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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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VanMardigan said:
And I reject the notion that believing that the Earth is spherical instead of flat ties somehow with a person's actual intelligence level. To me, it has more to do with cultural/religious upbringing and/or a general disinterest in science rather than an actual lack of intelligence.

c wut i did thar
It's good to see that the Obama campaign are taking notes from Kerry's 04 presidential campaign. Obama has been very vocal when it comes to the smears and swiftboating.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
It's good to see that the Obama campaign are taking notes from Kerry's 04 presidential campaign. Obama has been very vocal when it comes to the smears and swiftboating.

Hopefully, other Democrats are taking notes from Obama's campaign to avoid bending over backwards for Hillary in 2012.
The 'elitist' thing is annoying. How is it something to make fun of anyway? Don't you want the president to be an elite? Haven't we learned that electing a dumbass ain't so great?

Any president by definition is an 'elite'.

We send Michael Phelps to the Olympics since he is an elite swimmer . . . should we hate him? Should we instead send some people that can't swim instead?

I guess people are confusing 'elite' with arrogant.
speculawyer said:
The 'elitist' thing is annoying. How is it something to make fun of anyway? Don't you want the president to be an elite? Haven't we learned that electing a dumbass ain't so great?

Any president by definition is an 'elite'.

We send Michael Phelps to the Olympics since he is an elite swimmer . . . should we hate him? Should we instead send some people that can't swim instead?

I guess people are confusing 'elite' with arrogant.
You know, you're an elitist for looking down upon people who like to call other people elitist.


You can be as elite as you want, but you can't act, sound or think like it. People don't like others who think they're better than everyone else, or rub their intelligance and prosperity in others' faces.
Codewords aplenty: 'arrogant', 'elitist', 'presumptuous', 'exotic', "uppity".

I wish they would just say: "N______, know your place!" and get it over with. I expect all this from the GOP since this is what they do. The press on the other hand has been an absolute embarrassment throughout this whole process.

It seems that meda is getting their wish and the polls are showing that race is tighter. I wonder if this means they will take off the McCain tinted glasses and be objective in their criticisms of both candidates or will they pound Obama and declare McCain the comeback kid (2).
ShOcKwAvE said:
You can be as elite as you want, but you can't act, sound or think like it. People don't like others who think they're better than everyone else, or rub their intelligance and prosperity in others' faces.
The problem is that the culture has become so dumb, defensive and entitled that even the faintest hint of intelligence, critical thinking or accomplishment is suddenly read as "rubbing it in people's faces."
But evolution isn't immediately relevant to my life or to the lives of anyone I know. I hardly ever think of it. To me, it is just knowledge and not essential to living a fulfilling, good life. It's not a big deal.
McCain on Anti-Obama Book The Obama Nation: "Gotta keep your sense of humor!"

CNN said:
After he emerged from the meeting, a reporter asked McCain his reaction to the new Jerome Corsi book, "Obama Nation."

"Gotta keep your sense of humor," McCain responded, before his aides shuttled reporters away.

I wonder if he had his sense of humor when Bush and Rove spread rumors of him fathering an illegitimate black child..
polyh3dron said:
McCain on Anti-Obama Book The Obama Nation: "Gotta keep your sense of humor!".
That's what he says about his Britney & Paris ad and the Moses ad too.

Oh . . . so they jokes? They are not intended to harm the character of your opponent? So you campaign contributors send you millions of dollars to help get you elected and you spend that money making jokes? I do not think you are being honest Mr. McCain.


TheGrayGhost said:
But evolution isn't immediately relevant to my life or to the lives of anyone I know. I hardly ever think of it. To me, it is just knowledge and not essential to living a fulfilling, good life. It's not a big deal.

I suggest you read CharlieDigital's excellent post. This isn't about living a fulfilling, good life. It's about setting the policy course for billions of people (the western world, to the extent that the rest of it continues to view the US as a leader).

Samwise Gamgee is having a fulfulling, good life, but that does not make him a good choice to be the president of the United States.

In addition, all of those creationists living fulfilling, good lives do impact your own through retarding the education system and supporting science-hostile public policies. As a result, for example, medical progress is slowed through there being fewer american scientists, and maybe a therapy that would save the life of you or someone you love goes undiscovered for just long enough to prevent it helping you.

Or, if it does get discovered, it does so in Europe or Asia, creating wealth there and not here.

Science - serious business.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So basically McCain can say that Obama is one ugly ni**er and then just turn around and say "we was just playin yo"?

Is that what's it come to? We ANYBODY call McCain out?


mckmas8808 said:
So basically McCain can say that Obama is one ugly ni**er and then just turn around and say "we was just playin yo"?

Is that what's it come to? We ANYBODY call McCain out?

Just wait. At some point, he's going to say something completely stupid, and that'll be all she wrote. I'm betting on one of the debates.


gkrykewy said:
Just wait. At some point, he's going to say something completely stupid, and that'll be all she wrote. I'm betting on one of the debates.
The will NOT call McCain out. Will. Not.

Don't get your hopes up.


GhaleonEB said:
The will NOT call McCain out. Will. Not. \

"Well that word actually derives from something else, and his generation was used to a different time so really you can understand why..."

"I don't think John McCain would really do something like that on purpose. Obviously it was some sort of slip. The guy has way too much experience for that!"


To be fair, McCain has already said several monumentally stupid things in this campaign, it's just his Maverick style:p

"Nations don't invade other nations, it's the 21st century!"
Dax01 said:
I am so glad Obama is above this kind of stuff.
Not me. Obama or surrogates need to be defining and framing McCain, something that's just not happening. This is starting to look like 2004 all over again. The high road isn't much good when your opponents will stop at absolutely nothing to "win." The Dems need to get smarter and meaner, fast.
maximum360 said:
Codewords aplenty: 'arrogant', 'elitist', 'presumptuous', 'exotic', "uppity".

I wish they would just say: "N______, know your place!"

i don't think race has too much to do with those 'codewords' they're throwing around. more that he's just young and new and his presidency will spell out some roungh times for the GOP and conservatives in general.
Mercury Fred said:
Not me. Obama or surrogates need to be defining and framing McCain, something that's just not happening. This is starting to look like 2004 all over again. The high road isn't much good when your opponents will stop at absolutely nothing to "win." The Dems need to get smarter and meaner, fast.
Yeah, no.
Mercury Fred said:
The Dems need to get smarter and meaner, fast.

Smart and mean was always an option in the primaries. BUT BUT BUT HOPIUM.

Dirty fucking hippies, even if we vote the same for the sake of expediency, will be the death of me. We'll still win this one due to the national enviornment but John McCain's campaign and his image to the American public should be on the proverbial floor with its entrails spilling out of its stomach right now. This election should be about delievering such a fatal blow to the GOP that they'll want to meet at the Appomattox courthouse to sign their terms of surrender the very next day. Instead we'll probably get another night of nail biting over fucking Cleveland again.

Negative advertisting is effective. You know why? Because negative ads A) get the media talking and B) need to contain the truth or some clever, remotely-truthy distortion in order to prevent a backlash. Heck, the media is so collectively lazy now that B) isn't really around anyway.


Fragamemnon said:
Smart and mean was always an option in the primaries. BUT BUT BUT HOPIUM.

Dirty fucking hippies, even if we vote the same for the sake of expediency, will be the death of me. We'll still win this one due to the national enviornment but John McCain's campaign and his image to the American public should be on the proverbial floor with its entrails spilling out of its stomach right now. This election should be about delievering such a fatal blow to the GOP that they'll want to meet at the Appomattox courthouse to sign their terms of surrender the very next day. Instead we'll probably get another night of nail biting over fucking Cleveland again.

Negative advertisting is effective. You know why? Because negative ads A) get the media talking and B) need to contain the truth or some clever, remotely-truthy distortion in order to prevent a backlash. Heck, the media is so collectively lazy now that B) isn't really around anyway.

*** Obama’s stealth ad campaign: Over the past week, we've gotten our hands on a number of negative TV ads Obama's been running against McCain in key states like Ohio and Michigan. This is in addition to the tough spot, uncovered by Politico, that Obama's airing in Indiana. Clearly, the Obama campaign isn't interested in telling the media about every single McCain attack ad they’re running. Perhaps this is because Obama's brand can't afford to be tarnished too much if he's seen as constantly running negative TV ads. So the campaign simply puts them on the air in key markets, doesn't tell the press about them, and layers those ads with positive ones being run nationally during the Olympics. Also, by not releasing to the media, it forces the McCain camp to wait a day or two before they see the ad. McCain's camp is much more comfortable unveiling their negative ads, perhaps because they want the free press that comes with them. But make no mistake, Obama’s running plenty of negative TV ads, particularly in the industrial Midwestern states. In fact, one of Obama's biggest candidate strengths -- which doesn't get the attention it deserves -- is that he plays political hardball as well as his opponents; he just sometimes does it under the radar.
Fragamemnon said:
Smart and mean was always an option in the primaries. BUT BUT BUT HOPIUM.

Dirty fucking hippies, even if we vote the same for the sake of expediency, will be the death of me. We'll still win this one due to the national enviornment but John McCain's campaign and his image to the American public should be on the proverbial floor with its entrails spilling out of its stomach right now. This election should be about delievering such a fatal blow to the GOP that they'll want to meet at the Appomattox courthouse to sign their terms of surrender the very next day. Instead we'll probably get another night of nail biting over fucking Cleveland again.

Negative advertisting is effective. You know why? Because negative ads A) get the media talking and B) need to contain the truth or some clever, remotely-truthy distortion in order to prevent a backlash. Heck, the media is so collectively lazy now that B) isn't really around anyway.

Also, I was just searching around and about to post numble's quoted story.

Looks like Obama's not above this sort of thing after all. Now the campaign just needs to get a little better at it.


testicles on a cold fall morning

The extent of McCain's involvement in the military conflict in Georgia appears remarkable among presidential candidates, who traditionally have kept some distance from unfolding crises out of deference to whoever is occupying the White House. The episode also follows months of sustained GOP criticism of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, who was accused of acting too presidential for, among other things, briefly adopting a campaign seal and taking a trip abroad that included a huge rally in Berlin.

"We talk about how there's only one president at a time, so the idea that you would send your own emissaries and really interfere with the process is remarkable," said Lawrence Korb, a Reagan Defense Department official who now acts as an informal adviser to the Obama campaign. "It's very risky and can send mixed messages to foreign governments. . . . They accused Obama of being presumptuous, but he didn't do anything close to this."

apparently this article managed to get past WaPo's editorial board, since there's surely no reason why anyone should question McCain's foreign policy acumen. no doubt Bob Schieffer will defend McCain for him this Sunday and in the third debate.
I really liked that ad he was running regarding DHL and Ohio. It was a good ad.

I'm just not seeing the sort of undermining of the core McCain brand that I'd like to see out of his campaign. This, moreso than anything else, is the great Rove lesson-hit the other guy where he is supposedly strongest and tarnish his brand-the result is that people will be confused about "what he really believes in" or some bullshit.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Mercury Fred said:
Not me. Obama or surrogates need to be defining and framing McCain, something that's just not happening. This is starting to look like 2004 all over again. The high road isn't much good when your opponents will stop at absolutely nothing to "win." The Dems need to get smarter and meaner, fast.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

American politics is all about being in a bloodbath and if you are not willing to fight and crack some skulls open, YOU WILL NOT WIN

It happened to Kerry in 2004 and from what I've seen so far it looks like it very well could happen again.


Setec Astronomer
Mercury Fred said:
Not me. Obama or surrogates need to be defining and framing McCain, something that's just not happening. This is starting to look like 2004 all over again. The high road isn't much good when your opponents will stop at absolutely nothing to "win." The Dems need to get smarter and meaner, fast.
Only if you haven't been paying attention.


sangreal said:
Speaking of Kerry... anyone check out drudge?
From the article he linked to:

"I'm not looking for any new job, I'm running for re-election," Kerry told WBZ last week.

Asked about the V.P. buzz, his press secretary told WBZ in a statement Thursday night:

"If I was bi-lingual, I'd say no in multiple languages. The only job John Kerry is running for, contemplating, or considering is the one he already has."
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that rules him out.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
GhaleonEB said:
From the article he linked to:

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that rules him out.
*puts suicide pistol back in the emergency box*

As I said before, Obama needs to do awesome in the first two debates because I expect nothing but Schieffer gushing over McCain's "Maverickness" in the third.

Also, I think we can officially "officially" write Texas off:

Texas school district to let teachers carry guns
Source: Reuters

HOUSTON (Reuters) - A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district's superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States.

The board of the small rural Harrold Independent School District unanimously approved the plan and parents have not objected, said the district's superintendent, David Thweatt.

School experts backed Thweatt's claim that Harrold, a system of about 110 students 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth, may be the first to let teachers bring guns to the classroom.

Thweatt said it is a matter of safety.


Those people are beyond help.
Hitokage said:
Only if you haven't been paying attention.
I completely understand this response. Obama is far from being the pushover that Kerry was, and will often counter claims.

However, I still think he has some work to do in controlling how the narrative is framed. Yes, he's done a good job on several occasions when it comes to responses. But more often than not, he seems to be just deflecting the blows, as opposed to countering with some hard-hitting punches of his own.

McCain continues to be ignored when it's convenient for him, and given attention to in his critiques of Obama when that is convenient. The election is gravitating more and more towards being simply a referendum on Obama. Obama might be able to win that fight. However, if we could actually get equitable scrutiny on both of them, and get it back to being "Obama vs. McCain" and not "Obama vs. Not Obama," I think this would be a much easier election to win. McCain is a terrible presidential candidate, and the sooner Obama can get that narrative out there, the better. He doesn't even really have to go overtly negative to do so.
The Obama campaign has been using the time since the end of the primaries to now building campaign infrastructure, organizing GOTV, registering new voters, and focusing on local issues in key states while McCain has been spending most of his money on nation-wide attack ads.

The Obama campaign are ace at what they do. They took down HRC, they can take down anyone. You all need to look at this campaign in the broader picture and not get panicked because it looks like he isn't as forceful at the moment.

Besides, he IS attacking McCain in key states. He's just not using the corporate media to do so (which is probably another reason why he isn't the media's darling anymore.)
VanMardigan said:
I would agree with that statement as well
a general disinterest in science rather than an actual lack of intelligence.
I think anyone with "a general disinterest in science" is showing "an actual lack of intelligence". I'm not saying everyone needs to be scientists . . . but science is what brought the medical care that has probably kept you alive, the car you drive, the food you eat, the computer you are using right now . . . science has been the most important aspect of creating our modern society. If you really have a "general disinterest" in science then you are, in fact, a dumbass.

And there really is a huge disinterest in science that is hurting this country.
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