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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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masud said:
This 'we don't know him' shit is so overtly prejudice (I wont say racist because there's more to it that just his race) it's crazy. I mean how well do we know Romney? Obama is a US senator ffs he's been vetted before, he's even authored two books about his life.

true. but we haven't had a terrorist president before so you really can't blame people for being cautious


Tyrone Slothrop said:
true. but we haven't had a terrorist president before so you really can't blame people for being cautious

Oh I wouldn't go that far, I'd say almost every president has engaged in terrorism at one time or another.


Tamanon said:
Oh I wouldn't go that far, I'd say almost every president has engaged in terrorism at one time or another.

Yes but there werent terrorists before they entered the office. There's a difference.


StoOgE said:
He is for it, but only if we can find a way to store it. More or less, he is pro-Nuclear. However, no one will say that, because no one wants to store spent material in their back yard. Its a huge deal in Nevada for instance.

McCain is saying it, and my guess is its going to hurt him in NV.

yes, he wants to do pretty much what France is doing IIRC... invest in a recycling program to minimize waste.

McCain doesnt see the benefit in that and thinks it costs too much money to recycle and its not overly efficient.
With all this windfall profit tax talk going on, what's stopping the gas companies from raising their prices to compensate for their loss of revenue?


polyh3dron said:
With all this windfall profit tax talk going on, what's stopping the gas companies from raising their prices to compensate for their loss of revenue?

Well, it's a tax on the profits, not the revenues, so raising the price wouldn't really help there one would think.


polyh3dron said:
With all this windfall profit tax talk going on, what's stopping the gas companies from raising their prices to compensate for their loss of revenue?

A windfall profits tax taxes you for earning sbove a pre-approved government sponsored amount. In other words, Obama believes it is appropriate to reign a business in at 8% profit. A better question is what will stop him from punishing OTHER businesses that make more than 8% profit?
White, hard working voters!

But even among white workers -- a group of voters that has been targeted by both parties as a key to victory in November -- Obama leads McCain by 10 percentage points, 47 percent to 37 percent, and has the advantage as the more empathetic candidate.

Obama's standing with the white workers runs counter to an impression, dating from the primary season, that he struggles to attract support from that group. McCain advisers have said for months that they think the Republican can win a significant share of those voters because of Obama's performance in the spring.

Ruth Haskins, 64, the city clerk of Billings, Mo., said she is "scared about the younger generation running the country" and is solidly "on the fence" about the election.

wait, hasn't it been her generation running the country (into the ground)?


soul creator said:
wait, hasn't it been her generation running the country (into the ground)?
Yep. It always cracks me up that each generation is afraid of the next one, so that woman probably grew up arguing with her parents about her generation, and now she's doing the same thing her parents did.

Look around, you old witch. Your generation has done a shitty job. The young generation really can't do much worse.
Gaborn said:
A windfall profits tax taxes you for earning sbove a pre-approved government sponsored amount. In other words, Obama believes it is appropriate to reign a business in at 8% profit. A better question is what will stop him from punishing OTHER businesses that make more than 8% profit?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Obama's plan is to cap all businesses that make above 1 billion a year to an 8% profit margin. This will in turn free those business from the shackles of shareholders, since their earnings will be capped anyways, allowing those businesses to take more risks on long term projects, since their stocks will naturally stabilize.

The revenue that will result from that tax will go on to the poor, and everything will be great!




when is my burrito
I ended up making my second donation of the campaign. $5 last Thursday. McCain's negative bullshit campaigning pissed me off to the point where I wanted to make sure that the positive Obama message gets a chance to overshadow it.

tanod said:
I ended up making my second donation of the campaign. $5 last Thursday. McCain's negative bullshit campaigning pissed me off to the point where I wanted to make sure that the positive Obama message gets a chance to overshadow it.

$100 next time.

just kidding, thx for helping out!


FlightOfHeaven said:
Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Obama's plan is to cap all businesses that make above 1 billion a year to an 8% profit margin. This will in turn free those business from the shackles of shareholders, since their earnings will be capped anyways, allowing those businesses to take more risks on long term projects, since their stocks will naturally stabilize.

The revenue that will result from that tax will go on to the poor, and everything will be great!

As Ronito would say regarding libertarianism, puppies and sunshine and ice cream. I'm pretty sure you're joking for the most part, but it's actually scary that Obama seems to think that way, he really is starting down a dangerous slope with this.


Lemonz said:
Curses! The streams crossed on the Rasmussen. I was hoping for more drama today.

soul creator said:
that kinda confused me as well...I'm guessing they're doing that to show the video isn't altered or faked in any way?
Oh okay. I'd seen the (embarassing) video before (McCain is lying his arse off), but I thought he was trying to point something out with the different angles.

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Unconfirmed Member
CNN said:
... Meanwhile, the McCain campaign made fun of Obama's energy proposal Monday by distributing tire pressure gauges to McCain's traveling press corps.

The gag was meant to mock Obama's remark last week that "making sure your tires are properly inflated" could help conserve gasoline.

Before departing for Pennsylvania, Mark Salter, a top McCain adviser, told the press on board McCain's plane that campaign staffers had brought along copies of Obama's energy plan for reporters to study on the flight....

Full article: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/04/campaign.wrap/index.html

I can't believe that John McCain would lower himself to mocking a plan by use of props and misplaced and pointless comments.

It's basic fact that filling your tires improves gas efficiency. It's all about the little things John. They all add up to the bigger things.
GhaleonEB said:
But the drama! Lines crosing, etc.

It's one poll, and a national one at that. Nothing more.
Polls will really only matter after the first debate. And the streams will not cross ;)

unless there's another ABC debate


Plus wasn't Obama's tire gauge comment pointing out that if everyone made sure their tires were inflated they would save as much gas as McCain's drilling would create? It's silly, especially because people CAN control their driving habits, they can't control the price of oil/gas.
Tamanon said:
Plus wasn't Obama's tire gauge comment pointing out that if everyone made sure their tires were inflated they would save as much gas as McCain's drilling would create? It's silly, especially because people CAN control their driving habits, they can't control the price of oil/gas.
Plus, you can refill your tires NOW. Don't have to wait until 2017.

McCain's a fucking asshole, hope he falls of a stage


Tamanon said:
Plus wasn't Obama's tire gauge comment pointing out that if everyone made sure their tires were inflated they would save as much gas as McCain's drilling would create? It's silly, especially because people CAN control their driving habits, they can't control the price of oil/gas.
Exactly. It was good advice. But they want to make it sound like that's all Obama is proposing. Dr. No, the do-nothing celebrity and all that.

TPM has some interesting detail on McCain's oil company windfall after he reversed himself on offshore drilling.


Ten senior Hess Corporation executives and/or members of the Hess family each gave $28,500 to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising committee, just days after McCain reversed himself to favor offshore drilling, according to Federal Election Commission reports.

Nine of these contributions, seven from Hess executives and two from members of the Hess family, came on the same day, June 24th, the records show. The total collected in the wake of McCain's reversal for the fund, called McCain Victory 2008, from Hess execs and family is $285,000.
He scratches their back, they scratch his.


Umm...properly filling your tires does help with gas consumption. If McCain used the internet he'd know this.

BTW CNN should also state that it does help as well.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
El_TigroX said:
Full article: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/04/campaign.wrap/index.html

I can't believe that John McCain would lower himself to mocking a plan by use of props and misplaced and pointless comments.

It's basic fact that filling your tires improves gas efficiency. It's all about the little things John. They all add up to the bigger things.

Why the hell are they making a joke out of everything?

Are they ones to believe that inflating your tires doesn't give you better gas mileage?


mckmas8808 said:
Why the hell are they making a joke out of everything?

Are they ones to believe that inflating your tires doesn't give you better gas mileage?

If it ain't drillin it ain't gonna work.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
maynerd said:
If it ain't drillin it ain't gonna work.

Doesnt this scare some people here? I mean is this Republican party going to act like the only good thing we can do is drill?

Isnt that like a stupid one track mind way of thinking? And dont most people in the know feel that off-shore drilling isnt a long term benefit? Just a stop gap at best?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jason's Ultimatum said:
That's depressing. I'm tired of hearing bad news. :(
i know. why do they have to drill in regions that will only increase global oil output by .2% in 20 years? such a waste of resources.

makes me sad :(


siamesedreamer said:
Conservative columnist Robert Novak is retiring his column effective immediately following a brain cancer diagnosis he described today as "dire."

Wow. That's horrible. I disagree with the man's politics, but I hope the best for him.
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