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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
PhoenixDark said:
I can't help but wonder if Clark's stupid outburst was the Clinton's idea, not his. And I hate conspiracy theories and shit but I dunno...

Again, I don't think on its face it was a stupid statement. It's the endless rehashing of it and other statements that makes it sound stupid. A self-fulfilling prophecy and an artificially manufactured scandal.

That parasitic relationship between headlines and semantics will define this election more than anything else. It's embarrassing.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama Family Celebrates Fourth of July, Enjoys The Parade In Butte, Montana


Perhaps it is the dress or just me, but I suspect that if this had been anyone else, there would already be rumors that Michelle Obama is expecting a little something in about five/six months. :lol











Chichikov said:
Hardly, a Roveian attack would have been suggesting that he got shot due to incompetence and went mad and brainwashed in the POW camp.

Wait, why am I saying 'would have been'?
:lol Well-played.
Would you be more or less likely to vote for McCain if you knew he had a black baby?
You know, maybe Obama is going to lose the war against McCain on the media... but win the election, by just ever so slowly winning them over with these organized appearances in pretty much every state across the country.


100% logic failure rate
Has there been a first lady who gave birth while the president was in office? Wonder how it would affect the race if Michelle was pregnant.


ralexand said:
Has there been a first lady who gave birth while the president was in office? Wonder how it would affect the race if Michelle was pregnant.

Jackie O. was pregnant with John Jr. throughout the campaign and then she later had a kid which only lived for a week while in the White House.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Luckily Freud was a charlatan and a fraud, because if he was right, this photo would destroy the world faster than a Large Hadron Collider.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I assume that's secret service behind the Obamas in the bleachers?

NewLib said:
Jackie O. was pregnant with John Jr. throughout the campaign and then she later had a kid which only lived for a week while in the White House.
I never knew that.


Obama Refines the Blame on Iraq Miscue

ST. LOUIS – Two days ago, Senator Barack Obama said he had not been clear enough in explaining his Iraq policy. Today, there was a different rationale.

The confusion was not his fault, Mr. Obama said, but rather the media’s for seizing on three words he uttered in Fargo, N.D., when he suggested he would be open to “refine my policies” on Iraq.

“I was surprised by how finely calibrated every single word was measured,” he said, speaking to reporters as he flew here from Montana.

Mr. Obama touched off a stir on Thursday when he said he would consult American military commanders in Iraq before saying whether he would continue to pursue a proposed timetable of withdrawing combat troops within 16 months of taking office. A few hours later, he took the rare step of calling a second news conference to reiterate his commitment to end the war.

“I was a little puzzled by the frenzy that I set off by what I thought was a pretty innocuous statement,” he said, speaking on Saturday about the episode for the first time. “I am absolutely committed to ending the war.”

When asked whether his Iraq views would be difficult to explain to voters, Mr Obama said: “What’s important is to understand the difference between strategy and tactics. The tactics of how we ensure our troops are safe as we pull out, how we execute the withdrawal, those are things that are all based on facts and conditions. I am not somebody – unlike George Bush – who is willing to ignore facts on the basis of my preconceived notions.”

So did he misspeak on Thursday when he said he would gather additional information in Iraq and “continue to refine my policies?”

No, he said, he did not.

“I wasn’t saying anything that I hadn’t said before,” Mr. Obama said.
As he spoke here, a dozen or more reporters furiously took notes and recorded his words. Aides later conceded that Mr. Obama knows the office he seeks – the Oval Office – comes with a job description of calibrating and measuring every single word.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Door2Dawn said:
Seriously,doesn't the word "refine" means to strengthen or something? My vocabulary is a little fuzzy.
The media is convinced that change of any kind is bad and wrong.


Awesome. Keep on talking Iraq, media. Keep on talking Iraq until and after Obama travels there. Make him more Presidential beyond your wildest nightmares.

"Hey, didja hear? Obama aint' just gonna yell "Presto!" and bring 'em home!"

"I reckon that's for the better. Gotta make sure it's orderly and all."

"Well, as orderly as we're gonna get I guess."

"Uh huh."
I think that Obama's shift on iraq will dampen the left's turnout for him in the fall and it most definitely will slow down his online fundraising efforts.


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I think that Obama's shift on iraq will dampen the left's turnout for him in the fall and it most definitely will slow down his online fundraising efforts.
I think you should stick to the gaming forums.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I think that Obama's shift on iraq will dampen the left's turnout for him in the fall and it most definitely will slow down his online fundraising efforts.

He hasn't shifted on Iraq.
OuterWorldVoice said:
He hasn't shifted on Iraq.
Its strange after watching the primaries and remember hearing him say countless of times he would listen to the commanders on the ground. This whole up-roar is suspicious... Why can't one news network pull up his remarks during the primary about listening to the commander?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Deus Ex Machina said:
Its strange after watching the primaries and remember hearing him say countless of times he would listen to the commanders on the ground. This whole up-roar is suspicious... Why can't one news network pull up his remarks during the primary about listening to the commander?

The news organizations suffer the irony of built-in conflict of interest.

To be successful in news, they must seek or create controversy where none exists.


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I think that Obama's shift on iraq will dampen the left's turnout for him in the fall and it most definitely will slow down his online fundraising efforts.
There was no shift. He literally just said what he's been saying for over a year now, and the media had an aneurysm.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Its strange after watching the primaries and remember hearing him say countless of times he would listen to the commanders on the ground. This whole up-roar is suspicious... Why can't one news network pull up his remarks during the primary about listening to the commander?

Well, Guileless laid it straight and done told us it ain't for the ratings money. So scratch that. Guess we're left with them being right assholes but shit, the sky's blue, ya know? I reckon the day they do some of that thar fact-checkin's the day whole world's gonna be swallowed up inna cloud of death. Revelations I think got sumthin' to say on these sorts of matters I know but Lord forgive me I done forgot exactly what.


GhaleonEB said:
There was no shift. He literally just said what he's been saying for over a year now, and the media had an aneurysm.

It really seems like he has just been using different rhetoric with democratic crowds and more centrist crowds.
More 4th of July pics.


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, right, and his wife Michelle, center, arrive with their two daughters, Malia, left, and Sasha to watch a Fourth of July parade in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, left, cheer as they watch an Independence Day parade in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Michelle Obama, from left, her daughter Sasha, Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, Malia, Obama's half sister Maya Ng, Maya's husband Konrad Ng, and their daughter Suhalia watch an Independence Day parade in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, right, gives a thumb up as he watches an Independence Day parade with his wife Michelle, and their daughter Sasha, in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama greets supporters after speaking at an Independence Day picnic in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, left, and his wife Michelle, center, greet supporters at an Independence Day picnic in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


100% logic failure rate
NewLib said:
Jackie O. was pregnant with John Jr. throughout the campaign and then she later had a kid which only lived for a week while in the White House.
Wow! I never knew that either. Thanks for the info.

And Thanks Deus! Your work is most appreciated and the highlight of these threads.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The parsing and torturing of language by the media is the result of campaigns doggedly staying 'on message.' The press follows the candidate to every campaign stop and hears the same speech and the same spin from campaign surrogates over and over , so when they get anything that sounds just a little different and potentially interesting, they pounce on it like manna from heaven. In the old days candidates literally stayed on their front porch and occasionally made a speech to whoever wandered up when they had something to say, but obviously we're a long way from that now.
Deus Ex Machina said:

Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, left, and his wife Michelle, center, greet supporters at an Independence Day picnic in Butte, Mont., Friday, July 4, 2008.
(AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
Love that picture . . . Obama giving a happy fist bump. 3 secret service guys all closely watching to make sure it is nothing but a fist bump.
speculawyer said:
Love that picture . . . Obama giving a happy fist bump. 3 secret service guys all closely watching to make sure it is nothing but a fist bump.

They've all seen X-Men; they know what can spring out of those knuckles at any moment.


GOP is starting to ramp up their media. The "Vets for Freedom" - a GOP pro-Iraq war group - is up with their first ad, as is the RNC with an ad on energy. Basically portraying Obama as toeing the party line (but since the GOP is so unpopular, that might not be a bad thing).


Both of them are there. I'm interested to see when the DNC is able to get their ads up, since they have run so far behind on fundraising. Obama's been doing tons of events for them the past two months.
GhaleonEB said:
GOP is starting to ramp up their media. The "Vets for Freedom" - a GOP pro-Iraq war group - is up with their first ad, as is the RNC with an ad on energy. Basically portraying Obama as toeing the party line (but since the GOP is so unpopular, that might not be a bad thing).


Both of them are there. I'm interested to see when the DNC is able to get their ads up, since they have run so far behind on fundraising. Obama's been doing tons of events for them the past two months.

Tastes so good...

No amount of advertisements is going to convince the majority of the American people that the Iraq war is a war that is worth fighting and sacrificing our troops/funds on. I'm glad that the GOP is keeping it in the spotlight though; keep hammering the point home with the general population and see where they end up in November.
GhaleonEB said:
GOP is starting to ramp up their media. The "Vets for Freedom" - a GOP pro-Iraq war group -
I gotta check that out. The "freedom" aspect seems like a total farce . . . Iraq has been "free" since 2003 . . . that was 5 years ago. So why are we still there? Saddam is fucking dead. And don't even dare to bring up "Al-Qeada in Iraq" . . . that is a tiny extremist Sunni sect in a country that has a heavy Shiia majority.

The only 'freedom' we are fighting for now is the freedom of American oil companies to suck tax-payer subsidized oil out of that country.
Fred Barnes’s Advice To McCain: Revive Your Struggling Campaign By Using Gay-Bashing As A Wedge

Discussing Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) struggling campaign on Fox News Sunday today, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes argued that McCain “needs to pay attention to the right.” “Here’s what he needs to do, he needs to touch on some of the social issues which energize the right,” declared Barnes.

Barnes specifically said that McCain is “going to have use” gays in the military and gay marriage as wedge issues:

BARNES: In particular, gays in the military for one. We know Barack Obama is for allowing gays in the military, and Bill Clinton tried to do, but backed off. This is not a popular issue. Gay marriage is another one. These are both issues that I think McCain’s going to have to use. You can’t ignore the right. If he does, he’ll lose.

More at link
Lv99 Slacker said:
Fred Barnes’s Advice To McCain: Revive Your Struggling Campaign By Using Gay-Bashing As A Wedge

So basically the GOP message is fear and bigotry . . . a message that will be well received by cowards and bigots.
Barack Obama has proved to be a difficult target to hit — just ask Hillary Rodham Clinton. Opposition researchers, though, hope that they’ve found a weapon to wound Obama in his own voice as recorded for the Grammy Award-winning audio version of his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father.”

While candidates often have their own words turned against them in attack ads, it’s one thing to see past statements in block text and something else entirely to hear the same words in the office-seeker’s own voice.

“I think the audio version makes a much more immediate impact” than the print version of his memoir, said conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt, who has played audio excerpts from the book on his syndicated radio show. “It turns out to be very jarring to many ears to hear Obama talking about his youthful adventures, his attitudes on race.”

In “Dreams from My Father,” Obama tells the story of his multiracial background, childhood in Hawaii and Indonesia, college career in Los Angeles and New York, and years as a community organizer in Chicago, before entering Harvard Law School in 1988. The abridged audio version was released in May 2005 after Obama entered the Senate and was already being mentioned as a presidential candidate. It won the 2006 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album.

”Dreams from My Father” has been widely acclaimed as an introspective and insightful read far from the anodyne campaign-oriented books politicians often produce, traits that Obama’s critics believe make it ideal for use against the candidate.

In a passage describing his high school experience in Hawaii, for example, Obama explains the allure of drugs: “I kept playing basketball, attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically. … If the high didn’t solve whatever it was that was getting you down,” Obama intones, “it could at least help you laugh at the world’s ongoing folly.”

Talk about desperation :lol
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