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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Odrion said:
Chuck Todd should be vice president, the combination of him and Obama's intelligence would enable physic abilities.

Pfft, Vice-President? Chuck "God" Todd needs to be the goddamned Supreme Overlord of Earth and all of it's future colonies for life.


DrForester said:
You know, looking at the speech notes (And watching bit on the MSNBC replay) I am surprised Clinton didn't take the easy out.

I REALLY expected her to claim that she knew for months that she would not win, but that she stayed in the race and attacked Obama to temper him into a stronger candidate.

Obviously I don't think that's why she did stay in, but i do think that Obama IS a stronger candidate because of the pressure Hillary put on him.

Hillary Clinton = ZOOM!


Zolomon decided that West had refused to help because, unlike the previous Flash Barry Allen, West had never suffered personal tragedy, and thus didn't understand how terrible it could be. Zolomon decided that if he became the new Zoom and caused a great tragedy in Wally's life, this would help the Flash become a better hero. After borrowing speed from the other speedsters to even the playing field, briefly allowing him to match Zoom's near-light speeds, Flash succeeded in defeating Zoom, and prevented his former friend from killing his then pregnant wife Linda Park. However, Zoom's attack caused a miscarriage of their twin children. Thanks to Wally using the slight 'rips' in Time that were being created by the use of Zoom's powers, Zolomon was forced into a temporal anomaly- being shoved into the rift essentially tied a 'knot' in his timeline- and ended up in a comatose state, continually watching the death of his father-in-law.
Lefty42o said:
any hillary supporter who saw that speech and does not support obama was never a true hillary supporter imho

You hit the nail on the head with this one. They were never true hillary supporter to begin with if they don't support Obama after that one. The only other reason for their dislike of Obama would probably be that they just can't come to grips with an "inadequate black male" being our President.
ratcliffja said:
I really, really like this speech. This is probably the best speech I've ever heard of hers and it's not just the Obama praise. Her anecdotes and historical insight have been very, very effective.

Indeed. If this Hillary is on the campaign trail supporting Obama then this election is over before it started for McCain. She was marvelous today.
Incognito said:
Indeed. If this Hillary is on the campaign trail supporting Obama then this election is over before it started for McCain. She was marvelous today.
Yeah I hope she continues to campaign all around America for the next 5 months.
Trakdown said:


I just sent Hillary a nice note of thanks and encourage everyone to do the same. The Party really is much stronger thanks to the prolonged primary and leaves Obama with a presence in all 50 states and a campaign staff nearly 4 times as large as McCain. And while her tactics seemed too often heavy-handed and distasteful, Clinton served a role in "vetting" Obama for the General Election, beating to death talking points that I'm sure McCain and the Republicans would have loved to use as "October Surprises."

I still don't think a VP nod is in Obama's best interest (I'd prefer Gov. Tom Strickland of Ohio or a Virginian) but I agree with Chuck Todd; deploy her to Florida and Appalachia and get her on TV Ads.
GhaleonEB said:


Fucking CNN :lol

What's more, she DID take forever to get the damn speech started. Does come off as slightly disrespectful that he didn't stay to listen to the speech though.

If Hilary campaigns for him seriously, we are looking at the next President of the United States.
That was a pretty good speech. She's no where near the oratory skills of Obama, but that was pretty decent. She definitely catered towards women in her speech and I'm not sure if she was catering towards them to help get them stirred up to support Obama or if it's just part of being Hillary. Either way it's nice to see her calming down and finally speaking logic. I'm not so opposed to her as a VP candidate now. She's still probably not my top choice, but her speech did make me feel a little easier.
syllogism said:
Can you people stop being outraged at every little thing. There were boos, deal with it.

Outraged at how desperately the media wants to stretch this?

Outraged at how much power the media has over its own narrative, and by extension the actual election?


That was a good speech. If only she made speeches like this through out her campaign I wouldn't think she was the devil.
RiskyChris said:
Outraged at how desperately the media wants to stretch this?

Outraged at how much power the media has over its own narrative, and by extension the actual election?

Outraged at the mention of Ted Danson! I mean, WTF? :lol :lol :lol :lol

I keed.
Scotch said:
That was a good speech. If only she made speeches like this through out her campaign I wouldn't think she was the devil.

the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that she didn't exist
Actually, before today, I only wanted Hillary to deliver an endorsement of Obama, suspend her campaign, and step aside. But I was really impressed with her speech today, and now I'm beginning to think I want her on the campaign trail.

Make no mistake, I still really want to put the whole ugly primary campaign behind us, and have Hillary step out of the spotlight. But I think I can live with her maintaining visibility over the next five months if she campaigns for Obama the way she did today.
teruterubozu said:

Cool because the accepted definition of media narrative is so far off the original definition meaning of narrative that you won't find a suitable replacement at thesaurus.com


I found the idea of "blasting women into space" a weird example of women getting far.

Does she know we have blasted monkeys and dogs into space?


Clevinger said:
Not really. It's literally reaching for the stars.
It is something I just dont see as glass-ceiling shattering.

A woman being the lead general in a war? Totally. Woman president? Yes..etc

I just don't see astronaut as some powerful leadership position. Like I said, we've had dogs and monkeys up there.


TheKingsCrown said:
Amir0x, and whoever else has been campaigning for Obama, listen up!

Some people believe the Democrats will win in a landslide. But I assure you, ASSURE YOU, that all the republicans I have spoken to that are a part of my life have come up with a variety of ridiculous reasons why Mccain is better than Obama. And these are 20 somethings, maybe a little older. Do not underestimate the power of cult logic. They still believe that Mccain is older, wiser, and more seasoned because he is a vet, when a majority of the ones I have talked to (without taking a hard line stance against what they are saying) do not have ANY justification for why they believe that to be the case.

Make no mistake. It is going to take an amazing energy and an amazing effort to elect Barack Obama. This energy and effort will have to be derived from young, old, and Clinton herself. The reason this energy and effort is required is that there are a number of divisions which have to be destroyed before we elect Obama. These include: 1. Race. 2. Conservative vs. liberal. 3. Old vs. young. 4. Rich vs. poor.

He represents all these people, but he hasn't necessarily CONVINCED all these people.

Lastly, I would say that I myself have considered helping out in his campaign because I really feel as though I identify with him. I don't know what I feel would be the best role for myself though. I am much more of a strategic person, a speech giver, than I am a door to door campaign salesman. I'm not sure that, aside from money, I would really be able to contribute. However, any suggestions would be helpful!

Hey, what state do you live in?

My participation in the campaign has always been right in the lead-up to a primary election (the last 5 days before PA primary and the 3 weeks leading up the Oregon primary), but even from that point there's been lots of different things for volunteers to do that isn't door-to-door canvassing (but that is usually the major thing).

I'll be headed to Nevada next week, where I'll get a bit more experience and knowledge on the activities that occur 5 months prior to an election, and maybe give an update on that. I'd assume it's going to be a ton of voter registration activities. Kerry lost by only 21,500 votes in 2004 with Nevada's turnout very low (42nd in nation).
RiskyChris said:
Cool because the accepted definition of media narrative is so far off the original definition meaning of narrative that you won't find a suitable replacement at thesaurus.com

Media bullshit. It's not listed?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Cheebs said:
I found the idea of "blasting women into space" a weird example of women getting far.

Does she know we have blasted monkeys and dogs into space?

Sending animals into space, and sending humans into space, are quite different things. You can send pretty much any animal into space..can't really send any old human up there. The requirements are a bit more stringent... :) So it is an achievement to go there.

Also, re. women presidents...in my own country, I can scarcely remember there ever NOT being a woman president. There's been a female president here for the last 16+ years or thereabouts. Though it's a non-executive post..but across many other countries we've seen women hold ultimate executive authority (Thatcher, Merkel etc.)


RiskyChris said:
Can someone give me a link to Hillary's speech today? I want to watch it without "spoilers" since I slept through it.

For anyone else asking, here it is:

Part I: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxWrl9W9pf4
Part II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em8dWlgxsiY
Part III: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b594Ia2jXYg
Part IV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc1fTJizJ-M

It's about 30 minutes total.

Incognito said:
Damn good speech.

I'd hardly call it "damn good". It was a fine speech, but more along the lines of adequate or sufficient in my view. While she understandably spent most of her time dwelling on herself, thanking people, and explaining what the campaign meant to her, I think she didn't really capitalize on the opportunity to draw more explicit, stark contrasts against her and Obama's shared policies over McCain's. She did that to some degree, but in a pretty broad manner and without ever mentioning McCain by name. I think doing so would've served as more of a wake up call to the more disillusioned in her camp. Still, I can't complain too much since she did what she needed to do at this point and it should help undercut some of the attempts to exploit the divisions within the party.
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