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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Steve Youngblood said:
To be fair many people here and elsewhere do see athletes in a quasi-religious light where sports takes the place of religion in their lives.

Sports can also be substituted with anything else that receives wide, national coverage and is deemed as an important current event.
Sure but the difference is most people don't take sports seriously except in a facetious way.

Many who place importance on politics really do seem to think it will be the end of the world if the guy they support doesn't win.


You guys missed some epic shit on MSNBC between the democratic strategist and the republican one, both black, speaking on "the race card issue. VERY heated I feared for the republican guys life a few times. Suffice it to say the Dem didn't come back for the follow up discussion probably because he was afraid he'd hit the other guy.


ZealousD said:
That's right, busting unions is a human rights abuse.

That document holds as much weight as toilet paper, and rightfully so. Natural rights are important, but that one thinks love and sunshine and smiles are universal human rights.

What about people that don't want to work for a union, and companies that don't want to work with unions? What about people that want to be rewarded for the quality of their work rather than the quantity of their work over time? Do they have no right to work? Do they have no human dignity? What about the actual, legitimate, important human rights of freedom of association? Freedom of contract?
Branduil said:
Sure but the difference is most people don't take sports seriously except in a facetious way.

Many who place importance on politics really do seem to think it will be the end of the world if the guy they support doesn't win.
Yes, and what's wrong with that? While one can argue that the current political forum is a bastardization of what it was supposed to be, existing more as a spectacle for entertainment and less as a collective body that is supposed to govern and legislate with the people's best interests in mind, people SHOULD take politics seriously. I won't fault people who don't, but to argue that there's not a lot on the line is just an excuse for apathy. People are supposed to care about the issues, and take the core ideal of representative democracy seriously.

Is the world going to end if my guy doesn't win? Probably not. But the fact of the matter is that if I agree with Guy A's vision and disagree with Guy B, I have every right to be upset when Guy A doesn't win. Taking passion in how your nation is governed is a good thing.
so, anyone keeping up with whats going on on the house floor? house republicans, after they House was adjourned for August, have been throwing a sort of raucous party/debate complaining about limiting dissent, wanting to vote on the more drilling thing, etc, while the House had its lights, cameras, and mics shut off for the August recess. The GOP has shipped in as many aides as possible, many people allowed on the floor, House repubs talking to gallery members against normal decorum, etc, etc. Politico has more:

JayDubya said:
That document holds as much weight as toilet paper, and rightfully so. Natural rights are important, but that one thinks love and sunshine and smiles are universal human rights.

Which rights are natural rights and who decides that they are?
Dax01 said:
McCain campaign says it is meant to cause humor. :lol :lol
Humor like rape humor? Humor like joking about genocide (maybe that's how we can kill them then <Iranians>)? Humor like poking fun at a then 14ish year old girl being ugly by saying her father is Janet Reno?

At this rate well see "Barack Is A MUSLIM", "Obama/Osama" and "Obama is a terrorist" ads by next week.


Steve Youngblood said:
Yes, and what's wrong with that? While one can argue that the current political forum is a bastardization of what it was supposed to be, existing more as a spectacle for entertainment and less as a collective body that is supposed to govern and legislate with the people's best interests in mind, people SHOULD take politics seriously. I won't fault people who don't, but to argue that there's not a lot on the line is just an excuse for apathy. People are supposed to care about the issues, and take the core ideal of representative democracy seriously.

Is the world going to end if my guy doesn't win? Probably not. But the fact of the matter is that if I agree with Guy A's vision and disagree with Guy B, I have every right to be upset when Guy A doesn't win. Taking passion in how your nation is governed is a good thing.
Sure passion is good. But thinking everyone who disagrees with you is stupid or worse, an evil force that must be stopped at any cost, is not.

Justin Bailey

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polyh3dron said:
Humor like rape humor? Humor like joking about genocide (maybe that's how we can kill them then <Iranians>)? Humor like poking fun at a then 14ish year old girl being ugly by saying her father is Janet Reno?
Antichrist humor!

Oh McCain! Always with the knee-slappers!


Frank the Great said:
Which rights are natural rights and who decides that they are?

To be quite literal in my retort, sure as shit that rules regarding the construct of labor unions isn't among them.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Keep digging that hole McCain. Obama is gonna kick some ass once he starts dropping his Olympics ads.


artredis1980 said:
you have GOT to be fucking kidding me!




What the fuck McCain. You have gone lower than any other campaign I have ever seen in my life, and there's still over 3 damn months until the Election. I hope you lose the election in a landslide so you can scurry back into that shithole you came out of.


I'm not sure how implying some view Obama with religious fervor is worse than suggesting someone had an illegitimate black child or that electing them will result in nuclear war, but okay.


Branduil said:
I'm not sure how implying some view Obama with religious fervor is worse than suggesting someone had an illegitimate black child or that electing them will result in nuclear war, but okay.

Yeah, "Daisy" really was the lowest thing ever.
Branduil said:
I'm not sure how implying some view Obama with religious fervor is worse than suggesting someone had an illegitimate black child or that electing them will result in nuclear war, but okay.
I seriously hope Obama doesn't take this bullshit bait. He should address it as being ridiculous, but PLEASE don't drop down to this level.


I don't know Obama needs to walk a fine line with the whole Olympic ads, if he comes off as politicizing the "sacrosanct" olympics it could really backfire.


Branduil said:
I'm not sure how implying some view Obama with religious fervor is worse than suggesting someone had an illegitimate black child or that electing them will result in nuclear war, but okay.

I dunno, the McCain camp has already said that Obama would allow another Holocaust to happen. That was rather low too.:p
Holy shit and I just saw the Paris/Britney banner on my screen. Fuck you John McCain. I liked you in 2000, and even kinda liked you in the primaries a little bit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
lol at that banner by that one guy: "What about the black community, Obama?"

For real?

Obama: Flip-flopping against the Black Community.



ronito said:
I don't know Obama needs to walk a fine line with the whole Olympic ads, if he comes off as politicizing the "sacrosanct" olympics it could really backfire.

I can just imagine the MSM headlines saying Obama was using the Olympics for political gain so he's evil while McCain gets away with these absolutely shittacular and inappropriate ads.
reilo said:
lol at that banner by that one guy: "What about the black community, Obama?"

For real?

Obama: Flip-flopping against the Black Community.


I refuse to believe that they were anything but plants.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
scorcho said:
why? is it impossible for blacks to have an independent voice?

Like Obama said. They asked a legitimate question. Obama did speak out against all of those things the guy mentioned. The problem for them was that he didn't speak out in Malcolm X/Jesse Jackson vigor that wouldn't have helped anything.

He finished off the little back and forth by saying that it's not about black, latino, white, etc. issues, and that we all need to come together to speak out against them.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Hootie said:
No, but the way McCain has been campaigning there's no way you can throw away that possibility.
it'd be in McCain's interest for people to believe that Obama is the black candidate behind a unified black 'voice' that wants to do all sorts of things to the whites. situations like this and Rev. Jackson's comments counter that reductive portrait.

if anything, i thought the sheep-like applause that broke out whenever Obama said more than a few words in response to his question was stupider. from what i remember Obama had to tell the crowd to let him respond first.


Dax01 said:
I don't want to sound racist, but I have some racist things to say. How do I do that?

Maybe you should ask Bish.

Protesters were from a group called Uhuru. Wants all black people to go back to Africa. Can't get along with anybody, inlucding NAACP and AFL/CIO. Kinda like Moveon.org for black people.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
There needs to be some kind of comment submitting to the Obama campaign.


George W. Bush

Bush said to James Robinson: 'I feel like God wants me to run for President. I can't explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. Something is going to happen... I know it won't be easy on me or my family, but God wants me to do it.'
mrmyth said:
Maybe you should ask Bish.
Just so I know you know, it was a reference to something that was on the Colbert Report a couple of nights ago. He said, "I have some sexist things to say, but I don't want to sound sexist. How do I do that?"

Agent Icebeezy said:
There needs to be some kind of comment submitting to the Obama campaign.


George W. Bush
I remember reading that. This man is just crazy.
is the Ad saying he is the anti-christ? it would have worked better without Moses... and it should have had the theme song from The Omen :D

McCain you a fool for this one :lol


Small balls, big fun!
The hecklers are involved in the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement.

Looks like it's a pan-African radical/socialist oraganization, so it's not a surprise that they don't like Obama, who's a mainstream American liberal with conciliatory ideas about racial justice.

edit: pwned by mrmyth

edit 2: I've got CNN on in the background and Wolf Blitzer is making it sound like the hecklers got some sort of special treatment (cause they're black OMG!?). Seriously folks.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Smiles and Cries said:
Obama's response Ad to "The One" is titled "Number Two" instead of Moses parting the Red Sea you have Snuggle's the bear flushing a toilet

Is this a joke? If not, where is a link
McCain on CNN just said he has a very respectable campaign.:lol\

He says he doesn't think the campaign is being negative; it has a lot of "humor" in it and they are really enjoying themselves.
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