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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Macam said:
JayDubya: Some English trivia: Irregardless means the same thing as regardless, which is both marginally shorter and a bit more clear.

Really? Gosh, thanks. You've really peaked my interest here, do you have any more tips, or would you like to segway into another topic?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Chosen One said:
Wow Joe Scars is really trying to make a controversy with Obama not seeing the injured soldiers in Germany. He basically blew off Andrea's explanation.

This is what drives me crazy about Morning Joe. They decide on a narrative for the show and they cling on to dear life for the next 3 hours regardless of the counter facts.

Yo Joe Scars is a dumbass. He has a narrative like you said and just doesn't give a fuck.

Now he is pushing the narrative that McCain in a german restraunt in middle america was better than Obama being in Germany.


First tragedy, then farce.
In case you missed Chuck God this morning, he basically burried those Quinipac polls. He thinks they changed their methodology from the pervious polls to the new ones, so the "swing" is not really a "swing" but a change in how the poll is structured.


That's fucked up man, that's almost like listening in to someone praying in church then putting it on the front page.

This post was in reference to the student taking Obama's prayer message out of the Western Wall and giving it to the paper to run.


PhoenixDark said:
Putting Money Where Mouths Are: Media Donations Favor Dems 100-1

The big fat $0 in FOX's column for contributions to the GOP makes me wonder how true this is

This was a fairly interesting article that sort of touches on that.

Maureen Dowd boiled the choice between Gore and Bush down to that between the "pious smarty-pants" and the "amiable idler," and made it perfectly clear which of the presidential candidates had a better chance of getting a date. "Al Gore is desperate to get chicks," she said in her column. "Married chicks. Single chicks. Old chicks. Young chicks. If he doesn't stop turning off women, he'll never be president."

"I bet he is in a room somewhere right now playing Barry White CDs and struggling to get mellow," she wrote in another.

Meanwhile, though Dowd certainly questioned Bush's intellect in some columns, she seemed to be charmed by him—one of the "bad boys," "rascals," and a "rapscallion." She shared with the world a charged moment between them. "'You're so much more mature now,' I remarked to the Texas Governor. 'So are you,' he replied saucily." And in another column: "You don't often get to see a Presidential candidate bloom right before your eyes."


And despite that:

As for Dowd, a Democratic operative recalls running into her and having an argument with her about her columns on the 2000 debates, in which, he felt, she devoted as much attention to Gore's sighing as she did to Bush's not knowing that Social Security was a federal program. "I basically said, 'How could you equate the two?'" he recalls. "'How could Gore's personal tics deserve as many column inches as the other guy being an idiot?' And her defense was 'Well, I voted for Gore.' I thought, Well, that's great. But hundreds of thousands of people who read your column probably didn't." (A source close to Dowd says that she does not write a partisan column, keeps her votes private, and certainly would not have disclosed that information to a political aide.)

Ms. Dowd is an easy target, though. I'm just saying, donations don't really mean much here.


Obama isn't running for President of the United States. He's running for Grand Lord Emperor of the World. This guy is out-drawing David Haselhoff in Germany. :O




all that he wants is another baby
Pimpwerx said:
Obama isn't running for President of the United States. He's running for Grand Lord Emperor of the World. This guy is out-drawing David Haselhoff in Germany. :O



Guy with the scarf misspelled Obama.


Also, there's something hilarious about McCain standing in front of a "Fudge Haus" sign as Obama's in Germany.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pimpwerx said:
Obama isn't running for President of the United States. He's running for Grand Lord Emperor of the World. This guy is out-drawing David Haselhoff in Germany. :O



Someone is holding up a laptop :lol
Mumei said:
This was a fairly interesting article that sort of touches on that.


And despite that:

Ms. Dowd is an easy target, though. I'm just saying, donations don't really mean much here.

Many of these Op-Ed writers are jokes though. They interject an extreme opinion that can drive a narrative and then when the country goes to crap after electing someone like Bush they throw up their arms and say: "I'm not partisan. My writing has no effect on voters in this country."

As bad as they are though, the Associated Press is getting up near Fox News level, passing their opinion-laced stories as objective news analysis.

StoOgE said:
In case you missed Chuck God this morning, he basically burried those Quinipac polls. He thinks they changed their methodology from the pervious polls to the new ones, so the "swing" is not really a "swing" but a change in how the poll is structured.

I may also not agree with Chuck on everything but at least he isn't mindlessly slobbering at poll numbers without doing some objective analysis on his own.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
maximum360 said:
Another day, another "scandal".

At some point you just get fed up with all this nonsense.

MSNBC stated that some conservatives are so desperate to get ahold of a copy of this paper that they literally put out a bounty on it and would pay anyone that can get them a copy.

How pathetic.


Scary Euro Man

UK is McCain country. "Cheese-eating surrender-monkeys" not big fans of US Republicans for some reason. :D

Jordan hates everyone.
gcubed said:
watching FoxNEWS and saw. "Hype: The Obama Story" the movie, by a rebpulican 527 group.
Yeah, the trailer promises that this will be a brilliant analysis on Obama's all flash and no substance style of campaigning.

I can only hope that the media finally realizes their folly and attempts to right this wrong with non-stop coverage of McCain. Now that will be truly compelling coverage.


I dont know wether to :lol or cry, or maybe wonder this how they really feel about Barack. (I do have my own opinions on him, but since the circle jurk continues, im not stopping anyone from their fun)

Some Choice quotes:

Almost 48 years ago, a young girl transplanted from Kansas decided in her comfortable life that she would take revenge on her white, American, Christian soldier father for the humiliation she endured in being named a boy.

She remembered the playground days of yearly the teacher would announce, Stanley Dunham in the first day of school's roll call and how she would have to explain she was not a boy. Then would come the long questions on the public classroom stage and the taunting from children later "Stanley, panly the girl is manly".

Stanley could not have found a better choice for her target of revenge and must have almost got the vapors. Here she had Barack Hussein Obama, a man so black from Africa and so communist that if could hide in the dark if he didn't smile, except for that big red communist flag he had on wearing a white Muslim turban heritage.

A woman just can not dive into primitive cultures and get enough degrees to shed that fact.

So excuses are made after indoctrinating him in Islam, and, as the final revenge as her parents demanded that Barry be illegally registered as an American, Stanley dumped this little boy onto her white parents to punish them as a reminder which would cut them daily into how she failed them.
Her id would say, "You wanted a son so bad daddy, well have a black one in your Christian virtue that you can't turn out as you love him like family. Enjoy."

The story though continued as little boys still love their mothers and as they try to figure out why mommy abandoned them they find an Uncle Frank Marshall Davis who is a communist kook who hates white people, Christians and America to try and tailor himself into that dark skinned man mommy always marries.

Yes, Oedipus Rex was alive and well in the troubled messiah to be Barry Obama.

Barry though would leave the Barry behind as he plunged into understanding how to deal with "white folk" grandparents and that colleges and white girls just liked the exotic nature of the Barack Hussein Obama aura fiction.

Barack being still psychologically scarred would tire of white girls, find a black image of his mother's hatred in his wife Michelle, find black clergy who would espouse hatred for America and surround himself with terrorists of American and Middle Eastern sort.

Still though the emptiness would not end.

So, in addition there was drug use, which still is an addiction to nicotine as he self medicates in chain smoking and the little problem of Lawrence Sinclair and other white males who Barack Obama was choosing to replay in his own way his mother's psychopathy, but in Lawrence Sinclair he could dominate a white man who was serving him. Barack would measure his own revenge out, too.

Stanley Ann Dunham's revenge as this plays out is not going to be revenge on white America, Christian America or Patriotic America. She created a boy who when he fails will so destroy the profile of minorities that America will not advance them again for a generation.

If this was in her racism of using black people was what Ms. Dunham wanted, it is doubtful as she did not expect anything out of Barack really. He was always just that symbol which liberal women check off in career, husbands and 2.1 children.

Stanley is though one woman in revenge who will have revenge on her son, on Americans white and black. And if he gains the White House, probably on the world as she never saw that she was the problem...and was blaming her own warped hurts on that cruel world out there.

From a E-mail i got from my friend, im thinking its from rense but I am not sure.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, the trailer promises that this will be a brilliant analysis on Obama's all flash and no substance style of campaigning.

I can only hope that the media finally realizes their folly and attempts to right this wrong with non-stop coverage of McCain. Now that will be truly compelling coverage.

they need to ask people if they would rather have more or less coverage on McCain, i'd be suprised if democrats didnt want MORE coverage on McCain. I was talking to a guy at work who is a die hard republican, and he agrees that the worst thing would be to put focus on McCain because he'd drop faster with attention on him then not


and wait, 5 degress on my thermostat only saves 1%?! WTF?! I'd rather pay the 1% and be happy at 73 then save 1% and be miserable at 78


It's pretty funny when the translator's speech gets to Obama's ear after the question is over and you can see the reaction there.
Novid said:
I dont know wether to :lol or cry, or maybe wonder this how they really feel about Barack. (I do have my own opinions on him, but since the circle jurk continues, im not stopping anyone from their fun)

Some Choice quotes:

From a E-mail i got from my friend, im thinking its from rense but I am not sure.

This is hilarious. Please post the whole thing.
gcubed said:
they need to ask people if they would rather have more or less coverage on McCain, i'd be suprised if democrats didnt want MORE coverage on McCain. I was talking to a guy at work who is a die hard republican, and he agrees that the worst thing would be to put focus on McCain because he'd drop faster with attention on him then not


and wait, 5 degress on my thermostat only saves 1%?! WTF?! I'd rather pay the 1% and be happy at 73 then save 1% and be miserable at 78

Heh. I guess I'm saving my 1% and then some. 78 degrees leaves the basement in our house too cool at times. I guess that's the downside of living in a three level house. Even with heat/AC you can feel like you're on another continent depending on what level you're on.


Rasmussen also said there was a big bounce in the overnights. Shockingly they said that 50% of the people surveyed actually saw or read the speech.
GhaleonEB said:

Rasmussen bumped up two to a five point spread.

Zigzz14 said:
pretty good poll numbers today for obama

Pa +6
New Mexico +6
New Hampshire +4

I'm sure both things mentioned above will get zero play today. They'll just change course from "It's getting really close" to "What's wrong with Obama? Why isn't he up by 12-15 points?"


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Zigzz14 said:
pretty good poll numbers today for obama

Pa +6
New Mexico +6
New Hampshire +4

So will everybody talk about these polls today? Chris Matthews? Anybody?


Father_Brain said:
This is hilarious. Please post the whole thing.

Stanley Ann Dunham's Revenge
By Lame Cherry

Almost 48 years ago, a young girl transplanted from Kansas decided in her comfortable life that she would take revenge on her white, American, Christian soldier father for the humiliation she endured in being named a boy.

She remembered the playground days of yearly the teacher would announce, Stanley Dunham in the first day of school's roll call and how she would have to explain she was not a boy. Then would come the long questions on the public classroom stage and the taunting from children later "Stanley, panly the girl is manly".

She remembered her driver's test, the birth certificate all glaring at her the name Stanley Ann Dunham, the boy her father never had and the name she was humiliated by.

There is not a person reading this who did not suffer through the same thing.

Normal children though frown over it. Normal teenagers shrug over it and normal adults just laugh over such things, but Stanley Ann Dunham was not normal and nor did she raise a normal son.

Ms. Dunham though chose the most childish of measures not quite figuring out she would be punishing herself as much as her family, but when teenage girls search for love and revenge the psychological choice is sex with a naughty boy and a bouncing baby so they will not be alone in the misery of the world.

Stanley could not have found a better choice for her target of revenge and must have almost got the vapors. Here she had Barack Hussein Obama, a man so black from Africa and so communist that if could hide in the dark if he didn't smile, except for that big red communist flag he had on wearing a white Muslim turban heritage.

Stanley had her package of racism to betray her white parents as she had been betrayed, traitor to offset her father's patriotism and the most wonderful of guess who is coming home to dinner.

Stanley Ann Dunham had her revenge and had it in spades.

As with most revenge plans which are served up in passionated hotness, Stanley had a bit of a surprise as her husband was already married and then he dumped her.
A shotgun marriage did not appeal to Barack sr. as no one is mentioning arithmetic in this that Barack was born on August 4th, 1961, his lusty parents were married on February 2, 1961 as Stanley apparently was starting to show from the fornicating November 2, 1960.
Yes Barack Obama was a miracle baby otherwise in being full term at 7 months.

Stanley was born on November 29, 1942, common math would show that Stanley Ann Dunham was 17, and although Hawaii is a pedophile's dream in the age of consent is logged at 14 years old in 1961, it remains a fact that a 24 year old college male was sexing a 17 year old high school girl.

Not a great thing on the presidential resume, but the story continues.

So, Stanley was sitting alone again in her pregnant misery, but decided she could gain some extra mileage by going to Canada and having her son registered as a British subject in one final slap at baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.

This conclusion is based upon Barack jr. having put forward a forged birth certificate out of Hawaii, he being registered not as "born" but a live birth which appeared at two hospitals and the circumstances which point that Stanley Ann Duhman Soetoro did the same thing when she repeated her performance and married an Indonesian Muslim in exercising her demons, as Maya, Barack's half sister is listed as being born in the months of August and September.

Registering babies late when born in other countries seems a Stanley trait.

The years then rolled by and revenge becomes very stale and cold as you daily look at a black boy who reminds you not just of his black father getting the better part of sex and dumping you, but that this boy is a reminder of how moronic you are.

A woman just can not dive into primitive cultures and get enough degrees to shed that fact.

So excuses are made after indoctrinating him in Islam, and, as the final revenge as her parents demanded that Barry be illegally registered as an American, Stanley dumped this little boy onto her white parents to punish them as a reminder which would cut them daily into how she failed them.
Her id would say, "You wanted a son so bad daddy, well have a black one in your Christian virtue that you can't turn out as you love him like family. Enjoy."

..........and Stanley Ann Dunham had her revenge.

The story though continued as little boys still love their mothers and as they try to figure out why mommy abandoned them they find an Uncle Frank Marshall Davis who is a communist kook who hates white people, Christians and America to try and tailor himself into that dark skinned man mommy always marries.

Yes, Oedipus Rex was alive and well in the troubled messiah to be Barry Obama.

Barry though would leave the Barry behind as he plunged into understanding how to deal with "white folk" grandparents and that colleges and white girls just liked the exotic nature of the Barack Hussein Obama aura fiction.

Barack being still psychologically scarred would tire of white girls, find a black image of his mother's hatred in his wife Michelle, find black clergy who would espouse hatred for America and surround himself with terrorists of American and Middle Eastern sort.

Still though the emptiness would not end.

So, in addition there was drug use, which still is an addiction to nicotine as he self medicates in chain smoking and the little problem of Lawrence Sinclair and other white males who Barack Obama was choosing to replay in his own way his mother's psychopathy, but in Lawrence Sinclair he could dominate a white man who was serving him. Barack would measure his own revenge out, too.

In those moments, Barack Obama had lulls in the emptiness.

As this now turns to the present, we see that Stanley Ann Dunham is about to unleash her final revenge on the nation, religion and people she so loathed.
She produced a son and turned him into an indoctrinated pawn let loose on the world where a willing cartel plucked him up and groomed the troubled adult child knowing he could be manipulated and blackmailed.

Mr. Obama was never intended to be anything, but a "bring in the black vote candidate". He though being adopted as white Kennedy and now as a Polish Brzezinski has reams of fathers and finally by being President in his mind he will find the salve to be accepted and he can tell himself that mommy would accept him now.
Barack always wanted to be president of some nation as a child, not America, but some nation. He wanted to be empowered and accepted, because he was not getting that at home.

Stanley Ann Dunham's revenge is still playing out on America. Barack is suffering from a number of psychopathies and as his current transformation shows he is leaving being a black liberal to be a white socialist all for the cure he will deny himself for, but reveals he is not ready to be leader of anything.

Stanley Ann Dunham's revenge as this plays out is not going to be revenge on white America, Christian America or Patriotic America. She created a boy who when he fails will so destroy the profile of minorities that America will not advance them again for a generation.

If this was in her racism of using black people was what Ms. Dunham wanted, it is doubtful as she did not expect anything out of Barack really. He was always just that symbol which liberal women check off in career, husbands and 2.1 children.

Stanley is though one woman in revenge who will have revenge on her son, on Americans white and black. And if he gains the White House, probably on the world as she never saw that she was the problem...and was blaming her own warped hurts on that cruel world out there.

None of this is going to have a good ending, but Stanley Ann Dunham will have her revenge on all.


What makes it so weird, my friend states that the writer made another post explaining about the Birth Ceritifcate. He states that Barack was registered in two Hawaii hosipitals, and that both registrations actually came later, that there is a earlier Birth Record in Vancover - making him Canadian by birth. I saying IMO that Barack Sr was gonna be killed by the elders if he didnt leave Ann. The Birth Records mean nothing to me and this issue about "is he american" is just part of the phycological detritus from those that let Bush in office. If you want to go that far, how about McCain and where he COMES FROM? There are those that can tell you a whopper of a story, and they worked in the CIA...


JayDubya said:
Really? Gosh, thanks. You've really peaked my interest here, do you have any more tips, or would you like to segway into another topic?


(sorry please don't kill me)
Tyrone Slothrop said:
man this election is so in the bag. i don't care what any polls say. we all know who our next president will be
I believe the news media is only trying to keep it fair to McCain by being anal about every little nuisances by Obama.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
man this election is so in the bag. i don't care what any polls say. we all know who our next president will be
I'm not so sure. If the election were tomorrow, I'd bet on Obama to win. However, understanding the dynamics of how campaigns work, there's still plenty of time for the GOP to find an attack angle that works. I say that, though, because clearly the strategy is not to build McCain up to win on his own merits, but to raise doubts about Obama and sell the idea that he's a very risky, unproven candidate who hasn't earned the right to run for the highest political position in the land.

I'm optimistic about Obama, but I think it's a little early to write off the election in November as a forgone conclusion.
For those of you who haven't checked out the "HYPE" trailer out yet I suggest you do, it highlights perfectly how bad the right has it right now. The entire anti-Obama strategy from them appears to be "Throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks". Even in the trailer they couldn't develop a coherent narrative, it keeps alternating between him being just a typical politician with no real promise of change, to him being a radical Marxist bent on destroying capitalism. :lol


Tyrone Slothrop said:
man this election is so in the bag. i don't care what any polls say. we all know who our next president will be
That's silly. This is far from locked up. It is very reasonable to think that most of undecided voters will go to vote in November and will be scared and vote for the safe voice of experience, McCain. Until the moment Obama breaks 270, this thing is up for grabs.
typhonsentra said:
For those of you who haven't checked out the "HYPE" trailer out yet I suggest you do, it highlights perfectly how bad the right has it right now. The entire anti-Obama strategy from them appears to be "Throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks". Even in the trailer they couldn't develop a coherent narrative, it keeps alternating between him being just a typical politician with no real promise of change, to him being a radical Marxist bent on destroying capitalism. :lol
Well, again, it's all they have. Obama is a charismatic and historic figure. Does he deserve the attention he gets? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless of that fact, it's foolish to think that he's going to stop getting attention anytime soon, so all they can do is try to steer the narrative towards doubts that people might have concerning him.

What else can they do? Try to build up McCain? That's a fool's game. I honestly don't think it's unfair to state that the McCain of today is a fairly uninteresting public figure, as he exists on the campaign trail right now. A lot of my right-leaning colleagues refuse to admit that, but I don't really see how it can be denied that he's a terrible campaigner.
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