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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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mashoutposse said:

This fucking had me rolling



we all knew her
kkaabboomm said:
then: SurveyUSA 4/11-13/08 Clinton 55%, Obama 39% -- +16 Clinton
Now: SurveryUSA 4/14-16/08 Clinton 45%, Obama 50% -- +5 Obama

in a 5 day differential. wtf.

We're a finicky bunch.


mckmas8808 said:
Obama is a black man named Barack Huessin Obama, whom lots aof people said he was a muslim. A freshman national senator that had NO named recognition.

You can't tell me this man hasn't struggled to be where he is today! Stop with the bullshit APF! Lets smarten up here. This is PoliGAF not Seseme Street.
He's struggled because of his middle name? He had no national recognition after his DNC appearance? Please. Anyway, my point stands re: Hillary.

harSon said:
I'm sure Obama would have liked to be related to a former President while going through his political career.
Probably would only hurt him, since he'd be in the national spotlight long enough for people to have strong opinions of him.

GaimeGuy said:
In other words, you have no good response for me. Okay
In other words, you admit you have no clue. Ok. Anyway, asked and answered.


APF said:
Probably would only hurt him, since he'd be in the national spotlight long enough for people to have strong opinions of him.

In positioning himself to run for President? The largest reason Hillary is in the position she is in now is Bill Clinton.
i hate to sound like a clintonista, but if you think this is bad, wait until november is approaching. fox news will go all out on obama out of desperation and fear, and it will be hilarious.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
He's struggled because of his middle name? He had no national recognition after his DNC appearance? Please. Anyway, my point stands re: Hillary.

Ummm.... you do realize that their hasn't been many national black leaders in the government right?

So again a black man with the named hats the same as Saddam Heuissan and s close to Osama, AND at the beginning of his race for the presidency 25 percent of Americans thought he was a muslim.

Hillary is running off of a successful democratic president's record with super high name recognition. Again high name recognition!!!! She has te Clintons brand name.


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ronito said:
I can't believe it that Obama "flip" is on fox's front page



What's next? I was standing in a urinal next to Obama and as he peed me drew a pentacle with his urine stream I swear!
This is absolutely crazy...

Does anyone REALLY believe that Obama would go so far as to flip the bird to Clinton in a stump speech?

Why the hell would he ever do something like that... fucking people are god damned morons, it's pathetic.
RubxQub said:
This is absolutely crazy...

Does anyone REALLY believe that Obama would go so far as to flip the bird to Clinton in a stump speech?

Why the hell would he ever do something like that... fucking people are god damned morons, it's pathetic.
Does it really surprise you? Honestly? Most people will believe whatever they are told.


Gold Member
So flip-gate now?

I can't wait for the Obama presidency for all these scandals to come out.

Mysterious-sidelong-glance gate
this shit needs to stop...seriously, this country is being run by the pundits. what the fuck. if people gave ABC shit for the stunt they pulled then FOX should get a double dose.


I didn't think Fox News would even be bold enough to run that story if it were regarding Hillary. I'm honestly speechless :lol


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PhoenixDark said:
I wonder if this kid goes to Obama's church
This video is weird...

This is much different than my youth. When I was young, me and my friend "came up" with a way to kill all of congress... but it wasn't because we were mad at anyone, it was fun to see how we could try and break the system.

Our idea was really stupid, and basically involved taking a bunch of tours and sneaking in C4 and planting it around the building. This part of the plan in retrospect seems at least somewhat possible. And I'm using the word "somewhat" pretty liberally here. The funny part of our plan was that after we set off the C4 during a congressional meeting, we were going to roll up in trucks and throw grenades at the pillars to the White House and make the building collapse...holding off the secret service with AKs :lol :lol :lol

Being a child is awesome...

But this kid's probably going to get in a lot more shit than he's expecting.


RubxQub said:
This video is weird...

This is much different than my youth. When I was young, me and my friend "came up" with a way to kill all of congress... but it wasn't because we were mad at anyone, it was fun to see how we could try and break the system.

Our idea was really stupid, and basically involved taking a bunch of tours and sneaking in C4 and planting it around the building. This part of the plan in retrospect seems at least somewhat possible. And I'm using the word "somewhat" pretty liberally here. The funny part of our plan was that after we set off the C4 during a congressional meeting, we were going to roll up in trucks and throw grenades at the pillars to the White House and make the building collapse...holding off the secret service with AKs :lol :lol :lol

Being a child is awesome...

But this kid's probably going to get in a lot more shit than he's expecting.

.... Uhhh.... not sure about most but I never plotted murders in my youth :lol


Hillary wouldn't even be a consideration for president, or the senate for that matter, if her last name wasn't clinton.

Half of her supporters are basing their decision on purely name recognition, not actual support of her plan or experience.


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harSon said:
.... Uhhh.... not sure about most but I never plotted murders in my youth :lol
It was all cartoonish to us. It wasn't blood and guts in our minds, it was like a heist/problem solving thing.


harSon said:
In positioning himself to run for President? The largest reason Hillary is in the position she is in now is Bill Clinton.
You're saying Obama is running as an experienced Washington hand, and not a brash outsider trying to change the rules?

mckmas8808: you're talking about negatives / positives, which is tangential to my point.
RubxQub said:
This video is weird...

This is much different than my youth. When I was young, me and my friend "came up" with a way to kill all of congress... but it wasn't because we were mad at anyone, it was fun to see how we could try and break the system.

Our idea was really stupid, and basically involved taking a bunch of tours and sneaking in C4 and planting it around the building. This part of the plan in retrospect seems at least somewhat possible. And I'm using the word "somewhat" pretty liberally here. The funny part of our plan was that after we set off the C4 during a congressional meeting, we were going to roll up in trucks and throw grenades at the pillars to the White House and make the building collapse...holding off the secret service with AKs :lol :lol :lol

Being a child is awesome...

But this kid's probably going to get in a lot more shit than he's expecting.

Many children cling to fantasy violence and explosives as a means to act out their bitterness.


APF said:
You're saying Obama is running as an experienced Washington hand, and not a brash outsider trying to change the rules?

Whatever he's running as is more legit than running based on your husband.


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PhoenixDark said:
Many children cling to fantasy violence and explosives as a means to act out their bitterness.

I don't know...I don't think we were bitter or anything. Again, I think it was more of a puzzle to us. Thinking problems! We dug stuff like that.

Never once did we actually think we were going to do it...we weren't serious in the least. It was just a "Hey if you wanted to...how would you?"

Bunch of 10 year olds popping out of trucks with AKs is the best we had back then... although it still sounds badass in theory :lol

Edit: WTF?! Why am I defending this?!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
APF said:
In other words, you admit you have no clue. Ok. Anyway, asked and answered.
Dude, I know plenty well what Obama said. I asked you a question. You basically spat in my face and said "You don't know anything." And now you're trying to throw my post calling you out on you dodging the question as proof that I don't know what I'm talking about.

I know full well what Obama was talking about. I know full well that the entire quote hat was under discussion was one he made about the emotional sentiments that people had towards their government. Looking over Obama's quote about people being bitter, I can say that in no way, shape, or form, was anything concerning Obama's personal political ambitions, or his track record with certain kinds of voters manifested within that quote. I do not see it, and I'm pretty sure most other people do not see it that way, either. Some see it as Obama being an elitist. But you are the only one I have heard online, in person, on the radio, on television, ANYWHERE, who has claimed that it was about Obama's elections. And so, I asked you where you got that from, because, to be honest, I have forgotten what Obama was talking in response to. For all I know, the previous question that Obama was asked was about his performance in small-town America, and somehow, his response trailed partway in to being about the emotional sentiments of people towards their government, in general. It's almost impossible to find the entire, full quote in its full context, thanks to mass media and the internet presenting only partial quotes without full context of preceding or following statements.

I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say that I have my biases and shortcomings, and I do engage in discussions on things which I may be quite ignorant about, but I nevertheless try, when I encounter someone who has a different opinion than me, or who says something which puzzles me, to understand where they are coming from.

You, on the other hand, do nothing but bait people and attack their intelligence, deflecting any questions they may bring up as proof of their ignorance. At the same time, you make outrageous claims about political candidates while posting with an excessive amount of wordiness in an attempt to display eloquence and integrity.

Every single time someone questions something you say, you turn it into an argument about that poster. Every. Single. Time.

Other people have said not to pay attention to you, and while I have tried my best to tolerate you, your condescending tone towards others and your addressing and subsequent dismissal of my question as "proof of ignorance" is completely offensive, and something which neither I nor anybody else wants.

People are not offended at you because you express views different from them. They are offended at you, APF, because you say things like "I think you don't actually know much about this event, otherwise you wouldn't be asking that question," to both people who are and aren't ignorant. I know that most people here would not miss you, because these attacks of yours are completely deplorable.

I have tried to be as respectable as I can in saying this, but, to put it bluntly:

Stop being an asshole.


APF said:
You're saying Obama is running as an experienced Washington hand, and not a brash outsider trying to change the rules?

mckmas8808: you're talking about negatives / positives, which is tangential to my point.

Yes APF, that's exactly what I'm trying to say...


GaimeGuy said:
Dude, I know plenty well what Obama said. I asked you a question. You basically spat in my face and said "You don't know anything." And now you're trying to throw my post calling you out on you dodging the question as proof that I don't know what I'm talking about.

I know full well what Obama was talking about. I know full well that the entire quote hat was under discussion was one he made about the emotional sentiments that people had towards their government. Looking over Obama's quote about people being bitter, I can say that in no way, shape, or form, was anything concerning Obama's personal political ambitions, or his track record with certain kinds of voters manifested within that quote. I do not see it, and I'm pretty sure most other people do not see it that way, either. Some see it as Obama being an elitist. But you are the only one I have heard online, in person, on the radio, on television, ANYWHERE, who has claimed that it was about Obama's elections. And so, I asked you where you got that from, because, to be honest, I have forgotten what Obama was talking in response to. For all I know, the previous question that Obama was asked was about his performance in small-town America, and somehow, his response trailed partway in to being about the emotional sentiments of people towards their government, in general. It's almost impossible to find the entire, full quote in its full context, thanks to mass media and the internet presenting only partial quotes without full context of preceding or following statements.

I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say that I have my biases and shortcomings, and I do engage in discussions on things which I may be quite ignorant about, but I nevertheless try, when I encounter someone who has a different opinion than me, or who says something which puzzles me, to understand where they are coming from.

You, on the other hand, do nothing but bait people and attack their intelligence, deflecting any questions they may bring up as proof of their ignorance. At the same time, you make outrageous claims about political candidates while posting with an excessive amount of wordiness in an attempt to display eloquence and integrity.

Every single time someone questions something you say, you turn it into an argument about that poster. Every. Single. Time.

Other people have said not to pay attention to you, and while I have tried my best to tolerate you, your condescending tone towards others and your addressing and subsequent dismissal of my question as "proof of ignorance" is completely offensive, and something which neither I nor anybody else wants.

People are not offended at you because you express views different from them. They are offended at you, APF, because you say things like "I think you don't actually know much about this event, otherwise you wouldn't be asking that question," to both people who are and aren't ignorant. I know that most people here would not miss you, because these attacks of yours are completely deplorable.

I have tried to be as respectable as I can in saying this, but, to put it bluntly:

Stop being an asshole.



GaimeGuy said:
Looking over Obama's quote about people being bitter, I can say that in no way, shape, or form, was anything concerning Obama's personal political ambitions, or his track record with certain kinds of voters manifested within that quote.

All you had to do was go to the source of the quote in the first place, hence my point that you didn't really investigate the matter:

"Here's how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, and they feel so betrayed by government, and when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn't buy it. And when it's delivered by -- it's true that when it's delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama (laugher), then that adds another layer of skepticism (laughter)."

I find it laughable you're attacking me for allegedly bringing arguments "to the man" when I was subjected to almost nothing but those attacks after posting the original article, and am subjected to that level of attack literally every time I post anything here.
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