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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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scorcho said:
points out something the media should be making more fuss about - for all the charges of inexperience and vacuity leveled by McCain to Obama, there's a disarming superficiality to many of McCain's proposals. it's not befitting of someone with an 'experience' edge over his opponent.

Let's be honest here. The reason why all this crap is being pushed by either campaign (but mostly the McCain camp) is largely in part because the media thrives on this, especially cable news. The media is largely at fault because they've decided rather than being the objective mouthpiece of the people and call the campaigns to a higher standard, they'd rather sit on the sideline until one of the camps makes an inflammatory statement or some gaffe and create a frenzy about it. That's the reason why I never buy the "I'm am objective journalism crap". If you're an objective journalist, call the candidates out on the issue and end the tabloid news cycle that predominates everyday.

It's sad to see that even some journalist who even on most occasions seem to be objective get sucked in and start repeating GOP talking points. The latest example of this is the narrative that Obama is too arrogant. Rachel Maddow made the point yesterday that McCain did everything Obama did overseas (sans speaking to 200,000 people). McCain even forecasted what he would accomplish at the end of his first time as president in 2013 and no one questioned that as being arrogant or presumptuous.

way more

Asked at a town hall meeting (what else) in Racine, Wis., if comparing Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears was a flip-flop on his pledge to conduct a high-minded, respectful campaign, McCain replied: "There are differences and we are drawing those differences."

He continued: "I’m proud of the campaign we have run, I’m proud of the issues we are trying to address with the American people. We’re proud of that commercial."

Ah yes, the hot button issue Americans face this year of if Obama is like Paris Hilton. He should be proud to cover such a controversial topic.

gcubed said:
the daily show was awesome.

and man, Hulu is awesome.

Hulu is unusable for me in the same way that Joost was. I know it's normal for video to run and pause as it's loading, but even for portions of a video that's "loaded", if I try to go back to those segments, playback is still - I don't know - stuttery.


Can you shoot the words "Flip" and "Flop" into the sun? Seriously, talk about being overused because of the way it stuck to Kerry in 2004.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
My mother doesn't think he's handsome. She's by no means racist. she also thinks John Kerry is handsome. I almost punched her in the cunt. :lol

You must have been quite upset about that.


I'm seeing a web banner on this thread that's a spinoff of the 'Celeb' ad. Britney on one side, Paris on the other, with a ? in between. It has the 'paid for by John McCain' stamp.

I thought they would back off this stupid smear, but they're doubling down on dumb.


testicles on a cold fall morning
maximum360 said:
That's the reason why I never buy the "I'm am objective journalism crap". If you're an objective journalist, call the candidates out on the issue and end the tabloid news cycle that predominates everyday.
from what i remember from undergrad, objective journalism isn't supposed to impart perspective. they're the mouthpiece to what's happening and little else. what you're looking for is advocacy journalism.

and getting back to the larger narrative point, Obama needs to hammer away at McCain's own deficiencies and, at the sake of soiling his mantra for a 'new politics', sink a bit to McCain's level. as i said much earlier, McCain has successfully made this campaign a referendum on Obama. that he's virtually tied in polls now after all the missteps he's made this week emphasize that point.


Lv99 Slacker said:
What's going on?
Hecklers stand up in the back row, holding some kind of banner sign.

They are yelling something, interrupt Obama.

Crowd starts booing, then drowns them out by chanting "Yes we can."

Obama talks directly to them, says this is a town hall. I'll give you a chance to ask your question or make your statement, just let me finish up. You'll get your chance, just sit down and be courteous.

Hecklers put sign away and sit down.

Obama handled them perfectly. Can't wait to hear the question. :lol


GhaleonEB said:
Hecklers stand up in the back row, holding some kind of banner sign.

They are yelling something, interrupt Obama.

Crowd starts booing, then drowns them out by chanting "Yes we can."

Obama talks directly to them, says this is a town hall. I'll give you a chance to ask your question or make your statement, just let me finish up. You'll get your chance, just sit down and be courteous.

Hecklers put sign away and sit down.

Obama handled them perfectly. Can't wait to hear the question. :lol
The hecklers were also holding up a sign saying "What about the black community, Obama?"
GhaleonEB said:
Hecklers stand up in the back row, holding some kind of banner sign.

They are yelling something, interrupt Obama.

Crowd starts booing, then drowns them out by chanting "Yes we can."

Obama talks directly to them, says this is a town hall. I'll give you a chance to ask your question or make your statement, just let me finish up. You'll get your chance, just sit down and be courteous.

Hecklers put sign away and sit down.

Obama handled them perfectly. Can't wait to hear the question. :lol

Yeah. I saw all of that. It was just that in my haste to check back with this thread to get a better idea of how exactly the protesters were disrupting the town hall, I missed what their banner had printed on it. :\
Lemonz said:
The hecklers were also holding up a sign saying "What about the black community, Obama?"

Oh, boy. Why do I have the suspicion that this is part of a concerted effort by GOP trolls to paint Obama as a black nationalist? "See? This man does not represent America. If elected, he will put the interests of blacks above all others!"


scorcho: Obama and McCain attack each other all the time, in every speech. What is picked up and driven as a talking point is mostly at the whims of, yes, the media. Obama calling McCain's plans vapid (if he hasn't done so already) probably wouldn't be provocative enough.

It's what makes the whole "he's on offense/defense" shtick completely ridiculous. The candidates are ALWAYS responding to one another.


testicles on a cold fall morning
thekad said:
scorcho: Obama and McCain attack each other all the time, in every speech. What is picked up and driven as a talking point is mostly at the whims of, yes, the media. Obama calling McCain's plans vapid (if he hasn't done so already) probably wouldn't be provocative enough.

It's what makes the whole "he's on offense/defense" shtick completely ridiculous. The candidates are ALWAYS responding to one another.
'attacking' and highlighting policy differences are not the same.


Does Obama really have to go negative to counter-punch McCain? I don't know.

Kerry probably should have, because he sucked at trying to get people to like him, and couldn't deliver his message. Obama does a much better job at getting his points across. People actually listen to him. I don't know if Obama going super negative on McCain will help him.
The Lamonster said:
So did they ask a question yet? I want to know how he answers it.
The hecklers? Yeah, they asked their question. Obama responded in kind by saying he has talked about and did all the things that the hecklers didn't think he was talking about and doing.
Dax01 said:
The hecklers? Yeah, they asked their question. Obama responded in kind by saying he has talked about and did all the things that the hecklers didn't think he was talking about and doing.

What was the question?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Dax01 said:
The hecklers? Yeah, they asked their question. Obama responded in kind by saying he has talked about and did all the things that the hecklers didn't think he was talking about and doing.

Sounds like a publicity stunt on their end
Dax01 said:
The hecklers? Yeah, they asked their question. Obama responded in kind by saying he has talked about and did all the things that the hecklers didn't think he was talking about and doing.
haha he's so cool >_<
Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said the senator was not referring to race.

"What Barack Obama was talking about was that he didn't get here after spending decades in Washington," Gibbs said Thursday. "There is nothing more to this than the fact that he was describing that he was new to the political scene. He was referring to the fact that he didn't come into the race with the history of others. It is not about race."


Absolutely pathetic...clearly he was referring to race. He was race baiting because McCain won't.
Nazgul_Hunter said:
What was the question?
I can't recall it word for word, but it was basically something along the lines of "Why haven't you done 'X' or talked about 'y' in order to show your support for the Black community?"

siamesedreamer said:

Absolutely pathetic...clearly he was referring to race. He was race baiting because McCain won't.
I love you, too.


siamesedreamer said:

Absolutely pathetic...clearly he was referring to race. He was race baiting because McCain won't.

I'll have to agree with the fact that Obama was referring to race when he made thos remarks and I think that it's disingenuous of him to say that he wasn't. It's also really not believable.
McCain's constant lying is absolutely pathetic....and the fact that he tries generate fake outrage because he's jealous of Obama's campaign while his campaign continues to look pathetic...is absolutely pathetic. Right now, all McCain is doing is just spreading more lies while putting on the best poker face.

but it works ;-)


Kildace said:
I'll have to agree with the fact that Obama was referring to race when he made thos remarks and I think that it's disingenuous of him to say that he wasn't. It's also really not believable.

I thought this too, but now that I think about it more, he could've possibly been referring to the AGE of past presidents.

Either way though, he clearly was not referring to history or experience as their campaign is claiming. How you look has nothing to do with those qualities.


ShOcKwAvE said:
I thought this too, but now that I think about it more, he could've possibly been referring to the AGE of past presidents.
Uh what? JFK is on our money and he was younger than Obama. (As was Teddy Roosevelt, Bill Clinton....etc)
LOL I see McCain learned nothing from the green screen debacle... HE'S SPEAKING IN FRONT OF A BLUE SCREEN LOLOLOLZ

Forced out-of-place smile at the end of a sentence not warranting it = lololololol
Cheebs said:
Uh what? JFK is on our money and he was younger than Obama. (As was Teddy Roosevelt, Bill Clinton....etc)
Yup. Obama was talking about race and it's foolish for Burton to claim he wasn't.

Also thought it was stupid for them to so harshly and immediately condemn Ludacris' song.
Kildace said:
I'll have to agree with the fact that Obama was referring to race when he made thos remarks and I think that it's disingenuous of him to say that he wasn't. It's also really not believable.
It is disingenuous. However, like bitter-gate, I think what's unfortunate here is not that he said it, but because he can't really elaborate on that point. It could have been phrased better, but I agree with him. It would be great if he could articulate it, but unfortunately it's too controversial, so all he can do is walk away whistling hoping that people forget about it.


polyh3dron said:
LOL I see McCain learned nothing from the green screen debacle... HE'S SPEAKING IN FRONT OF A BLUE SCREEN LOLOLOLZ
It's for the next commercial of McCain magically speaking infront of Obama's Berlin crowd.


force push the doodoo rock
polyh3dron said:
LOL I see McCain learned nothing from the green screen debacle... HE'S SPEAKING IN FRONT OF A BLUE SCREEN LOLOLOLZ

Forced out-of-place smile at the end of a sentence not warranting it = lololololol

I'm gonna follow him straight to hell.
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