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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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How could you guys not like this speech? She did a good job. She helped Obama. He will get a huge bounce from this.
Nice speech by Hillary, definitely the best I've heard from her.
And not even one Hillary-Clinton-Dot-Com reference!

I think she missed an opportunity when she was talking about how her campaign made it so that a woman running in the future would be unremarkable. She could've easily paralleled that and followed up that Obama's campaign likewise makes an African-American running in the future unremarkable.

Still she did the right thing, "Yes We Can!" Hillary. Yes you did.


Amir0x said:
at the end of it all, i'm going to miss the Hillary vs. Obama grind in some perverse way

She regained lot of respect from me today. She came across just like how I wanted her to come across. People asking for attacks on McCain and harder rhetoric need to remember she was trying to sway her own supporters today. She really did have to "multi-task" as Keith put it.
Gexecuter said:
Hey this was a pretty good speech, amazing considering it came from Hillary. It almost made me want to like her, almost.
The hints of insincerity definitely peeked out there when she was talking about the glas ceiling et al.


First tragedy, then farce.
teiresias said:
Wouldn't surprise me, but I worry that may become another Miers-style debacle. Has she done anything in law that would qualify her for a position on the court? Sure, she's a lawyer, but that's not really the most important thing for Supreme Court appointments, and depending on the makeup of the congress would it be a sure thing she'd be confirmed.

I agree, but I think she wants it. If she wants to have a strong legacy, that could do it as well or better than anything other than VP/President.


Taylor Marsh, the key anti-obama site in the primaries after Hillaryis44 has this in big words on it now:


And you know what? Watching that speech I was watching it like I watched Obama's. For the first time in YEARS I watched Hillary with excitement. It felt...weird


First tragedy, then farce.
Stumpokapow said:

to be legally qualified for the job, not to actually be good at it. But honestly, supreme court has just become another partisan battle ground, so why not put a politician in it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
KilledByBill said:
Nice speech by Hillary, definitely the best I've heard from her.
And not even one Hillary-Clinton-Dot-Com reference!

I think she missed an opportunity when she was talking about how her campaign made it so that a woman running in the future would be unremarkable. She could've easily paralleled that and followed up that Obama's campaign likewise makes an African-American running in the future unremarkable.

Still she did the right thing, "Yes We Can!" Hillary. Yes you did.

She included enough regarding the Civil Rights movement IMO,
After all, her supporters cared more about Hillary then Obama.

She needed to show what that they had accomplished, that it was not all wasted.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It was a great speech. She did what she needed to do.

I think her chances of getting on the ticket have also moved up a notch. I'm sure Obama was quite pleased with that speech.


StoOgE said:
to be legally qualified for the job, not to actually be good at it. But honestly, supreme court has just become another partisan battle ground, so why not put a politician in it.

Technically there is no legal qualification to be a lawyer or even have any sort of law degree, it's just a really fucking good idea (for example, John Marshall never went to law school, and he became Chief Justice).
I'm worried about the parts in her speech where she said to her supporters. Don't let the fact that I didn't accomplish my goal deter you from yours and don't let anyone tell you otherwise or that you can't do this or you can't do that.

That could be seen by some loyalists as a clear-cut sign that if they are determined to vote McCain that they should continue on and not be deterred.

The good news about that speech though? Any mature individual that isn't a complete idiot will have enough respect for her wishes and lend their unyielding support to Obama.


That was a awsome speech. mad props to hillary. after that i now support her being on the ticket if obama wants to put her on it.
Cheebs said:
Taylor Marsh, the key anti-obama site in the primaries after Hillaryis44 has this in big words on it now:


And you know what? Watching that speech I was watching it like I watched Obama's. For the first time in YEARS I watched Hillary with excitement. It felt...weird
NoQuarters is still more aggressive. If it's by Alexa, I think Taylor Marsh is much bigger than rither of them.


CowboyAstronaut said:
I'm worried about the parts in her speech where she said to her supporters. Don't let the fact that I didn't accomplish my goal deter you from yours and don't let anyone tell you otherwise or that you can't do this or you can't do that.

That could be seen by some loyalists as a clear-cut sign that if they are determined to vote McCain that they should continue on and not be deterred.

The good news about that speech though? Any mature individual that isn't a complete idiot will have enough respect for her wishes and lend their unyielding support to Obama.

any hillary supporter who saw that speech and does not support obama was never a true hillary supporter imho


typhonsentra said:
NoQuarters is still more aggressive. If it's by Alexa, I think Taylor Marsh is much bigger than rither of them.
Well TaylorMarsh has fully endorsed Obama. She took down all her anti-Obama videos.


listen to the mad man
StoOgE said:
to be legally qualified for the job, not to actually be good at it. But honestly, supreme court has just become another partisan battle ground, so why not put a politician in it.

There is no such thing as "legally qualified"; there are, however, a number of practical qualifications of which she has absolutely none. Supreme Court nominees are incredibly tough to come up with, and they are not the "DREAM TEAM" nominees that people with no legal experience expect.
Suikoguy said:
She included enough regarding the Civil Rights movement IMO,
After all, her supporters cared more about Hillary then Obama.

She needed to show what that they had accomplished, that it was not all wasted.

I agree, just throwing in my two cents as an arm-chair speech writer.:D

I think one of the keys near the end was when she told her supporters not to dwell on the loss, because that's what's fueling her advocates' backlash against Obama. It was a strong undercurrent in the speech and then she put it right out there.


Is this the most genuine speech she's given?

And it's not even because of the Obama endorsement primarily. I felt like I was listening to a real person speak, not jazzed up sentences and key phrases.


listen to the mad man
Diablos said:
I felt like I was listening to a real person speak, not jazzed up sentences and key phrases.

the glass ceiling might not be broken, but it has 18 million cracks in it and the light is shining through on us all?
StoOgE said:
to be legally qualified for the job, not to actually be good at it. But honestly, supreme court has just become another partisan battle ground, so why not put a politician in it.
It's a more recent practice to put judges with federal experience on the Supreme Court; back in the day, it was very common to put political allies on the court, although it didn't always turn out in the president's favor.

Nowadays, though, I think it'd be a good deal more difficult to do that, since the last justice appointed without experience as a judge (I think) was Rehnquist.


Diablos said:
Is this the most genuine speech she's given?

And it's not even because of the Obama endorsement primarily. I felt like I was listening to a real person speak, not jazzed up sentences and key phrases.



Diablos said:
Is this the most genuine speech she's given?

And it's not even because of the Obama endorsement primarily. I felt like I was listening to a real person speak, not jazzed up sentences and key phrases.

I haven't seen her speak like this since the hearings on UHC she took part in during Bill's first term.
Cheebs said:
Well TaylorMarsh has fully endorsed Obama. She took down all her anti-Obama videos.
Definitely glad to see her be reasonable about it, gives me hope. She's had the right idea for awhile and has eased into the current situation since mid-May.


listen to the mad man
Smiles and Cries said:
sheeesh seems like you guys are ready to give her VP over this one speech

You can see going right back into the last thread and the thread before that an awful lot of observers literally change their minds every time they hear a speech or read a blog. There's an enormous myopia here and elsewhere on the web when it comes to political issues.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
While I generally liked the speech, especially the recurring theme of telling her supporters that first and foremost we must put a Democrat back in the Whitehouse I wish she had take some time to point out that you know. Barack and her have pretty similar proposed beliefs and ideas as shown through their campaigns.

Overall though, very nice speech. Mixed response to Barack's name the first time she mentioned it, better as it went along each time she said it again, and then a nice response at the end when she closes by saying we must put a Democrat in the Whitehouse.

Well done Hill.


100% logic failure rate
Cheebs said:
When can we start noticing a boost in the gallup daily tracking polls? He has only gained 1 point on mccain so far as of yesterdays poll.
They there Thursday numbers looked good for Obama so they were hinting that the bounce is coming.
That speech exceeded expectations, and was everything I hoped it would be. I'm still don't think that Clinton would make a good VP pick, but at least now I'm a little more comforted that she could play a prominent role in Obama's campaign, and not fuck everything up for him.


Cheebs said:
Taylor Marsh, the key anti-obama site in the primaries after Hillaryis44 has this in big words on it now:


You should read the comments underneath them. The people there are saying that Hillary was "forced" into giving this speech, and they will never vote for the "lesser" candidate. These people are truly nuts!


I've been calling it and calling it and I'll do it again. Hillary will be VP and the Dem ticket will win in a landslide. Obama is simply going through the motions, and by July 1st will come out and say that "after careful thought and consideration of all potential VP's, Hillary Clinton was without a doubt the best choice." Obama is a maverick, but he's not stupid. Plus, it better sets up Hillary's run in 2016.


Revengeance said:
That speech exceeded expectations, and was everything I hoped it would be. I'm still don't think that Clinton would make a good VP pick, but at least now I'm a little more comforted that she could play a prominent role in Obama's campaign, and not fuck everything up for him.

I could live in an America with that.


Revengeance said:
That speech exceeded expectations, and was everything I hoped it would be. I'm still don't think that Clinton would make a good VP pick, but at least now I'm a little more comforted that she could play a prominent role in Obama's campaign, and not fuck everything up for him.
Stumpokapow said:
the glass ceiling might not be broken, but it has 18 million cracks in it and the light is shining through on us all?
Hyperbole? Yes.

Doesn't stop this from being the best speech I've heard her give.

Props to Hillary. I loved it.


Revengeance said:
That speech exceeded expectations, and was everything I hoped it would be. I'm still don't think that Clinton would make a good VP pick, but at least now I'm a little more comforted that she could play a prominent role in Obama's campaign, and not fuck everything up for him.
Pretty much. She did the right thing.

I'm shocked.

Now she just needs to actively campaign for him, and not leave it at this. But it's a good start.
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