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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Anyone happen to remember where those graphs showing the percentages of pork spending against the total budget over the last 10-15 years were posted? I can't remember which thread that was.
Week old nonsense on Morning Joe. Going to show the Obama ad that comes off the presses at 7 AM ET.

Worthless HIV/AIDS story on CNN. 'Prevention is the key' mention 10 times. No Wai! Did say US infections are up. Why not ask why?

A new study from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows 40 per cent more people in America are becoming infected with HIV than experts previously thought.

Beady-dickhole-eyed Scarb has mentioned 'elitist' a dozen times so far in reference to Dems.
Where are all the 527s?

I know Obama can't play dirty politics due to his brand, but where are all the Dem 527s to do the dirt for him?

The negative politics seems like a one way street the last few weeks. It would be nice if McCain had to deal with frivolious negative ads too. McCain has made so many "gafs" that there's tons of material out there. You gotta give the Repugs credit, they know how to play dirty in a way the Dems seem in capable of doing.


The Chosen One said:
Where are all the 527s?

I know Obama can't play dirty politics due to his brand, but where are all the Dem 527s to do the dirt for him?

The negative politics seems like a one way street the last few weeks. It would be nice if McCain had to deal with frivolious negative ads too. McCain has made so many "gafs" that there's tons of material out there. You gotta give the Repugs credit, they know how to play dirty in a way the Dems seem in capable of doing.

527's aren't getting involved because both candidates will call them out on it, or at least that's the fear of the backers so no one wants to start one.

Read a good article on it a few weeks back.


force push the doodoo rock
SupahBlah said:
527's aren't getting involved because both candidates will call them out on it, or at least that's the fear of the backers so no one wants to start one.

Read a good article on it a few weeks back.

Do you think McCain would call them out now?
Phallic symbols.... :lol

It could be true, but still... :lol

Too bad by Bob being so insistent about seeing phallic symbols in the Hilton Obama ad, the rest of the points he was making got lost and no one on set took him seriously.
SupahBlah said:
527's aren't getting involved because both candidates will call them out on it, or at least that's the fear of the backers so no one wants to start one.

Read a good article on it a few weeks back.

Who cares. By the time the candidates call them out on it, the damage will have already been done. Just like the whole "Obama didn't visit veterans because he couldn't bring cameras" line that the McCain campaign pushed. By the time they issued a correction (which barely anyone reported), the perception that Obama cared about himself more than the troops already got out there.

This is the essence of dirty politics. Again, it seems Dems are incapable* of doing this.

* Note I said "incapable", not "unwilling". I bet the Dems would love to do this if they knew how.
Your Abbreviated Pundit Round-up
MSNBC: Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan: The Republican Party isn't racist now and neither was the Southern strategy under Nixon. Bob Herbert: Nice try, guys, but I don't think so. For the GOP, white women only appear in ads about black men. Scarborough: That's what the McCain camp wants to talk about, so I will. And they're doing great. Ask anyone. Chuck Todd: McCain never goes above 45%. Get real.

They play dumb when any depth comes into a discussion or they never actually watched the ad like me. I've seen it but it is worthless so I don't bother to watch it like a film.

And they gloss over David Gergen's thought's. Joe saying he grew up in the south and Willie went to school there. Well that settles it if 2 middle class white guys say it's all good then I'm set. Gergen is a generation older than you so his perspective is different.


The Chosen One said:
Who cares. By the time the candidates call them out on it, the damage will have already been done. Just like the whole "Obama didn't visit veterans because he couldn't bring cameras" line that the McCain campaign pushed. By the time they issued a correction (which barely anyone reported), the perception that Obama cared about himself more than the troops already got out there.

This is the essence of dirty politics. Again, it seems Dems are incapable* of doing this.

* Note I said "incapable", not "unwilling". I bet the Dems would love to do this if they knew how.

The backers care, they don't want to put out an Obama attack ad and have McCain call them out. There's a reason he did the ads himself rather than use a 527.
Fucking tired of Pat being Joe's tag-team partner on half the days. Why are 3 other people even on the set. I've already stated the primary reason for Mika's presence in a previous pissy post of mine.
ViperVisor said:
Fucking tired of Pat being Joe's tag-team partner on half the days. Why are 3 other people even on the set. I've already stated the primary reason for Mika's presence in a previous pissy post of mine.

Which is what?


ViperVisor said:
-Tight fitting top
Actually she is on there to be the democrat counter-balance to Joe (Her dad is a key adviser for the Obama campaign) but she doesn't do that good of a job of it. So yours ends up sadly being more accurate.
You know I've noticed?

Obama saying he's willing to comprising on Off-shore drilling was an excellent move. You can tell because the McCain campaign and surrogates aren't calling Obama a "flip-flopper" on this issue, which they easily could. Instead, they're desperately trying to keep him "opposed" to off-shore drilling. They really want Obama on the opposite end on this issue, the fact that Obama moved to the center on it is making them nervous. It could take the issue off the table just like Obama's vote on the FISA bill did.

Without off-shore drilling, the McCain campaign doesn't have any other advantage with the issues. The War? No. The economy? No. Taxes? The country isn't too concerned about low taxes this election and McCain undercut his own message by saying he'd leave all options on the table. Energy surprisingly was the only issue where Republicans/McCain were on advantageous side, mainly due to Dems being immovable on off-shore drilling.

Even if McCain manages to destroy Obama's character they still need to be able to latch on to at least one strong issue in their favor.
Cheebs said:
Actually she is on there to be the democrat counter-balance to Joe (Her dad is a key adviser for the Obama campaign) but she doesn't do that good of a job of it. So yours ends up sadly being more accurate.

She's also supposedly the "news" person so she handicapped a bit by having to pretend she's objective. She's also unfortunately not very smart or at the very least can't think quick enough on her feet.


testicles on a cold fall morning
The Chosen One said:
You know I've noticed?

Obama saying he's willing to comprising on Off-shore drilling was an excellent move. You can tell because the McCain campaign and surrogates aren't calling Obama a "flip-flopper" on this issue, which they easily could.
that's because Obama phrased it correctly - he is still opposed to it, but willing to make a political concession to grease the wheels towards a comprehensive bipartisan energy policy. he needs both republicans and big oil to agree to this, and being completely obstinate won't help.

also, it's not flip flopping if it means appeasing Republicans.

edit: this headline is pretty humorous. look! McCain has come around to Obama's pro-drilling position!
scorcho said:
that's because Obama phrased it correctly - he is still opposed to it, but willing to make a political concession to grease the wheels towards a comprehensive bipartisan energy policy. he needs both republicans and big oil to agree to this, and being completely obdurate won't help.

also, it's not flip flopping if it means appeasing Republicans.

edit: this headline is pretty humorous. look! McCain has come around to Obama's pro-drilling position!

My thoughts have been the same. You want ANWAR? A portion of the money from it will go to green energy and protecting the rain forests.

Cheebs said:
One thing I think we can agree on is Joe is far less crazy than MSNBC's old morning host Don Imus

Imus was at least a dick to everyone and would slam Bush and Cheney.


scorcho said:
that's because Obama phrased it correctly - he is still opposed to it, but willing to make a political concession to grease the wheels towards a comprehensive bipartisan energy policy. he needs both republicans and big oil to agree to this, and being completely obstinate won't help.

also, it's not flip flopping if it means appeasing Republicans.

edit: this headline is pretty humorous. look! McCain has come around to Obama's pro-drilling position!
Reps only attack when a dem switches from the republicans position to a new one (Kerry switching from pro-iraq war to anti-iraq war was a flip-flop for example for them)



But even among white workers -- a group of voters that has been targeted by both parties as a key to victory in November -- Obama leads McCain by 10 percentage points, 47 percent to 37 percent, and has the advantage as the more empathetic candidate.


Mitt Romney compared voting for Obama to INTERNET DATING this morning in that in both cases you don't know anything about the person before hand and don't know what you are getting. :lol I never thought I'd hear that comparison


testicles on a cold fall morning
oh Kudlow, you finally showed your hand -

When pressed by one of the hosts on the show to explain how favorable congressional action on drilling both on and off shore would affect the price in less than several years, he "came clean."

"Ah," he said (roughly). "Approval of drilling will frighten the futures traders out of the market and the price will go a long way down." "They are already leaving the oil futures market" he went on. "This will push them out even faster."

add on top of this -

According to the Energy Information Administration, removing restrictions on offshore drilling would, at peak — about 20 years from now — add about 0.2% to world production, with an “insignificant” effect on the price of oil.


yes because the futures traders have no idea that it's going to take 7 years to get a drop of oil and it'll be just a drop in the bucket. Hopefully no one will inform those traders of the plan or the plan will be ruined!


First tragedy, then farce.
maynerd said:
yes because the futures traders have no idea that it's going to take 7 years to get a drop of oil and it'll be just a drop in the bucket. Hopefully no one will inform those traders of the plan or the plan will be ruined!

I'm glad to see the GOP has no idea what the efficient market hypothesis is. It's only been the basis of our markets for the last 40 years.


testicles on a cold fall morning
piggybacking off my earlier links to blog posts on offshore drilling, here's another good read from Jared Bernstein - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jared-bernstein/the-not-so-great-energy-d_b_116618.html

While big oil demonstrably has no pressing urge to drill, they very much want to lock down access to more leasable lands. What with those crazy leaders running around Russia and South America nationalizing the energy sector, and crazier environmentalists running around this country supporting bans and moratoria, the share of land in which American Big Oil Inc can poke holes is shrinking. And they'd like to close the deal before Bush/Cheney leave the building.

i'll expect SD to come here soon to repeat how 'owned' Pelosi was this weekend and how off-shore drilling really is the cat's meow.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Obama needs to do this.

Obama needs to do that.

obama drives an energy policy like this

mccain drive an energy policy like that

Walk without rhythm
And it won't attract the worm!

Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice


This 'we don't know him' shit is so overtly prejudice (I wont say racist because there's more to it that just his race) it's crazy. I mean how well do we know Romney? Obama is a US senator ffs he's been vetted before, he's even authored two books about his life.
hey Gaffers, I want someone to help me amke the following comic, supporting Obama

it will copy Dark Knight's theme

Batman is Obama
Joker is McCain
Hillary is Rachel
Dent/2-face is Main Stream Media
Comm Gordon is Bloggers

Now take those characters, apply it to the dark knight storyline and say "here we go"

make it!

in the end, the people will chose Obama even after the battering he will take, McCain will be likely lose but will convert the MSM to his side and take thier reputation with him. the bloggers will be the ones to only have confidence in declaring Obama the winner.


Oh could someone explain Obama's position on nuclear energy? McCain says that Obama's against it but I remember Hilary getting on him in the debates for supporting it. What's the deal?


masud said:
Oh could someone explain Obama's position on nuclear energy? McCain says that Obama's against it but I remember Hilary getting on him in the debates for supporting it. What's the deal?

Basically he supports it, but wants to make it cleaner and safer.


First tragedy, then farce.
masud said:
Oh could someone explain Obama's position on nuclear energy? McCain says that Obama's against it but I remember Hilary getting on him in the debates for supporting it. What's the deal?

He is for it, but only if we can find a way to store it. More or less, he is pro-Nuclear. However, no one will say that, because no one wants to store spent material in their back yard. Its a huge deal in Nevada for instance.

McCain is saying it, and my guess is its going to hurt him in NV.
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