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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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mckmas8808 said:
How do you guys feel about the Government bailing out GM (General Motors)? They are only worth $6 Billion, while Toyota is worth $148 Billion.
I don't really like the idea of a bail-out.

However, I do think that, for the good of the country as a whole, the government should give a nice tax credit to buyers of plug-in electric cars such as the GM Volt. This benefits the country as a whole by reducing our reliance on foreign oil (national security), reducing trade deficit(economics), reducing pollution(health benefits), etc.

And it is kind of a nice side effect that it would help GM out a bit. But that isn't the main intent. :D
Obama has announced plans to visit Great Britain, France, Germany, Israel, and Jordan in the coming weeks—and also travel to Iraq and Afghanistan before the Democratic National Convention in August.
I wonder if this could backfire on Obama in some way.

I could see a massive crowd like that Portland, Oregon crowd gathering in some European country like Germany (or worse, France!) to see him speak. Such a love-fest might cause a backlash in the USA where some would say "See . . . those commie athiest cheese-eating surrender monkeys love him so he must be bad!"


speculawyer said:
I wonder if this could backfire on Obama in some way.

I could see a massive crowd like that Portland, Oregon crowd gathering in some European country like Germany (or worse, France!) to see him speak. Such a love-fest might cause a backlash in the USA where some would say "See . . . those commie athiest cheese-eating surrender monkeys love him so he must be bad!"

These are the same people inclined to believe him a Muslim Socialist hell-bent on destroying God's green earth (a decidedly small portion named America) from within. Fuck 'em I say and not in the good Las Vegas way. Casting all that aside, your speculation is silly and paranoid so leave that to the aforementioned, eh?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
My god. They are running with Obama loan-gate now.

Congrats, SD.
reilo said:
My god. They are running with Obama loan-gate now.

Congrats, SD.
It's about time. They were practically giving him that home with that insanely low interest loan. If I was only a smooth-talking politician, then maybe I could get one of those sweet 5.625% interest loans. Alas, being but a mere mortal, I'm stuck with these ridiculous 5.93% rates. What, does he think he's better than me? Go get him pundits!


The Lamonster said:
man. I am fired up. Let's do this. I can't wait for November 4th.

Better not be older than mah momma.
speculawyer said:
I wonder if this could backfire on Obama in some way.

I could see a massive crowd like that Portland, Oregon crowd gathering in some European country like Germany (or worse, France!) to see him speak. Such a love-fest might cause a backlash in the USA where some would say "See . . . those commie athiest cheese-eating surrender monkeys love him so he must be bad!"

Those people don't support Obama anyway. Many claim to be partial but are just waiting for another superficial excuse to be upset with him. "Obama made a speech in France? I guess we know where his true feeling lie!" smh

THE SHORT LIST. John McCain gave his fairly standard answer on Mitt Romney as a VP contender: “Mitt Romney is a great person, and he's done a great job for us, and we're really pleased at the cooperation and help that he's given us and he won millions of Republican votes so there will be a big place for him in the Republican party in the future, but obviously we're not talking about specific candidates.”

Bob Dole’s former manager says he expects McCain to name his VP on the Friday after the Dem convention. Scott Reed: "It would be a good way to quash Obama's bounce."



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GhaleonEB said:
Who is "they"?

This is the definition of stupid, if it hits the MSM. It was a padded non-story.

It already hit the MSM. I saw it today. But the loan company protected Obama saying that he was going to be a sentor (which means that 83% of the time will be re-elected, so that means that they will make over $150K for x amount of years), so he deserved a rate cut.

And they said it's not illegal for someone like Obama to get a % cut.



Here is the actual exchange based on a review of ABC's video:

Child: Can you sign my hand?

Obama: If I start that...plus Mom might not be happy when she comes home. She'll be like, 'what is the dirt on your hand?'...see ya.

Child: Can you sign it in pen so it will come off?

The child rose his hand in a fist to get Obama's attention as he asked for a signature – perhaps prompting the fist bump portrayal.

Obama instead signed the autographs for the children in crayon on drawings they were working on during class.



mckmas8808 said:
It already hit the MSM. I saw it today. But the loan company protected Obama saying that he was going to be a sentor (which means that 83% of the time will be re-elected, so that means that they will make over $150K for x amount of years), so he deserved a rate cut.

And they said it's not illegal for someone like Obama to get a % cut.
And that entire story is utter bullshit.

Irresponsible Journalism Alert

It took more than four months, but something finally beat out the Vicki Iseman story for its sheer chutzpah and utter irresponsibility.

The culprit is this piece from the Washington Post, which alleges that Barack Obama received a "discount" on his 30-year home mortgage when he purchased his house in Hyde Park in 2005. Obama's mortgage rate was 5.625 percent; the Washington Post cites databases stating that the average rate on comparable properties was 5.93 percent.

So Obama's rate was 30 basis points better than the average. However, the amount of the loan and the nature of the property are not the only factors that determine a mortgage rate. Another major consideration is the creditworthiness of the borrower. According to current rate quotes from myFICO.com, a borrower with very good credit can expect a mortgage rate about 30 basis points better than someone with pretty good credit, and a borrower with excellent credit can expect about a 50 basis point discount.

Unless the Washington Post has access to Obama's FICO score -- and unless it has rented an apartment to him, it probably doesn't -- it is missing a pretty important piece of information on what Obama's mortgage rate ought to have been. What was Obama's FICO score? I don't know, but considering that...

* Obama had just gotten a $2.27 million book deal from Random House -- about $1 million more than the value of the mortgage.
* The Obamas each had exceptionally secure jobs that paid them a combined annual salary of about $500,000 per year.
* The Obamas had just sold their condo, on which they had realized a $137,500 profit.
* The Obamas were prominent public figures whose political futures depended in part on maintaining a reputation for responsibility and trustworthiness.
* The Obamas are known to be relatively thrifty and have no credit card debt but substantial savings.

...I would think that the Obamas were exceptionally creditworthy. So indeed, Obama received a "discount" -- the same discount that any borrower in his position would have received.

And, yes, I apologize for being a little off-subject (and running three media-bashing pieces in a row), but one of the things that ties together my work over here and my work at Baseball Prospectus is that I want the media to be smarter and more accountable when they cite statistical information, be it mortgage rates or polling numbers or batting averages. This article was neither smart nor accountable. It's the equivalent of noting that Alex Rodriguez has a batting average 40 points better than the league average, and using that to infer that the umpires were biased in his favor.
Tamanon said:
Triumph should be happy, Rachel Maddow is hosting Countdown tonight.

Wait.....Public service is now right-wing?

To left wing crazies, yes. I for one welcome Obama's shift toward the center.

Although between this and yesterday's faith based initiatives you could argue "he's clinging to guns and religion! lolz" but ok.


It's weird, no Chris Matthews, no Olbermann, no David Gregory tonight. Did they get early vacations for the 4th or something?:lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:

What's up with all the dumbass BS Obama stories within the last couple of days?

1. No Obama fist-bump to kid gate

2. Obama received % off his house gate

3. AP says Obama wants faith based programs to hire and fire based on religion gate

All of them are either completely false or horribly misleading. Is the MSM looking for something to make the race closer?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
That Obama, how dare he alienate the ENTIRE left because of three issues?!

Gosh. What will we ever do now?


mckmas8808 said:
What's up with all the dumbass BS Obama stories within the last couple of days?

1. No Obama fist-bump to kid gate

2. Obama received % off his house gate

3. AP says Obama wants faith based programs to hire and fire based on religion gate

All of them are either completely false or horribly misleading. Is the MSM looking for something to make the race closer?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
mckmas8808 said:
What's up with all the dumbass BS Obama stories within the last couple of days?

1. No Obama fist-bump to kid gate

2. Obama received % off his house gate

3. AP says Obama wants faith based programs to hire and fire based on religion gate

All of them are either completely false or horribly misleading. Is the MSM looking for something to make the race closer?

its almost getting to slanderous levels. its disgusting.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Lv99 Slacker said:
Ugh. Is there a significant portion among Countdown viewers that care about celebrity news or something?

Yes that's always apart of his show. It's the cool down part of the show. It's good because it's different than the other 15 political shows that's on TV all day every day.

quadriplegicjon said:
its almost getting to slanderous levels. its disgusting.

That's what's pissing me off. These things are so small even if they were true (well except the faith thing), that it just has me wondering.

Why not be factual the first time?
Why say that Obama didn't want to give dap to a 7 year old kid?
Why make up a story that makes Obama appear that he cheated the mortage industry by getting .25% discount on the AVERAGE APR on a house?

Don't these journalist know what an average even means? I mean doesn't it mean that some people will be over that average and some people will be below that average number. Why is it a story?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I got a better deal, even adjusted, on my mortgage. I am powerful elite, confirmed!

Siamese Dreamer is really getting comical these days. Worst poster on gaf, by a country mile.



McCain Health Credit Could Morph Into Tax Hike

ABC News' Teddy Davis and James Gerber Report: Sen. John McCain's, R-Ariz., health-care plan would replace the existing tax exclusion for employer-sponsored coverage with a refundable tax credit for all Americans. The tax change is intended to create a more equitable system that provides everyone -- including those who do not receive their health coverage from their employer -- with the same tax advantage. And since it is refundable, it would provide a cash benefit to those who earn too little to pay federal income taxes.

But if the cost of health care continues to outpace inflation in the economy at large, McCain's health credit would morph into a tax hike for those who currently receive a tax exclusion for employer-sponsored coverage, according to a study released Wednesday by the liberal Center for American Progress.

"For millions of middle class families, the credit is smaller than the current tax subsidies, meaning that it is in fact a tax increase," said Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of former Sen. John Edwards, D-SC, and a senior fellow at CAP. "I know he's pledged not to have any tax increases, but this in fact will work as a tax increase."

McCain's tax credit could morph into a tax hike because the credit grows only at the rate of inflation (about 2 percent a year), while current tax subsidies keep up with health insurance premiums (which are growing at about 7 percent per year).

For a couple earning $40,000 per year and paying an average premium of $13,800, McCain's new tax credit would cut their taxes by $50 in 2009.

"Because the credit quickly falls behind rising premiums that are the basis for the current tax break, the family would pay $1,169 more in taxes in 2013. The family would pay $2,809 more in taxes by 2018," write James Kvaal, Peter Harbage, and Ben Furnas, the report's authors.

The McCain campaign does not dispute the study's assertion that the Arizona senator's proposed tax credit would offer a smaller subsidy over time than the current exclusion if health premiums continue to grow more quickly than inflation.

The McCain campaign is hoping, however, that its tax credit will exert downward pressure on prices.

It is also hoping that other reforms favored by the presumptive Republican nominee will lower costs, making his tax credit sufficient.

"John McCain believes that the fact that health care spending outpaces inflation by a factor of three is exactly the problem, and is exactly why health insurance is increasingly out of reach for Americans," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers. "John McCain's plan includes prevention, affordable drugs, greater use of health information technology, coordinated care, and medical liability reform to address the rising cost of care to reverse this trend."


McCain's policy team is ace. And this the week before the big health care push starts from the the Democrats.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:


McCain's policy team is ace. And this the week before the big health care push starts from the the Democrats.

The McCain campaign does not dispute the study's assertion that the Arizona senator's proposed tax credit would offer a smaller subsidy over time than the current exclusion if health premiums continue to grow more quickly than inflation.

Like WOW!!! This is not goodz.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
worldrunover said:
It goes both ways. Abrams talking about Cindy McCain's credit card purchases... who gives a flip?

But at least that's actually true and makes sense according to the campaign. With the republicans calling Obama an elitist and Karl Rove saying he's a jive turkey in the country club sipping on some wine.

I can see why pointing out Cindy McCain's real life is important.


speculawyer said:
I don't really like the idea of a bail-out.

However, I do think that, for the good of the country as a whole, the government should give a nice tax credit to buyers of plug-in electric cars such as the GM Volt. This benefits the country as a whole by reducing our reliance on foreign oil (national security), reducing trade deficit(economics), reducing pollution(health benefits), etc.

And it is kind of a nice side effect that it would help GM out a bit. But that isn't the main intent. :D
How the hell are you a libertarian again?

mckmas8808 said:
I can see why pointing out Cindy McCain's real life is important.
You are so full of the kool-aid
mckmas8808 said:
But at least that's actually true and makes sense according to the campaign. With the republicans calling Obama an elitist and Karl Rove saying he's a jive turkey in the country club sipping on some wine.

I can see why pointing out Cindy McCain's real life is important.


You have got to be fucking kidding me. What is important are the issues. Not the fucking recipe that Cindy McCain uses for her fucking cookies.

All shitty journalism on pointless crap is shit. Don't fucking defend it out of spite because Michelle Obama has received similar attacks.

Its all fucking bullshit and it has absolutely zero importance on America's future.

Its a waste of air.


Yeah I don't really care about Cindy McCain's credit card usage, we all know she's just a rich heiress.

But McCain's healthcare plan is pretty hilarious, no wonder Elizabeth Edwards called him out on it. Believing that through the magic of nothing the healthcare premiums will stop rising as fast, awesome.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Yeah I don't really care about Cindy McCain's credit card usage, we all know she's just a rich heiress.

But McCain's healthcare plan is pretty hilarious, no wonder Elizabeth Edwards called him out on it. Believing that through the magic of nothing the healthcare premiums will stop rising as fast, awesome.

The GOP way: This problem has to go away sooner or later, right?
Tamanon said:
But McCain's healthcare plan is pretty hilarious, no wonder Elizabeth Edwards called him out on it. Believing that through the magic of nothing the healthcare premiums will stop rising as fast, awesome.

Totally... I hope this is what gets coverage and not any of this bullshit about McCain's war experience or if Obama is religious or not.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Karma Kramer said:

You have got to be fucking kidding me. What is important are the issues. Not the fucking recipe that Cindy McCain uses for her fucking cookies.

All shitty journalism on pointless crap is shit. Don't fucking defend it out of spite because Michelle Obama has received similar attacks.

Its all fucking bullshit and it has absolutely zero importance on America's future.

Its a waste of air.

I'm not saying it's really important. I didn't want to make it sound like that. But I can understand why the MSM would at least report it. It should be reported.

Now should it have any real meaning? NO! But given the context of this election it should be reported. If you do it on one side, do it on both sides. That's how I feel.
avatar299 said:
How the hell are you a libertarian again?
I'm a left-leaning Libertarian. I believe markets are extremely important and should be used as much as possible. However, I also believe that it acceptable in some situations, such as when dealing with limited energy resource, to adjust the market for the public good.

Left completely alone, markets often lead to shortages or over-supply due to short-term thinking and the lack of direction. When you know the supply of oil is limited and will eventually start going down, it makes sense to subsidise alternatives to get them started such that a panic shortage does not happen. It also reduces pollution, increases national security, helps the trade deficit, etc.




mckmas8808 said:
What's up with all the dumbass BS Obama stories within the last couple of days?

1. No Obama fist-bump to kid gate

2. Obama received % off his house gate

3. AP says Obama wants faith based programs to hire and fire based on religion gate

All of them are either completely false or horribly misleading. Is the MSM looking for something to make the race closer?

They're just taking what they did when it was Obama against Hillary but just substitute Hillary for McCain and make it 100x more ridiculous.

It's down to the point where if the MSM can't write anything ridiculous to make it sound close or try to make it closer, they'd have nothing to write about at all.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mj1108 said:
They're just taking what they did when it was Obama against Hillary but just substitute Hillary for McCain and make it 100x more ridiculous.

It's down to the point where if the MSM can't write anything ridiculous to make it sound close or try to make it closer, they'd have nothing to write about at all.

Even Scarborough said today that "even if Reagan were to suddenly reincarnate and become 30 years younger and was on the ticket instead of McCain, Obama would still slaughter him in the generals. It's not even close."

Then again, McCain said the same thing about Obama running against Hillary..


speculawyer said:
I'm a left-leaning Libertarian.
Yes i've heard the term. Thank you Mr Webb

speculawyer said:
I believe markets are extremely important and should be used as much as possible. However, I also believe that it acceptable in some situations, such as when dealing with limited energy resource, to adjust the market for the public good.
I'm sorry, but no. Oil is not sarce and hybrid( and all that encompasses) technology is already growing.

If anything, A "left-Libertarian" would pull a Ross Perot. A 1 dollar increase in gas tax and a 10%$ increase every year after would force people onto new stuff without giving money away, sticking your hand into a new industry and severely impacting it and would raise over a 100 billion in a 5-10 year span that will help th value of the american dollar.

speculawyer said:
Left completely alone, markets often lead to shortages or over-supply due to short-term thinking and the lack of direction. When you know the supply of oil is limited and will eventually start going down, it makes sense to subsidise alternatives to get them started such that a panic shortage does not happen. It also reduces pollution, increases national security, helps the trade deficit, etc.
No, it doesn't. Consumers are already looking for an alternative, manufacturers want to get their product onto the road. There is no need for intervention there.

It comes down to this, do you want to get from A to B making money, or putting less money into the economy


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
reilo said:
Even Scarborough said today that "even if Reagan were to suddenly reincarnate and become 30 years younger and was on the ticket instead of McCain, Obama would still slaughter him in the generals. It's not even close."

Then again, McCain said the same thing about Obama running against Hillary

What does this mean?


I think he meant Scarbs said the same thing, he predicted that Obama would get absolutely crushed, demolished by Hillary.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
avatar299 said:
Yes i've heard the term. Thank you Mr Webb

I'm sorry, but no. Oil is not sarce and hybrid( and all that encompasses) technology is already growing.

If anything, A "left-Libertarian" would pull a Ross Perot. A 1 dollar increase in gas tax and a 10%$ increase every year after would force people onto new stuff without giving money away, sticking your hand into a new industry and severely impacting it and would raise over a 100 billion in a 5-10 year span that will help th value of the american dollar.

No, it doesn't. Consumers are already looking for an alternative, manufacturers want to get their product onto the road. There is no need for intervention there.

It comes down to this, do you want to get from A to B making money, or putting less money into the economy

There's nothing wrong with putting money into alternative energy. It helps out the country. That's what the government is for. To help the country.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
worldrunover said:
It goes both ways. Abrams talking about Cindy McCain's credit card purchases... who gives a flip?

as retarded as a story that is, at least its based on real facts.. the obama stories mckmas8808 listed seem to be completely fabricated.
Has this really not been posted yet?

McCain denies roughing up Sandinista
CARTAGENA, Colombia - John McCain denied a Republican colleague's claim that he roughed up an associate of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega on a diplomatic mission in 1987, saying the allegation was "simply not true."

Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., told a Mississippi newspaper that he saw McCain, during a trip to Nicaragua led by former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., grab an Ortega associate by his shirt collar and lift him out of his chair.
"McCain was down at the end of the table and we were talking to the head of the guerrilla group here at this end of the table and I don't know what attracted my attention," Cochran said in an interview with The Sun Herald in Biloxi, Miss. "But I saw some kind of quick movement at the bottom of the table and I looked down there and John had reached over and grabbed this guy by the shirt collar and had snatched him up like he was throwing him up out of the chair to tell him what he thought about him or whatever ...

"I don't know what he was telling him but I thought, 'Good grief, everybody around here has got guns and we were there on a diplomatic mission.' I don't know what had happened to provoke John, but he obviously got mad at the guy ... and he just reached over there and snatched ... him."
Badass! :lol

Edit: Argh, posted twice already. Sorry, should've searched harder.
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