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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Deus Ex Machina said:
He scratched his face. He's been doing it all campaign, sometimes with his index finger, sometimes with his middle finger.
And sometimes, both.


Seriously, is this what we're down to, SD? Finger-gate? :lol


AdmiralViscen said:
Check the comments, someone links to another video where he apparently did the same motion at the same time in the same speech.
When the level of silliness reaches this level, it must be because there is nothing else to complain about. I get upset at the stupidity of these things but it only goes to show how little they really have against him.

For all those who seem to hate on him, remember this...All you are doing are reinforcing the belief that these things matter. As for me, I'll go on with the belief that I probably shouldn't vote for the candidate FOX tells me is the better one...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
She's been a whipping-girl for the right--and to a lesser but still prevalent extent, the press--for over half my life and for as long as she's had national exposure, and this level of struggle is what many people see when they consider her. Again, I feel there is some deliberate obtuseness going on in you folks trying to debate this--even Obama himself has hinted to her struggling in this manner.

Obama is a black man named Barack Huessin Obama, whom lots aof people said he was a muslim. A freshman national senator that had NO named recognition.

You can't tell me this man hasn't struggled to be where he is today! Stop with the bullshit APF! Lets smarten up here. This is PoliGAF not Seseme Street.
mckmas8808 said:
Obama is a black man named Barack Huessin Obama, whom lots aof people said he was a muslim. A freshman national senator that had NO named recognition.

You can't tell me this man hasn't struggled to be where he is today! Stop with the bullshit APF! Lets smarten up here. This is PoliGAF not Seseme Street.
You got something against Seseme Street!?


APF said:
She's been a whipping-girl for the right--and to a lesser but still prevalent extent, the press--for over half my life and for as long as she's had national exposure, and this level of struggle is what many people see when they consider her. Again, I feel there is some deliberate obtuseness going on in you folks trying to debate this--even Obama himself has hinted to her struggling in this manner.

I'm sure Obama would have liked to be related to a former President while going through his political career.


when is my burrito
mckmas8808 said:
Obama is a black man named Barack Huessin Obama, whom lots of people said he was a muslim.

About the muslim thing: Some still do think he is but let's not forget that before the whole Jeremiah Wright thing, polls showed that about 25% believed he was a Muslim. Now, it's in the teens.


McCain's tax returns. He makes the least of the 3 and % wise donates the most to charity:

Reports nearly $259,000 in taxable income in 2007. Taxable and non-taxable income totals about $419,000.

Also gave $105,467 to charity, donated $177,000 from book royalties and paid $84,460 in taxes last year.


Cheebs said:
McCain's tax returns. He makes the least of the 3 and % wise donates the most to charity:

Maybe he made the most of the three last year, but he's worth more than Hillary (35mil) and Obama (1.3mil) combined


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
McCain's tax returns. He makes the least of the 3 and % wise donates the most to charity:
because Johm McCain doesn't need to make money - http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/04/03/mccains.money.politics.ap/
In contrast, Cindy McCain is a millionaire many times over -- though the McCains haven't disclosed just how many times.

In government records, McCain is permitted to describe his wife's salary at Hensley as simply "more than $1,000" and, when listing her major assets, say only that they are worth "more than $1 million."

The reports show Cindy McCain has at least $9 million in assets on her own and at least $15 million with the McCain children. But those figures are virtually meaningless; her stake in Hensley & Co. alone almost certainly exceeds them by tens of millions of dollars.
if my wife was worth tens of millions of dollars i would have no problem earning only six figures a year.


Not only is his wife rich but her she (and her family) is probably the only reason Mccain is in a position to run for President.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
APF said:
GaimeGuy: I think you don't actually know much about this event, otherwise you wouldn't be asking that question.
In other words, you have no good response for me. Okay


has calmed down a bit.
The number ONE issue during the GE is ABSOLUTELY going to be the economy. No two ways about it. Obama needs to forget about Hillary, and start talking about the economy and why he'll be the better candidate in that regard. Whoever positions themselves as the better steward of the economy and whoever presents the best plan to turn this crap around will win in November. No other issue will be close.

Why? I just paid $6 for 6 hotwings, 1 medium coke, and a small mashed potato at KFC. And heck, if I can't afford KFC, we're in trouble. Look out.


Gold Member
tanod said:
About the muslim thing: Some still do think he is but let's not forget that before the whole Jeremiah Wright thing, polls showed that about 25% believed he was a Muslim. Now, it's in the teens.

I think the question to ask is what does it take NOT to be considered a Muslim.
Obama was tired during that debate, it certainly wasn't his best. Considering the wide media coverage it received, too (wasn't it that most watched debate thus far?), I'd say that hurt his Gallup standings.

I fully expect that this will also not have a lasting impact.



Poll shows Obama leading Clinton in Indiana

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE/IPFW) A poll released Friday morning by the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics located on the campus of IPFW shows Hoosier voters prefer Barack Obama to Hillary Clinton. Obama received 50% of the support and Clinton received 45% with 5% undecided. The poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.2%.

SurveyUSA conducted the poll by telephone on April 14, 15, and 16. 576 registered Hoosiers who are likely to vote in the May primary took part. Respondent households were selected at random.

Indiana seems to be all over the map. Didn't SUSA just show Hillary way ahead last week?


Cheebs said:
If this is SUSA this is great news.

Because Obama has only gone from being ahead in most of the polls to losing a state once, in NH.
I think SUSA has drunk the crappy pollster juice- their polls lately have been all over the place. We can start figuring it out on Tuesday.
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