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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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APF said:
Is this the hospital story that was posted a couple of days ago? Check back a couple of pages, we already discussed it.
You're probably about the best of your kind APF.

A Hillary fan that's funny.

Not too mention those rock hard abs, and the avy that implies an incestuous relationship between father and daughter.

If only Hillary had any sense of funny.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Why would Obama be opposed to a re-vote in Michigan and Florida? His chances of winning Michigan are damn good and it would only increase his popular vote and delegate lead - offsetting anything Hillary does in Florida. Making both states a wash - making the re-vote unnecessary if that happens.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
reilo said:
Why would Obama be opposed to a re-vote in Michigan and Florida? His chances of winning Michigan are damn good and it would only increase his popular vote and delegate lead - offsetting anything Hillary does in Florida. Making both states a wash - making the re-vote unnecessary if that happens.

Because who knows what would happen if there are new primaries, especially new primaries in June.

All Obama has to do is run out the clock.

Adding in primaries in June, thereby automatically extending Hillary's campaign until at least then makes zero sense.
reilo said:
Why would Obama be opposed to a re-vote in Michigan and Florida? His chances of winning Michigan are damn good and it would only increase his popular vote and delegate lead - offsetting anything Hillary does in Florida. Making both states a wash - making the re-vote unnecessary if that happens.
You're responding to an argument that was created by CoolTrick...

Do you see your folly now?


It's absolutely politically smart for Obama to prevent revotes in Florida and Michigan.

But to act like Hillary Clinton is, once again, purely at fault for trying to do something mischeivous, shows the level of delusion here.

And by the way, you CAN factually find evidence of things like the Michigan Counsel or whatever that decides these things being held up due to Obama supporters preventing it.

This is why you people deserve every claim of rabidity that's thrown at you. You people don't look at the real picture.

REALITY: Obama's campaign played a big part in not allowing a redo of their primary in Michigan, just as Hillary's prevented a caucus.

Why of fucking why can't you people just A-D-M-I-T this?!?!


I honestly dare anyone to try and argue that if Obama had publically agreed to a revote in Michigan and Florida that it still wouldn't have happened.

I mean what do you people want:


This is why you all are deluded: You refuse to give up ONE INCH about Obama. God forbid he's not fucking perfect.

What you all deem as "petty shit" gets posted here about Obama because none of you are willing to concede a single God damn thing. To then argue that not only was Obama (or his campaign) basically NOT trying to stop revotes, but that he would actually BENEFIT from them is sheer lunacy of epic proportions.


APF said:
Is this the hospital story that was posted a couple of days ago? Check back a couple of pages, we already discussed it.

What is this? A complete and total red herring? Are you feeling insecure about your ideological positions? Blatant hypocrisy.


quadriplegicjon said:
you have yet to prove this point.

Considering I actually read articles on Michigan and Florida, because it'd be beneficial to my candidate to redo them, I'd think I'd be a lot more up to date on this than you, who I doubt read anything about them.

It's all there.

If you seriously think that Obama supported the revotes and they still didn't get done because of WHAT?!?!, you're delusional.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Thunder Monkey said:
It's a gut feeling he has.

He can't explain it. It's like God is speaking to him.

I really hate doing this, but CT is right to a large extent.

To have a MI do-over required complete cooperation from both parties. MI Dem officials were on record saying that the re-vote was dying/died because the Obama campaign did not actively support it.

Now, do I blame the Obama campaign? Absolutely not. I'd do the same thing in their shoes. Zero reason to risk a re-vote at this stage of the game.


CoolTrick said:
Considering I actually read articles on Michigan and Florida, because it'd be beneficial to my candidate to redo them, I'd think I'd be a lot more up to date on this than you, who I doubt read anything about them.

It's all there.

If you seriously think that Obama supported the revotes and they still didn't get done because of WHAT?!?!, you're delusional.

He supported a fair re vote, not a half assed Hillary slanted primary redo.


He supported a fair re vote, not a half assed Hillary slanted primary redo that.

A fair vote, a non-taxpayer way to finance it WAS ALL THERE.

No one's per se BLAMING Obama politically for doing it -- it's shitty, but it's smart. Just like Hillary Clinton wanting to give the entire Michigan's primary votes to her and none to Obama.

But you people seriously just will. not. concede., and it's so utterly annoying.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:
Considering I actually read articles on Michigan and Florida, because it'd be beneficial to my candidate to redo them, I'd think I'd be a lot more up to date on this than you, who I doubt read anything about them.

It's all there.

If you seriously think that Obama supported the revotes and they still didn't get done because of WHAT?!?!, you're delusional.

:lol what.? you have no idea what i have or havent read.

anyway. if you want people to take you seriously with these accusations.. how about showing some proof. articles and such. its not that difficult.. other people do it. apf, siamesedreamer, etc.


CoolTrick said:
A fair vote, a non-taxpayer way to finance it WAS ALL THERE.

No one's per se BLAMING Obama politically for doing it -- it's shitty, but it's smart. Just like Hillary Clinton wanting to give the entire Michigan's primary votes to her and none to Obama.

But you people seriously just will. not. concede., and it's so utterly annoying.
Probably the biggest issue was that those who voted in the republican primary would not have been allowed to vote in the redo. Alternatively, if they were allowed to vote, it would have opened the door to large scale strategical voting.


Clinton said a complete re-do of the two primaries would be acceptable to her. But Obama says he's not sure that's such a good idea.

"Our position consistently has been that the Michigan and Florida delegations should be seated [at the Democratic National Convention] and that we should come up with a system that is fair to all the parties involved," Obama says.

"My understanding is that the full primary is just not realistic," he says. "It's not on the table because neither state wants to pay for it and there are all sorts of problems.


I mean, God, this is one of dozens of articles.

Michigan could've been fully financed.

Obama's camp shot it down.

Probably the biggest issue was that those who voted in the republican primary would not have been allowed to vote in the redo.

That was an issue, yes, but he also used it as an issue to hide behind and to prevent them from ever happening again.

There is a world's difference between Obama saying "We should find a way to redo them, I'm just not sure of what the rules should be" and where we are now, which is nowhere.


harSon said:
What is this? A complete and total red herring? Are you feeling insecure about your ideological positions? Blatant hypocrisy.
Huh? Aren't you supposed to be ignoring me? And now you're conveniently not, even though practically every single post I've been seeing from you over the last couple of days has namedropped the idea that you've got me on ignore? And all because this one time I happened to respond to one of your points? Fascinating. Do you want me to put you on my fanclub's mailing list? You'll get to read exclusive interviews where I talk about my my projects, my likes and dislikes, what I find special in a girl... join now and you get a signed photo of me without a shirt! Call now!

Thunder Monkey: that's not all that's rock hard


And by the way, reilo, you're right in that he probably could've done very well in Michigan. Probably get within 5 points of Clinton at least.

But he doesn't even need to do that. Like schluma said, he just needs to run out the clock, and it's better to give Clinton no benefits than small ones.

But Jesus, just admit it: He stopped the redo. If he had supported it, we wouldn't be where we are now. OBAMA DOES SOME NOT SO WONDERFUL THINGS, TOO! Why can't you guys just concede that?
schuelma said:
I really hate doing this, but CT is right to a large extent.

To have a MI do-over required complete cooperation from both parties. MI Dem officials were on record saying that the re-vote was dying/died because the Obama campaign did not actively support it.

Now, do I blame the Obama campaign? Absolutely not. I'd do the same thing in their shoes. Zero reason to risk a re-vote at this stage of the game.

Its not only this. But APF, CT, don't you guys take issue with changing the rules of the game after its played? I mean, at its very core politics is what it is...a game. The people who play it best are the ones who become our leaders. It is a game with many rules so that, luckily, the will of democracy and voters is heard at least enough to guide our country, over the long term, in the right direction (at least that's what it has done in the past and we can only hope it does so in the future). However, Obama / Hillary entered the game knowing that MI / FL wouldn't count.

If you re-vote now, not only do millions of votes in those states likely change, but you have the possibility, allbeit very small, of changing the entire race. I simply do not think it is correct, as much as I ALSO think that it is not correct for any voters to be disenfranchised. The DNC should never have done what it did to those two states, but it did it thinking they weren't going to matter. It was all done in fair practice, and Hillary was NOT protesting it in the past. So why is she protesting it now? Its clear she wants the game changed because she did not win it. And with a process like this, the rules shouldn't be changed mid stream. Change the rules of the DNC / Party after this election to respond to this issue. But leave this election as it is.

Edit: And let it be known that I'm an independent.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:

I mean, God, this is one of dozens of articles.

Michigan could've been fully financed.

Obama's camp shot it down.

he didnt shoot anything down? how did he prevent the re-vote from happening again?

"Our position consistently has been that the Michigan and Florida delegations should be seated [at the Democratic National Convention] and that we should come up with a system that is fair to all the parties involved," Obama says.

"My understanding is that the full primary is just not realistic," he says. "It's not on the table because neither state wants to pay for it and there are all sorts of problems.

what exatly is wrong with what he said? where does he prevent the re-vote from happening?

and you forgot this part:

"Look, we're going to abide by whatever the Democratic National Committee determines is fair," he says.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Why should there be a revote, or even bother to try to count them?
Florida and Michigan screwed up, they should not even have held elections.

For that mater, should we go back and revote in Florida and Michigan for Republicans, since their votes were only half heard?


I will concede that there was some Obama maneuvering that contributed to preventing revotes, but so what? In the end it's not going to matter- after Obama has the nomination cinched in early June there will be a press release that gets basically no coverage on how the DNC will seat the FL and MI delegations, 55-45 in favor of Clinton with half-votes... just like the GOP did. They're not going to sway anything in the end.

Now, I wonder if CT will admit that it's kind of hypocritical for Hillary to be "Crusader for Democracy" from one side of her mouth in trying to get FL and MI votes counted but then out of the other side saying that it's ok for pledged delegates to switch their votes for her. Probably not.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Le sigh.

CoolTrick said:
And by the way, you CAN factually find evidence of things like the Michigan Counsel or whatever that decides these things being held up due to Obama supporters preventing it.

Again, you talk about evidence, but always fail to provide any.


CoolTrick said:
That was an issue, yes, but he also used it as an issue to hide behind and to prevent them from ever happening again.

There is a world's difference between Obama saying "We should find a way to redo them, I'm just not sure of what the rules should be" and where we are now, which is nowhere.
It's a valid concern though and not only shared by Obama supporters. There was no way for the revote to be "fair" in the sense it wouldn't favor one candidate. That is not to say it was impossible for there to be a revote, I just take an issue with the claim it could have been entirely fair.


Finally someone actually willing to talk.

Its not only this. But APF, CT, don't you guys take issue with changing the rules of the game after its played?

That part isn't really right, but what's worse:

-Not seating any of Michigan's and Florida's delegates according to any vote whatsoever, disenfranchising 2.3 million voters, and leaving two permenant wildcards that will always be "what-ifs" all for the sake of "not changing the rules". Oh, and let's not forget a little thing called "general election".


-Do a redo, be able to accurately hold a vote for as many of those people as possible, and let the eventual nominee be able to validate his or her winning the nomination by winning the contestants after EVERY state has voted.

It may not be right to "change the rules in the middle of the game", but when the alternative is the all around more democratic way of handling the matter, I don't see how anyone could defend the former.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Triumph said:
I will concede that there was some Obama maneuvering that contributed to preventing revotes

i know, i just find it hilarious that cooltrick is having such a hard time providing any actual evidence of this.. it really shouldnt be that hard to do..


*drowns in jizz*
CoolTrick said:
It's absolutely politically smart for Obama to prevent revotes in Florida and Michigan.

But to act like Hillary Clinton is, once again, purely at fault for trying to do something mischeivous, shows the level of delusion here.

And by the way, you CAN factually find evidence of things like the Michigan Counsel or whatever that decides these things being held up due to Obama supporters preventing it.

This is why you people deserve every claim of rabidity that's thrown at you. You people don't look at the real picture.

REALITY: Obama's campaign played a big part in not allowing a redo of their primary in Michigan, just as Hillary's prevented a caucus.

Why of fucking why can't you people just A-D-M-I-T this?!?!

All that fucking seething and name-calling, and you havent attempted to provide an iota of evidence to back your claims. Simply incredible.

Again, this isn't the place for you. I don't understand why you don't just contend with posting at extreme pro-Hillary shill blogs. Itll be easier on your blood pressure. Your posts have absolutely no substance whatsoever. Everyone realizes that except you.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
CoolTrick said:
Finally someone actually willing to talk.

That part isn't really right, but what's worse:

-Not seating any of Michigan's and Florida's delegates according to any vote whatsoever, disenfranchising 2.3 million voters, and leaving two permenant wildcards that will always be "what-ifs" all for the sake of "not changing the rules". Oh, and let's not forget a little thing called "general election".


-Do a redo, be able to accurately hold a vote for as many of those people as possible, and let the eventual nominee be able to validate his or her winning the nomination by winning the contestants after EVERY state has voted.

It may not be right to "change the rules in the middle of the game", but when the alternative is the all around more democratic way of handling the matter, I don't see how anyone could defend the former.

No, rules are rules. The party and the candidates accepted the rules up until the point Hillary realized she needed MI and FL to have any shot at winning.

Dean and the dem elite made the decision, knowing how "undemocratic" it would be.

It's not anyone elses fault that the dem leadership decided on this tactic- they could have done what the GOP did and only strip half the delegates and none of this would have happened.


syllogism said:
It's a valid concern though and not only shared by Obama supporters. There was no way for the revote to be "fair" in the sense it wouldn't favor one candidate. That is not to say it was impossible for there to be a revote, I just take an issue with the claim it could have been entirely fair.

Naturally it isn't entirely fair. Of course. We can't replicate the exact same circumstances of when the first vote took place.

But to discount 2.3 million votes...THAT is fair? That's supposed to be MORE fair?

Come now.

I will concede that there was some Obama maneuvering that contributed to preventing revotes, but so what? In the end it's not going to matter- after Obama has the nomination cinched in early June there will be a press release that gets basically no coverage on how the DNC will seat the FL and MI delegations, 55-45 in favor of Clinton with half-votes... just like the GOP did. They're not going to sway anything in the end.

Now, I wonder if CT will admit that it's kind of hypocritical for Hillary to be "Crusader for Democracy" from one side of her mouth in trying to get FL and MI votes counted but then out of the other side saying that it's ok for pledged delegates to switch their votes for her. Probably not.

IT IS HYPOCRITICAL. See dipshits?! I can, like, concede a point1

She's working the system there.


None of you are willing to admit that.

And "so what?" So what?!?!? Those delegates and popular vote could be the dealbreaker in determining who actually is ahead by what count by the end of this. That's HUGE.

All that fucking seething and name-calling, and you havent provided an iota of evidence to back your claims. Awesome.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
schuelma said:
they could have done what the GOP did and only strip half the delegates and none of this would have happened.

I'll agree with this, but it's too late for that now.
Of course, based on what Triumph said, that what they will probably do anyway.
Question on McCain:

Say he becomes president and by some miracle the tax cuts become permanent. Are they permanent for good or could the next president after McCain override it?


Obama Lawyer Questions Wisdom of Michigan Revote
By Shailagh Murray
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- Sen. Barack Obama's campaign has raised questions about a possible June 3 revote in Michigan, although the Democratic National Committee seems fine with the idea.

"We have recently been asked whether the legislation as proposed by Michigan would fit within the framework of the National Party's Delegate Selection Rules," DNC officials said in a statement. "Our review of this legislation indicates that it would, in fact, fit within the framework of the Rules."

But Obama lawyer Robert F. Bauer raised several potential problems in a campaign memo released this morning, noting that the primary would be "unprecedented in conception and proposed structure," as no other states has ever "re-run an election in circumstances like these."

Like Florida, Michigan violated Democratic Party rules by moving up its primary date to the early weeks of the nominating process. The candidates declined to campaign in both states, and in Michigan, Obama went even further by removing his name from the ballot.

Searching for ways to close the delegate and popular-vote gap with Obama, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has actively sought revotes in both Michigan and Florida, although Sunshine State Democrats already have concluded that a second primary is unworkable. The Obama campaign has long held the position that it would abide by whatever party leaders decide -- although it would prefer a solution that seats Michigan and Florida delegates at the Democratic National Convention without requiring voters to return to the polls.

Michigan state leaders are now awaiting Obama's okay. Clinton is campaigning in Michigan today, seeking to pressure her rival to make a move.


No, rules are rules. The party and the candidates accepted the rules up until the point Hillary realized she needed MI and FL to have any shot at winning.

Dean and the dem elite made the decision, knowing how "undemocratic" it would be.

Yup, they did.

And it was wrong of them to do that. Infact it could even be determined that what they did WAS unconstitutional. A Florida Federal Judge certainly left that door open.

You can't discount Michigan and Florida as perfectly valid states to help determine a nomination. If Clinton needs those two states to be ahead, then that's perfectly acceptable. Obama fans love to critisize the Clinton camp as cherry picking states it deems "important". Well, not only are Obama fans doing that with this, but it's hard to argue that Michigan and Florida aren't very important states, particularly Florida.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:
Naturally it isn't entirely fair. Of course. We can't replicate the exact same circumstances of when the first vote took place.

But to discount 2.3 million votes...THAT is fair? That's supposed to be MORE fair?

Come now.

IT IS HYPOCRITICAL. See dipshits?! I can, like, concede a point1

She's working the system there.


None of you are willing to admit that.

And "so what?" So what?!?!? Those delegates and popular vote could be the dealbreaker in determining who actually is ahead by what count by the end of this. That's HUGE.

every time i read your posts, it sounds like you are constantly screaming... take a deep breathe man.. you shouldnt get so worked up over this stuff.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Question on McCain:

Say he becomes president and by some miracle the tax cuts become permanent. Are they permanent for good or could the next president after McCain override it?

Tax rates can always be changed, it just won't require re-approval to stay in effect.
Although I doubt the democratic congress will pass a bill like that.


i know, i just find it hilarious that cooltrick is having such a hard time providing any actual evidence of this.. it really shouldnt be that hard to do..


That's because it should be blatantly obvious. You wanting evidnece when it's as clear as day only shows how utterly biased you are.
CoolTrick said:
Finally someone actually willing to talk.

That part isn't really right, but what's worse:

-Not seating any of Michigan's and Florida's delegates according to any vote whatsoever, disenfranchising 2.3 million voters, and leaving two permenant wildcards that will always be "what-ifs" all for the sake of "not changing the rules". Oh, and let's not forget a little thing called "general election".


-Do a redo, be able to accurately hold a vote for as many of those people as possible, and let the eventual nominee be able to validate his or her winning the nomination by winning the contestants after EVERY state has voted.

It may not be right to "change the rules in the middle of the game", but when the alternative is the all around more democratic way of handling the matter, I don't see how anyone could defend the former.

I agree with you that everyone should have the right to vote. But Hillary did not attack the former when it was decided by the DNC. To state that [Hillary's View] is any more Democratic as a result of attacking it now is like saying that Hitler is less anti-semetic if he changed from killing to Jews to saving them after he realized he lost the war. And if her option is not more Democratic, then why go with it?

Not only is it NOT more Democratic as a result of the fact that she essentially changed her stance on it, but it is most importantly less Democratic because the free vote is based on the will of the people, not the results of an election. Essentially, seeing the race the way it is now, millions of votes could completely change. Democracy is not decided based on the outcome of an election. It is supposed to be decided based upon the issues and who people want to be their President. Re-voting in those states would essentially be re-writing an election. No matter how you look at it, that's not Democratic in any regard.

"Some say their votes should be ignored and the popular vote in Michigan and Florida should be discounted. Well, I have a different view," Clinton said at a rally here. "The popular vote in Florida and Michigan has already been counted. It was determined by election results, it was certified by election officials in each state, it's been officially tallied by the secretary of state in each state, and the question is whether those 2.3 million Democrats will be honored and their delegates seated by the Democratic party."



"A federal judge on Wednesday ruled Michigan's presidential primary law unconstitutional"

while yes, the election was held and people voted, the entire premise the election was based on and run off of, the voter lists and the law governing them, was declared unconstitutional. to say the vote totals from a vote declared unconstitutional in the state of michigan is fine is...

debate about who blocked a revote in Michigan and Florida. debate about whether florida's popular vote should count, or delegates be seated from it. but to say michigans vote totals "count" and delegates be seated based off of them from an election that was declared unconstitutional?
Suikoguy said:
Tax rates can always be changed, it just won't require re-approval to stay in effect.
Although I doubt the democratic congress will pass a bill like that.

Well I'd figure the current tax rates would become permanent.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Well I'd figure the current tax rates would become permanent.

I'm no expert, so don't take my word for it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CoolTrick said:

That's because it should be blatantly obvious. You wanting evidnece when it's as clear as day only shows how utterly biased you are.

:lol you came in here and made claims that some people were contending, and then refused to post any sort of proof that backed up your claims.

this has nothing to do with bias..


TheKingsCrown said:
I agree with you. But Hillary did not attack the former when it was decided by the DNC. To state that Hillary is any more Democratic as a result of attacking it now is like saying that Hitler is less anti-semitic if he changed from killing to Jews to saving them after he realized he lost the war. And if her option is not more Democratic, then why go with it?

Not only is it NOT more Democratic as a result of the fact that she essentially changed her stance on it, but it is most importantly less Democratic because the free vote is based on the will of the people, not the results of an election. Essentially, seeing the race the way it is now, millions of votes could completely change. Democracy is not decided based on the outcome of an election. It is supposed to be decided based upon the issues and who people want to be their President. Re-voting in those states would essentially be re-writing an election. No matter how you look at it, that's not Democratic in any regard.

My problem with this argument is it turns the tables on Hillary when she's not the only preventing a revote.

If you genuinely don't think revotes in Michigan and Florida are democratic in any way, and that the correct way to handle it is via what they're doing now, then I can't argue with you on that. That's an ideological difference.

The fact is, 2.3 million people voted. In an election this close, that's huge. If you want the Democratic party to win in November -- and maybe you don't since you're an Independant, but the people who made these awful "rules" WANT them to win -- it needs to be resolved in a fair, Democratic way. Based on some kind of vote total.

Personally, I think an Obama fan has a lot of nerve arguing what makes a Democracy when half of his entire lead has been built on caucuses that are probably one of the most undemocratic, disenfranchising ways to vote this country has ever publically supported, and I really, truly would say that no matter who they'd benefit. But that's just me.


CoolTrick said:
Naturally it isn't entirely fair. Of course. We can't replicate the exact same circumstances of when the first vote took place.

But to discount 2.3 million votes...THAT is fair? That's supposed to be MORE fair?

Come now.

IT IS HYPOCRITICAL. See dipshits?! I can, like, concede a point1

She's working the system there.


None of you are willing to admit that.

And "so what?" So what?!?!? Those delegates and popular vote could be the dealbreaker in determining who actually is ahead by what count by the end of this. That's HUGE.
Yeah, so what. Getting worked up because OMG TEH VOICES OF MICHIGAN AND FLORIDIA HAVE BEEN SILENCED! is just silly. Those delegations WILL be seated in some fashion. Here are the scenarios for MI and FL, in order of likelihood:

-The delegations will be seated pretty much 55-45 in favor of Clinton (roughly what the results were) with half their votes stripped. This is very fair, as it is the same thing that the GOP did.

-The delegations will be seated in some formation without half their votes stripped.

-The delegations will not be seated in any shape, way or form.

-There will be re-votes in some shape, way or form. Except caucuses, because caucuses hate freedom. (despite my lame vote, I don't like caucuses and going forward would like to see them eliminated outside of Iowa)

So all of this gnashing of teeth and crying is pretty useless. FL and MI will be seated and heard from in some way, but will not impact it. Obama is the nominee unless he gets caught smoking crack with an underage white girl.


I can't believe some of you guys think that obama hands are clean between the mich/florida revote shit. Just fucking google it.

Piper Az

CoolTrick said:
It's absolutely politically smart for Obama to prevent revotes in Florida and Michigan.

But to act like Hillary Clinton is, once again, purely at fault for trying to do something mischeivous, shows the level of delusion here.

And by the way, you CAN factually find evidence of things like the Michigan Counsel or whatever that decides these things being held up due to Obama supporters preventing it.

This is why you people deserve every claim of rabidity that's thrown at you. You people don't look at the real picture.

REALITY: Obama's campaign played a big part in not allowing a redo of their primary in Michigan, just as Hillary's prevented a caucus.

Why of fucking why can't you people just A-D-M-I-T this?!?!

FALSE. Obama campaign was against a unfair re-vote. There are a bunch of democrats who voted in the Republican primary because they were told that their democrat votes will not count. In re-votes, they will not be allowed to participate.


APF said:
Huh? Aren't you supposed to be ignoring me? And now you're conveniently not, even though practically every single post I've been seeing from you over the last couple of days has namedropped the idea that you've got me on ignore? And all because this one time I happened to respond to one of your points? Fascinating. Do you want me to put you on my fanclub's mailing list? You'll get to read exclusive interviews where I talk about my my projects, my likes and dislikes, what I find special in a girl... join now and you get a signed photo of me without a shirt! Call now!

Thunder Monkey: that's not all that's rock hard

You were on ignore for 2 days and I've responded to one post since (Which was an hour or so ago). I'd love to keep you on ignore but it doesn't do much of anything if your posts remain intact when quoted. And once again, I must congratulate you on effectively ignoring the actual question.
CoolTrick said:
My problem with this argument is it turns the tables on Hillary when she's not the only preventing a revote.

If you genuinely don't think revotes in Michigan and Florida are democratic in any way, and that the correct way to handle it is via what they're doing now, then I can't argue with you on that. That's an ideological difference.

I am inclined to think re-votes are not Democratic. In the Gore/Bush election, I was aghast that we are still unable to correctly count votes with all our technology. If a bank can keep my account balance correctly in their electronic devices, why are we unable to count votes correctly? But even in the Gore/Bush election, a re-vote would have been a giant mess (leaving aside the facts that some very sketchy things might have gone down during that election). And I don't think the re-vote would be Democratic. It would almost be Dictator like, except the Dictator was the millions of people with the interest of changing the outcome of the election.

I remember being indifferent during that election, and actually not minding that Bush won from an issues perspective. Now, knowing what I know about him and being more educated, I would shoot myself before having him as President again, which is why I was very sad in 2004. But that's the process. Sometimes we have to be educated to the bad things, in bad ways, to get to the good. That's better than everything always being bad. The process works these things out.

CoolTrick said:
The fact is, 2.3 million people voted. In an election this close, that's huge. If you want the Democratic party to win in November -- and maybe you don't since you're an Independant, but the people who made these awful "rules" WANT them to win -- it needs to be resolved in a fair, Democratic way. Based on some kind of vote total.

Personally, I think an Obama fan has a lot of nerve arguing what makes a Democracy when half of his entire lead has been built on caucuses that are probably one of the most undemocratic, disenfranchising ways to vote this country has ever publically supported, and I really, truly would say that no matter who they'd benefit. But that's just me.

And my above statement (about the process) brings me to my next point about what you are saying: Yes, 2.3 million people voted. I believe their votes to be very important. But when they voted, if they were educated, they knew their vote wasn't going to matter. The DNC had said it wouldn't matter. The constitution doesn't really apply to inter-party politics does it? In whichever way that a party wants to determine its nominee, that process is kind of out the hands of the constitution. Its like a game within a much larger constitutional game which has much harsher and more stringent rules (for good reason). But the game within the game is not regulated. In fact, technically it doesn't even have to be Democratic.

I personally think that if any of these parties want to get elected they will make their process Democratic. But these are the rules for electing the nominee, and the DNC was stupid in that it didn't think about what would happen if there were a close race within its party and it punished a part of the process. But it did so, and neither candidate really objected. Since neither candidate objected, it would be 100% unfair to say "Let's count these votes" if it were to favor one candidate over the other. If Hillary had objected to those states not counting when the decision was announced, she would have a case. But to my knowledge, she did nothing of the sort.

Thus I tend to agree that there's no way to look at the votes cast and state that it is an accurate reflection of what would have happened if the delegates actually counted. The votes might have changed, the candidates may have campaigned more, etc. And I tend to think that having a re-vote, as explained above, is un-democratic. So why not leave the states the way they were decided for this election, and change the rules so this never happens again in the next?

As far as caucuses are concerned, I'm not educated enough to discuss those. They certainly seem shitty (if the Texas mess is any indication). But again, this is how the DNC does things, no? Process changes should occur after learning about problems, not in response to a close race.


LOOK AT ME! My posts are so important that I have to bold certain statements so that they may stand out from the glory of the remainder!

Again, LOOK AT ME!


gkrykewy said:
LOOK AT ME! My posts are so important that I have to bold certain statements so that they may stand out from the glory of the remainder!

Again, LOOK AT ME!

You did it wrong, your post actually makes sense.
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