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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Why don't they pressure the Oil companies to drill on the existing land they have leased? I think it's something like 60+ million acres of land with billions of barrels of oil just waiting to be tapped.
mckmas8808 said:
Doesnt this scare some people here? I mean is this Republican party going to act like the only good thing we can do is drill?

Isnt that like a stupid one track mind way of thinking? And dont most people in the know feel that off-shore drilling isnt a long term benefit? Just a stop gap at best?

The difficulty now is going to be the fact that oil prices have dropped in the last few weeks, with gas prices coming down almost a half of a dollar, and what has changed?

Bush removing the executive order stopping offshore oil drilling is the easiest thing for people to point to, so it's going to be hard to say "Well, offshore really has no impact on costs today and is only a stop gap." It's going to be in people's minds that any action on the issue to increase production will lead to lower prices.

Energy really is such a simple issue for me, because even if you're not a loony green whacko, lowering energy costs and transferring those costs to local sources rather than foreign sources is something that everyone can agree on. There needs to be investment in alternative energy sources, but at the same time, I think it's impossible to ignore increased domestic production because, regardless of it's long term impact, posturing seems to be having a positive effect on prices. Stop gap it as long as possible until we can get a nuclear/wind/solar/hydrogen/etc. infrastructure in place and then let the decreased demand start impacting prices.

Really, what's so insulting about Congress's inability to get anything done on this issue is that there are multiple routes to be taken, all of them positive, and none of them have gotten done. Step up domestic oil production, step up wind farms, step up nuclear plants. DO ANYTHING FOR FUCK'S SAKES.

maynerd said:
Why don't they pressure the Oil companies to drill on the existing land they have leased? I think it's something like 60+ million acres of land with billions of barrels of oil just waiting to be tapped.

Do that, too!


testicles on a cold fall morning
maynerd said:
Why don't they pressure the Oil companies to drill on the existing land they have leased? I think it's something like 60+ million acres of land with billions of barrels of oil just waiting to be tapped.
because that's not the point. it's all about grabbing as much land as possible now while the political climate is favorable while lobbyists pave the way with donations. they make our government run damn it!


El_TigroX said:
Full article: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/04/campaign.wrap/index.html

I can't believe that John McCain would lower himself to mocking a plan by use of props and misplaced and pointless comments.

It's basic fact that filling your tires improves gas efficiency. It's all about the little things John. They all add up to the bigger things.

It sure is a good thing every car in America has underinflated tires. Can't wait till we all inflate our tires properly and gas prices fall as consumption decreases!
Breaking: Obama to name Evan Bayh as Vice Presidential Candidate on Wednesday


How do they know?

# The Olympics start on Friday and run until the Democratic convention starts. He won't want to compete with the Olympics for press coverage. He'll announce before the Olympics starts. If he announces on Wednesday morning, he'll get coverage all day and be on the news cycle until the Opening Ceremonies knock him off the top spot.

Barack Obama is coming to the state on Tuesday afternoon for a campaign stop in Elkhart, Indiana. He'll be attending with Evan Bayh. The press has been told to plan on staying until Wednesday afternoon/evening. Why would he spend so much time in Indiana with nothing on his public calendar?

Staying around Indiana allows Obama and Bayh to travel to Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio - all important states in this election. When you've just announced your VP, those are states you'll want to visit - especially since Bayh's reputation will help the most in those states.

# The website ObamaBayh08.com is taken. For a tiny sliver of time late last week, you could type in the URL and you'd be forwarded to another site. Where do you think it took you? The Democratic Party website.

I just got an invite from the Obama campaign to attend an appearance on Wednesday that isn't on Obama's official calendar. Why not? The campaign said, "I can't tell you what the event is about, but we want to make sure you have a ticket so you can cover it for the Bilerico Project. We want Bilerico Project to be there for this one."
artredis1980 said:
Breaking: Obama to name Evan Bayh as Vice Presidential Candidate on Wednesday


How do they know?

# The Olympics start on Friday and run until the Democratic convention starts. He won't want to compete with the Olympics for press coverage. He'll announce before the Olympics starts. If he announces on Wednesday morning, he'll get coverage all day and be on the news cycle until the Opening Ceremonies knock him off the top spot.

Barack Obama is coming to the state on Tuesday afternoon for a campaign stop in Elkhart, Indiana. He'll be attending with Evan Bayh. The press has been told to plan on staying until Wednesday afternoon/evening. Why would he spend so much time in Indiana with nothing on his public calendar?

Staying around Indiana allows Obama and Bayh to travel to Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio - all important states in this election. When you've just announced your VP, those are states you'll want to visit - especially since Bayh's reputation will help the most in those states.

# The website ObamaBayh08.com is taken. For a tiny sliver of time late last week, you could type in the URL and you'd be forwarded to another site. Where do you think it took you? The Democratic Party website.

I just got an invite from the Obama campaign to attend an appearance on Wednesday that isn't on Obama's official calendar. Why not? The campaign said, "I can't tell you what the event is about, but we want to make sure you have a ticket so you can cover it for the Bilerico Project. We want Bilerico Project to be there for this one."
You better not be making me excited for nothing!

Who is this Bayh guy?


I'm going to put my neck out on the line by making a prediction.

a prediction.

a prediction.

Don't get too excited.

He reasoning is pretty sound - especially pointing to the holes in Obama's calendar on Wednesday, while in Indiana with Bayh. But it's still just a prediction.

Dax01 said:
You better not be making me excited for nothing!

Who is this Bayh guy?
Indiana senator. Very popular there.



GhaleonEB said:
Don't get too excited.

He reasoning is pretty sound - especially pointing to the holes in Obama's calendar on Wednesday, while in Indiana with Bayh. But it's still just a prediction.
I like the prediction because I still believe announcing before the Olympics would give the campaign a huge boost.


pxleyes said:
I like the prediction because I still believe announcing before the Olympics would give the campaign a huge boost.

And his commercials during the olympics can position both obama and bayh in them.


pxleyes said:
I like the prediction because I still believe announcing before the Olympics would give the campaign a huge boost.
Yeah. I subscribe to the theory that his Olympic network TV ad buy was in part to introduce the veep on the national stage. And his reasoning is pretty sound.

Edit: dammit!
maynerd said:
And his commercials during the olympics can position both obama and bayh in them.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Wow, he is going to roll with a Hoosier like me. If Obama is able to win Indiana, that would be crazy as help. This is going to also help in neighboring Ohio.
The ObamaBayh08 website is owned by a private citizen who reroutes all traffic to the DNC. Neither the DNC nor the Obama campaign have anything to do with the site.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Wow, he is going to roll with a Hoosier like me. If Obama is able to win Indiana, that would be crazy as help. This is going to also help in neighboring Ohio.
An interesting strategy in Indiana, if this is true. Obama gets a big boost from the border with Illinois/Chicago (including a shared media market). Bayh would help a bit further.


testicles on a cold fall morning
so you're saying that if i buy ObamaHelms08.org and redirect it to the DNC website i can have a story written up?

Let it be known, Obama-Helms will be unbeatable, both here and in the afterlife!


scorcho said:
so you're saying that if i buy ObamaHelms08.org and redirect it to the DNC website i can have a story written up?

Let it be known, Obama-Helms will be unbeatable, both here and in the afterlife!
That was the weakest part of his article. This:

Barack Obama is coming to the state on Tuesday afternoon for a campaign stop in Elkhart, Indiana. He'll be attending with Evan Bayh. The press has been told to plan on staying until Wednesday afternoon/evening. Why would he spend so much time in Indiana with nothing on his public calendar?

Is what I find interesting. Though, is it common for schedules to be completely fleshed out two days in advance? I thought most campaign stops were announced the day before.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
more fuel to the VP fire:


Obama, Bayh send letter to Pentagon on traumatic brain injuries

WASHINGTON (CNN) – As speculation over the number two slot rises, presidential candidate Barack Obama and potential v.p. contender Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana joined forces Monday, signing a letter with eight other senators that urges Defense Secretary Robert Gates to increase medical coverage and care for Iraq war veterans left with serious brain injuries.

Watch: Obama pledges help for veterans

The senators point to a recent study from the RAND Corporation that estimates 320,000 troops from the two Iraq wars experienced a traumatic brain injury, or TBI.

Earlier: Obama camp launches military families working group

"We are concerned that at a time when TBI is recognized as the signature wound of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan," the senators write, "one of the most widely accepted and critical rehabilitative treatments for this injury… cognitive rehabilitation therapy, is excluded by the military's … health insurance program."
The other senators signing on to the letter include political notables Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass and Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-CT. Obama and Bayh's name are clearly perched at the top.


So, if Bayh were to become the VP nominee, and the Obama / Bayh ticket won in November, would the current Governor of Indiana after the 2008 elections be the one to appoint someone to fill Bayh's place in the Senate?
I don't understand the rational in selecting Bayh to help secure Indiana. If Indiana goes blue, then most likely Ohio and Michigan have gone blue also. Rendering Indiana moot. I've never been a big fan of Bayh -- a little too milquetoast for me.
Howey Politics Indiana has more on our speculation about Sen. Barack Obama's trip to Indiana this week which "could be to announce the selection of Senator Evan Bayh as Obama's running mate."

"Democratic sources say Secret Service is working out details with local police that would include a motorcade... Sources say the details appear to be different than a normal presidential candidate visit. Other Democratic sources contend that the visit has been prompted simply by the spike in the county's unemployment rate following the closure of the Monaco plant, and that veepstakes buzz continues to swirl around Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. HPI reported last week that one informed and reliable Democratic source had indicated that a Vice Presidential selection was imminent, and would be made 'within 72 hours' and announced this week. A choice this week would also come days before the beginning of the Beijing Olympics, an event during which a Vice Presidential selection is thought to be unlikely."



when is my burrito
Obama and Bayh's name are clearly perched at the top.

The one who is running for President followed by the senator whose last name comes first out of the other's listed.

IMO, Bayh is basically John Edwards minus mills minus creepiness plus executive experience plus hillary supporter plus more senate experience


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Skiptastic said:
The difficulty now is going to be the fact that oil prices have dropped in the last few weeks, with gas prices coming down almost a half of a dollar, and what has changed?

Bush removing the executive order stopping offshore oil drilling is the easiest thing for people to point to, so it's going to be hard to say "Well, offshore really has no impact on costs today and is only a stop gap." It's going to be in people's minds that any action on the issue to increase production will lead to lower prices.

Energy really is such a simple issue for me, because even if you're not a loony green whacko, lowering energy costs and transferring those costs to local sources rather than foreign sources is something that everyone can agree on. There needs to be investment in alternative energy sources, but at the same time, I think it's impossible to ignore increased domestic production because, regardless of it's long term impact, posturing seems to be having a positive effect on prices. Stop gap it as long as possible until we can get a nuclear/wind/solar/hydrogen/etc. infrastructure in place and then let the decreased demand start impacting prices.

Really, what's so insulting about Congress's inability to get anything done on this issue is that there are multiple routes to be taken, all of them positive, and none of them have gotten done. Step up domestic oil production, step up wind farms, step up nuclear plants. DO ANYTHING FOR FUCK'S SAKES.

Do that, too!

Shouldn't someone point out that oil prices tend to fall when demand falls? Does anybody on GAF know that a couple of highly populated countries removed their tax payoffs that they were paying to make oil cheaper for their countries to buy?


Didn't Bayh vote for the Iraq war? I can't see Obama picking someone that voted for the war that he has always spoken out against. This could be a big mistake.


First tragedy, then farce.
The Bayh stuff started late last week when Obama announced he was staying in Indiana for two days straight.

I mean who knows, but if you wanted to announce pre-Olympics it's Wed. or never.


Small balls, big fun!
tanod said:
The one who is running for President followed by the senator whose last name comes first out of the other's listed.

IMO, Bayh is basically John Edwards minus mills minus creepiness plus executive experience plus hillary supporter plus more senate experience

Your deep and accurate knowledge of politics is certainly on display in this post!


when is my burrito
StoOgE said:
The Bayh stuff started late last week when Obama announced he was staying in Indiana for two days straight.

I mean who knows, but if you wanted to announce pre-Olympics it's Wed. or never.

Though some type of announcement on Wednesday is likely, being in Indiana could also be a feint.

Mandark said:
Your deep and accurate knowledge of politics is certainly on display in this post!


Gremmie4 said:
Didn't Bayh vote for the Iraq war? I can't see Obama picking someone that voted for the war that he has always spoken out against. This could be a big mistake.
Bayh, in contrast to Senator Richard Lugar, was an early supporter of the Bush administration's policies on Iraq.[5] On October 2, 2002, Bayh joined President George W. Bush and Congressional leaders in a Rose Garden ceremony announcing their agreement on the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War, and was thanked by Bush and Senator John McCain for co-sponsoring the resolution.[6]

Senator Bayh has become increasingly critical of the Iraq War due to Bush's strategy in handling the war and because of WMD related intelligence failures; thus, Bayh asserts that he would not have voted to go to war with Iraq if he had known what is known today. He favors a flexible timeline for withdrawal.

Senator Bayh began asking for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's resignation in 2004 for his mistakes in the Iraq war. Bayh made it clear that he had lost confidence in Rumsfeld.

He voted yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act in 2006.

On January 20, 2006, Bayh introduced a resolution calling for economic sanctions on Iran, with the goal of deterring Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Such sanctions include:

* Cutting off supplies of refined gasoline to Iran which the United States currently does not supply
* Cutting assistance to countries whose companies invest in Iran's energy sector,
* Enacting a worldwide, comprehensive ban on arms sales to Iran,
* Withdrawing U.S. support for Iran's accession to the WTO, and
* Calling on the UN Security Council to limit travel of some Iranian officials, reduce diplomatic exchanges with Iran, and ban Iran from participating in world events such as the World Cup and the Olympics.[7]



Gremmie4 said:
Didn't Bayh vote for the Iraq war? I can't see Obama picking someone that voted for the war that he has always spoken out against. This could be a big mistake.

Yes he did vote for the resolution.

Here's are the people who voted against the resolution.

NAYs ---23
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chafee (R-RI)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corzine (D-NJ)
Dayton (D-MN)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Graham (D-FL)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wellstone (D-MN)
Wyden (D-OR)

Of course he could pick someone who didn't vote on it at all.


Incognito said:
I don't understand the rational in selecting Bayh to help secure Indiana. If Indiana goes blue, then most likely Ohio and Michigan have gone blue also. Rendering Indiana moot. I've never been a big fan of Bayh -- a little too milquetoast for me.

He's a little too milquetoast because he's a bit of a DLC shill.
Mumei said:
So, if Bayh were to become the VP nominee, and the Obama / Bayh ticket won in November, would the current Governor of Indiana after the 2008 elections be the one to appoint someone to fill Bayh's place in the Senate?

Apparently there would be an appointment by the governor (if empowered by the state legislature) to hold temporary office until a special election could be held. Indiana's current governor, Mitch Daniels, is a Republican, so if he got that power, it would most likely be a Republican replacement until a special election was held and certified. It would be interesting to see who would be in that special election, speaking as a Hoosier.

Oh yeah, and Bayh would be a much better VP than Quayle was.


First tragedy, then farce.
maynerd said:
Yes he did vote for the resolution.

Here's are the people who voted against the resolution.

NAYs ---23
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chafee (R-RI)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corzine (D-NJ)
Dayton (D-MN)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Graham (D-FL)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Wellstone (D-MN)
Wyden (D-OR)

Of course he could pick someone who didn't vote on it at all.

I think he should go with Wellstone personally.

Too soon?


First tragedy, then farce.
Also, having never seen the word spelled, I thought it was just milk toast, which sounded delicious :(

Heart am broken total.
Russ Fiengold??

Feingold was the only Democratic senator to vote against a motion to dismiss Congress's 1998–1999 impeachment case of President Bill Clinton.

In 2001, Feingold voted for the confirmation of Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Feingold has also been an opponent of NAFTA and other free trade agreements, a popular position among many pro-fair trade Democrats, but at odds with the pro-free trade Democratic wing including the Democratic Leadership Council.

In May 2006, Feingold voted to support the Salazar Amendment, which would have declared English the "common language" of the country

In May 2006, Feingold voted in favor of bill S.2611[37], an immigration reform bill that, among other things, would almost double the number of H-1B visas.

As one of the strongest opponents of the capital punishment in the Senate, Feingold co-sponsored, along with Jon Corzine (who would later, as Governor of New Jersey, sign an abolition bill in his state), the National Death Penalty Moratorium Act in 2002[38].

Feingold is perhaps best known for his work alongside Senator John McCain on the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, better-known as the McCain-Feingold Act, which took almost seven years to pass.

Feingold was the only senator to vote against the USA PATRIOT Act when first voted on in 2001.

Feingold was one of 23 US senators to vote against H.J. Resolution 114, which authorized President George W. Bush to use force against Iraq in 2002.[45]

On March 13, 2006, Feingold introduced a resolution in the Senate to censure President Bush.[47] This was a result of allegations of illegal wiretapping, as reported in The New York Times, that Bush did not follow the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA)

Americans For Democratic Action, a liberal advocacy group that rates members of Congress on a scale of 0 to 100, with zero being completely conservative and 100 completely liberal, gave Feingold a lifetime average rating of 98.
tanod said:
The one who is running for President followed by the senator whose last name comes first out of the other's listed.

IMO, Bayh is basically John Edwards minus mills minus creepiness plus executive experience plus hillary supporter plus more senate experience

Bayh is more conservative than Edwards so they're actually pretty different. But Bayh was a successful governor and has never cheated on his wife. He gets my recommendation vote
artredis1980 said:
Russ Fiengold??

Americans For Democratic Action, a liberal advocacy group that rates members of Congress on a scale of 0 to 100, with zero being completely conservative and 100 completely liberal, gave Feingold a lifetime average rating of 98.

McCain Camp : Obama/Fiengold is the most liberal ticket in presidential history!!!



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
tanod said:
The one who is running for President followed by the senator whose last name comes first out of the other's listed.

IMO, Bayh is basically John Edwards minus mills minus creepiness plus executive experience plus hillary supporter plus more senate experience

Serious question. What about his experience on military stuff and the economy?


Skiptastic said:
Apparently there would be an appointment by the governor (if empowered by the state legislature) to hold temporary office until a special election could be held. Indiana's current governor, Mitch Daniels, is a Republican, so if he got that power, it would most likely be a Republican replacement until a special election was held and certified. It would be interesting to see who would be in that special election, speaking as a Hoosier.

Oh yeah, and Bayh would be a much better VP than Quayle was.

Yeah, I live in Indiana, but I wasn't sure if it worked like that or not. But wouldn't the appointment not need to be made until after the 2008 elections, since Bayh was reelected in 2004, and would retain his seat if the Obama / Bayh ticket failed to win in November? In that case, it may be possible for Jill Long Thompson to appoint someone temporarily, right?


I just can't think of any Democrat in state politics that I coul see running for and winning, and I'd be terrified of someone like Pence managing to win his seat.
Liara T'Soni said:
Someone please give me a quick "vetting" of Bayh please....:D

I just want to have the sink in my lap before McSame gets to it.

As Governor, Bayh implemented a $1.6 billion dollar tax cut, the largest in state history

Bayh released an autobiography in 2003 entitled From Father to Son: A Private Life in the Public Eye. He describes growing up as the son of Senator Birch Bayh and emphasizes the importance of active, responsible fatherhood.

Bayh, in contrast to Senator Richard Lugar, was an early supporter of the Bush administration's policies on Iraq.[5] On October 2, 2002, Bayh joined President George W. Bush and Congressional leaders in a Rose Garden ceremony announcing their agreement on the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War, and was thanked by Bush and Senator John McCain for co-sponsoring the resolution.[6]

He voted yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act in 2006.

Bayh is generally supportive of the pro-choice position.

Bayh voted for the 2002 Farm Bill that provided financial support accessible to rural communities.

As Governor, Bayh created the 21st Century Scholars program, which promises at-risk middle school students full tuition scholarships in return for being drug, alcohol and crime-free and maintaining decent grades. Iowa and Wisconsin have both introduced legislation modeling Bayh's program.

Voted No on prohibiting eminent domain for use as parks or grazing land (Dec 2007).

Bayh is a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Select Intelligence Committee and is continually monitoring the progress of national security abroad, as U.S. troops continue operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
artredis1980 said:
As Governor, Bayh implemented a $1.6 billion dollar tax cut, the largest in state history

Bayh released an autobiography in 2003 entitled From Father to Son: A Private Life in the Public Eye. He describes growing up as the son of Senator Birch Bayh and emphasizes the importance of active, responsible fatherhood.

Bayh, in contrast to Senator Richard Lugar, was an early supporter of the Bush administration's policies on Iraq.[5] On October 2, 2002, Bayh joined President George W. Bush and Congressional leaders in a Rose Garden ceremony announcing their agreement on the joint resolution authorizing the Iraq War, and was thanked by Bush and Senator John McCain for co-sponsoring the resolution.[6]

He voted yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act in 2006.

Bayh is generally supportive of the pro-choice position.

Bayh voted for the 2002 Farm Bill that provided financial support accessible to rural communities.

As Governor, Bayh created the 21st Century Scholars program, which promises at-risk middle school students full tuition scholarships in return for being drug, alcohol and crime-free and maintaining decent grades. Iowa and Wisconsin have both introduced legislation modeling Bayh's program.

Voted No on prohibiting eminent domain for use as parks or grazing land (Dec 2007).

Bayh is a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Select Intelligence Committee and is continually monitoring the progress of national security abroad, as U.S. troops continue operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He seems pretty good.

At this point I am just hoping the announcement comes and comes soon.
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