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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Dax01 said:
McCain on CNN just said he has a very respectable campaign.:lol\

He says he doesn't think the campaign is negative.


I'm starting to think the McCain "Campaign" is all just one huge attempt to troll America. And it's working.


Small balls, big fun!
Reporter: "You said that you have fought for equal rights your entire career. What specifically?"

McCain: Stalls, then hilariously vague answer. "I voted to lower taxes." Ah!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Dax01 said:
Whoa, Ghal. Don't insult McCain. He's right: people are starting view Obama as some sort of religious figure, a second coming of Christ if you will, and it needs to stop. Now.

Joke post right?!


Mandark said:
Reporter: "You said that you have fought for equal rights your entire career. What specifically?"

McCain: Stalls, then hilariously vague answer. "I voted to lower taxes." Ah!



testicles on a cold fall morning
Mandark said:
Reporter: "You said that you have fought for equal rights your entire career. What specifically?"

McCain: Stalls, then hilariously vague answer. "I voted to lower taxes." Ah!
oh that McCain!
mckmas8808 said:
Joke post right?!
One thing you need to know: when it comes to me, expect a lot of sarcasm/joking. I wasn't being serious.
Mandark said:
Reporter: "You said that you have fought for equal rights your entire career. What specifically?"

McCain: Stalls, then hilariously vague answer. "I voted to lower taxes." Ah!
On another question he had the reporter repeat the first part, and completely ignored the second part of the reporter's question.:lol
Instigator said:
A lot of craziness just before the Olympics. Any chance a VP will be named before the opening ceremonies?
We're all hoping.


BenjaminBirdie said:
It's only 50% bad. ;D
I agree right now. Obama has run nice, clean campaign. I only pray that he can retain his dignity and not stoop to this level. I don't blame McCain for these ads, I bet he doesn't see most of them. He just hired a bunch of insane people to run his campaign.


Small balls, big fun!
Requests for the rest of the campaign:

Everyone who accused Obama of lacking substance: The same for McCain.

Reporters and columnists: No more speculating about how McCain is secretly honorable and honest and the things he says in no way reflect on him.

Honkeys: No use of the phrase "the race card".

Harry Reid: Make the GOP actually follow through with a filibuster.

Barney Frank: More Barney Frank!


Bursh said:
I agree right now. Obama has run nice, clean campaign. I only pray that he can retain his dignity and not stoop to this level. I don't blame McCain for these ads, I bet he doesn't see most of them. He just hired a bunch of insane people to run his campaign.
I'm not really mad at McCain's campaign for running these ads, I'm more upset that people are dumb enough to buy the shit he's selling. In fact, if there comes a point when it seems that Obama needs to go negative, I certainly hope he does.
Has anyone posted Obama's full response to the protesters in the town hall? It's a sterling example, I think, of how his general unflappability is going to go over massively in the debates against a very flusterable McCain.

Protestor: So my question is: In the face of the numerous attacks that are made against the African community or the black community, by the same US government that you aspire to lead -- and we are talking about attacks like the subprime mortgage that you spoke of -- it wasn't just a general ambiguous kind of phenomena, a phenomena that targeted the African community and Latino community, attacks like the killing of Sean Bell by the New York police department and right here in St. Petersburg by the St. Petersburg police, and Jena 6 and Hurricane Katrina, and the list goes on. In the face of all these attacks that are clearly being made on the African community, why is it that you have not had the ability to not one time speak to the interests and even speak on the behalf of the oppressed and exploited African community or black community in this country?

Obama: Well, I, ah, I guess, I... Hold on a second, everybody. I want everybody to be respectful. That's why we are having a town hall meeting. That's democracy at work. And he asked a legitimate question, so I want to give him an answer.

I think you are misinformed about when you say not one time. Every issue you've spoken about, I actually did speak out about. I'm going to go through the various specific examples. I've been talking about predatory lending for the last two years in the United States Senate and worked to pass legislation to prevent it when I wan in the state legislature. And I have repeatedly said that many of the predatory loans that were made in the mortgage system did target African American and Latino communities. I've said that repeatedly.

Number two, Jena Six -- I was the first candidate to get out there and say this is wrong, that there's an injustice that's been done and we need to change it. That's number two.

When Sean Bell got shot, I put out a statement immediately saying this is a problem. (Protestors yell out something inaudible.) I'm sorry, wait, wait, wait, don't start, hold on, don't start, you know shouting back, I'm just answering your question. On each of these issues, I've spoken out. Now, I may not have spoken out the way you would have wanted me to speak out, which is fine.

More from Obama: Here's what I'm suggesting. What I'm suggesting is that on each of these issues that you mentioned, I have spoken out and I have spoken out forcefully. I was a civil-rights lawyer. I have passed, I passed -- hold on a second -- I passed the first racial profiling legislation in Illinois. I passed, I passed some of the toughest death penalty reform legislation in Illinois. So, these are issues I've worked on for decades. Now, that doesn't mean I'm always going to satisfy the way you guys want these issues framed. I understand that, which gives you the option of voting for somebody else. It gives you the option of running for office yourself. Those are all options. But the one thing that I think is important, the one thing that I think is important is that we're respectful towards each other. And what is true is I believe that the only way we're going to solve our problems in this country... The only way were going to solve our problems in this country is if all of us come together -- black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, young, old, disabled, gay, straight. That I think has got to be our agenda.
GhaleonEB said:
Check your PM please.

Edit: Obama campaign responds to the ad.

Barack Obama's campaign responded sharply to a new McCain webad depicting Obama as a parody of a biblical prophet.

"It’s downright sad that on a day when we learned that 51,000 Americans lost their jobs, a candidate for the presidency is spending all of his time and the powerful platform he has on these sorts of juvenile antics," said spokesman Hari Sevugan. "Senator McCain can keep telling everyone how ‘proud’ he is of these political stunts which even his Republican friends and advisors have called ‘childish’, but Barack Obama will continue talking about his plan to jumpstart our economy by giving working families $1,000 of immediate relief."

The ad, released only on the Internet, is the latest in a series mocking the Democratic nominee.

"It should be known that in 2008 the world shall be blessed," begins the ad's deep-voiced narrator. Later, Obama emerges Godlike from the clouds.

The ad quotes Obama in both serious riffs telling a crowd "we are the ones we've been waiting for"; and in a sarcastic one, joking to an audience, "You will experience an epiphany and you will say to yourself, 'I have to vote for Barack.'"

The ad then shows Obama expressing his hope that America will look back at the 2008 election as the beginning of the end of global warming. The ad then cuts to an image a Charlton Heston, as Moses, parting the Red Sea, before concluding:

"Barack Obama may be The One, but is he ready to lead?"

Obama's campaign responded to McCain's webad after sending out a separate statement from Newark Mayor Cory Booker, whom McCain had praised in a speech at the Urban League today.

"In yet another dishonest attack at the Urban League, Senator McCain misled the American people about Senator Obama's record and his own," Booker, an Obama supporter, said, praising Obama's support for charter schools in Illinois, and attacking McCain's opposition to spending on a range of education programs.

"With that kind of track record, Senator McCain should be the last person lecturing Senator Obama about a commitment to quality education for our nation's children," he said.



Mandark said:
Reporter: "You said that you have fought for equal rights your entire career. What specifically?"

McCain: Stalls, then hilariously vague answer. "I voted to lower taxes." Ah!

In case there was ever any question, the man is definitely a republican.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Has anyone posted Obama's full response to the protesters in the town hall? It's a sterling example, I think, of how his general unflappability is going to go over massively in the debates against a very flusterable McCain.
And everyone should keep this in mind: these were protesters who interrupted Obama's speech. He talked them down, told them he'd give them an opportunity to ask their question. And in the Q&A session did. They asked second.

McCain would have had them tossed out, no questions asked.
GhaleonEB said:
And everyone should keep this in mind: these were protesters who interrupted Obama's speech. He talked them down, told them he'd give them an opportunity to ask their question. And in the Q&A session did. They asked second.

McCain would have had them tossed out, no questions asked.

Yeah, exactly. I didn't want to post the entire thing, but he's on point the whole time, even when they first started interrupting him.
the disgruntled gamer said:
I'm not really mad at McCain's campaign for running these ads, I'm more upset that people are dumb enough to buy the shit he's selling. In fact, if there comes a point when it seems that Obama needs to go negative, I certainly hope he does.
Well, I think it'll be interesting to see how this plays out over time. There's still over three months left in this election. Even though Gallup (which I find meaningless at this stage) might suggest that the ads are working, I don't think this will fly in the long run.

Does McCain have anything up his sleeve, or is he going to continue running on the "I'm not Barack Obama" platform the entire time? If so, I think Obama is sharp enough to counter these baseless attacks, and when he does, McCain will really be in a world of hurt to try and find some angle that works.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
And everyone should keep this in mind: these were protesters who interrupted Obama's speech. He talked them down, told them he'd give them an opportunity to ask their question. And in the Q&A session did. They asked second.

McCain would have had them tossed out, no questions asked.

Like he did with the woman that had the McCain = Bush poster?
Mandark said:
The hecklers are involved in the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement.

Looks like it's a pan-African radical/socialist oraganization, so it's not a surprise that they don't like Obama, who's a mainstream American liberal with conciliatory ideas about racial justice.

edit: pwned by mrmyth

edit 2: I've got CNN on in the background and Wolf Blitzer is making it sound like the hecklers got some sort of special treatment (cause they're black OMG!?). Seriously folks.

It's Wolf Blitzer. Spin-master supreme.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Steve Youngblood said:
Well, I think it'll be interesting to see how this plays out over time. There's still over three months left in this election. Even though Gallup (which I find meaningless at this stage) might suggest that the ads are working, I don't think this will fly in the long run.

Does McCain have anything up his sleeve, or is he going to continue running on the "I'm not Barack Obama" platform the entire time? If so, I think Obama is sharp enough to counter these baseless attacks, and when he does, McCain will really be in a world of hurt to try and find some angle that works.

This is the only angle that works for John McCain.


It's clear what's happning:

McCain's campaign realizes the intellect of your average American (5th grade or so), and it's tailoring its message to that crowd. It's a proven strategy.

Obama's campaign is trying to be high-minded, noble, clever, etc. They'd rather lose with dignity than go through the gutter to win.

Of course, the world may go down the shitter, but who cares, right? At least our campaigns were dignified.. *eyeroll*
Agent Icebeezy said:
This is the only angle that works for John McCain.
Yes, and although I understand the strategy, I think he's going to be in serious trouble if he can't come up with something that's at least vaguely substantive.

I understand the irony of suggesting that the public will see through this charade when the same people voted Bush into office twice, but there has been something of a movement for change that Obama has masterfully cashed in on. Furthermore, and I never thought I would say this, but I actually believe that the McCain we've seen over the past several months is an even weaker candidate than Bush. Ludicrous or not, Bush managed to create a persona that resonated with some voters and made him a popular figure within his base while simultaneously executing an effective smear campaign against his opponents. McCain isn't even all that popular amongst conservatives. Being "Not Barack Obama" isn't just how he's winning people in the middle -- it seems to be 100% of his support.
Oh for FUCKS sakes


Spanish Ad


CHYRON: The World According To Barack Obama

BARACK OBAMA: Tonight I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen; a proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world.

CHYRON: But Entire Nations Were Forgotten!

BARACK OBAMA: France, Berlin, Hamburg, Britain, Kandahar, London, Rwanda, Iran, Bangladesh...

CHYRON: Where Was Latin America Left?

BARACK OBAMA: Karachi, Beijing, the former Soviet Union, Pakistan, Paris, Bali, Russia, Chad, Zimbabwe...

CHYRON: And Latinos?

BARACK OBAMA: Afghanistan, Somalia, Darfur, Belfast, South Africa, Madrid, Europe, Burma, Amman...

CHYRON: Maybe He Forget About Us?

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

John McCain wants Obama to mention Latinos among terrorist supporting countries

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
i like his answer to the factcheck.org website.

"uh.. i dont know that website so i am not going to answer that question"

he makes me so angry every time i hear him talk.

Holy fuck, McCain doesn't even need to spin Obama's behavior to make it look bad. WHAT THE FUCK BLITZER, did you watch the same video I saw with the hecklers and how Obama addressed their question without any pandering at all? He even said that he won't necessarily frame the issues exactly in the way they want them to be framed, but he has still addressed them.

Preferential treatment to the black hecklers my ass. The "librul" media is doing McCain's spin for him.
artredis1980 said:
Oh for FUCKS sakes


Spanish Ad


John McCain wants Obama to mention Latinos among terrorist supporting countries
That does it. I want to punch McCain right in his cheek tumor.

He didn't mention Canada either or a shitload of different countries.
Hell he didn't mention any countries at all that are part of North/South America other than the US obviously.





Guys we are three months out. This is McCain warming up, testing stuff out. It's downright pleasant compared to how he'll be in two months, especially if he's still running behind. Don't get too worked up, just yet.


The upside

In a video sent to donors, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe says the campaign received 100,000 contributions yesterday, a third of them from first-time donors.

"I think John McCain has harmed himself in the last week, really eroding any capital he had built up in terms of what kin of politician he is," Plouffe says. "But he's really helped our campaign, because so many of you have contributed in the last week. Our field offices had people pouring into them yesterday."

In the primary, Obama's most successful fundraising came during moments of conflict, and McCain's decision to go negative seems to be bearing the same cost.


Of course they are also trying to keep their base fired up and it coincided with the end of month drive


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
bill0527 said:
I wonder what percentage of people claiming they are going to vote for Obama, really have no intention of voting for Obama and will go the other way once they're in the privacy of the voting booth.
You sound like my dad:lol He thinks Obama's gonna lose in a landslide because of shit like this.:lol


"Good Luck."


Gold Member
Hootie said:

Obama doesn't want them, McCain will make him look unexperienced which is why he has not accepted the town hall debate offers. Brokaw really pressed him on this on last Sunday's MTP.
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