure you're aiming your attacks at those who think Obama is the MESSIAH and won't make mistakes. I'm not one of those. I merely see shades of grey, and think Hillary's transgressions are infinitely worse. Obama always says his will not be a perfect presidency.


Amir0x said:
I'm pretty sure the Kennedy thing was merely because he had the year wrong by a single year, which is so incredibly minor it's absurd to really care so much about that specific detail. The actual mythology it created was more significant, but that's still relatively minor.

The lie about his conception is obviously more significant (how can you get that wrong?), and I personally find issue it. Unlike Hillary, though, these lies or mistakes have not become endemic to his campaign. He readily admits that many details in his book are embellished or changed to create a compelling narrative - which is ok if he admits it off the bat, which he pretty much did. Seeping into his stump speeches is where the problem is.

I'm pretty sure you're aiming your attacks at those who think Obama is the MESSIAH and won't make mistakes. I'm not one of those. I merely see shades of grey, and think Hillary's transgressions are infinitely worse. Obama always says his will not be a perfect presidency.
Can't find anything to disagree with :(
Breaking News: NeoGAF moderator supports lying, Islamic, AA candidate for the presidency over wholesome, NAFTA hating, 3 a.m. call answering, protector of the Democratic process... more as it develops.
I saw this story on CNN

I burst out laughing...

Hillary Quote:
"And that is another difference, you know how long it takes me to get ready than my two opponents — I mean really just think about it," she joked. "I think I should get points for working as hard as I do plus the time it takes to get ready."

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
Can't find anything to disagree with :(

people have been saying the exact same points every time you bring up these same issues. what made you finally agree with it?

DreamMachine said:
I saw this story on CNN

I burst out laughing...

Hillary Quote:
"And that is another difference, you know how long it takes me to get ready than my two opponents — I mean really just think about it," she joked. "I think I should get points for working as hard as I do plus the time it takes to get ready."

thats a bit odd to say. what was the context?
he's not resigning so much as losing his official title and maybe some 'top-shelf' influence -- he is still being paid as a pollster and for his 'advice' - is this a change in name-only?

and any comments on my post here:

about no matter what your thoughts about re-vote blocking, seating of delegates from florida, etc, the michigan vote as itself, despite clinton's claim that it is a certified election result, has been ruled unconstitutional and thus can't count at all, in essence being voided?
It's too late to clean the Clinton campaign of his influence; his centrist, dlc underpinnings have tainted Hillary from the start. Also, there's enough union-busting lawyers working for the other side that we don't need one advising the democrat's potential nominee.


reggieandTFE said:
It's too late to clean the Clinton campaign of his influence; his centrist, dlc underpinnings have tainted Hillary from the start. Also, there's enough union-busting lawyers working for the other side that we don't need one advising the democrat's potential nominee.
Terry Mcwhatever still is still on the campaign, right?


quadriplegicjon said:
people have been saying the exact same points every time you bring up these same issues. what made you finally agree with it?
I agree with it because finally in this thread a frequent poster actually said he found a problem with something Obama said or did! OMG MEGOBAMATON
KRS7 said:
Breaking: Mark Penn has just been asked to resign from the Clinton campaign.

This is major if true. Mark Penn has always been a liability for the Clinton campaign though so couldn't this be considered a win for the Clinton camp?

Get rid of Wolfson and she might be able to regain some credibility.


maximum360 said:
This is major if true. Mark Penn has always been a liability for the Clinton campaign though so couldn't this be considered a win for the Clinton camp?

Get rid of Wolfson and she might be able to regain some credibility.
He's staying on as pollster, and his firm will continue to "offer advise". Sounds like he's leaving his title only.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
I agree with it because finally in this thread a frequent poster actually said he found a problem with something Obama said or did! OMG MEGOBAMATON

i dont think anyone has ever said he was flawless. for the most part, those have been words and thoughts other have been putting in the "mouths" of obama supporters.


GhaleonEB said:
He's staying on as pollster, and his firm will continue to "offer advise". Sounds like he's leaving his title only.

Yup, basically he's still owed several million dollars, so they won't completely sever connections.
quadriplegicjon said:
i dont think anyone has ever said he was flawless. for the most part, those have been words and thoughts other have been putting in the "mouths" of obama supporters.

as an obama supporter, i fully support the notion that he is flawless.
GhaleonEB said:
He's staying on as pollster, and his firm will continue to "offer advise". Sounds like he's leaving his title only.
I was under the impression he was already basically powerless in the campaign since February.


quadriplegicjon said:
i dont think anyone has ever said
...anything except gushing praise and spin for everything he's ever did or said, yes. That's why it's refreshing to see someone who is a regular poster and unapologetic Obama supporter actually saying he has a problem with something Obama did or said, and that's why I noted my appreciation. You however are nipping at my heels for some reason. Shoo--adults are talking.


testicles on a cold fall morning
typhonsentra said:
I was under the impression he was already basically powerless in the campaign since February.
he was hated by most of the staff, but until recently he always had a direct line to Clinton's ear, which gave his decisions greater weight.

didn't he take responsibility for that tepid 3am advertisement that essentially co-opted GOP fear-mongering?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
...anything except gushing praise and spin for everything he's ever did or said, yes. That's why it's refreshing to see someone who is a regular poster and unapologetic Obama supporter actually saying he has a problem with something Obama did or said, and that's why I noted my appreciation. You however are nipping at my heels for some reason. Shoo--adults are talking.

oh lord. am i not allowed to respond to anything you say now? i used to actually respect your skills on here, but these recent tactics that you have undertaken are quite annoying. youve become completely dismissive of any discussions that bring out the hypocrisy in your posts, and then you act as if you are on some intellectual pedestal above others.

its funny. most of these little bouts we have had recently have resulted from you getting all pissy over a (usually benign) comment i have made.. i can literally see your blood boiling over such mild posts, and i dont understand it. it really sounds as if youve hit some sort of breaking point.

are you okay? is everything alright at home?


Zigzz14 said:
I am voting for Obama. So I am good yes?

Oh cool. Yes, you're good then, presuming you mailed your reg. form on or before the 24th. If you have any problems, just tell them that - they may make you fill out a provisional ballot or something. But odds are you'll have no issues.


Oh look and now the thread is about me again. Seriously dudes, stop all trying to ride my dick, it's embarrassing.

One at a time please; there's plenty of me to go around


Clothed, sober, cooperative
GhaleonEB said:
Obama picks up another add-on super delegate.

Added North Dakota add-on Dan Hannaher (ND)# for Obama.


That's four this weekend.

It really is starting to look desperate for Hill. Maybe there's a chance for the party to get its shit together in decent time.

Losing Penn is another nail in the coffin.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
APF said:
Oh look and now the thread is about me again. Seriously dudes, stop all trying to ride my dick, it's embarrassing.

One at a time please; there's plenty of me to go around

I could go and make a PS3 Resistance thread "about me" in one post or less. Same basic principle, hmm?


Master of the Google Search
Stinkles said:
It really is starting to look desperate for Hill. Maybe there's a chance for the party to get its shit together in decent time.

Losing Penn is another nail in the coffin.

Actually considering how much the Hillary campaign staff hates Penn, this will probably increase work effiency


APF said:
...anything except gushing praise and spin for everything he's ever did or said, yes. That's why it's refreshing to see someone who is a regular poster and unapologetic Obama supporter actually saying he has a problem with something Obama did or said, and that's why I noted my appreciation. You however are nipping at my heels for some reason. Shoo--adults are talking.

As opposed to gushing praise and spin for everything Hillary has done? Where is the logic in that? Worship by members is perfectly fine as long as it's line with your views? Makes sense.


siamesedreamer said:
You haven't been payng attention.

The only ones who have mentioned this are people such as yourself (APF, CoolTrick, Topsy, Hillary, etc..) who constantly attack him and his fans.
harSon said:
The only ones who have mentioned this are people such as yourself (APF, CoolTrick, Topsy, Hillary, etc..) who constantly attack him and his fans.
The same people that mistake enthusiasm for cultish behavior.




Went to the district caucus yesterday as a delegate.

There were 49 district delegates up for grabs.

It broke this way.

594 precinct delegates
36 district delegates

219 precinct delegates
13 district delegates

3 clinton precinct delegates switched from clinton to obama
1 obama precinct delegates switched from obama to clinton
all 4 undecided went to obama

The process took a long time ~8 hours
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