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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Man...I lost my internet for 4 days, but I just got it back.

Nice Berlin speech today, but as for McSame....my jaw has literally dropped more than once after seeing his new smear ads. Obama causing rising gas prices? Obama with Castro? WTF IS THIS SHIT MCCAIN!?
Hootie said:
Man...I lost my internet for 4 days, but I just got it back.

Nice Berlin speech today, but as for McSame....my jaw has literally dropped more than once after seeing his new smear ads. Obama causing rising gas prices? Obama with Castro? WTF IS THIS SHIT MCCAIN!?
McCain is watching his political hopes and dreams die by a scrappy upstart.

Not unlike what happened to Hillary Clinton.
Hootie said:
Man...I lost my internet for 4 days, but I just got it back.

Nice Berlin speech today, but as for McSame....my jaw has literally dropped more than once after seeing his new smear ads. Obama causing rising gas prices? Obama with Castro? WTF IS THIS SHIT MCCAIN!?
I just saw a banner on GAF, it said "Barack Obama Is The Dr. No Of Energy Security" with a crappy little video playing a laughable 007 theme knockoff song while playing quotes of Obama being against offshore drilling and with him saying it would have no effect, as well as saying the gas tax holiday wouldn't do anything.

-McCain said himself that the effects of lifting the offshore drilling ban would only be psychological. That's a big cost to our environment for some psychological benefits.

-If a gas tax holiday was implemented, there's nothing to stop the gas companies from raising the price of gas higher since they know customers will pay that much. At sometime the tax holiday would have to end and then the prices would rise a bunch more.


laserbeam said:
He is running for President of the United States not Popular Man of the World.

After that turnout in Berlin, if he tried to run for Popular Man in the World I'd say he has a shot at winning.


Hootie said:
Man...I lost my internet for 4 days, but I just got it back.

Nice Berlin speech today, but as for McSame....my jaw has literally dropped more than once after seeing his new smear ads. Obama causing rising gas prices? Obama with Castro? WTF IS THIS SHIT MCCAIN!?
I saw both of those ads. Could only shake my head.


That was an impressive speech.

The people who criticize Obama for his foreign policy weaknesses fail to understand or perhaps choose not to acknowledge that the presidency of the United States is as much as being president of a nation state as it is being president of an unofficial club of advanced democracies.

Being liked by foreigners and having the world buy into the ideals America would like to preach from the shining city atop a hill is more than experience.


mj1108 said:
After that turnout in Berlin, if he tried to run for Popular Man in the World I'd say he has a shot at winning.

As Jon Stewart said a while back, he's not just running for President, he's running for coin!:p
Rur0ni said:
I saw both of those ads. Could only shake my head.
I honestly can't grasp how anyone can get behind someone who has run his whole campaign in the general election on such blatantly disingenuous arguments. Then again, this country DID reelect Bush, so anything's possible I guess.


Hootie said:
Man...I lost my internet for 4 days, but I just got it back.

Nice Berlin speech today, but as for McSame....my jaw has literally dropped more than once after seeing his new smear ads. Obama causing rising gas prices? Obama with Castro? WTF IS THIS SHIT MCCAIN!?
I'm in FL and it's hilarious. He's gotten desperate already. It's over 3 months out, and he's ready to kitchen sink it. :lol PEACE.
Nice picture.

Terry McAuliffe, who chaired Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, told Democratic activists in Virginia that Gov. Tim Kaine "would be his party's best choice as Barack Obama's vice presidential running mate," according to the Falls Church News-Press.

"McAuliffe was adamant in his recommendation of Kaine... the fact that he proposed Kaine over his own candidate and long-time friend, Hillary Clinton, suggested that he knows the Clinton option is off the table."
Shortly after 6 pm Central time -- just a few hours after Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, gave his speech in Berlin, which his campaign insisted was not political -- his campaign manager, David Plouffe, sent out a fundraising solicitation using the speech to raise campaign cash.

"As you may have heard, Barack has been in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia this week," reads the email, with a big red "DONATE" sign. "Today, he spoke in Berlin, Germany. In a city where a wall once divided the free from the oppressed, he talked about tearing down the walls that divide all peoples so we can address our common problems -- the threats of terrorism and nuclear weapons, global warming and genocide, AIDS and poverty. Watch Barack's historic speech and share it with your friends."

The letter offers a link to the video and asks recipients to please "forward this email to your friends, family, and colleagues."

Incognito said:

A presidential nominee asking for money!

How uncouth!


and speaking of the politically deceased:

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is offering Obama a warm welcome on the day of their meeting, in an interview with the conservative daily Le Figaro.

"Obama? He's my pal," the president told Le Figaro. "Unlike my diplomatic advisors, I never believed in Hillary Clinton's chances. I always said that Obama would be nominated."

Sarkozy added that an Obama victory "would validate" his strategy of reconcilation with the United States. His embrace of the United States has made him American conservatives' favorite Continental politician, but he doesn't seem to be reciprocating.

Meanwhile, the French press appears to be welcoming Obama Friday with some of the same excitement as the Germans Thursday. The cover of the liberal daily Liberation, above, says Obama showed in Berlin that he's presidential material, and the inside story headlines his appeal for unity.

One interesting detail from Le Figaro: The Obama-Sarkozy meeting will be conducted with a minimum of fuss, to mark it off clearly from the trappings of a presidential visit.

"Nicolas Sarkozy's advisors received only one demand from the team of the Democratic candidate: no American flag for the press conference, because it's a candidate being received, not the president of the United States."

Warm words


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
siamesedreamer said:

It was funny, but self fore filling at the sametime. Why people are fearful of Obama's success to date boggles the mind.

Oh and Hannity is saying that Obama now has the appeasing, Libel, UN bowing down, weak minded, socialist Europeans praising him.

So again people liking us is a bad thing.


HuffPo has a mildly interesting news bit from Chuck Hagel:Quit Talking About The Surge, Focus On War's Future. What's Katie Couric's e-mail address again?

I finally got around to Obama's speech and I was more amused by the reactions to some of his calls for actions. There was, at best, a lukewarm reaction to his call for more direct cooperation in Afghanistan and Iraq, liberalize markets (though just what that entails in European terms wasn't clear, but the reaction was understandable given the complexity of that issue), and cooperating with Russia, while addressing global warming and ending the war in Iraq predictably got strong reactions. Nonetheless, those were certainly all the right notes to hit.

JayDubya: Some English trivia: Irregardless means the same thing as regardless, which is both marginally shorter and a bit more clear.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Weird question, but I know as a child, I thought Bill Clinton was cool and a good president, even though I didn't know anything. Do children nowadays think that Bush is cool?


SephCast said:
Weird question, but I know as a child, I thought Bill Clinton was cool and a good president, even though I didn't know anything. Do children nowadays think that Bush is cool?

Of course they do. He's one of them. Zing!


SephCast said:
Weird question, but I know as a child, I thought Bill Clinton was cool and a good president, even though I didn't know anything. Do children nowadays think that Bush is cool?

I don't know, but my 3 year old brother screams "BAWAK OBAMA!" when he goes down the slide into our pool :lol

Barack Obama, John McCain Get Superhero Treatment -- Minus Tights And Capes -- In New Comic Books
Biographical comics, with cover art by J. Scott Campbell, go on sale October 8.
Jul 23 2008 8:00 AM EDT

Back off, Batman! You may be big at the box office, but there are two new comic book heroes on the horizon: John McCain and Barack Obama.

The presidential candidates are getting the superhero treatment courtesy of IDW Publishing, the small graphic imprint behind "30 Days of Night" and the "Transformers" comic books. You'll have to wait until October 8 to get a copy, but we have a sneak peek inside the pages of both biographical books. (See the animated politicians for yourself here.)

Both comics feature key points in the candidates' lives that have played heavily into their campaigns. The excerpt from McCain's comic focuses on his years as a prisoner of war at the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" during the Vietnam War. The Republican candidate's story is being written by comics veteran Andy Helfer and drawn by Stephen Thompson.

more at link
Wow Joe Scars is really trying to make a controversy with Obama not seeing the injured soldiers in Germany. He basically blew off Andrea's explanation.

This is what drives me crazy about Morning Joe. They decide on a narrative for the show and they cling on to dear life for the next 3 hours regardless of the counter facts.


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Lv99 Slacker said:

[url=http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1591358/20080722/id_0.jhtml]Barack Obama, John McCain Get Superhero Treatment -- Minus Tights And Capes -- In New Comic Books[/url]
[b]Biographical comics, with cover art by J. Scott Campbell, go on sale October 8.[/b]
Jul 23 2008 8:00 AM EDT

more at link[/QUOTE]
Up for grabs if anyone wants it. Rehost and yadda yadda if you use it.



"Senator Obama had hoped to and had every intention of visiting our troops to express his appreciation and gratitude for their service to our country," retired Air Force Major General Scott Gration, an Obama adviser, said in a statement.

"We learned from the Pentagon [Wednesday] night that the visit would be viewed instead as a campaign event. Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors percieved as a campaign event...and decided instead not to go."

Looks like it wasn't necessarily in the Obama camp's hands at all.
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