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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Jason's Ultimatum said:
Well, he was pardoned. As for being an upstanding citizen, he's the lowliest filth of all filth, but hey. Whatever floats your boat.

Whose likely done more for his community then the majority of America.



Dean comes down from the sky to call for the TKO on Hillary

An increasingly firm Howard Dean told CNN again Thursday that he needs superdelegates to say who they’re for – and “I need them to say who they’re for starting now.”

“We cannot give up two or three months of active campaigning and healing time,” the Democratic National Committee Chairman told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “We’ve got to know who our nominee is.”

Jason's Ultimatum said:
Well, he was pardoned. As for being an upstanding citizen, he's the lowliest filth of all filth, but hey. Whatever floats your boat.

He's actually never been charged with a thing.
Speaking of Ayers and Hillary's comments on Ayers's past, she said innocent people died from their attacks, but I thought I read somewhere that when they planted bombs, they would warn the people inside the buildings. There was never a loss of life.


bish gets all the credit :)


pxleyes said:
:lol Awesome. I'm gonna dd text like that to my avatar if you dont mind.

Ok but if this time it's still not under 150kb, I'm gonna have no choice...



Amir0x said:
Ok but if this time it's still not under 150kb, I'm gonna have no choice...

O woops. I thought it was 250kb. My memory is going bad. I'll adjust it. Sorry about that.


Daily Show should be good from the preview.

"Last night Hillary and Obama engaged in an erudite debate on the issues important to....AHHHH I'm busting your balls, it was a debacle":lol


Kills Photobucket
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Karl Rove is on O Reilly right now talking about Obama not wearing a flag lapel. Ironic thing is that Rove isn't wearing a flag lapel. :lol

What's O'Reily saying? In his radio show today he actually agreed with Obama that it's a manufactured issue and is stupid.

my post from the debate thread:
I caught a bit of the Bill O'Reily radio show this afternoon, and I guess once every decade or so he actually says something smart. He took note of ABC's "Kick in the groin" to Obama, who he said, "handled it well, he didn't cry, I think I would have". He also noted that it was some random guy from the audience who asked the Bosnia question and not one of the moderators. He also agreed with Obama about the flag lapel thing being a manufactured issue.

Wonder what insight the man will have next decade.
DrForester said:
What's O'Reily saying? In his radio show today he actually agreed with Obama that it's a manufactured issue and is stupid.

He said the questions he received were well deserved. He did say he also doesn't wear a flag lapel and it doesn't mean he's not a patriot. I guess 1 out 2 isn't so bad. :lol
BenjaminBirdie said:
I thought that's what that was. But it was a nice cliffhanger to see who was left!

I came here to see if anybody else noticed that! Gregory didn't miss a beat - and neither did the graphics guys (those windows were re-positioned immediately)!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"So the liberal blogs are losing their minds today, in part because I suggested to George to ask this question to Obama yesterday on my radio show."

This is gonna be good.

"What difference does it make where the question comes from?"

Hannity, if it's coming from you, IT MAKES A FUCKING DIFFERENCE.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hannity says that Mike Brown is dreaming that Hillary or Obama would beat McCain.


Hannity says a lot of nonsense. I mean look at how he bundles everything together into making Obama a Manchurian Candidate of Evil!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Speaking of Ayers and Hillary's comments on Ayers's past, she said innocent people died from their attacks, but I thought I read somewhere that when they planted bombs, they would warn the people inside the buildings. There was never a loss of life.

i think one police officer was killed by one of the bombs.


BTW, Obama and Edwards will both be on Colbert Report tonight along with Clinton. Obama via satellite, Edwards in person.:lol

And what's Hova-ton?
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