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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Just watched Joe is an idiot.

'It's about defining a candidate' Joe says. That is just the catch phrase with is irrelevant and Maddow was discussing how it happens.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
If Obama keeps this under 10 I think Clinton is going to face a lot of pressure to leave. Lots.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Flip-gate reminds me of Cheney's naked-woman-gate.

Hopefully people are just having a laugh about the whole thing and not taking it seriously.


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schuelma said:
If Obama keeps this under 10 I think Clinton is going to face a lot of pressure to leave. Lots.
Telling her to quit "when she just won the biggest contest this election has ever seen!" would never happen.

A win in PA, regardless of the amount, will be touted as the greatest achievement of this century.


I was watching Hardball last night and some political guy from PA that supports Hillary said that a ONE vote win in PA would be big for her. Talk about moving the goal posts.
maynerd said:
I was watching Hardball last night and some political guy from PA that supports Hillary said that a ONE vote win in PA would be big for her. Talk about moving the goal posts.

Yeah. I saw that too. Like I said earlier: Even if she wins by 5%, she'll proclaim a huge victory. She just wants to show Democrats that she can win the big states against McCain while Obama can't.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Yeah. I saw that too. Like I said earlier: Even if she wins by 5%, she'll proclaim a huge victory. She just wants to show Democrats that she can win the big states against McCain while Obama can't.
She won the Texas primary by three points, IIRC, and that was a huge victory. Despite her leading by 20 a month earlier.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Yeah. I saw that too. Like I said earlier: Even if she wins by 5%, she'll proclaim a huge victory. She just wants to show Democrats that she can win the big states against McCain while Obama can't.

She doesn't get to define the entire media narrative this time. If it's 5%, the takeaway will be that she didn't get the convincing win she needed. Trust me.
APF said:
Krugman opines on Bittergate: "Mr. Obama’s comments combined assertions about economics, sociology and voting behavior. In each case, his assertion was mostly if not entirely wrong."


Krugman basically, and admittedly regurgiting the other op-ed, he says as much in his piece. I also find it interesting that the original op-ed was written by a guy who has a book competing with Franks.

Interestingly, he undercuts the first argument you posted about bitter gate though, basically that even if Obama's comments were wrong, his strong focus on the economy will be the key to these communities in any case.

Also, the weird, clinton years reminiscing was kind of strange ;)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
APF said:
All you had to do was go to the source of the quote in the first place, hence my point that you didn't really investigate the matter:

"Here's how it is: in a lot of these communities in big industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, people have been beaten down so long, and they feel so betrayed by government, and when they hear a pitch that is premised on not being cynical about government, then a part of them just doesn't buy it. And when it's delivered by -- it's true that when it's delivered by a 46-year-old black man named Barack Obama (laugher), then that adds another layer of skepticism (laughter)."

I find it laughable you're attacking me for allegedly bringing arguments "to the man" when I was subjected to almost nothing but those attacks after posting the original article, and am subjected to that level of attack literally every time I post anything here.

If this is the case, then all you had to do was point out that you were talking about a completely different part of his speech than the quote that has been under fire about people being bitter and clinging to issues like guns and religion as ways to express their bitterness. That is ALL you had to do. Instead, you dismissed my question and called me ignorant.

For the matter, I think you're largely missing the point of Obama's speech, which was really about inspiring people to participate in government again. It's an extreme stretch and cherry-picking on your part to point to a half-sarcastic, half-true remark about people being skeptical about a black president as proof that Obama was trying to downplay his performance among working-class americans.

BTW: Don't play the victim card, when you pull stuff like "So you're saying that anyone who wears a flag-pin doesn't love America?" all the time


Deus Ex Machina said:
Yes, this is a delegate race. But Hillary has the media fooled that its the popular vote count that matters.

And in turn the media tries to make it seem like Hillary actually has a chance to get the nomination.:lol
soul creator said:
he looks like the kid that shot Omar

RIP Omar, you felled some large beasts, only to be felled yourself while buying some smokes.

in other news:

TIME interviews a senior uncommitted super who won't endorse until June 3rd or later

yes, Obama's "bitter/cling" comments were a troubling sign of the disdain for average folks that coastal/academic Democrats have often displayed...but that Clinton had just wrecked her reputation within the party by comparing Obama unfavorably to McCain and running a Republican-style primary campaign in Pennsylvania.

(edited for The Wire spoilers)


Master of the Google Search
Obama is going to be on the Daily Show monday. Looking to get the Daily Show bump ala Hillary before mini-Super Tuesday? :lol


GaimeGuy said:
If this is the case, then all you had to do was point out that you were talking about a completely different part of his speech than the quote that has been under fire about people being bitter and clinging to issues like guns and religion as ways to express their bitterness.
It's not a completely different part of the "speech," as you would have known if you had investigated the matter.

GaimeGuy said:
It's an extreme stretch and cherry-picking on your part to point to a half-sarcastic, half-true remark about people being skeptical about a black president as proof that Obama was trying to downplay his performance among working-class americans.
That's not why I posted the quote at all, and not the point I was trying to make overall (it's also not the point Obama was making, if you bothered to research this). You're making an extreme extreme stretch here, likely because you want to try and recover something--anything--you can attack me on, after being pwned so hard. Apology accepted.

GaimeGuy said:
BTW: Don't play the victim card
Then stop calling me an asshole when I'm subjected to the behavior you're complaining about far more often than I dole it out.
kkaabboomm said:
RIP Omar, you felled some large beasts, only to be felled yourself while buying some smokes.

I decided to spoiler my comment just in case someone else hasn't caught up with the show, so you might want to do so as well :p


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
APF said:
It's not a completely different part of the "speech," as you would have known if you had investigated the matter.

Ok, no problems here

APF said:
That's not why I posted the quote at all, and not the point I was trying to make overall (it's also not the point Obama was making, if you bothered to research this). You're making an extreme extreme stretch here

Doing ok...

APF said:
likely because you want to try and recover something--anything--you can attack me on, after being pwned so hard. Apology accepted.

Douchebaggery detected in this sector!


I've now gotten two robocalls from hillary clinton's campaign. Stop wasting my cell minutes, you hateful jerks!

Going to a big obama rally on Independence Mall in Center City Philly at 6. I'd expect him to speak after 6:30 to get some live coverage on Charlie Gibson's program.


APF said:
It's not a completely different part of the "speech," as you would have known if you had investigated the matter.

That's not why I posted the quote at all, and not the point I was trying to make overall (it's also not the point Obama was making, if you bothered to research this). You're making an extreme extreme stretch here, likely because you want to try and recover something--anything--you can attack me on, after being pwned so hard. Apology accepted.

Then stop calling me an asshole when I'm subjected to the behavior you're complaining about far more often than I dole it out.

It happens for a reason APF :)


gkrykewy said:
I've now gotten two robocalls from hillary clinton's campaign. Stop wasting my cell minutes, you hateful jerks!

Going to a big obama rally on Independence Mall in Center City Philly at 6. I'd expect him to speak after 6:30 to get some live coverage on Charlie Gibson's program.

Isn't it illegal to call someone's cell phone like that?

Report her!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
kkaabboomm said:
then: SurveyUSA 4/11-13/08 Clinton 55%, Obama 39% -- +16 Clinton
Now: SurveryUSA 4/14-16/08 Clinton 45%, Obama 50% -- +5 Obama

in a 5 day differential. wtf.

:lol cooltrick vindicated!!!!! wait.. !!? what??!


quadriplegicjon said:
:lol cooltrick vindicated!!!!! wait.. !!? what??!

What are you? A Noob? You have to wait three years for things to affect Obama in the polls.:lol Try again in 2011.


The Clintonians are jumping ship?

Former Labor Secretary Reich endorses Obama over Clinton

BOSTON (AP) — Former Clinton Cabinet member Robert Reich has decided to endorse Barack Obama — and not Hillary Rodham Clinton — in the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a blog post Friday, the former labor secretary said that "although Hillary Clinton has offered solid and sensible policy proposals, Obama's strike me as even more so."

Reich says the Illinois senator's plans for reforming Social Security and health care have a better chance of succeeding, and his approach to the nation's housing crisis and financial market failures "are sounder than hers."

Reich is a longtime friend of the Clintons.

Obama also was endorsed Friday by former Sens. Sam Nunn of Georgia and David Boren of Oklahoma.
Clipjoint said:
The Clintonians are jumping ship?

Former Labor Secretary Reich endorses Obama over Clinton

BOSTON (AP) — Former Clinton Cabinet member Robert Reich has decided to endorse Barack Obama — and not Hillary Rodham Clinton — in the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a blog post Friday, the former labor secretary said that "although Hillary Clinton has offered solid and sensible policy proposals, Obama's strike me as even more so."

Reich says the Illinois senator's plans for reforming Social Security and health care have a better chance of succeeding, and his approach to the nation's housing crisis and financial market failures "are sounder than hers."

Reich is a longtime friend of the Clintons.

Obama also was endorsed Friday by former Sens. Sam Nunn of Georgia and David Boren of Oklahoma.

Let me guess. Judas? :D


Clipjoint said:
The Clintonians are jumping ship?

Former Labor Secretary Reich endorses Obama over Clinton

BOSTON (AP) — Former Clinton Cabinet member Robert Reich has decided to endorse Barack Obama — and not Hillary Rodham Clinton — in the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

In a blog post Friday, the former labor secretary said that "although Hillary Clinton has offered solid and sensible policy proposals, Obama's strike me as even more so."

Reich says the Illinois senator's plans for reforming Social Security and health care have a better chance of succeeding, and his approach to the nation's housing crisis and financial market failures "are sounder than hers."

Reich is a longtime friend of the Clintons.

Obama also was endorsed Friday by former Sens. Sam Nunn of Georgia and David Boren of Oklahoma.

Isn't this how it should really work? People should choose the best person for the job not choose someone cause they are your friend. That's partly why our government is so fucked today. They hired people for who they know not what they know. Good for him.


BREAKING: Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan claims Hillary is inhuman and indecent but perfect:

"The great benefit of a McCain-Obama election will be the emergence of two flawed, human, but basically decent men who represent what I think of as the best and most sincere faces of their respective parties."


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APF said:
BREAKING: Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan claims Hillary is inhuman and indecent but perfect:

"The great benefit of a McCain-Obama election will be the emergence of two flawed, human, but basically decent men who represent what I think of as the best and most sincere faces of their respective parties."
I really don't get how you think... at all.
APF said:
BREAKING: Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan claims Hillary is inhuman and indecent but perfect:

"The great benefit of a McCain-Obama election will be the emergence of two flawed, human, but basically decent men who represent what I think of as the best and most sincere faces of their respective parties."
This is a prime example of your form of logic.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
BREAKING: Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan claims Hillary is inhuman and indecent but perfect:

"The great benefit of a McCain-Obama election will be the emergence of two flawed, human, but basically decent men who represent what I think of as the best and most sincere faces of their respective parties."

perfect evil!


APF said:
BREAKING: Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan claims Hillary is inhuman and indecent but perfect:

"The great benefit of a McCain-Obama election will be the emergence of two flawed, human, but basically decent men who represent what I think of as the best and most sincere faces of their respective parties."

For fucks sake :lol


APF said:
BREAKING: Obama supporter Andrew Sullivan claims Hillary is inhuman and indecent but perfect:

"The great benefit of a McCain-Obama election will be the emergence of two flawed, human, but basically decent men who represent what I think of as the best and most sincere faces of their respective parties."

What goes on in that head of yours?:lol


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APF said:
You guys know what I'm talking about ;)
I have no fucking idea what you're talking about ever...
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