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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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The freshman Democratic senator received a discount. He locked in an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago. The loan was unusually large, known in banker lingo as a "super super jumbo." Obama paid no origination fee or discount points, as some consumers do to reduce their interest rates.


In Obama's case, he received a lower rate than the average offered at the time in Chicago for similarly structured jumbo loans. He secured his final mortgage commitment on June 8, 2005, and during that week, rates on similar loans for which information is available averaged 5.93 percent, according to HSH Associates, which surveys lenders. Another survey firm, Bankrate.com, placed the average at 6 percent.


Since 1990, Northern Trust employees have donated more than $739,000 to federal campaigns, including $71,000 to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.


Who'da thunk it? Certainly not Dodd, Conrad, or Pelosi right?


First tragedy, then farce.
siamesedreamer said:

Who'da thunk it? Certainly not Dodd, Conrad, or Pelosi right?

you know what an average is right?

Some people pay above the average (bad credit) some people pay below the average (good credit). 30bp (less than 1/3rd of 1%) is not some crazy low rate compared to the average. As far as paying no origination costs I managed to buy my first house that way too. Oh noes, I am the uber elite who got a better deal than the common man.
I really don't give a damn about McCains war record, especially considering that it's shit that happened 40 years ago.

I honestly believe that the republican party is going to appease Israel and invade Iran, and invasion that is going to result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Fuck Vietnam.


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:

Who'da thunk it? Certainly not Dodd, Conrad, or Pelosi right?
so the bank states it does not offer sweetheart deals to politicians, Obama says he didn't get one, and the paper didn't find any irregularity save for the fact that the interest rate on the loan was below average.

that story is an empty suit. SD - do better.

as for the surge, let's not even get into using an Administration-graded benchmark as proof that the surge is 'working'.
scorcho said:
that story is an empty suit...

Agreed. Its not a big deal. But, I do find it interesting only DEMs have been identified so far - especially since the REPs controlled everything when the bubble was growing. You would think something like sweetheart mortgage deals would be a bipartisan thing.


siamesedreamer said:
Agreed. Its not a big deal. But, I do find it interesting only DEMs have been identified so far - especially since the REPs controlled everything when the bubble was growing. You would think something like sweetheart mortgage deals would be a bipartisan thing.

The only high profile Republican in politics right now, the one actually in the media doesn't get home loans. Plus his family finances are kept under lock-and-key.


siamesedreamer said:
Agreed. Its not a big deal. But, I do find it interesting only DEMs have been identified so far - especially since the REPs controlled everything when the bubble was growing. You would think something like sweetheart mortgage deals would be a bipartisan thing.

It's because REPs never do bad things. You know this.


Tamanon said:
:lol I sense pushback coming from the Obama camp on this McCain faux outrage over something that didn't happen.

When asked whether Clark should apologize, Obama said it wasn't high on his to-do list: "I guess my question is why, given all the vast numbers of things that we've got to work on, that would be a top priority of mine?"

This was just a snippet from an article talking about how Giuliani was sent out as an attack dog for McCain on the Clark horseshit but his ego got in the way:

I'm still the best, though John McCain is No. 2, says Rudy Giuliani
Pro Obama ad on Christian radio:

The Matthew 25 Network today launched an initial radio ad campaign to reach Christian voters with Obama's positive message of how faith informs his life and enhances dialogue in the public square.

The ad entitled "From his Heart," comes on the heels of Senator Obama's historic speech earlier today about the instrumental role faith communities play in caring for the "least of these" in our society and the importance of public partnerships with faith-based programs that have proven track records.

The Matthew 25 Network ad will first run in Colorado Springs, CO, home of James Dobson who garnered much media attention last week for attacking Senator Obama's faith. The group will run run ads in Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, and other swing states.

Here is the script version of the radio ad:

Narrator: You know it's an election year when certain people start grabbing headlines by attacking the faith of Presidential candidates. With all these stones being cast at Senator Obama, it can be hard to know what to believe. But in Luke, Jesus taught us that we must listen to what a man says because "out of the overflow of his heart, his mouth speaks." So here are words from Senator Obama's heart:

Obama: "I think we make a mistake when we fail to acknowledge the power of faith in people's lives" "kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side, I felt that I heard God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."

Narrator: Paid for by Matthew 25 Network, Matthew 25.org is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Matthew 25 Network is responsible for the content of this ad because we think it's time for a better Christian witness in politics.

Good move for Obama here. He might not be able to win over a large majority of Christian conservatives but it may make them pause before attacking Obama as a completely secular individual, neutralize the talking point that Obama is a Muslim, steal at least some votes from McCain, and/or possibly make some stay home and just not vote for McCain in November.


Time's Mark Halperin noticed a sad little tidbit in today's Obama press-pool report from the candidate's Eastside Community Ministry tour in Chicago. After visiting and joking around with a group of kids, this is what happened:

He then came back to the room where the children were drawing pictures. Stooping over a table, he autographed a number of drawings. The children were delighted; one girl held her picture to her cheek after Obama signed it.

As he left, a boy tried to give him a fist bump. Obama said no.
“If I start that …” his voice trailed off.

This makes us sad on so many levels.
Wow what a jerk that Obama is.
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maximum360 said:
Pro Obama ad on Christian radio:

Good move for Obama here. He might not be able to win over a large majority of Christian conservatives but it may make them pause before attacking Obama as a completely secular individual, neutralize the talking point that Obama is a Muslim, steal at least some votes from McCain, and/or possibly make some stay home and just not vote for McCain in November.

The Obama campaign has nothing to do with that organization or its ads. It's not a bad idea, though.


artredis1980 said:
the day Osama dies naturally, Democrats win
the day Osama dies militarily, Republicans win

Ummmm... call me crazy but I'd be SHOCKED if, the day the US hears Osama is dead they don't claim credit for it, whether they caused it or not.


Small balls, big fun!
siamesedreamer said:
Race has nothing to do with my dislike for the guy. But hey, keep up the notion that anyone who doesn't like him is a racist. And, in doing so, continue to violate the rules of the thread.

I missed this before. I'm floored by the sheer chutzpah.
speculawyer said:
Wait . . . . WHAT? Is that like the Obama is Muslim rumor?

Edit: WTF? Is this true?
I'm still amazed by the fact that I had never heard about this 5 planes thing until now. I'm not sure if I should be impressed by restraint of the people for not touting this or upset that there are are not sleazy operative out pushing it. Perhaps it is being saved until later?

I want to see the outline of 5 fighter jets stenciled onto the 'straight-talk express' bus by photoshop. :lol

I know . . . it is a kind of a low blow . . . but can you really say that it is not a legitmate fact that is worthy of consideration at all?


ABC News' David Wright reports from Cartagena, Colombia. Sen. John McCain has set himself a difficult task on his trip to Latin America: to score political points against rival Barack Obama without criticizing him directly.

"I believe that partisanship ends at the water’s edge," McCain said emphatically, when asked about Obama at a press conference at the Colombian Presidential retreat here.

But on the inaugural flight of the Straight Talk Express – airborne edition – McCain felt freer to let loose.

On the plane, he blasted Obama’s opposition to the proposed Colombia free trade deal.

"He’s a protectionist and anti-free trade," McCain said. "Now he has switched, I mean remarkably, from saying that he would unilaterally renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement in the strongest possible terms in Ohio – he went to North Carolina and said well, I’m for free trade.

"It wouldn’t surprise me to see him switch on this one," McCain said.

McCain bristled at the comments on "Face the Nation" last weekend by an Obama supporter, retired general Wesley Clark, who belittled the relevance of McCain’s wartime experience as a qualification for the Presidency.

"I think it’s up to Sen. Obama now not only to repudiate him but to cut him loose," McCain said.

McCain became visibly angry when I asked him to explain how his Vietnam experience prepared him for the Presidency.

"Please," he said, recoiling back in his seat in distaste at the very question.

McCain allies Sen. Lindsey Graham stepped in to rescue him. Graham expressed admiration for McCain’s stance on the treatment of detainees in US custody.

"That to me is a classic example of how his military experience helped him shape public policy in a way no other senator could have done,’’ Graham said.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, also traveling on the trip, expressed admiration for McCain’s wartime service as well.

McCain then collected himself and apologized for his initial reaction.

"I kind of reacted the way I did because I have a reluctance to talk about my experiences," he said, noting that he has huge admiration for the "heroes" who served with him in the POW camp and said the experience taught him to love the U.S. because he missed it so much.

"I am always reluctant to talk about these things," McCain said.

Asked about one of his former jailors from the notorious Hanoi Hilton who has now endorsed his candidacy for President, McCain chuckled.

"Yeah, I saw that," he said. "He also said that he and I used to have these nice, long philosophical chats. The ones that I recall is, confess or else."
In McCains defense,that Obama supporter in the article sounded like a dick though.


McCain rejects his own admissions, denies ignorance on the economy

Earlier this year, in a nationally televised debate, Tim Russert confronted John McCain with some of his inconvenient admissions: “You have said repeatedly, ‘I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues.’” McCain was incredulous and dismissive, “Actually, I don’t know where you got that quote from.”

Soon after, McCain appeared on “Meet the Press,” and Russert returned to the subject and responded to McCain’s slight — “I got [the quote] from John McCain” — and highlighted McCain’s record of admissions about economic ignorance. “OK,” McCain said, no longer able to deny reality, “Let me tell you what I was trying to say and what I meant.”

This morning, in a disconcerting example of dishonesty, McCain went back to pretending his quote collection doesn’t exist:

See link for the clip.

For those who can’t watch clips online, ABC’s Robin Roberts prefaced a question about economics, telling McCain, “You have admitted that you’re not exactly an expert when it comes to the economy and many have said…” At that point, McCain interrupted: “I have not. I have not. Actually, I have not. I said that I am stronger on national security issues because of all the time I spent in the military. I’m very strong on the economy. I understand it.”

:lol Robert's is all stuck like "Uh. What??"
Hispanic voters may have preferred Sen. Hillary Clinton over Sen. Barack Obama in the Democratic primaries, but a new Gallup poll shows them lining up solidly behind Obama over Sen. John McCain in the general election, 59% to 29%.

Meanwhile, the New Mexico Independent reports that in New Mexico and other "battleground" states with large Hispanic populations -- Colorado, Nevada, Florida, and possibly Arizona -- pollsters found Obama leading McCain in those states 57% to 26%.


Door2Dawn said:
Wow what a jerk that Obama is.

Geez... I hope that didn't actually happen. I think it says something about how Obama views Americans that he made many principled stands during the primary, and now he's folding on every issue large and small. For some reason, he felt confident to say the Gas Tax Holiday was bullshit, but now that he's running the general, he's all lapelled up. Pathetic.
The military trainers who came to Guantánamo Bay in December 2002 based an entire interrogation class on a chart showing the effects of “coercive management techniques” for possible use on prisoners, including “sleep deprivation,” “prolonged constraint,” and “exposure.”

What the trainers did not say, and may not have known, was that their chart had been copied verbatim from a 1957 Air Force study of Chinese Communist techniques used during the Korean War to obtain confessions, many of them false, from American prisoners.

The recycled chart is the latest and most vivid evidence of the way Communist interrogation methods that the United States long described as torture became the basis for interrogations both by the military at the base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and by the Central Intelligence Agency.

I give credit to the McCain camp on this, whenever there's even a slight negative story about McCain in the press, they push back quickly and hard so the press rarely goes there anymore. They spin it and play the victim card. This is one area where the Obama camp is lacking. They rarely push back at the press and so the GOP tends to control the narrative or at least direct towards Obama. The pushback shouldn't necessarily come back from Obama but his surrogates who should call out the press on their bias, hypocrisy, and double standards. If they don't start they're going to pummelled from now until November.


theBishop said:
Geez... I hope that didn't actually happen. I think it says something about how Obama views Americans that he made many principled stands during the primary, and now he's folding on every issue large and small. For some reason, he felt confident to say the Gas Tax Holiday was bullshit, but now that he's running the general, he's all lapelled up. Pathetic.

I hope you are not serious.
maximum360 said:
I give credit to the McCain camp on this, whenever there's even a slight negative story about McCain in the press, they push back quickly and hard so the press rarely goes there anymore. They spin it and play the victim card. This is one area where the Obama camp is lacking. They rarely push back at the press and so the GOP tends to control the narrative or at least direct towards Obama. The pushback shouldn't necessarily come back from Obama but his surrogates who should call out the press on their bias, hypocrisy, and double standards. If they don't start they're going to pummelled from now until November.

Polling shows Obama widening though doesn't it?

How do you explain that with your view point?


maximum360 said:
I give credit to the McCain camp on this, whenever there's even a slight negative story about McCain in the press, they push back quickly and hard so the press rarely goes there anymore. They spin it and play the victim card. This is one area where the Obama camp is lacking. They rarely push back at the press and so the GOP tends to control the narrative or at least direct towards Obama. The pushback shouldn't necessarily come back from Obama but his surrogates who should call out the press on their bias, hypocrisy, and double standards. If they don't start they're going to pummelled from now until November.
Yeah, McCain's camp recently has been doing a great job of putting Obama on the defensive with their silly accusations and demands.

Of course, so far the polls aren't showing this strategy having any effect, so I'm not sure why you think they'll get pummelled.
Door2Dawn said:
What month is it?

Well if McCain was performing better shouldn't he be closing the gap right now?

I am not saying anything about who will win in November... just saying that if Obama continues on the path he is at right now... he should win.
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