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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Tamanon said:
So, what's McCain's deal with this whole anti-Russia, pro-Georgia stuff?

"Today, we are all Georgians" at a town hall today...I think he's trying to foster nationalism against the Big Red Menace, it just seems really weird.

What, the fact that McCain, not Obama, was right about Georgia doesn't spell it out for you?

Well, why should it? After all, we are just Following McCain's Lead on Russia, Iraq

It's all so damn obvious now in hindsight:

McCain's proposal from a few months ago to boot Russia from the G-8 has gone from seeming needlessly provocative to practically prescient. Together with the surge in Iraq, the Georgian crisis is the second strategic matter on which everyone else has followed the senator's lead.


Oh god, from that RCP article:

McCain's judgment benefits from years of marinating in national-security issues and traveling and getting to know the key players; from a hatred of tinpot dictators and bloody thugs that guides his moral compass; and from a flinty realism (verging at times on fatalism) that is resistant to illusions about personalities, or the inevitable direction of History, or the nature of the world.

It burns!
Agent Icebeezy said:
If Barack would have done that(Saying today we are all Georgians), they would have questioned his patriotism
They'd be all like "You see! Obama is a secret undergcover Georgian operative!!!!!"


Guys, what if someone sees his tag and assumes that he really believes that the Wall Street Journal is communist, that's actively advocating something he does not believe! Evil!


scorcho said:
it's almost like Mandark was still a mod

it's kind of ridiculous since a lot of people don't click on every single link every single time (though I usually do) and things happen, but it's pretty funny really, I did prefer my old one but this isn't bad.

Tamanon - that tag had an external link and was advertising Obama's campaign. I refuse to be made into a political billboard for a candidate I won't support, but throwing my own words back in my face? More power to Bishoptl (I assume at least).


Karma Kramer said:
:lol :lol :lol

I can't believe this thread sometimes.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Agent Icebeezy said:
If Barack would have done that, they would have questioned his patriotism

That's a sad darn fact. They critize him for saying that he is a citizen of the world.

What's wrong with knowing you are a citizen of the world?


It really is kinda a weird clash of ideals going on there. Free trade awesome, no barriers! But immigration barriers and you can't show any support for anything foreign! Basically, America is export only.


this is completely irrelevant to what's going on in here but i need to vent. i can't shake teh feeling that mccain is going to win. i really think he's going to win, he's appealing to the lowest common denominator and i think it will work.

what would happen if mccain won? i mean like on election night. will cities start burning? (seriously)


Joe said:
this is completely irrelevant to what's going on in here but i need to vent. i can't shake teh feeling that mccain is going to win. i really think he's going to win, he's appealing to the lowest common denominator and i think it will work.

what would happen if mccain won? i mean like on election night. will cities start burning? (seriously)

I'd say chances of rioting and violence has much more to do with HOW he would win instead of IF he would win.


Can someone explain to me the "Clintonistas will complain!1" reasoning against our girl Kate? Does being pro-Hildebeest mean that one must necessarily be anti all other women? What kind of feminism is that?


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Joe said:
this is completely irrelevant to what's going on in here but i need to vent. i can't shake teh feeling that mccain is going to win. i really think he's going to win, he's appealing to the lowest common denominator and i think it will work.

what would happen if mccain won? i mean like on election night. will cities start burning? (seriously)
I highly doubt cities will start burning, but it will all but seal the USA's chances of regaining any respect with the global community.


testicles on a cold fall morning
could be just my hypersensitivity, but i find it interesting that talk about riots breaking out in this country usually occur only when it involves something black. i never heard about riots following the fiasco in 2000, or when Kerry was shown to not even be a vet in 2004.

NLB: please tell me that is not an actual Kaine quote. please.
Tamanon said:
So, what's McCain's deal with this whole anti-Russia, pro-Georgia stuff?

"Today, we are all Georgians" at a town hall today...I think he's trying to foster nationalism against the Big Red Menace, it just seems really weird.

Well, the fact that John McCain's top foreign-policy adviser was a lobbyist for Georgia might have quite a bit to do with it.

McCain . . . government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists, and for the lobbyists.

(Of course, my link is to that far-left rag, so Gaborn can ignore it. :D )


Joe said:
this is completely irrelevant to what's going on in here but i need to vent. i can't shake teh feeling that mccain is going to win. i really think he's going to win, he's appealing to the lowest common denominator and i think it will work.

what would happen if mccain won? i mean like on election night. will cities start burning? (seriously)

Yeah, black people just LOVE rioting when they don't get their candidate... seriously, quit the fear mongering. Nothing would happen either way, whites won't riot if Obama wins, blacks won't riot if McCain wins and everyone will be too stunned to riot if Barr pulls off a miracle.

Scorcho - I had pretty much the same thought.
While I don't necessarily mind McCain pointing the finger at Russia, I DO mind his comments saying Putin is trying to restore the Soviet Union, etc. We don't need to bring those feelings back, or fan more flames, or anything like that. Condemn this conflict, but it ends there. He's going too far.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"

“With polls showing Obama dominating among those under 40 and running even among middle-aged voters, Republican John McCain's lead among those 65 and older is the main reason he remains close overall. His margin is largest among older white voters without a college education, accounting for much of Obama's problem with the white working class."


Slow down there, Sparky! While you were writing this article, you were so focused on sticking with the media narrative that Obama has a problem with the white-working class, that you said people over 65 (aka retirees) are a part of the white working-class.

That's right, you just said that retirees and part of the working-class.

Alec MacGillis
scorcho said:
could be just my hypersensitivity, but i find it interesting that talk about riots breaking out in this country usually occur only when it involves something black. i never heard about riots following the fiasco in 2000, or when Kerry was shown to not even be a vet in 2004.

NLB: please tell me that is not an actual Kaine quote. please.

The same people who are convinced there will be riots if Obama loses are probably the same people who go around telling people they will move to Canada if McCain wins.


Gaborn said:
Yeah, black people just LOVE rioting when they don't get their candidate... seriously, quit the fear mongering. Nothing would happen either way, whites won't riot if Obama wins, blacks won't riot if McCain wins and everyone will be too stunned to riot if Barr pulls off a miracle.

Scorcho - I had pretty much the same thought.
please dont inject race into my comments. it was more that obama voters (of all races) are exponentially more passionate about their candidate compared to mccain voters.


Joe said:
please dont inject race into my comments. it was more that obama voters (of all races) are exponentially more passionate about their candidate compared to mccain voters.

Sorry, I'm injecting race into it? It seemed like Scorcho had pretty much the same interpretation I did, some people have this ridiculous fear of race riots in different situations, and it seemed like that was what you were implying. I appologize though if I misunderstood.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Xisiqomelir said:
Can someone explain to me the "Clintonistas will complain!1" reasoning against our girl Kate? Does being pro-Hildebeest mean that one must necessarily be anti all other women? What kind of feminism is that?
The 'feminism' that followed and propelled Hillary's campaign was a whole lot of veiled Hillary-or-bust nonsense.


has calmed down a bit.
So long as the foreign affairs and national security matters dominate the news, McCain is at an advantage. I know that this thread will never see it that way, but McCain is just flat out better than Obama on his grasp of those issues. It's too bad for him that the Russians are probably going to be pulling out completely and news will start focusing on the economy again, at least for McCain.


Gaborn said:
Sorry, I'm injecting race into it? It seemed like Scorcho had pretty much the same interpretation I did, some people have this ridiculous fear of race riots in different situations, and it seemed like that was what you were implying. I appologize though if I misunderstood.
it's cool :D


Tim Kaine is kinda nutty for saying that. Although no one really got all freaked out on McCain when he basically said he saved Iraq with his surge.


Anyone here listen to Mark Levin or Sean Hannity when they do their radio shows? It's hilarious and vomit-inducing at the same time. Mark seriously believes that the Obama family hates America. He said these words yesterday, and I couldn't believe it.

Is it just me or does the Right consistently demonstrate more anger and juvenile behavior toward the Left than the other way around? McCain is coming at Obama with celebrity and biblical accusations. He claims it's all in "fun," but it just perpetuates ignorance and ideas not relevant to electing a president.

I always think of this image, even though I realize IQ tests aren't a great measure of intelligence. They're at least a measure of some intelligence:


Bigger Version


VanMardigan said:
So long as the foreign affairs and national security matters dominate the news, McCain is at an advantage. I know that this thread will never see it that way, but McCain is just flat out better than Obama on his grasp of those issues. .

He doesn't even have a basic grasp of geography!


VanMardigan said:
So long as the foreign affairs and national security matters dominate the news, McCain is at an advantage. I know that this thread will never see it that way, but McCain is just flat out perceived better than Obama on his grasp of those issues. It's too bad for him that the Russians are probably going to be pulling out completely and news will start focusing on the economy again, at least for McCain.

But that's just because American Politics has turned longevity into a substitution for knowledge. McCain wasn't even the best at foreign policy in his own primary.


Joe said:
please dont inject race into my comments. it was more that obama voters (of all races) are exponentially more passionate about their candidate compared to mccain voters.

I thought it was more that a ton of Americans want an end to 8 years of greasing the crapper and see McCain as only continuing our slide to Poopsville. (Obama is but a vessel, a "symbol", a means to an end/beginning!).

Maybe it's a little of both.


bob_arctor said:
I thought it was more that a ton of Americans want an end to 8 years of greasing the crapper and see McCain as only continuing our slide to Poopsville. (Obama is but a vessel, a "symbol", a means to an end/beginning!).

Maybe it's a little of both.

Are you comparing Obama to an enema?


has calmed down a bit.
Tamanon said:
But that's just because American Politics has turned longevity into a substitution for knowledge. McCain wasn't even the best at foreign policy in his own primary.

I don't think it's just longevity. Also, it's nothing Obama can't fix with some experience and perhaps better foreign relations advisors. I've felt that McCain has the better grasp on the Iraq situation. Not about going in obviously, but about the situation moving forward. After all the money spent (or rather wasted) there, I can't see how we won't have a long term military presence there.

I always think of this image, even though I realize IQ tests aren't a great measure of intelligence. They're at least a measure of some intelligence:

So when a lot those lower reds turn to blues for Obama, what will be the rationalization there?


VanMardigan said:
So when a lot those lower reds turn to blues for Obama, what will be the rationalization there?

Well it's safe to say that the upper blues won't switch. The point is that the reds tend to be at the bottom.
The RNC, hoping against hope that Obama will get in some windsurfing on his vacation, is keeping close tabs on the Democrat as he enjoys some time off in Hawaii.

They just sent over this bulletin: "The Honolulu Star Bulletin reports Barack Obama ate popcorn and watched the 3:40 showing of the Dark Knight in theater 9 yesterday."

Seeing a summer action flick and eating popcorn is hardly elitist, but wait there is more.

Obama has said, the RNC hastens to note, that Batman and Spiderman are his favorite superheroes, citing their "inner turmoil."

Ahh, there it is.

Real, red-blooded Americans, evidently, are only supposed to like superheroes because they have nifty outfits and beat up the bad guys. To look beyond the surface or glean some larger meaning from the characters naturally implies Obama has the sort of egghead end effette approach to life that would leaad us to analyze our enemies instead of defeat them.

Or something like that.

It would be easier if he just went wind-surfing.

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