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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Setec Astronomer
That being said, this would be comparable if Hillary actually was under sniper fire on another occasion..... or for that matter, actually did anything as First Lady.


APF said:
Is it a lie when someone says I called something an "innocent mistake" end-quote when I did no such thing? I'm interested in knowing the Obamapologists' take on this one.

wtf are you talking bout. if it her bosnia story please stop. that was an outright lie to embellish her street cred 50 cent style :lol

he made a mistake of the historical record of the program that brought his dad to aemrica.

the differences are so vast i don't even think i need to point them out.


Seriously: are people really honestly trying to suggest he didn't research basic facts for his own book? No ghostwriter there--it was him. Again, both of these are basic facts that would have been uncovered when he wrote his autobiography, especially considering how tightly-woven that biography is to his campaign.

Edits: Lefty: don't reply when you don't know what I'm talking about, it only makes you look like you can't help but respond to anything regardless of content

Hitokage: I believe their explanation was that there were reports of possible threats in the vicinity, and this warped in her head to, "under sniper fire."


siamesedreamer said:
No, the incredulity comes in at the mere thought of criticizing the Messiah.

He's simply above reproach.
Oh, I don't think so. I'm not entirely sold on several of his policy positions, but to harp on something like this is just dumb. Even Republican strategist Amy Holmes was laughing it off this morning on CNN.


Setec Astronomer
APF said:
Hitokage: I believe their explanation was that there were reports of possible threats in the vicinity, and this warped in her head to, "under sniper fire."
Ok, and what's her excuse for other substantive misstatements?

Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.


APF said:
Seriously: are people really honestly trying to suggest he didn't research basic facts for his own book? No ghostwriter there--it was him. Again, both of these are basic facts that would have been uncovered when he wrote his autobiography, especially considering how tightly-woven that biography is to his campaign.

ever think its possible the info he saw suggested keneddy did donate in 59 not 60. thats why tis a mistake. they ad to investigate the historical record to find the discrepancy. and its 10 months from when he dad came over and the donation.

once again it would be an outright lie if keneddy never gave money or fuck it his dad never came over in that program. but every aspect of the story is true just the date that keneddy actually gave and who benefited, being the 60 incoming class not the previous 59 class, thats a huge thing and why its laughable you can't fucking see it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Ok, and what's her excuse for other substantive misstatements?

Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.

Personal experiences don't have a library for fact checking.
Hitokage said:
Ok, and what's her excuse for other substantive misstatements?

Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.

When you're that busy you become sleep deprived and you begin to forget things!

But don't worry, she'll be able to answer the call at 3am!

All better.


APF said:
Seriously: are people really honestly trying to suggest he didn't research basic facts for his own book? No ghostwriter there--it was him. Again, both of these are basic facts that would have been uncovered when he wrote his autobiography, especially considering how tightly-woven that biography is to his campaign.

Edits: Lefty: don't reply when you don't know what I'm talking about, it only makes you look like you can't help but respond to anything regardless of content

Hitokage: I believe their explanation was that there were reports of possible threats in the vicinity, and this warped in her head to, "under sniper fire."
More like, it warped in her head to repeatedly stating "we had to cancel the greeting ceremony and run with our heads down straight to our vehicles" amirite?


Hitokage said:
Especially with not having security clearance to actually be allowed in any foreign policy discussion.
d/k, give me a reference and I'll see if I can find something.

Lefty42o: the point is, the story Obama talked about was about the Kennedy link. With which there was no link to his father coming over. Period. So the entire point of telling story was false, period.



APF said:
d/k, give me a reference and I'll see if I can find something.

Lefty42o: the point is, the story Obama talked about was about the Kennedy link. With which there was no link to his father coming over. Period. So the entire point of telling story was false, period.

wrong. keneddy is linked to the program that brought his dad over. just not till a year after his dad came over. less than a year infact. so tis a misstatement not a lie. thats the diff.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
d/k, give me a reference and I'll see if I can find something.

Lefty42o: the point is, the story Obama talked about was about the Kennedy link. With which there was no link to his father coming over. Period. So the entire point of telling story was false, period.

Can you actually, just for once, stop taking excerpts from comments made by users, look at them out of context, and stop responding to them out of context?

Lefty already stated that nobody is disputing the fact that Obama's statements were false - even Obama has said so. The argument is whether or not Obama was "inflating his life story and fabricating a connection that was not factually accurate."

Hillary's lie about Bosnia was pretty clear given that it was a personal experience of hers - and she flat out lied about it. Obama making a historically inaccurate statement was a simple matter of getting his facts wrong of something that happened 50 years ago.

If we were to give you a US History book, told you to study it for the next two months, then gave you a comprehensive exam covering the subjects in that book, would you be able to answer every question correctly on the exam? I mean, after all, you studied the book for two months! There is no excuse for you to get any of the facts wrong! Right?


If I said, for example, that someone had a link to a terrorist organization at a certain point, and it was discovered that they really only had solid links a year later than I claimed, would that be a lie or simply a "misstatement?"

reilo: if I wrote an autobiography, I'd be able to tell you how and when my family arrived in the country, and when I was born.

Incognito: true enough.
APF said:
If I said, for example, that someone had a link to a terrorist organization at a certain point, and it was discovered that they really only had solid links a year later than I claimed, would that be a lie or simply a "misstatement?"

I don't think anyone cares. Zzzz.
Triumph said:
Oh, I don't think so. I'm not entirely sold on several of his policy positions, but to harp on something like this is just dumb. Even Republican strategist Amy Holmes was laughing it off this morning on CNN.

Speaking of Sunday morning shows, anyone see Robert Reich and Paul Krugman side-by-side on This Morning with George Stephanopolis? Talk about some paranoid, the sky is falling star power there. I thought George Will was gonna have a heart attack.


siamesedreamer said:
Speaking of Sunday morning shows, anyone see Robert Reich and Paul Krugman side-by-side on This Morning with George Stephanopolis? Talk about some paranoid, the sky is falling star power there. I thought George Will was gonna have a heart attack.
HA, no I didn't. I'll have to search out a video clip, I like watching Krugman hyperventilate.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Hitokage said:
I'm sorry, but I actually agree with APF. Those who can't correctly recall this information from when they were newly born are obviously not qualified to be president, and he should know absolutely everything about his parents with his purported people skills.

seriously. the kennedys got involved in the program 48 years ago.. NOT 49. what an utterly blatant lie!!! obama should be strung up!!!!
Triumph said:
HA, no I didn't. I'll have to search out a video clip, I like watching Krugman hyperventilate.

No hyperventalation, but there was a double facepalm.gif.

It actually would be an extremely good gif to use if someone could capture it. :D


quadriplegicjon said:
seriously. the kennedys got involved in the program 48 years ago.. NOT 49. what an utterly blatant lie!!! obama should be strung up!!!!
The Kennedys had something to do with my father arriving in this country! Oh wait they didn't at all! Therefore the entire point of telling the story was false! Don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama! Oh wait, that happened four years after I was born, making the entire story I just told a lie! smh

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
The Kennedys had something to do with my father arriving in this country! Oh wait they didn't at all! Therefore the entire point of telling the story was false! Don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama! Oh wait, that happened four years after I was born, making the entire story I just told a lie! smh

Is it a lie when someone says I called something an "innocent mistake" end-quote when I did no such thing?

'the campaign-stop version is probably, in her head, simply a truncated depiction of those events'

Which would certainly appear to suggest you believe there was no intent to deceive hence no guilt.


APF said:
The Kennedys had something to do with my father arriving in this country! Oh wait they didn't at all! Therefore the entire point of telling the story was false! Don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama! Oh wait, that happened four years after I was born, making the entire story I just told a lie! smh

your a fucking idiot.

you ignore the fact the keneddys were a part of the Kenyan student program. the program that brought his dad over here. they did not start supporting the plan till july 1960. obama's dad cam,e over in 59. a historical inaccuracy on obama's part but not some vast lie.

just stop. you look so foolish


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I'm still waiting on APF to respond to my post.

Should I hold my breath, GAF?


quietcrown said:
'the campaign-stop version is probably, in her head, simply a truncated depiction of those events'

Which would certainly appear to suggest you believe there was no intent to deceive hence no guilt.

Let me clarify: I think she exaggerated her experience on purpose, although if you want to be charitable perhaps she didn't realize exactly what she was saying.

Lefty42o said:
your a fucking idiot.

you ignore the fact the keneddys were a part of the Kenyan student program. the program that brought his dad over here. they did not start supporting the plan till july 1960. obama's dad cam,e over in 59. a historical inaccuracy on obama's part but not some vast lie.

The entire point of the story was the Kennedy connection to his father coming over. Your posts are ignoring this fact in order to repeat the same tired non-response over and over again. Sorry, I've moved on from their official response, and have voiced further objections and have raised further questions. You're arguing a point the discussion has moved on from.

reilo said:
I'm still waiting on APF to respond to my post.

Should I hold my breath, GAF?
I already did, didn't I?


You guys should stop playing conversation tennis with APF. It's like Israelis fighting Palestinians- just by getting you to fight with him he wins.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
APF said:
Let me clarify: I think she exaggerated her experience on purpose, although if you want to be charitable perhaps she didn't realize exactly what she was saying.

she exaggerated her experience.. but did she lie?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
APF said:
I already did, didn't I?

Lame stealth editing.

You still avoided addressing any and all of my issues.

And yes, you can get things factually wrong even regarding your family. But Obama did not get the fact wrong when his dad migrated to the US - what he got wrong was the fact that Kennedy did not get involved until 10 months later. There is a difference.


reilo said:
And yes, you can get things factually wrong even regarding your family.
He recently wrote about and researched his family history. Again, the point has moved on from the official campaign response, and further objections have been raised.

quadriplegicjon: they weren't vague; I was responding to a post suggesting I wanted her to avoid guilt because her comments were unintentional. I said I thought they were intentional. The vagueness is in your mind.

harSon: how do you mean? the connection to the Kennedy policy and his father's arrival in the country leading to his own birth was the point of the story AFAICT


Clinton lies about Bosnia [which, I, as a Bosnian refugee, called her out on it a good while before the news media even picked up on it], and APF calls it a mere "exaggeration" and an "innocent mistake."

It's not whether or not she lied, it's that I think the whole Bosnia thing is so ridiculously blown out of proportion that I shudder at anyone who actually would base their vote on it.

Both candidates embellish. There was an article that, along with Clinton's Bosnia thing, had several ones from Obama. How he wanted front credit -- and publically thanked himself -- for legislation he barely worked on while others did the dirty work.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong. Actually, no, it IS wrong. But it's also what you get with Clinton. She doesn't hold herself to a standard of being above it.

That's what I dislike about this whole Bosnia thing. In the grand scheme of things, it's such a minute detail that all the Obamaniacs brought to the forefront, when the irony is that they should be scrutinizing their own candidate who actually promises to be above that. It's why I think the Obamaniac response to Reverend Wright is equally hypocritical. Barack Obama's entire campaign has a few core ideas, a major one being that he has the judgement to make up for his experience. You might not think Rev. Wright is a concern of yours, and that's fine, but to act like the media should get off a situation that really IS a judgement call, against the "I have the right judgement" candidate -- I think that's ridiculous.

Really now, who the fuck actually is looking to base their vote on Bosnia sniper fire? It's utterly ridiculous. It's just media fodder for people to gawk at to pass the time. Newsflash -- Hillary's not going to be defeated based on shit everyone expects from her. If Obama wants to really take her on, he needs to take her down in policy. Show that his is better than hers. He's not gonna swing voters en masse the way he needs to by little pity situations like this.


Setec Astronomer
Triumph said:
You guys should stop playing conversation tennis with APF. It's like Israelis fighting Palestinians- just by getting you to fight with him he wins.
Let's argue whether APF represents the Israelis or the Palestinians.
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