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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Alright then gentleman... it's time to weigh in.

Who is going to be Obama's VP?! Cast your vote so we can all tear it down for not aligning with our own!

Given the recent information, I'd say it's got to be Clark.
VanMardigan said:

Of course I am. I'd love to hear your plan on getting rid of terrorists, though.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure . . . DON'T DO UNJUST THINGS THAT CREATE TERRORISTS.

Yes, there will always be a small number of nutty terrorists driven from some wacky religious or other belief (like Al-Qeada's nutty Islamic extremism or Aum Shinrikyo's whatever) . . . but if you do things like invade countries without sufficient cause, you will create terrorists/insurgents that you did not have before.
RubxQub said:
Alright then gentleman... it's time to weigh in.

Who is going to be Obama's VP?! Cast your vote so we can all tear it down for not aligning with our own!

Given the recent information, I'd say it's got to be Clark.

I am going out on an edge and saying its going to be Clark.

Second pick is Biden.


RubxQub said:
Alright then gentleman... it's time to weigh in.

Who is going to be Obama's VP?! Cast your vote so we can all tear it down for not aligning with our own!

Given the recent information, I'd say it's got to be Clark.
I have full faith in Obama to make the right choice so I really don't care.

Paris Hilton


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
avatar299 said:
I have full faith in Obama to make the right choice so I really don't care.

Paris Hilton
With her comprehensive energy plan, she is no doubt a welcome addition to anyone's shortlist.

Clinton supporters, however, would probably not enjoy another female candidate being selected. This fact alone makes your pick very sketchy.

I'd put her at a 3:1 shot....maybe even 4:1


VP will be Brett Favre. Military credentials (what a gunslinger!), retains youthful vigor (is like a kid out there!), and would be acceptable in the suburbs.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
gkrykewy said:
VP will be Brett Favre. Military credentials (what a gunslinger!), retains youthful vigor (is like a kid out there!), and would be acceptable in the suburbs.
Obama already has Wisconsin fairly solidly, so adding Favre doesn't really add much to the ticket aside from jack-assery.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Looks like the speaking at the convention will be:

John Hickenlooper (Mayor of Denver)
Claire McCaskill
Nancy Pelosi
Teddy Kennedy (pre-taped video)
Maya Soetro-Ng (Barack Obama's sister)
Craig Robinson (Michelle Obama's brother)
Headline Speaker: Michelle Obama

Chelsea Clinton
Headline Speaker: Hillary Clinton

Harry Reid
Bill Clinton
Headline Speaker: Un-Named VP

Bill Ritter
Headline Speaker: Barack Obama

Headline Speakers will all be at 10 PM EST and air on NBC, CBS, and ABC as well as cable news. The rest prior to 10 PM will be on cable news in the evening prior to it only.

I'm more interested in who will be the Keynote Speaker.

gkrykewy said:
VP will be Brett Favre. Military credentials (what a gunslinger!), retains youthful vigor (is like a kid out there!), and would be acceptable in the suburbs.
But then Obama will lose Illinois


I don't think it'll be Clark simply because he just sent out an e-mail the other day asking for money for his PAC, and of course the Obama campaign won't take money from PACs...

Probably been discussed, but I've been trying to stay away from this thread

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Lv99 Slacker said:
Is she on tv? What channel? Are you commenting on an article quote? Enough with the Twitterisms!

She was on hardball today. In reading some of these leaked memos. It is readily apparent that she wasn't ready to lead. I like how Olbermann made mention that both Clinton and McCain campaigns have had major shakeups while Obama's has run just fine.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Jonm1010 said:
Mmmm....mmmmm bitch! (Dave Chappelle reference, not calling anyone a bitch...don't ban me OMG!)

Susan Rice is totally dominant in these conversations, I love it. The info-tainers get completely thrown off their game when someone is actually COMPLETELY versed in the issues and knows their shit, and will not allow a point to die if they have one to make.

The fox video, while being horribly synced, is completely embarrassing for them. Their moderator is a bumbling idiot that only knows how to try and toss in one liners.

Great stuff, thanks for posting those links.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Agent Icebeezy said:
She was on hardball today. In reading some of these leaked memos. It is readily apparent that she wasn't ready to lead. I like how Olbermann made mention that both Clinton and McCain campaigns have had major shakeups while Obama's has run just fine.

Another reason why Clinton is off the short list for VP


RubxQub said:
Mmmm....mmmmm bitch! (Dave Chappelle reference, not calling anyone a bitch...don't ban me OMG!)

Susan Rice is totally dominant in these conversations, I love it. The info-tainers get completely thrown off their game when someone is actually COMPLETELY versed in the issues and knows their shit, and will not allow a point to die if they have one to make.

The fox video, while being horribly synced, is completely embarrassing for them. Their moderator is a bumbling idiot that only knows how to try and toss in one liners.

Great stuff, thanks for posting those links.

Yea i really wish they would send her around the Channels much more often. She really does better than pretty much anyone I have seen in breaking through the Talking heads rhetoric, capturing the viewer, making an educated point and winning the conversation. She's one of the few people who seems to elevate the level of conversation above grade-school name-calling and bickering.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Interesting choice of headline picture, Politico (snot!):

Open Ended Polling (Gallup
Gallup asked who you would vote for for President, without prompting names. People responded:


Won't Vote-2%
No Opinion-6%

a 7 point lead when people aren't prompted with candidates names, but tell the pollster who they know they'll vote for. i like open ended questions like these


Edwards' presence could easily have raised Obama's stature in the minds of folks for whom a populist message resonated, yet felt Edwards himself was a flawed candidate (or unelectable) in particular due to his previous failed runs. Without his message being sent, and without his being there as an otherwise strong, known candidate, this could have solidified Hillary even further as the presumed nominee in the mind of the Dem electorate, not to mention the fact that it could have prevented the "showing of vulnerabilities" after Hill's being ganged-up on in the debates, etc that tainted her narrative of inevitability (I could be messing with the timeline here though). At the end of the day, it's enormously hacky to make a claim one way or another, and certainly very hacky for a journalist to do so one-sidedly (a red herring about Bill's foibles? please).
Okay, this is significant -- the McCain campaign appears to be officially endorsing Joe Lieberman's claim earlier today that Barack Obama has not always "put the country first."

Below we linked to an item on The New York Times Caucus blog which reported the comments.

In them, Lieberman said that the choice in this election is "between one candidate, John McCain, who has always put the country first, worked across party lines to get things done, and one candidate who has not."

Just moments ago, the McCain campaign emailed out the same Lieberman quote to its full press list -- putting its official stamp of approval on Lieberman's assertion.

This is effectively an abandonment of the campaign's quasi-official position, which used to be that the McCain camp saw questioning Obama's patriotism as off limits. Last month, senior McCain adviser Charlie Black said explicitly that "we don't want to talk about his patriotism and character. We concede that he's a patriot and person of good character."

That no longer appears to be operative. The full quote as emailed out by the McCain campaign after the jump.

"I think it's 84 days from now that the people of America are going to choose their next president. And it's a big choice, because we know these are tough times at home economically, and dangerous times in the world. And in my opinion, the choice could not be more clear; between one candidate, John McCain, who has experience and has been tested in war and tried in peace, and another candidate that has not. Between one candidate, John McCain, who has always put his country first, worked across party lines to get things done, and one candidate that has not. Between one candidate that's a talker and one candidate who's the leader America needs as our next president. You never know -- we never know what crisis will occur in the four years of his watch (wow...); we've just seen over the last few days, as the Russians invaded a sovereign nation, Georgia. And watch the response of this man, John McCain, to that crisis: right, strong, clear, principled. The kind of president we need in the White House over the next four years, to protect our country, our security, and our freedom ..."

You never know, we could get hit by a nuclear bomb tomorrow night
APF said:
Edwards' presence could easily have raised Obama's stature in the minds of folks for whom a populist message resonated, yet felt Edwards himself was a flawed candidate (or unelectable) in particular due to his previous failed runs. Without his message being sent, and without his being there as an otherwise strong, known candidate, this could have solidified Hillary even further as the presumed nominee in the mind of the Dem electorate, not to mention the fact that it could have prevented the "showing of vulnerabilities" after Hill's being ganged-up on in the debates, etc that tainted her narrative of inevitability (I could be messing with the timeline here though). At the end of the day, it's enormously hacky to make a claim one way or another, and certainly very hacky for a journalist to do so one-sidedly (a red herring about Bill's foibles? please).
Don't hate on Chuck Todd!


What's wrong with saying, "we never know what crisis will occur in the four years of his watch" --isn't that why we want someone with good policy judgment?


gkrykewy said:
VP will be Brett Favre. Military credentials (what a gunslinger!), retains youthful vigor (is like a kid out there!), and would be acceptable in the suburbs.

He'd certainly lock up the ESPN employee demographic.
RubxQub said:
Alright then gentleman... it's time to weigh in.
Who is going to be Obama's VP?! Cast your vote so we can all tear it down for not aligning with our own!
Given the recent information, I'd say it's got to be Clark.


Obama/Warren Buffet!

Obama/Dark Knight

(BTW, am I the only one annoyed by AMERICAN Batman played by a limey Brit with Joker played by Aussie?)

Obama/Schwazenegger (OK, that won't fly.)


Obama/Michael Phelps

It is gonna be Wesley Clark.


speculawyer said:
Obama/Schwazenegger (OK, that won't fly.)

That wouldn't even be possible, right? Because if Obama dies/leaves office/etc, then a foreign born man would be the President, which I thought isn't allowed?


I think that might be what "that won't fly" references:p

And Obama/Clark would lay waste to McCain and his hopes of a renewed Cold War.


Hootie said:
That wouldn't even be possible, right? Because if Obama dies/leaves office/etc, then a foreign born man would be the President, which I thought isn't allowed?
Pfft. The Patriot Act killed those dumb parts of the Constitution to better ensure our freedoms.


Tamanon said:
I think that might be what "that won't fly" references:p

And Obama/Clark would lay waste to McCain and his hopes of a renewed Cold War.

Oh. :lol

I'm not really sure who I want Obama to pick but I'm confident he/she will be a good pick.


Hootie said:
That wouldn't even be possible, right? Because if Obama dies/leaves office/etc, then a foreign born man would be the President, which I thought isn't allowed?

Schwarzenegger isn't eligible because the qualification to be vice president is identical to being president. It dates back to the early days, originally VPs were determined by who got the second most votes, thus the Federalist John Adams had the Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson as his VP, it... didn't work well, so they changed the system slightly to allow parties to run as a ticket, so electors (and citizens who vote for electors) vote for the President and the VP as a pair rather than taking the runner up automatically.


speculawyer said:
(BTW, am I the only one annoyed by AMERICAN Batman played by a limey Brit with Joker played by Aussie?)

Don't forget Gary Oldman.

And it's directed by Christopher Nolan.

And written by his brother!

And of course the first one had Liam Neeson as the bad guy.


when is my burrito
Clark is gonna rip McCain's ass open and I think he's probably the only VP candidate that I don't really see any drawbacks.

Military and command experience
Didn't vote for war
Fairly innocuous in that he won't distract from change message
Well spoken surrogate
HRC supporter
Perfect attack dog against McCain (weathered the controversial but true comments he made about McCain)
Foreign policy cred

Not great on the stump, but does he even need to go out on the stump of he can just troll news shows all the time. Maybe townhalls would work. I'm sure that David Axelrod can find a good format for him.
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