Oh, that's not going to play well. He skipped out on the veteran's bill as well, though that was a landslide. He's really dodging votes that cater to his base.Tamanon said:BTW, today might mark a banner day for McCain losing support from the elderly. First his silly "Social Security is a disgrace!" quote and today's the Medicare bill that they're one vote short on passing, and he chose not to attend.
ViperVisor said:With the Iran missile test news.
Lame but expected development, Obama has to live in the Land of Chocolate so during his interviews this morning he has to ratchet up the hype saying Iran is a serious threat. Can't have any qualifications or the retards jump on it and it spreads to the retards with college degrees.
I guessed before I saw this that we could destroy Iran with whatever carriers we got in the area.
I was watching a show on History about the aircraft dogfights in Desert Storm. We either blow them out of the sky before they even see us or one dude got outmaneuvered and ate sand with his MIG when he try to hang.
Tamanon said:BTW, today might mark a banner day for McCain losing support from the elderly. First his silly "Social Security is a disgrace!" quote and today's the Medicare bill that they're one vote short on passing, and he chose not to attend.
mckmas8808 said:WTF!? Why didn't he vote? What is the medicare bill about?
mckmas8808 said:WTF!? Why didn't he vote? What is the medicare bill about?
Tamanon said:It's the medicare bill about scaling back benefits. The one that's going to probably cause a good amount of doctors to stop taking Medicare.
The United States has refused to negotiate directly with Iran until it suspends enrichment, but it has also promised a full regional dialogue with Iran, which would include Iraq, Syria and Middle East peace, if enrichment stops. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said of the Iranian government: We would be willing to meet with them but not while they continue to inch toward nuclear weapons under the cover of talks...
The six world powers will refrain from any new action in the Security Council, while Iran will refrain from any new nuclear activity, including the installation of any new centrifuges, the fast-spinning machines that enrich uranium.
As before, the new proposal recognizes Irans right to peaceful nuclear energy. It pledges to support construction of modern light-water reactors, to arrange for the timely provision of enriched fuel and to cooperate in trade, energy, agriculture, the environment and civil aviation.
Guileless said:The New York Times saw the latest offer to Iran in June. Some of you seem to have the wrong idea about the state of Iran diplomacy wherein the State Dept. is helpless as 'the neocons' strut around like the mean CIA guy from the last Bourne movie.
The only thing Sen. Obama could do differently from a diplomacy standpoint is meet directly with Iran along with the Europeans before Iran suspends enrichment and offer it essentially the same deal. That would be a change, but it is hardly revolutionary. The deal they are being offered now provides them with enriched fuel appropriate for civil power generation and recognizes their right to civilian nuclear power; they don't need to enrich uranium themselves. Enriching fuel is hard, expensive, and insisting on the right to control the process has no plausible explanation beyond reserving the capability to create weapons.
"A story popped up on the ChicagoBoyz Blog. It says 'Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who would like very much to reimpose the old, so-called, "Fairness Doctrine" that once censored conservative opinion on television and radio broadcasting, is scheming to impose rules barring any member of Congress from posting opinions on any internet site without first obtaining prior approval from the Democratic leadership of Congress. No blogs, twitter, online forums nothing.'"
Lv99 Slacker said:From Slashdot: Nancy Pelosi vs. the Internet
Wednesday July 09, @02:00PM
Guileless said:The only thing Sen. Obama could do differently from a diplomacy standpoint is meet directly with Iran along with the Europeans before Iran suspends enrichment and offer it essentially the same deal.
Mandark said:giving Iran security guarantees, withdrawing US support and tolerance for groups like the MEK, Pejak, and Jundallah, and allowing Iran to join the multilateral institutions that would integrate it further into the world economy.
Lv99 Slacker said:From Slashdot: Nancy Pelosi vs. the Internet
Wednesday July 09, @02:00PM
the disgruntled gamer said:I don't. Young people can go to rallies and scream their lungs out for Obama, but if they forget to vote in November, or lose interest (as so many usually do), it doesn't matter how loud they were at that rally. And it doesn't matter if McCain's supporters are sleepy old people, as long as they show up and vote for him, that's all that matters.
Karma Kramer said:Can someone sum up Obama's tax cut plan... my mother thinks her taxes will go up even though she makes less then 227,000 a year.
bob_arctor said:
of course he is. If he helps out the rich the rich in turn help the working man. Sheesh, it's called Urination Economics.Byakuya769 said:bu bu but, I always learned that McCain was for the middle class working man!!!
Byakuya769 said:bu bu but, I always learned that McCain was for the middle class working man!!!
Karma Kramer said:Can someone sum up Obama's tax cut plan... my mother thinks her taxes will go up even though she makes less then 227,000 a year.
LizardKing said:i like all of the other obama numbers, but if you make 3 million a year your taxes will go up 25%? i'm all for progressive taxes but i think that's a little steep. should be about half that considering they already pay about 35%. No one should pay over 50% of their income in income tax, let alone 60%.
LizardKing said:i like all of the other obama numbers, but if you make 3 million a year your taxes will go up 25%? i'm all for progressive taxes but i think that's a little steep. should be about half that considering they already pay about 35%. No one should pay over 50% of their income in income tax, let alone 60%.
Jonm1010 said:While I agree that a revamped type of the fairness doctrine would be a good thing, however, if the rest of that is true, I would be be strongly against it.
Jackson apologizes for Obama words
Posted: 04:14 PM ET
NEW YORK (CNN) The Rev. Jesse Jackson apologized Tuesday for crude and hurtful remarks he made against Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama after finishing an interview with a Fox News correspondent.
Jackson told CNN that the interview had wrapped up and he didnt realize his remarks were captured by a hot microphone.
Jackson didnt elaborate on the context of his remarks, except to say he was trying to explain that Obama was hurting his relationship with black voters by recently conducting moral lectures at African-American churches.
My appeal was for the moral content of his message to not only deal with the personal and moral responsibility of black males, but to deal with the collective moral responsibility of government and the public policy which would be a corrective action for the lack of good choices that often led to their irresponsibility, Jackson said in a statement issued Tuesday afternoon.
Mandark said:That's the average change for everyone making over $2.9 million, which includes people making $10 million, $200 million, $1 billion, etc.
syllogism said:I heard on the internets that he said he wanted to "rip Obama's nuts off" because he was talking down to black people about faith
syllogism said:I heard on the internets that he said he wanted to "rip Obama's nuts off" because he was talking down to black people about faith
Shorter Guileless said:You don't get it! They're crazy Muslims and none of the old rules apply!
Tamanon said:Jesse was probably pissed that more people were actually listening to Obama than do him when he takes the pulpit.
Pretty much.reilo said:How was Obama talking "down to black people" exactly?
Was Bill Cosby doing the same thing, too?
I guess Jesse Jackson hates anything that doesn't fit his agenda.
GhaleonEB said:Pretty much.
reilo said:How was Obama talking "down to black people" exactly?
Was Bill Cosby doing the same thing, too?
I guess Jesse Jackson hates anything that doesn't fit his agenda.
syllogism said:Drudge is now saying Fox News will air the tape
reilo said:I'm really perplexed how one man manages to piss off his own race, any opposing race, people on his side of politics, people on opposite side of politics, and every motherfucker inbetween!
It's like one group wants Obama to be everything what they stand for and not even make any considerations towards any other group. So when he does say something they don't like, they label him as being completely anti-whatever group they are a part of.
bob_arctor said:Well, if you read his quote, it seems he was pissed that Obama seemed to blaming the black man for all his problems. So while he may have agreed w/ Obama about personal/moral responsibility, he felt Obama didn't mention enough the role of government and policy in shaping the bad choices black males are faced with and their responsibility in that regard. I think.
Holy shit. He actually came.Tamanon said:CNN describes words as very disparaging?
WTF could Jackson say and why would it pertain to Obama?:lol
And McCain not being at the Medicare vote is going to look even worse. Ted Kennedy flew in for the vote.
The man is going through chemo right now and flew in for this vote. I wonder how the media will cover McCain skipping out.From NBC's Ken Strickland
Sen. Ted Kennedy has just arrived back in the US Senate for a vote at 4:00 pm on Medicare.
Gaborn said:I think it's because of the expectations Obama has been setting. He's extremely good with rhetoric, and because of the power of the imagery, because he's young, good looking, and half black people want to perceive him as more than he is. Look at all the comparisons he draws to JFK. Now, I can't say I think all that much of JFK on policy, but I certainly recognize he's a powerful figure in the psyche of the US, particularly on the left side of the spectrum. Any time you start drawing comparisons of that nature, fairly or not it raises expectations on all sides, and when you don't quite meet them on a litany of issues you're going to disappoint and even anger a bunch of people. The more Obama is hyped the more he's going to make people upset if he can't live up to the billing his supporters give him.
GhaleonEB said:Holy shit. He actually came.
The man is going through chemo right now and flew in for this vote. I wonder how the media will cover McCain skipping out.
Probably by not covering it at all.
reilo said:I'm really perplexed how one man manages to piss off his own race, any opposing race, people on his side of politics, people on opposite side of politics, and every motherfucker inbetween!
reilo said:I think the government responsibility was implied, but the entire point of Obama's speech was that the best way to succeed is to bring yourself up and not rely on others [ie the government] to completely and utterly bring you out of whatever undesirable situation you are in.
I think that holds true no matter what race or heritage you are.