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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Gaborn said:
Schwarzenegger isn't eligible because the qualification to be vice president is identical to being president. It dates back to the early days, originally VPs were determined by who got the second most votes, thus the Federalist John Adams had the Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson as his VP, it... didn't work well, so they changed the system slightly to allow parties to run as a ticket, so electors (and citizens who vote for electors) vote for the President and the VP as a pair rather than taking the runner up automatically.

Yeah I pretty much knew all of this but thanks for clearing it up. Imagine if the system was the same as back in the old days. Gore the VP of Bush, and now McCain the VP of Obama or vice-versa. Would be quite strange. :lol
tanod said:
Clark is gonna rip McCain's ass open and I think he's probably the only VP candidate that I don't really see any drawbacks.
I sure hope so. But I gave him a lot of money in 2004 and that didn't work out so well. But I still think he's a great candidate.


Hootie said:
Yeah I pretty much knew all of this but thanks for clearing it up. Imagine if the system was the same as back in the old days. Gore the VP of Bush, and now McCain the VP of Obama or vice-versa. Would be quite strange. :lol

I think you'd probably have a lot more assassination attempts if the old system was still in place.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hootie said:
Yeah I pretty much knew all of this but thanks for clearing it up. Imagine if the system was the same as back in the old days. Gore the VP of Bush, and now McCain the VP of Obama or vice-versa. Would be quite strange. :lol

Carter the VP of Reagan.

Nixon the VP of JFK.

Dukakis the VP of Reagan.

Dole the VP of Clinton.

tanod said:
Clark is gonna rip McCain's ass open and I think he's probably the only VP candidate that I don't really see any drawbacks.

Military and command experience
Didn't vote for war
Fairly innocuous in that he won't distract from change message
Well spoken surrogate
HRC supporter
Perfect attack dog against McCain (weathered the controversial but true comments he made about McCain)
Foreign policy cred

Not great on the stump, but does he even need to go out on the stump of he can just troll news shows all the time. Maybe townhalls would work. I'm sure that David Axelrod can find a good format for him.

Yes yes.

All on the Clark for VP love-boat. We serve candy!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
tanod said:
Clark is gonna rip McCain's ass open and I think he's probably the only VP candidate that I don't really see any drawbacks.

Military and command experience
Didn't vote for war
Fairly innocuous in that he won't distract from change message
Well spoken surrogate
HRC supporter
Perfect attack dog against McCain (weathered the controversial but true comments he made about McCain)
Foreign policy cred

Not great on the stump, but does he even need to go out on the stump of he can just troll news shows all the time. Maybe townhalls would work. I'm sure that David Axelrod can find a good format for him.

Wes Clark would get his ass ate on the economy by Mitt Romney!


Hootie said:
Yeah I pretty much knew all of this but thanks for clearing it up. Imagine if the system was the same as back in the old days. Gore the VP of Bush, and now McCain the VP of Obama or vice-versa. Would be quite strange. :lol

np, and yeah, I especially think Nixon/McGovern would be EPIC. I don't think he'd be resigning after Watergate broke...

Hype train! Woo woo!
mckmas8808 said:
Wes Clark would get his ass ate on the economy by Mitt Romney!

He would. Romeny could say "I'm rich, I know how the economy works" and what could Clark say that conflicts that? Most people think personal business success = economic genius, because most people don't see that there is a difference between the art of business and the science of economics.


mckmas8808 said:
Wes Clark would get his ass ate on the economy by Mitt Romney!

i guess they sorta feel like they don't need to boost their economic strengths at the moment, since people voting on the economy are currently significantly leaning Obama anyway

not a fan of Clark so this news makes me kind of lethargic but whatever
PoliGAF needs a compilation website where we can accrue news stories, tidbits, images, chartz, and the like.

I need a friggin database and it's annoying, trying to find all this information.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
i guess they sorta feel like they don't need to boost their economic strengths at the moment, since people voting on the economy are currently significantly leaning Obama anyway

not a fan of Clark so this news makes me kind of lethargic but whatever

Why not?
mckmas8808 said:
Wes Clark would get his ass ate on the economy by Mitt Romney!

True but voters won't be voting on Obama based on Clark's lack of economic experience; and besides I bet if he did debate Romney he'd simply keep hammering stuff like this
"I believe most Americans want their next president to remind them of the guy who they work with, not the guy who laid them off," Republican rival Mike Huckabee frequently cracked.
Huck <3

Obama is already seen as a better candidate with respect to the economy when compared to McCain: foreign policy is the weakness. Clark wouldn't erase that deficit totally imo but he'd essentially destroy many of McCain's arguments on experience.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
True but voters won't be voting on Obama based on Clark's lack of economic experience; and besides I bet if he did debate Romney he'd simply keep hammering stuff like this

Huck <3

Obama is already seen as a better candidate with respect to the economy when compared to McCain: foreign policy is the weakness. Clark wouldn't erase that deficit totally imo but he'd essentially destroy many of McCain's arguments on experience.

Clark SHOULD destroy McCain on FP, EASILY.

There is no fucking way McCain has more FP experience or knows how the world functions better than even Obama. McCain, much like Bush, lives inside his own bubble.

And Clark would destroy McCain if Johnny boy were to bring up his military service.
reilo said:
Clark SHOULD destroy McCain on FP, EASILY.

There is no fucking way McCain has more FP experience or knows how the world functions better than even Obama. McCain, much like Bush, lives inside his own bubble.

And Clark would destroy McCain if Johnny boy were to bring up his military service.


Mika is just laughable here. "This is John McCain we're talkin' about!" :lol


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Karma Kramer said:
Reasons why? You basically just repeated the statement in question.

I personally dont trust someone thats never been politics before. And in 2004 he looked horrible to me.


Master of the Google Search
reilo said:
Clark SHOULD destroy McCain on FP, EASILY.

There is no fucking way McCain has more FP experience or knows how the world functions better than even Obama. McCain, much like Bush, lives inside his own bubble.

And Clark would destroy McCain if Johnny boy were to bring up his military service.

Didn't work too well for Kerry. The American public has a perception of Republicans being better at foreign policy no matter what the reality is :/


grandjedi6 said:
Didn't work too well for Kerry. The American public has a perception of Republicans being better at foreign policy no matter what GAF thinks :/

Fixed for more precision although I too find the devotion many Americans have to imperialists a bit disturbing.
mckmas8808 said:
Wes Clark would get his ass ate on the economy by Mitt Romney!
McCain/Romney would be AWESOME! It would be like Flip/Flop 2008.

Can you think of any two candidates that have flipped and flopped anymore than those two? OMG! :lol


I don't think choosing a non-politician VP in an attempt to neutralize concerns over your personal inexperience in military and FP matters adequately alleviates the greater narrative that's been pushed against Obama from the beginning, that he's all style and no substance. Expect this to be a line of attack, and likely a successful one.


APF said:
I don't think choosing a non-politician VP in an attempt to neutralize concerns over your personal inexperience in military and FP matters adequately alleviates the greater narrative that's been pushed against Obama from the beginning, that he's all style and no substance. Expect this to be a line of attack, and likely a successful one.
Worked in the primary!


Master of the Google Search
APF said:
I don't think choosing a non-politician VP in an attempt to neutralize concerns over your personal inexperience in military and FP matters adequately alleviates the greater narrative that's been pushed against Obama from the beginning, that he's all style and no substance. Expect this to be a line of attack, and likely a successful one.
Does this mean I can start calling McCain old?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
I don't think choosing a non-politician VP in an attempt to neutralize concerns over your personal inexperience in military and FP matters adequately alleviates the greater narrative that's been pushed against Obama from the beginning, that he's all style and no substance. Expect this to be a line of attack, and likely a successful one.

Do you think Obama is style and substance?
APF said:
Why is it a good strategy to confirm vulnerabilities: that you're weak on FP, and that you're all sizzle?

So if McCain picks Mitt Romney that won't be viewed as him trying to add strength to his weak points?

I really don't think, anyone will see a narrative that Obama is "now weaker on foreign policy" because he picked a vice president that is exceptionally strong in that area.

That type of logic is just dumb.
GhaleonEB said:
Christ. That's why I never, ever watch TV news any more. Such vapid talking heads. :lol
Are you talking bad about Chuck Todd?!

But it's John McCain! John McCain!!! How DARE YOU say that about JOHN MCAIN!!!
:lol But yeah, Wesley Clark was making complete sense, but all the news guy could do was what you said above.


Romney is a politician with Executive experience who made a legitimate run for his party's nom just a few months ago. It's a different situation than with Clark, even given his run in 04
APF said:
Romney is a politician with Executive experience.

He is viewed highly among republicans because he is a smart businessman. If McCain picked him it would obviously be because McCain isn't very strong on the economy. Overall, a McCain/Romney ticket is much better though in my opinion then a McCain/McCain ticket... cause it gives his ticket balance and comfort.


The point is, don't think this is some invincible combination that there are no downsides to. IMO there's very little he really brings to the ticket (Wes)
APF said:
The point is, don't think this is some invincible combination that there are no downsides to.

Alright... I don't think there is any combination that has no downsides.

Can you give any reasons as to why? Without spouting media spun bullshit.


Unconfirmed Member
APF said:
The point is, don't think this is some invincible combination that there are no downsides to. IMO there's very little he really brings to the ticket (Wes)
I doubt its Clark since Obama's campaign already had to formerly distance themselves for previous comments he made (when he "wasn't a surrogate"). I am surprised no one has brought that up. (*didn't actually look to see if anyone has brought it up)


scola said:
I doubt its Clark since Obama's campaign already had to formerly distance themselves for previous comments he made (when he "wasn't a surrogate"). I am surprised no one has brought that up. (*didn't actually look to see if anyone has brought it up)

I'm relatively sure that any civility over Clark's comments evaporated when McCain morphed into full-on curmudgeon mode.


Weird to say it, but I kinda agree with APF. I think knowing the republicans way of attacking, the first thing they would do if Obama picks Clark is try and spread the meme that Obama is conceding that he's weak on foreign policy. I can see it now, fox news headline:
"Is Obama's VP pick a admission that he doesn't have the credentials to lead?"

Then further attacking the choice by telling everyone that VPs really don't do that much. I think that pick could actually further push the inaccurate meme that McCain is better on foreign policy.
APF said:
The point is, don't think this is some invincible combination that there are no downsides to. IMO there's very little he really brings to the ticket (Wes)
He may bring Hillary supporters . . . Wesley Clark was a big Hillary supporter and was obviously going to be some part of a Hillary administration.
He does bring military credentials to the ticket.
He does bring some Arkansas power to the ticket. (Maybe put Arkansas into play?)

Yeah, I know . . . there are a lots of right-wing anti-Clark talking points out there but they are not that powerful and won't dupe the general public.
The republicans can get away with all but calling the democrat a traitor but if a democrat makes a comment that tries to put a crack in the media-created bubble of McCain's "maverickness" it's a week long all out assault in response.


Jonm1010 said:
Weird to say it, but I kinda agree with APF. I think knowing the republicans way of attacking, the first thing they would do if Obama picks Clark is try and spread the meme that Obama is conceding that he's weak on foreign policy. I can see it now, fox news headline:
"Is Obama's VP pick a admission that he doesn't have the credentials to lead?" Then further attacking the choice by telling everyone that VPs really don't do that much? I think that pick could actually further push the inaccurate meme that McCain is better on foreign policy.

It doesn't matter, no matter what Obama does, they'll attack it from some angle. That's kinda how it operates:p
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