polyh3dron said:...and they illegally fire employees who try to unionize
What's "illegally fire," precious?
polyh3dron said:...and they illegally fire employees who try to unionize
Time for paper, rock, scissors.Diablos said:Oh boy, a tie!
If the Britney and Paris video contributed to that, then Americans will fall for anything. There's no campaign strategy that can save people from falling for that shit, even though if Obama loses people would claim otherwise.
Also, if Britney sues McCain - :lol
Finally, she does something worthy of our respect!
http://washingtonindependent.com/view/extra-extra-mccainORLANDO, Fla. -- We've written before about the McCain campaign's recent restriction of the media's access to the candidate. In the last few days, I've heard some reporters say that they could just as easily do their jobs from their desks in Washington. Some plucky journalists have resorted to calling out questions when they find themselves within earshot at Sen. John McCain's photo-ops, only to be ignored.
Well, today is a little different. For the first time in the four weeks that I've been traveling with the campaign, McCain has actually scheduled -- as in it's in the schedule, as opposed to hastily announced, usually moments before -- a media availability for later today in Panama City, Fla. This will be the first time the presumptive Republican nominee has taken questions from the traveling press in more than a week -- since last Thursday's awkward supermarket debacle, that made more headlines for an applesauce spill than for its content.
So is McCain looking forward to taking questions and getting his message out -- in this week where his campaign really went after Sen. Barack Obama in an ad that compared the Illinois senator to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears? The likely answer: not really. The conference is scheduled for 3:20 p.m. CDT -- part of the Florida panhandle is not on Eastern time -- which is 4:20 EDT. It is expected to last until 4:35 p.m. His one press conference of the week will take place late in the day Friday. As so many beleaguered administrations -- consider the Reagan White House during Iran-contra, not to mention the current Bush White House -- have demonstrated, this ls the ideal time to release information if you want it to be ignored. It's not ideal for the press corps -- but at this point, they will have to take what they can get.
artredis1980 said:
artredis1980 said:
artredis1980 said:
no.fucking.way.artredis1980 said:
artredis1980 said:
artredis1980 said:
Wow. The whole thing just feels like a youtube video some wacko put together.artredis1980 said:
artredis1980 said:
Anybody care to elaborate for those of us at work the the web filters?artredis1980 said:
Dahellisdat said:Anybody care to elaborate for those of us at work the the web filters?
Let's just say it made him look like more of a celebrity than the last ad with Spears and Hilton in it.Dahellisdat said:Anybody care to elaborate for those of us at work the the web filters?
"This is the moment ... that the world is waiting for. ... I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."
I have become a symbol of America returning to our best traditions
"It has become increasingly clear in my travel, the campaign -- that the crowds, the enthusiasm, 200,000 people in Berlin, is not about me at all. It's about America. I have just become a symbol."
They're trying to Jesufy Obama.artredis1980 said:anyone think if they show this ad to those who believe he is a muslim, they will actually vote obama thinking he is the 2nd coming?
No, McCain's just pointing out the facts here. Evangelicals will hate him more, and rightfully so. The fact that a secret Muslim has the audacity to parade around as the second coming of Jesus Christ? Obama must be stopped!Jason's Ultimatum said:Besides what Maynerd posted, doesn't the ad have a religious undertone to it? Wouldn't this help Obama with the evangelicals? :lol :lol
Nazgul_Hunter said:Wow. This is despicable, but so far it seems to be working. But I think they're taking it too far and hopefully there will be a big backlash. That clip of Obama talking about a light shining down... was that him countering Clinton's sarcasm in the primary? It sounded familiar...
Jason's Ultimatum said:Besides what Maynerd posted, doesn't the ad have a religious undertone to it? Wouldn't this help Obama with the evangelicals? :lol :lol
Kaeru said:What I thought too, sounds like he was being sarcastic about what Clinton said.
masud said:Wasn't Obama mocking Hilary (for trying to pull the same shit McCain is now) with that light shining down statement?
Yes. I can't wait for the polls to close, and the anchors to announce that the winner is... Not Barack Obama! The divisive Democrat has been defeated by whoever the Republicans threw on the ballot to oppose him.Kusagari said:The sad fact is that these ads somehow seem to be working. God bless America, where you win by belittling your opponent.
JayDubya said:What's "illegally fire," precious?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
* Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
ZealousD said:http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN3024398620070430?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0
http://www.momandpopnyc.com/campaig...ces_Unions/AntiUnionActs, WaPost, 4.10.05.pdf
And to just add a little bit more to the discussion...
That's right, busting unions is a human rights abuse.
:lol :lol :lolZealousD said:That's right, busting unions is a human rights abuse.
I remember people talking about how the primary was ugly (I was guilty of that as well). Every now and then people would warn, just wait for the general. This is nothing.alr1ghtstart said:stay classy McCain. :lol :lol
GhaleonEB said:They weren't kidding. Holy fuck, McCain. What a OLD shitbag.
Whoa, Ghal. Don't insult McCain. He's right: people are starting view Obama as some sort of religious figure, a second coming of Christ if you will, and it needs to stop. Now.GhaleonEB said:I remember people talking about how the primary was ugly (I was guilty of that as well). Every now and then people would warn, just wait for the general. This is nothing.
They weren't kidding. Holy fuck, McCain. What a shitbag.
Make your voice heard. Vote Not Barack Obama!Dax01 said:Whoa, Ghal. Don't insult McCain. He's right: people are starting view Obama as some sort of religious figure, a second coming of Christ if you will, and it needs to stop. Now.
Dax01 said:Whoa, Ghal. Don't insult McCain. He's right: people are starting view Obama as some sort of religious figure, a second coming of Christ if you will, and it needs to stop. Now.
Based on what McCain has told me, you're incorrect.BenjaminBirdie said:I see way more people starting to view the people who support Obama as people who believe he's some sort of religious figure than I ever see people actually viewing him as some sort of religious figure.
To be fair many people here and elsewhere do see politics in a quasi-religious light where politics takes the place of religion in their lives.BenjaminBirdie said:I see way more people starting to view the people who support Obama as people who believe he's some sort of religious figure than I ever see people actually viewing him as some sort of religious figure.
To be fair many people here and elsewhere do see athletes in a quasi-religious light where sports takes the place of religion in their lives.Branduil said:To be fair many people here and elsewhere do see politics in a quasi-religious light where politics takes the place of religion in their lives.