Of course I am. I'd love to hear your plan on getting rid of terrorists, though.
Having a permanent military base there, which is what I presume is going to happen, doesn't factor into the equation. It's not on the same level as the current situation in Iraq.
While I agree with your principle and hate Cheney/Rumsfeld because I believe that's what they are, that's not the same discussion I'm having. In fact, you could argue that a permanent American base would do more to actually stabilize the region. Think about it, that would make Iraq one less country that can be attacked in the Middle East without repercussion.
And in the case of Georgia, you can bet your bottom dollar Russia would've continued to escalate the conflict and seize the Georgian capital if they felt that the U.S., among others, would sit idly by. Which, by the way, may just have happened, but just that uncertainty was enough to at least temporarily cool down the Russians.
And my statement about the strategic importance of Iraq is more about the potential defensive/responsive boost it would give us, not simply as a platform to attack neighboring countries. That hasn't happened with our other military bases that offer strategic benefits for us. So there's at least precedent that permanent military bases aren't inherently evil.
Of course, to your point, I understand that said military base in the hands of a "warmongering dick" is still a dangerous proposition, but as you can see from the current administration, it's not a necessity if they are hell bent on going to war anyway.
If you'd posted in the old HD DVD/Blu Ray thread, you'd know.