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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I've been out of the loop.

Clark is looking to be the likely VP choice for Obama?! Fucking great. I've always thought that Clark was the perfect choice for Obama.
Jonm1010 said:
Weird to say it, but I kinda agree with APF. I think knowing the republicans way of attacking, the first thing they would do if Obama picks Clark is try and spread the meme that Obama is conceding that he's weak on foreign policy. I can see it now, fox news headline:
"Is Obama's VP pick a admission that he doesn't have the credentials to lead?" Then further attacking the choice by telling everyone that VPs really don't do that much? I think that pick could actually further push the inaccurate meme that McCain is better on foreign policy.

And yet... if he doesn't pick Clark... and picks someone with little foreign policy experience... the narrative will still be on "Fox News" that McCain is better on foreign policy.

For the greater majority of America who don't watch the news 24/7 and who take Fox News and most conservatively biased media outlets, with a grain of salt (independents and democrats)... Clark will be seen as a Vice Presidential candidate who seals the wound that Obama's inexperience could falter to another attack on America.


Unconfirmed Member
Insertia said:
I've been out of the loop.

Clark is looking to be the likely VP choice for Obama?! Fucking great. I've always thought that Clark was the perfect choice for Obama.
speculation at this point, on our part I might add


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Karma Kramer said:
And yet... if he doesn't pick Clark... and picks someone with little foreign policy experience... the narrative will still be on "Fox News" that McCain is better on foreign policy.

For the greater majority of America who doesn't watch the news 24/7 and who take Fox News and most conservatively biased media outlets, with a grain of salt (independents and democrats)... Clark will be seen as a Vice Presidential candidate who seals the wound that Obama's inexperience could falter to another attack on America.

With no political experience.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Obama is damned in the news no matter what he does. I think that Clark resonates properly to the voting public though. Wesley Clark is way more decorated than McCain is.


I have a gut feeling McCain will pick Tom Ridge.

He probably thinks he can get Michigan without Romney's help, and Ridge could seriously deliver PA for McCain. Lots of people here like Ridge. This is worrisome.


Diablos said:
After learning about Bayh's previous involvement with the buildup to the war, I'm not so sure.
You're saying you won't vote for Obama if Bayh's his pick? Your answer is why it doesn't matter that much.


APF said:
You're saying you won't vote for Obama if Bayh's his pick? Your answer is why it doesn't matter that much.
I didn't say that at all.

The Republicans will love pointing out how Bayh is a complete contradiction to Obama's Iraq message.
APF said:
You're saying you won't vote for Obama if Bayh's his pick? Your answer is why it doesn't matter that much.


I totally forgot about you APF.

I got to make sure to not spend much time (any) replying to your completely self-centered devil's advocate opinions from now on.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Diablos said:
I didn't say that at all.

The Republicans will love pointing out how Bayh is a complete contradiction to Obama's Iraq message.

While their candidate believes in what?


mckmas8808 said:
While their candidate believes in what?
That isn't the point; they'll acknowledge that while also pointing out that Obama chose politics over his actual Iraq policy views, thus making him an ineffective leader, [insert Republican attack ad bullshit that actually rubs off on some people here], etc.
Remember the one time when Obama said he would "refine" his policies in Iraq and the right wing media exploded in calling him a flip-flopper. Can you imagine what would happen if he chose a Vice Presidential candidate that contradicted similar things.

The media would have a hay down.


He said that getting shot down in Vietnam and being a POW does not make you qualified to be President.

It's so true, and in some ways I'm glad someone said it, but it shouldn't have been Wes Clark. :\


testicles on a cold fall morning
that's not a gaffe. that's the media, led by a teary-eyed Bob Schieffer, feigning mock outrage so McCain doesn't have to.
In McCain's townhall meeting today a question was asked if he could bring anything to true conservatives who long for smaller government and smaller debt. After a round of applause, McCain answered simply "yes" and left it at that. He then dangled justices over the crowd's head, fawning over Alito and Roberts and warning them of the alternative.

Of course this was all after recommending charter schools for everywhere in the country without a hint of how to pay for it, along with fixing social security and balancing the budget. Damn Obama and his baseless platitudes!

Oh wait.
scorcho said:
that's not a gaffe. that's the media, led by a teary-eyed Bob Schieffer, feigning mock outrage so McCain doesn't have to.

well, yeah


he's my pick. i think he's arguably the smartest of the presidential contenders of the past primaries. it'd be a gamble because he has a big mouth. but just get axlerod to put a muzzle on him and we're good to go


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:

Mika is just laughable here. "This is John McCain we're talkin' about!" :lol

But so has Barack Obama! But so has Barack Obama! But so has Barack Obama.

Keep smacking them bitches down, Wes!

Oh, I am a war refugee, does that give me a certain insight and makes me better on FP? I mean, after all, I've lived in three different countries throughout my lifetime.

Me > McCain?
Tyrone Slothrop said:
no, he's not. the vetters probably tossed him due to that gaffe of his a few months ago

And I bet you that Obama and his campaign agreed 100% with Clark's statement internally. They had to denounce it publicly.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
well, yeah

he's my pick. i think he's arguably the smartest of the presidential contenders of the past primaries. it'd be a gamble because he has a big mouth. but just get axlerod to put a muzzle on him and we're good to go

Biden voted for the Iraq war. If Clark's gaffe is a no-go, then Biden's yes vote is a definite no-no.
Look, Obama can do no right right now, with the media. He could pick Jesus Christ as his VP, have him return to personally accept, and the media would state the next day:

"Is Obama being presumptuous?"


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FlightOfHeaven said:
Look, Obama can do no right right now, with the media. He could pick Jesus Christ as his VP, have him return to personally accept, and the media would state the next day:

"Is Obama being presumptuous?"

Does that make Obama weak with the atheists?! Key demographic! They could determine the winner!
speculawyer said:
He may bring Hillary supporters . . . Wesley Clark was a big Hillary supporter and was obviously going to be some part of a Hillary administration.
He does bring military credentials to the ticket.
He does bring some Arkansas power to the ticket. (Maybe put Arkansas into play?)

Yeah, I know . . . there are a lots of right-wing anti-Clark talking points out there but they are not that powerful and won't dupe the general public.

I'm one of maybe 5 people in Arkansas who support Obama. Adding Clark to the ticket still won't stop it from being a blow-out. Even adding Clinton as VP wouldn't change that.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ratcliffja said:
I'm one of maybe 5 people in Arkansas who support Obama. Adding Clark to the ticket still won't stop it from being a blow-out. Even adding Clinton as VP wouldn't change that.


What do you consider a blow-out? 5+? 10+?


Wow, I haven't been following this week... Wesley Clark moved up the rankings??! What is this based on? I have been calling for him to have a bigger role in the party forever, including being the perfect presidential nominee they neglected to choose in 2004. He's the democrats ideal ace in the hole -- a liberal in conservatives' clothing. He brings so much needed appeal to Obama's ticket, more than any other candidate could bring besides Sam Nunn. Older, southern, military, a lot of people are familiar with him from his old job on CNN -- he's the ideal "traditional American" for all of these rural people who don't seem to take to new ideas very well. If he's on the ticket I'll be thrilled. Game over.


For those wondering about the keynote speaker: not Hillary.
Senate candidate and former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner is scheduled to deliver the Tuesday night keynote address at this year's Democratic National Convention — the same role that launched Barack Obama to national prominence four years ago.


"Mark Warner is not afraid to challenge the status quo to bring people together and get things moving," Plouffe's statement read. "It's that kind of spirit and innovation that resulted in his selection as keynote speaker on a night when the convention program will focus on renewing America's economy."
Never heard of him.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Why would the democrats need a liberal in conservatives' clothing for VP.

Those hillbillys that won't vote for Obama sure as hell won't change their vote because some VP.
Obama should stick to not alientating his core base rather than pandering to the right wing "undecided" voters.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FTWer said:
Why would the democrats need a liberal in conservatives' clothing for VP.

Those hillbillys that won't vote for Obama sure as hell won't change their vote because some VP.
Obama should stick to not alientating his core base rather than pandering to the right wing "undecided" voters.

And how would picking Clark alienate his core base? Clark has been anti-Iraq war, anti-neoconservative far longer than most people even knew about the possibilities of Iraq part deux.
ratcliffja said:
I'm one of maybe 5 people in Arkansas who support Obama. Adding Clark to the ticket still won't stop it from being a blow-out. Even adding Clinton as VP wouldn't change that.
Well . . . maybe it could at least cause McCain to spend money there.

Alaska is definitely in play it seems.


FTWer said:
Why would the democrats need a liberal in conservatives' clothing for VP.

Those hillbillys that won't vote for Obama sure as hell won't change their vote because some VP.
Obama should stick to not alientating his core base rather than pandering to the right wing "undecided" voters.

I'm not talking about converting conservatives, that's not going to happen no matter who Obama picks. I'm talking about the undecideds and independents, the people who basically decide every election. In general they (and the country in general) lean rightward, if you ask me, and I would assume research would back me up on that. Picking someone who could draw them in is a much better strategy than not picking someone who could draw them in. Maybe Clark isn't enough to sway the independents, but it's better to try than not try at all, it's that basic. Also, Obama wouldn't be alienating his base, Clark is no Weasel Lieberman. He's a solid democrat.


VALIS said:
Wow, I haven't been following this week... Wesley Clark moved up the rankings??! What is this based on?
The theme of the VP speech was announced.

On Aug. 27, the theme is "Securing America's Future" with an acceptance speech by Obama's still-unannounced vice presidential candidate.

That led a lot of people to speculate that it will be someone with a heavy military service background. And the name of Westley Clark's PAC happens to be...Securing America's Future.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
reilo said:
Does that make Obama weak with the atheists?! Key demographic! They could determine the winner!

Jesus could potentially hurt Obama's chances with evangelicals because the guy is Jewish!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
McCain has ran 0 ads in Florida.



That was Hardball's big number today.


reilo said:
McCain has ran 0 ads in Florida.



That was Hardball's big number today.
And today's PPP poll had Obama down by four, pretty much unchanged. fivethirtyeight points out this is the only state where McCain has a field office advantage of about 30. (though they are shared with the local GOP campaigns). The Florida GOP machine is huge.
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