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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
BTW, Obama and Edwards will both be on Colbert Report tonight along with Clinton. Obama via satellite, Edwards in person.:lol

And what's Hova-ton?

Something related to Jay-Z?

He goes by Jayhova and sometimes just HOVA [Jehova, get it?] and he wrote Dirt Off Ya Shoulders.
GhaleonEB said:

What does that mean?

"Jay Hova" is an alias for Jay-Z

note: Obama has mentioned he listens to Jay-Z in the past, so the "brushing dirt off shoulder" thing probably wasn't a coincidence, lol. That said, I can't wait for Obama to have to answer for his "Jay-Z association"

Charles Gibson: Mr. Obama, you've mentioned that you listen to Jay-Z in the past. Let me play a clip from one of his songs:

Jay-Z: "99 problems, but a bitch ain't one"

Charles Gibson: Mr. Obama, why do you hate women?


I knew the Jay-Z reference, I didn't know what other names he goes by:p He doesn't publicize them as much as Puff Daddy's billion names.

And Obama's "We Can" commercial for North Carolina is probably his best. Peppy guitar, crowds and such.


Tamanon said:
And Obama's "We Can" commercial for North Carolina is probably his best. Peppy guitar, crowds and such.
Linkage, por favor?

Deus Ex- I know! I got a thing for chicks with brains and short hair. Rawr.
soul creator said:
Smarten up PD

Ah, come on, you guys need to stop treating PD like he is Cooltrick or APF. I saw Triumph just a few posts ago saying PD was talking out of his ass in comparing Indiana to other states. No need for that, PD has a lot of good, valid posts. See his defense of Obama's bitter remarks a few pages back, it is probably the best post in this entire thread.

He was obviously kidding in his Hova post too. Lighten up soul creator.


Has anyone realized something?

Why the hell was Edwards in PA? He wouldn't fly all the way from NC to PA just for a quick cameo on a cable comedy show.

Is he there to endorse tomorrow?


Cheebs said:
Has anyone realized something?

Why the hell was Edwards in PA? He wouldn't fly all the way from NC to PA just for a quick cameo on a cable comedy show.

Is he there to endorse tomorrow?

That's what I've been thinking. I thought he might endorse on Colbert, but it's probably a waste to endorse on a Comedy Central show at 11:30pm.


Cheebs said:
Has anyone realized something?

Why the hell was Edwards in PA? He wouldn't fly all the way from NC to PA just for a quick cameo on a cable comedy show.

Is he there to endorse tomorrow?

Like Edwards is really doing anything else? Besides, wouldn't he endorse in North Carolina?


XxenobladerxX said:
I guess it would be smart to brace for a blow to Obama tomorrow.
Agreed. Every single report since he dropped out had him favoring Hillary so I agree for now, brace for the *POTENTIAL* of a Hillary endorsement tomorrow. Just in case.


Bowser said:
That's what I've been thinking. I thought he might endorse on Colbert, but it's probably a waste to endorse on a Comedy Central show at 11:30pm.
He announced his candidacy for the 2004 election on the Daily Show. :p Just sayin! But I doubt he would announce an endorsement on the show, you're right. That's what pressers are for.


NYTimes said:
Who’s Bitter Now?

DURING Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate [...] Mr. Obama acknowledged that his wording offended some voters, but he also reiterated his impression that “wedge issues take prominence” when voters are frustrated by “difficult times.”

Last week in Terre Haute, Ind., Mr. Obama explained that the people he had in mind “don’t vote on economic issues, because they don’t expect anybody’s going to help them.” [...]

This is a remarkably detailed and vivid account of the political sociology of the American electorate. What is even more remarkable is that it is wrong on virtually every count.

Small-town people of modest means and limited education are not fixated on cultural issues. Rather, it is affluent, college-educated people living in cities and suburbs who are most exercised by guns and religion. In contemporary American politics, social issues are the opiate of the elites.


Small-town, working-class people are more likely than their cosmopolitan counterparts, not less, to say they trust the government to do what’s right. In the 2004 National Election Study conducted by the University of Michigan, 54 percent of these people said that the government in Washington can be trusted to do what is right most of the time or just about always. Only 38 percent of cosmopolitan people expressed a similar level of trust in the federal government.

Do small-town, working-class voters cast ballots on the basis of social issues? Yes, but less than other voters do. Among these voters, those who are anti-abortion were only 6 percentage points more likely than those who favor abortion rights to vote for President Bush in 2004. The corresponding difference for the rest of the electorate was 27 points, and for cosmopolitan voters it was a remarkable 58 points. Similarly, the votes cast by the cosmopolitan crowd in 2004 were much more likely to reflect voters’ positions on gun control and gay marriage.

Small-town, working-class voters were also less likely to connect religion and politics. Support for President Bush was only 5 percentage points higher among the 39 percent of small-town voters who said they attended religious services every week or almost every week than among those who seldom or never attended religious services. The corresponding difference among cosmopolitan voters (34 percent of whom said they attended religious services regularly) was 29 percentage points.

It is true that American voters attach significantly more weight to social issues than they did 20 years ago. It is also true that church attendance has become a stronger predictor of voting behavior. But both of those changes are concentrated primarily among people who are affluent and well educated, not among the working class.

Mr. Obama’s comments are supposed to be significant because of the popular perception that rural, working-class voters have abandoned the Democratic Party in recent decades and that the only way for Democrats to win them back is to cater to their cultural concerns. The reality is that John Kerry received a slender plurality of their votes in 2004, while John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey, in the close elections of 1960 and 1968, lost them narrowly.

Mr. Obama should do as well or better among these voters if he is the Democratic candidate in November. If he doesn’t, it won’t be because he has offended the tender sensitivities of small-town Americans. It will be because he has embraced a misleading stereotype of who they are and what they care about.

Larry M. Bartels, the director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton, is the author of “Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age.”



But the thing is if he was endorsing tommorow there would be whispers all over the blogs the night before like there was before Kennedy, Richardson, and Bob Casey...


Cheebs said:
But the thing is if he was endorsing tommorow there would be whispers all over the blogs the night before like there was before Kennedy, Richardson, and Bob Casey...
Who knows! Fun to speculate, tho. I personally don't think he'll endorse. He's a smart dude, at this point he knows Obama will be the nominee and pissing him off by endorsing Hillary probably isn't in his best interest if he wants to be Obama's AG or poverty czar or whatever.


We all need to remember of the story John Kerry told Bob Shrum for his book about how he was creeped out by how self-absorbed Edwards was when he first met him. How the Kerry folk and Edwards folk did not get along at all.

And where have all the Kerry people gone? Nearly all of them work for Obama.


Cheebs said:
But the thing is if he was endorsing tommorow there would be whispers all over the blogs the night before like there was before Kennedy, Richardson, and Bob Casey...
I don't know if Edwards was smart he'd stay out of it. Because as divided as the parties become he can only alienate himself especially if he goes to the Hillary camp after all the negative campaigning. If he were smart he'd stay out of it until after it was all over. But given that this is Edwards that's a very big IF.


Tamanon said:
Plus, Clinton is not winning North Carolina. So does Edwards really want to lose even more influence?
There was a poll (think it was SUSA) of NC a while back where more people said they would be LESS likely to vote for Clinton if Edwards endorsed her. He's not very well liked here, for whatever reason.

GhaleonEB said:
I can see it happening. Aren't both Edwards and Clinton appearing in person, and Obama in video?
There's already been spoilers posted in another thread, it's been taped already. Hint:
no endorsement


Triumph said:
There was a poll (think it was SUSA) of NC a while back where more people said they would be LESS likely to vote for Clinton if Edwards endorsed her. He's not very well liked here, for whatever reason.

I think it's because since he had his brief run, he hasn't really done ANYTHING for the state but coast. I mean, ask a fellow Carolinian what Edwards has done for the state lately and you'll get a blank stare.


Tamanon said:
I think it's because since he had his brief run, he hasn't really done ANYTHING for the state but coast. I mean, ask a fellow Carolinian what Edwards has done for the state lately and you'll get a blank stare.
A lot of the politically aware locals I've talked to since getting involved with the Obama campaign say he didn't really do a lot while he was a Senator, either. They seem to think he just ran for Senator so he could run for President, kind of like Hillary. But apparently did even less while he was in office.

jak stat



Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Has anyone realized something?

Why the hell was Edwards in PA? He wouldn't fly all the way from NC to PA just for a quick cameo on a cable comedy show.

Is he there to endorse tomorrow?

Why would Edwards endorse on a Friday? Endorsement days are usually Sunday and Monday. Plus his own close advisors have downplayed any upcoming endorsement
#1 why would he endorse outside of NC?

#2 I just saw the video of Obama brushing the dirt off his shoulder. There was so much coded language he said it wasn't funny like bamboozled and hoodwinked.


when is my burrito
In the 2004 National Election Study conducted by the University of Michigan, 54 percent of these people said that the government in Washington can be trusted to do what is right most of the time or just about always. Only 38 percent of cosmopolitan people expressed a similar level of trust in the federal government.
In the 2004 National Election Study conducted by the University of Michigan, 54 percent of these people said that the government in Washington can be trusted to do what is right most of the time or just about always...
In the 2004 National Election Study conducted by the University of Michigan
In the 2004 National Election Study
In the 2004

OMG, the NY Times totally owned Obama there! Obamameltdown confirmed. Nice try APF.


BTW, that woman that asked the flag-pin question has hated Obama for a while, her reason being "he turned away early at the pledge"


Master of the Google Search
Got it.

Elizabeth Edwards just recently joined the Harvard Institute of Politics and the Center for American Progress. She has several events and activies that she is attending around now. Philidelphia is on a direct path between Chapel Hill and DC/Cambridge


when is my burrito
Tamanon said:
:lol :lol

"Finally, the economy, which is the #1 priority of Americans....and that's why you asked it 16th!"

John Stewart's making it all better. I'm never watching broadcast news ever again. Cable news and ComC FTMFW!
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