The Chosen One said:Now Obama says he publicly regrets doing the Access Hollywood interview? Why???
I didn't see anything wrong with it. The major news organizations are just jealous they didn't get the scoop. Now Obama is making a much bigger issue than it needed to be.
The interview, conducted by Maria Menounos, prompted criticism of the candidate, who had said that he wanted to keep his family life private, but now seemed to be using his family to advance his candidacy.
maximum360 said:![]()
Zogby drinking the Obama kool-aid?
Every single pollster this cycle has blown some states. Zogby nailed their fair share. That said, I recall Zogby online polls really do suck ass, and this looks like one.Cheebs said:Zogby polling is shit, remember his polling for California and Pennsylvania? Obama will win, but Zogby is going to vastly over predict Obama like always.
Or they could just illegally sell them weapons like any good Republican!Guileless said:Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday said Iran is a "great threat" and called for tighter sanctions after it test-fired nine missiles.
That just went over the wire this morning, but of course Sen. Obama also said Iran is "not a threat" a few months ago during the primaries. After Iran's revolutionary government destroyed the Carter presidency and branded the Democrats as weak and ineffective executives who lost a lot of national elections, I would think the Democrats in the foreign policy establishment would be especially sensitive to looking weak against Iran if they take power in Jan.
Guileless said:Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday said Iran is a "great threat" and called for tighter sanctions after it test-fired nine missiles.
That just went over the wire this morning, but of course Sen. Obama also said Iran is "not a threat" a few months ago during the primaries.
Obama during Primaries said:They don't pose a serious threat to us the way the Soviet Union posed a threat to us and yet we were willing to talk to the Soviet Union at the time when they were saying we're going wipe you off the planet.
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called Iran a threat that should be contained with diplomacy and tighter sanctions on Wednesday, and Republican John McCain said Tehran's missile test proved the need for a missile defense shield in Europe.
A week before the 2004 election ZOgby polling had Kerry winning a significant amount of states, over 300 electoral votes iirc.Incognito said:Zogby online polling correctly predicted 17 out of 18 Senate races in 2006.
Cheebs said:A week before the 2004 election ZOgby polling had Kerry winning a significant amount of states, over 300 electoral votes iirc.
Wouldnt online be less accurate since a lot of conservative leaning old people dont use the internet? I dont know how their online polling works so I dont want to make a claim about how it functions.Incognito said:That wasn't online polling, though.
McCains inability to wow a crowd is something that is given far less attention than warranted. Big excited crowds arent some democrat only thing. Bush in 2004 was able to fill football stadiums and get a crowd roaring and cheering.Tamanon said:![]()
Tamanon said:[IMG]
Although this picture does show McCain gaining amongst the Amish demographic. BEWARE
Cheebs said:Wouldnt online be less accurate since a lot of conservative leaning old people dont use the internet? I dont know how their online polling works so I dont want to make a claim about how it functions.
mckmas8808 said:So how many people think this Iran shooting missiles thing will help McCain this week?
ViperVisor said:It's like they enjoy the taste of bullshit and when they don't get enough from McCain they shove a colonic in any hole they can in anything Obama says or does and suck as hard and long as it takes to get more shit in their stomach.
It's not like Maria is worse than the lame brains that populate cable news.
What's your most memorable Channel One moment so far?
I would have to say the opportunity to interview the President of the United States is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Let's make it 2 for 2.
Hitokage said:
scorcho said:none of the political rhetoric on Iran matches reality - none of it. war hawks and ideologues on the right are happy to pray on a clueless American public that actually believes Iran to have a formidable military (not), economy (not), a suicidal will to destroy Israel (not) and a Hitler-esque leader who controls everything (not).
Liara T'Soni said:The fact that the Iraq government called for a pull-out should counter this.
Me personally, I'm so sick of this imperialist, sensationalist, bullshit from the west. The people of that nation have a right to test their fucking weapons. I don't give a fuck what the second-in-command says about Israel. People act like only certain nations should be allowed to have a military!
Guileless said:Semantics aside, I don't see how comparisons to the Soviet Union are a good way to think about this. Nothing is as threatening as a superpower with the world's largest military and nuclear arsenal organized around fighting the United States and its allies. Doesn't that just go without saying? What does that have to do with trying to prevent proliferation to non-nuclear states in 2008?
Precisely. With all the bluster about how Iran might obtain nuclear weapons, remember that the Soviet Union had the capacity to nuke the entire planet severe times over. And we still sat down with them. This does not mean Iran is not a threat, it means we should use all of the tools available in dealing with them, including direct diplomacy. Which is what Obama has been saying all along. It's not complex.Tamanon said:You're being pretty obtuse here. He was comparing them to the Soviet Union because for some reason the current policy has ruled out diplomacy as a method of neutralizing the "threat". And yet, the Soviet Union posed a MUCH greater threat and we still went through with diplomacy and it worked. Don't be a moron.
His ground game in that state is going to be huuuuuge.How much would Barack Obama love to win Missouri?
Let us count the staffers 148, 149, yes, 150
The Democrats campaign said Tuesday it is tripling its paid staff to an unprecedented 150 workers, who will fan out from 30 field offices across the state, from West Plains to Maryville.
Its unheard of, veteran Democratic worker Woody Overton of Kansas City said of the effort and expenditure.
Its unbelievable.
Desperate is the adjective John McCains camp uses.
When you feel like you have to put that many people in the state to cover it, means you think youre in trouble and you have to have a surge, said Jack Jackson, McCains Missouri co-chairman.
Recent polls indicate the race in Missouri is close.
McCains operation expects to have 12 to 14 full-time workers and 10 offices. The Arizona Republican now has four people on the ground.
The Obama camp said it already has 50.
The Illinois senators deep pockets, resulting from millions of small contributors, gives him the chance to organize in ways and places that no Democrat has before, experts say.
Sen. John Kerrys 2004 Missouri campaign had around 15 offices and 80 full-time workers, who ultimately were dispatched to other states deemed more competitive weeks before Election Day. President Bush had 50 staffers and about the same number of offices as Kerry.
Desperate would be if this was Massachusetts. This is Missouri, a very red state . . . this is optimistic.The Democrats campaign said Tuesday it is tripling its paid staff to an unprecedented 150 workers, who will fan out from 30 field offices across the state, from West Plains to Maryville.
Its unheard of, veteran Democratic worker Woody Overton of Kansas City said of the effort and expenditure.
Its unbelievable.
Desperate is the adjective John McCains camp uses.
When you feel like you have to put that many people in the state to cover it, means you think youre in trouble and you have to have a surge, said Jack Jackson, McCains Missouri co-chairman.
awesomeGhaleonEB said:Unrelated - Obama just tripled his paid staff in Missouri.
His ground game in that state is going to be huuuuuge.
Cheebs said:McCains inability to wow a crowd is something that is given far less attention than warranted. Big excited crowds arent some democrat only thing. Bush in 2004 was able to fill football stadiums and get a crowd roaring and cheering.
Obama Campaign said:"These missile tests demonstrate once again that we need to change our policy to deal aggressively with the threat posed by the Iranian regime. Through its nuclear program, missile capability, meddling in Iraq, support for terrorism, and threats against Israel, Iran now poses the greatest strategic challenge to the United States in the region in a generation. Now is the time to work with our friends and allies, and to pursue direct and aggressive diplomacy with the Iranian regime backed by tougher unilateral and multilateral sanctions. It's time to offer the Iranians a clear choice between increased costs for continuing their troubling behavior, and concrete incentives that would come if they change course.
"As these tests have reaffirmed, the threat from Iran's nuclear program is real and it is grave. As President, I will do everything in my power to eliminate that threat, and that must begin with direct, aggressive, and sustained diplomacy."
GhaleonEB said:Precisely. With all the bluster about how Iran might obtain nuclear weapons, remember that the Soviet Union had the capacity to nuke the entire planet severe times over. And we still sat down with them. This does not mean Iran is not a threat, it means we should use all of the tools available in dealing with them, including direct diplomacy. Which is what Obama has been saying all along. It's not complex.
Unrelated - Obama just tripled his paid staff in Missouri.
His ground game in that state is going to be huuuuuge.
So you don't think their turnout will be affected by candidate enthusiasm? Keep dreaming.PhoenixDark said:Seems like an irrelevant point. The people McCain attracts actually vote on a consistent basis, which is all that matters
:lolGhaleonEB said:
I really wish they'd run these on TV, not just on the web, even if they are snarky as hell.
I don't. Young people can go to rallies and scream their lungs out for Obama, but if they forget to vote in November, or lose interest (as so many usually do), it doesn't matter how loud they were at that rally. And it doesn't matter if McCain's supporters are sleepy old people, as long as they show up and vote for him, that's all that matters.ralexand said:So you don't think their turnout will be affected by candidate enthusiasm? Keep dreaming.
scorcho said:it's stupid. considering the military games Israel played before, i don't buy the argument of Iran's missile test as any more threatening. Israel and the US are allowed to saber rattle, but god forbid the country we're threatening decides to assert its right to defend itself. if we really, truly want to ratchet down tensions then end the speculative chatter on pre-emptive strikes and start/continue back-channel dialog with the Supreme Leader and his subordinates.
that won't happen though. the only thing we're interested in is in maintaining Israel's nuclear hegemony in the Middle East at all cost.