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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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The UNITY event was good stuff. Obama got a chance to articulate many of his points, mention that nobody ever asks McCain whether or not he'd still vote for the Iraq war. Good stuff.



Rasmussen dipped from six to five.


Tamanon said:
That's a new low for McCain I think. Yowch.
And a new high for Obama's lead. Previous high was seven (tied that yesterday). It's going to dip down again, just a question of when. But that's a bigger bounce than I expected in the gallups - from two to nine three days later.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Mumei said:
I'm attempting for the first time to explain to my mother why I prefer Obama, and I've gotten past the point of health care and foreign policy, and now I'm on energy. I have far less knowledge on this issue than I do on the other two, and I only really remember specific items. Would anyone happen to have something that comprehensively analyses their plans? All I really seem to be able to recall are gaffes with regards to McCain...

Warren Buffett, the richest man in the world is an Obama economic advisor. Just toss that line out there to see what happens.
KRS7 said:
Wonder if this will end the "Media giving Obama a free ride" narrative. I doubt it.

Didn't Obama get a free ride from the media during the primaries (pre reveran-gate?)

Oh, and I'm hoping Obama reaches over 50 in the polling. Then I'd assume it's pretty much over for McCain if Obama could maintain that lead.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Didn't Obama get a free ride from the media during the primaries (pre reveran-gate?)
He didn't get nearly as much scrutiny until he won Iowa. As soon as that happened, things began to turn.

I thought this was a pretty telling excerpt Ben Smith highlighted, from an article in the Jerusalem Post:

In March, on his whirlwind visit to Israel, Republican presidential nominee John McCain, one of whose primary strengths is said to be his intimate grasp of foreign affairs, chose to bring along Sen. Joe Lieberman to the interview our diplomatic correspondent Herb Keinon and I conducted with him, looked to Lieberman several times for reassurance on his answers and seemed a little flummoxed by a question relating to the nuances of settlement construction.

On Wednesday evening, toward the end of his packed one-day visit here, Barack Obama, the Democratic senator who is leading the race for the White House and who lacks long years of foreign policy involvement, spoke to The Jerusalem Post with only a single aide in his King David Hotel room, and that aide's sole contribution to the conversation was to suggest that the candidate and I switch seats so that our photographer would get better lighting for his pictures.
Again, McCain relying on others to back him up, while Obama handles the interview himself.

GhaleonEB said:
He didn't get nearly as much scrutiny until he won Iowa. As soon as that happened, things began to turn.

I thought this was a pretty telling excerpt Ben Smith highlighted, from an article in the Jerusalem Post:

Again, McCain relying on others to back him up, while Obama handles the interview himself.


buh buh buh McCain was in the military! And he's been in the Senate longer, so he must automatically know more about foreign policy!


soul creator said:
buh buh buh McCain was in the military! And he's been in the Senate longer, so he must automatically know more about foreign policy!
The writer was just showing his liberal bias by pointing that out.
mckmas8808 said:
HE HAS VISITED THE TROOPS ALL OVER THE FUCKING COUNTRY!!! Lame excuse my ass. McCain and his people would have just said Obama is politicizing the troops by meeting them on the campaign dollar.

You personally need to understand that McCain doesn't give a got damn and will blame Obama for everything no matter what he does. For God's sake he blamed Obama for not meeting the troops in an ad WHILE SHOWING OBAMA ACTUALLY MEETING THE TROOPS at the sametime in the same ad!

You call it an excuse, but it's the truth. Why would Obama not meet the troops in good heart? He made a judgement/decision. Let someone call you a presumptuous elitist opportunist or just take DOD's advice and not go (because keep in mind he JUST met like 1,000 troops just days ago).

The Huffington points out that CNN put up an article back in April about McCain visiting military bases and servicemen, the limits imposed on political candidates, and that McCain had a request declined by the Navy:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Stops by Sen. John McCain at U.S. Navy bases this week prompted internal Navy and Pentagon discussions, according to a military official with direct knowledge of the discussions.

The official said the discussions regarding the McCain appearances, including Wednesday's speech and private meetings at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, where his son is midshipman, "were not contentious" and there is no allegation of any wrongdoing.

The staff discussions came as the Pentagon recently updated a military directive spelling out restrictions on the U.S. military during political campaigning.

Candidates for office have long been prohibited from engaging in political activities at U.S. military installations or using U.S. military personnel in their political appearances. Presidential campaign staffs generally are very familiar with these military rules.

The stops were part of McCain's "Service to America" tour, which kicked off on Monday and were approved by the Pentagon office of general counsel

With Department of Defense rules prohibiting political campaigning on military bases, it was determined that in some cases McCain could visit the installations as a senator but could not engage in any political activity or have news media present.

The military spokesman points out that any U.S. senator could also request to visit the academy or any military installation.

But the Navy declined a McCain campaign request to speak at the Naval Aviation Museum at the naval base in Pensacola, Florida, because it is a military owned installation and is located on the base, the official said.

McCain did attend an airshow over the weekend at the Navy base in Meridian, Mississippi, because it was open to the general public. But he declined to answer political questions from reporters traveling with him.


KRS7 said:
Wonder if this will end the "Media giving Obama a free ride" narrative. I doubt it.
Actually I'd agree with that article, for the point at which it analyzed. However as scorcho said:

scorcho said:
it's almost to the point where McCain could host a press conference for the expressed purpose of fucking 10 prostitutes in front of a national audience and the polls would nary budge in response. this election has become a referendum on Obama and little else.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Didn't Obama get a free ride from the media during the primaries (pre reveran-gate?)

Oh, and I'm hoping Obama reaches over 50 in the polling. Then I'd assume it's pretty much over for McCain if Obama could maintain that lead.
It wasn't until he became the frontrunner in the primaries did the media end its love affair with Obama. It's been downhill ever since.

[London] Conservative leader David Cameron is widely reported to have been impressed by his meeting with Barack Obama.

The Sunday Express says Mr Cameron cheerfully confessed that he would have no hope if pitted against him.

The Sunday Times says Mr Cameron gave Mr Obama a selection of CDs by the Smiths, Radiohead and Gorillaz.

The Mail on Sunday tells its readers the choice of music could have been designed to underline the generation gap with Gordon Brown.

Obama with new campaign rally music confirmed


grandjedi6 said:
Is McCain really that stupid? He would be sacrificing the incumbent party advantage of going last in all announcements and conventions
The veep announce is the single biggest thing McCain can do to change the direction of the politcal coverage. Giving up the advantage of the later convention to go first would be a pretty naked display of desperation to turn things around. And give Obama the last word.

I hope he does it. :lol


Obama's listening to The Smiths, Radiohead, and Gorillaz. Sweet.

Frank the Great said:
The McCain campaign are officially the biggest morans ever if they reveal their VP first.

I hope it happens. Obama's VP pick would be made 1000x easier.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
GhaleonEB said:
The veep announce is the single biggest thing McCain can do to change the direction of the politcal coverage. Giving up the advantage of the later convention to go first would be a pretty naked display of desperation to turn things around. And give Obama the last word.

I hope he does it. :lol

After what was probably the worst week of a campaign this election, nothing would surprise me.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
scorcho said:
it's almost to the point where McCain could host a press conference for the expressed purpose of fucking 10 prostitutes in front of a national audience and the polls would nary budge in response. this election has become a referendum on Obama and little else.

What do you expect? the guy basically came out from nowhere and people don't know him very well yet.


Incognito said:
John McCain was a straight up disaster on This Week this morning. :lol

My favorite was this:

How are you going to exclude Russia from the G-8, when every other country is against it?
MCCAIN: I will stand up for what I think is the best for the United States of America and the world, the way that Ronald Reagan went to Berlin and said, “Tear down this wall.”



Good showing on Meet The Press for Obama today.
Some tough questions about the surge, good to see him finally point out that tactics aside, the Iraq war in itself was a giant and expensive error of judgment supported by McCain, I fully expect his campaign keep hammering these points.
He was very well prepared on the Middle East, good answers on that all around.

Looked a bit tired though.
Gexecuter said:
What do you expect? the guy basically came out from nowhere and people don't know him very well yet.

There’s still a LOT we don’t know about Obama. Right now, we only know his entire life story, the names of everyone he’s ever met, his entire political platform, his voting record, what he likes to eat, and this full body CT scan that was taken just 10 minutes ago. But there is still a LOT we just don’t know. And that’s all gonna be revealed. It’s going to be very, very interesting.



Dax01 said:
Those will be epic. I'll make sure I am here when I watch them.:D

Don't know if they'll be as epic as the earlier Dem. Primary ones with Edwards:


Nevar Forget! :lol

But I guess if by epic you mean Obama will destroy McCain, I'll agree with you.


STEPHANOPOULOS: What is your position on gay adoption? You told the “New York Times" you were against it, even in cases where the children couldn’t find another home. But then your staff backtracked a bit. What is your position?

MCCAIN: My position is, it’s not the reason why I’m running for president of the United States. And I think that two parent families are best for America.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, what do you mean by that, it’s not the reason you’re running for president of the United States?

MCCAIN: Because I think — well, I think that it’s — it is important for us to emphasize family values. But I think it’s very important that we understand that we have other challenges, too. I’m running for president of the United States, because I want to help with family values. And I think that family values are important, when we have two parent — families that are of parents that are the traditional family.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But there are several hundred thousand children in the country who don’t have a home. And if a gay couple wants to adopt them, what’s wrong with that?

MCCAIN: I am for the values that two parent families, the traditional family represents.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, you’re against gay adoption.

MCCAIN: I am for the values and principles that two parent families represent. And I also do point out that many of these decisions are made by the states, as we all know. And I will do everything I can to encourage adoption, to encourage all of the things that keeps families together, including educational opportunities, including a better economy, job creation. And I’m running for president, because I want to help families in America. And one of my positions is that I believe that family values and family traditions are preserved.

I don't even understand what he was TRYING to say. It's bizarre this whole "two parent" family he keeps talking about , he's acting like gay couples are only one person.:lol


I'm pretty liberal too but I don't think gay couples should be allowed to adopt young children either. It depends on if you believe sexual orientation can be learned or not though lol

I personally think a young boy growing up with 2 dads has a good chance of being gay..same with a little girl and 2 moms...
Tamanon said:
I don't even understand what he was TRYING to say. It's bizarre this whole "two parent" family he keeps talking about , he's acting like gay couples are only one person.:lol
Maybe his understanding of "homo = same" goes a bit too far. Raised by two of the same person!?


MCCAIN: I will stand up for what I think is the best for the United States of America and the world, the way that Ronald Reagan went to Berlin and said, “Tear down this wall.”
Yeah, such a pro on foreign policy you are, asshat. :megarolleyes

I think Ronald Reagan's Presidency is overrated, but I'm confident that if he was still alive (and without Alzheimer's) he'd be calling out people like McCain left and right.
lol McCain

Cloudy said:
I'm pretty liberal too but I don't think gay couples should be allowed to adopt young children either. It depends on if you believe sexual orientation can be learned or not though lol

I personally think a young boy growing up with 2 dads has a good chance of being gay..same with a little girl and 2 moms...
So, there's something wrong with being gay?


When answering how he would prevent gas tax breaks from going to oil companies instead of getting to the citizens:

MCCAIN: We would make them shamed into it. We, of course, know how to — American public opinion. And we would penalize them, if necessary. But they wouldn’t. They would pass it on.

We must trust the benevolent energy giants, and if all fail, we will SHAME THEM!
words fail me.
Cloudy said:
I personally think a young boy growing up with 2 dads has a good chance of being gay..same with a little girl and 2 moms...

not really anything wrong with that though. To be honest, the kid, and the kid's friends, are more likely to grow up being accepting of homosexuals more than anything, which is never a bad thing.


Mercury Fred said:
lol McCain

So, there's something wrong with being gay?

No, I have no problem with anyone who chooses to be gay but kids should get to make that choice on their own not because of their surroundings growing up..

To be honest, the kid, and the kid's friends, are more likely to grow up being accepting of homosexuals more than anything, which is never a bad thing.

That makes sense too..


Tamanon said:
It's like they didn't realize that one major way to lose authenticity is to WEAR A FULL SUIT IN THE GROCERY STORE!

No kidding, where's the rolled-up-sleeved-shirt? That always fool's em.


Cloudy said:
No, I have no problem with anyone who chooses to be gay but kids should get to make that choice on their own not because of their surroundings growing up..
How old were you when you chose to be straight?
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