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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Because they realized they weren't doing any favors by displaying their immaturity upfront?

Seriously, I see this as a group of adults throwing a huge temper tantrum.

Also, that dude on Hardball... that's how pundits should treat fuckin' everyone, with fact checks and stuff.
Shuster can be tough on guests which is good, but sometimes he comes off as snarky, which is bad. When Matthews is on his "A" game, he knows how to pressure a guest without appearing snooty and dismissive the way Shuster does. Shuster let's his bias show too much and gets in the mudd a little too much with the looney guests. It makes him appear partisan, which reduces the impact of the interview. He still needs to learn from Matthews how to use facts to corner a guest without making sarcastic quips or facial expressions. The interviewer should never be the story, the foolish guest should be. Shuster hasn't mastered that yet. He gets too eager.
Obama is doomed.


So uh, yeah. Why Hillary is even having a roll call vote is beyond me. They need to focus on looking ahead, not revisiting the primary! What if the delegates get emotional and switch to Hillary at the last minute? Even if they don't, things are bound to get a bit dramatic during the roll call. Why are they doing this?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Diablos said:
So uh, yeah. Why Hillary is even having a roll call vote is beyond me. They need to focus on looking ahead, not revisiting the primary! What if the delegates get emotional and switch to Hillary at the last minute? Even if they don't, things are bound to get a bit dramatic during the roll call. Why are they doing this?
Because they think by doing this it will appease the crazy Hillary supporters, but as evidenced by Hardball last night, they could give two shits about Hillary anymore. All they want now is blood.

It's a waste, as we've seen that it won't have any benefits.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Diablos said:
So uh, yeah. Why Hillary is even having a roll call vote is beyond me. They need to focus on looking ahead, not revisiting the primary! What if the delegates get emotional and switch to Hillary at the last minute? Even if they don't, things are bound to get a bit dramatic during the roll call. Why are they doing this?
put down the crazy pills.


Diablos said:
So uh, yeah. Why Hillary is even having a roll call vote is beyond me. They need to focus on looking ahead, not revisiting the primary!
They're doing the roll call to appease the Hillary supporters, and to make sure people feel like their votes were counted (the normal Hillary supporters, not the crazy ones.)

Diablos said:
What if the delegates get emotional and switch to Hillary at the last minute?
I doubt it. This is a convention (not a family reunion), where important folks who know what's best for the party (not members of your so-called-family) are casting their votes for who will be the nominee (not casting their votes at the family beauty pageant.) It's laughable to think that the delegates might all switch to vote for Hillary for some reason (though it was no laughing matter when the whole family, fueled by emotion, banded together to all vote for the newly-widowed Great Aunt Betty, instead of just voting for their kids or grandkids.)
scorcho said:
put down the crazy pills.

Crazy pills indeed. Besides it being laregely out of the realm of possibilities it would most assuredly put McCain in office for the next 8 years and destroy what's left of the Clinton legacy. If you think the Clintons pissed off a large majority of the black voting block in the primaries, just wait until something like this happens.


testicles on a cold fall morning
this lede made my jaw drop -
For the last several days, Senator Barack Obama has seemed to fade from the scene while on his secluded vacation here, as his opponent, Senator John McCain, has seized nearly every opportunity to display his foreign policy credentials on the dominant issue of the week: the conflict between Russia and Georgia.
as stupid as it is for the reporter to seemingly approve of McCain's reckless grandstanding, it gets even stupider with discussion of how Hawaii is 'exotic' (as opposed to being born in, say, Idaho) and somehow further proving how inscrutable Obama is.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Dax01 said:
The Daily Show is going to be at the Dem. Convention.

Should be hysterical.
Perhaps Rob Riggle can stay conscious throughout Obama's moving words this time :lol

scorcho said:
this lede made my jaw drop - as stupid as it is for the reporter to seemingly approve of McCain's reckless grandstanding, it gets even stupider with discussion of how Hawaii is 'exotic' (as opposed to being born in, say, Idaho) and somehow further proving how inscrutable Obama is.

I think stupid is still in style for a bit longer. If Obama wins I think Americans will evolve a little beyond stupid as a whole to just normal everyday wisdom

I need more sleep
the disgruntled gamer said:
They're doing the roll call to appease the Hillary supporters, and to make sure people feel like their votes were counted (the normal Hillary supporters, not the crazy ones.)

I doubt it. This is a convention (not a family reunion), where important folks who know what's best for the party (not members of your so-called-family) are casting their votes for who will be the nominee (not casting their votes at the family beauty pageant.) It's laughable to think that the delegates might all switch to vote for Hillary for some reason (though it was no laughing matter when the whole family, fueled by emotion, banded together to all vote for the newly-widowed Great Aunt Betty, instead of just voting for their kids or grandkids.)

I think it was Chuck Todd that mentioned a little while back that while they say it would appease supporters, it could upset some of them even more, because the count they got used to hearing is not the one they would get. Definitely no one in their right mind is going to switch from Obama to Clinton, but many have switched from Hillary to Obama. Hillary herself says her super delegate vote is going to Obama, so people expecting something like a 51-49 split could be in for a surprise.


Smiles and Cries said:
I think stupid is still in style for a bit longer. If Obama wins I think Americans will evolve a little beyond stupid as a whole to just normal everyday wisdom

I need more sleep

Because people that disagree with Obama's politics are stupid :lol :lol :lol wow, and people wonder why liberals are sometimes thought of as elitist.


scorcho said:
this lede made my jaw drop - as stupid as it is for the reporter to seemingly approve of McCain's reckless grandstanding, it gets even stupider with discussion of how Hawaii is 'exotic' (as opposed to being born in, say, Idaho) and somehow further proving how inscrutable Obama is.
And even richer than those points - I'm still floored this line made it into print:

Senator Barack Obama has seemed to fade from the scene while on his secluded vacation

I mean, there's not enought :lol on earth. Hint to NYT: fading from the scene is the entire point of the vacation.


testicles on a cold fall morning
chew on this McCain quote for a bit - http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/406glxpt.asp
"I think it's a fundamental tenet of our party to be pro-life but that does not mean we exclude people from our party that are pro-choice. We just have a--albeit strong--but just it's a disagreement. And I think Ridge is a great example of that. Far moreso than Bloomberg, because Bloomberg is pro-gay rights, pro, you know, a number of other issues."
you know, McCain can stomach someone who supports abortions, but god forbid they favor gays having rights, or other 'pros'. oh henny penny! and think, McCain is the 'maverick' of the Republican party, folks.

Smiles and Cries said:
If Obama wins I think Americans will evolve a little beyond stupid as a whole to just normal everyday wisdom
Obama's jesuspower will save us?
Smiles and Cries said:
I think stupid is still in style for a bit longer. If Obama wins I think Americans will evolve a little beyond stupid as a whole to just normal everyday wisdom

I need more sleep

I think a lot of prejudices will die with the passing of the majority of the current social security crowd but we (as in Americans) will never be in short supply of stupidity.


has calmed down a bit.
Listen guys, I'll just go over and ask the superdelegate who works down the hall from me about who is going to be Obama's pick and get it over with. Then we can go on discussing other matters, like why that choice would suck/rock.

Yeah, you can be for the taking of unborn life, but guys kissing? That's just wrong.

It really is. *shudders*


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Because people that disagree with Obama's politics are stupid :lol :lol :lol wow, and people wonder why liberals are sometimes thought of as elitist.

That's not what he said at all.

There is a difference between disagreeing with Obama based on his policies, and then not liking him because he looks different. What does being born in Hawaii have to do with somebody's political stances? Proclaiming Obama to be "exotic" because he was born in Hawaii is trying to appease to a mentality that Obama won't be a good president for that person because he's different from them, so obviously, he cannot understand what they need.

GOP smear tactics 101.
Gaborn said:
Because people that disagree with Obama's politics are stupid :lol :lol :lol wow, and people wonder why liberals are sometimes thought of as elitist.
People who think he is a communist = stupid
People who think he is a secret muslim = stupid
People who get caught up in the flag pin, pledge of allegiance bullshit = stupid
People who think he doesn't "believe in the American flag" or is "not one of us" = stupid
People who think he has secret meetings with Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright plotting to destroy America = stupid

The Republican Party depends on stupid. Stupid is what they market to. The Republicans bet the farm on stupid and win a whole lot.


Gaborn said:
Because people that disagree with Obama's politics are stupid :lol :lol :lol wow, and people wonder why liberals are sometimes thought of as elitist.
To be fair, should Obama be elected it will indeed help fuel the argument that Americans are not so easily as duped by deceptive politics anymore. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Beat to death already, but I think you pretty roughly misinterpreted SnC's post, Gaborn.


Diablos said:
To be fair, should Obama be elected it will indeed help fuel the argument that Americans are not so easily as duped by deceptive politics anymore. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Based on recent history, part of me is still pessimistic. But it would improve my opinion of the general public a great deal.

Also, the GOP continues to stalk Obama on vacation, in hopes of some embarassing bit of news. The latest: body surfing.


Only, problem is, Obama is no Kerry.



And they somehow manage to attack Obama for...eating hamburgers. His campaign sent back a sarcastic reply:

The RNC, apparently working to keep the press alert to the fact that Obama was on vacation at a fairly exotic spot all week, blasted out quite a bit of trivia: He'd attended Batman, the press learned from one of their emails; and he'd ordered hamburgers.

In the primary, Obama's particular strength was pivoting off overstated Clinton attacks -- Remember how much mileage he got out of her charge that he'd started running for president in Kindergarten? -- and he's reaching for that again now, mocking the Republican mockery, in an email from spokesman Tommy Vietor.

Breaking News Alert – RNC attacks hamburgers, moviegoers and ice cream cones! Puppies and kittens feared to be next!

Below are just a few examples of the RNC’s recent attacks on Obama. Apparently the folks at the RNC don’t like eating cheeseburgers or ice cream with their families, and are not among the millions of Americans who enjoyed Batman.

Really, really sad stuff.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
reilo said:
That's not what he said at all.

There is a difference between disagreeing with Obama based on his policies, and then not liking him because he looks different. What does being born in Hawaii have to do with somebody's political stances? Proclaiming Obama to be "exotic" because he was born in Hawaii is trying to appease to a mentality that Obama won't be a good president for that person because he's different from them, so obviously, he cannot understand what they need.

GOP smear tactics 101.
What's amusing is how McCain wasn't born in the continental US either.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Awesome analysis of what to expect out of the polls during and after the conventions by the 538 guys.

Read this if you don't want to look like a fool by overreacting to polling data presented during or slightly after each convention!


You must use 538 for all of your polling data, otherwise you'll squirt yourself over false hopes or shattered dreams.

August 14, 2008
Categories: Barack Obama

Headlines you never thought you'd see...

...in the Washington Post (or anywhere else): "Left Behind" Authors: Obama Not Antichrist.

Indeed, the authors of the apocalyptic Christian series actually put out a statement in which they helpfully explain that they understand why people think Obama's the antichrist, but they beg to differ.

"I've gotten a lot of questions the last few weeks asking if Obama is the antichrist," says novelist Jenkins. "I tell everyone that I don't think the antichrist will come out of politics, especially American politics."

"I can see by the language he uses why people think he could be the antichrist," adds LaHaye, "but from my reading of scripture, he doesn't meet the criteria. There is no indication in the Bible that the antichrist will be an American."

And the Obama camp breathes a sigh of relief....

'Merika, you so crazy.



reilo said:
That's not what he said at all.

There is a difference between disagreeing with Obama based on his policies, and then not liking him because he looks different. What does being born in Hawaii have to do with somebody's political stances? Proclaiming Obama to be "exotic" because he was born in Hawaii is trying to appease to a mentality that Obama won't be a good president for that person because he's different from them, so obviously, he cannot understand what they need.

GOP smear tactics 101.

Sorry, calling the american public "stupid as a whole" is not singling out racist opponents of him.

Edit - Also, Maximum360's post three above yours indicates I'm not the only one that thinks Smiles and Cries has a rather... insulting... view of americans generally (of course, he happens to AGREE with that perspective)


RubxQub said:
Awesome analysis of what to expect out of the polls during and after the conventions by the 538 guys.

Read this if you don't want to look like a fool by overreacting to polling data presented during or slightly after each convention!


You must use 538 for all of your polling data, otherwise you'll squirt yourself over false hopes or shattered dreams.
It's a nice try, but you can bet your ass that there will be people freaking out about Obama's bounce, and then freaking out about McCain's bounce. Just wait.


Gaborn said:
Sorry, calling the american public "stupid as a whole" is not singling out racist opponents of him.

Edit - Also, Maximum360's post three above yours indicates I'm not the only one that thinks Smiles and Cries has a rather... insulting... view of americans generally (of course, he happens to AGREE with that perspective)

Justified. The below is a proxy for all kinds of stupid.



RubxQub said:
Awesome analysis of what to expect out of the polls during and after the conventions by the 538 guys.

Read this if you don't want to look like a fool by overreacting to polling data presented during or slightly after each convention!


You must use 538 for all of your polling data, otherwise you'll squirt yourself over false hopes or shattered dreams.
Why? Is 538 the new Zogby? Hyped through the roof and laughably wrong come election day. Considering there is only one chance for these polls to actually be right, I find it hard to put faith in any single poll. PEACE.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Not sure why we're trying to defend the average American's intelligence.

As an American, I can straight up tell you that you DO NOT want the average American to have that much power.

Democracy is great and all, but when a majority of your country is fucking retarded, well...democracy kinda breaks a bit. I'd strip the rights of dumb people in a second if I could. Make people take a general competency test before they are allowed to participate in voting.

Don't care if people disagree with my opinions on issues and vote counter to what I would, but at least be intelligent enough to understand your vote.

Pimpwerx said:
Why? Is 538 the new Zogby? Hyped through the roof and laughably wrong come election day. Considering there is only one chance for these polls to actually be right, I find it hard to put faith in any single poll. PEACE.
What the eff? Did you even visit the site to understand what they do over there?

...and do you believe in Evolution? Yes/No


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Sorry, calling the american public "stupid as a whole" is not singling out racist opponents of him.

Edit - Also, Maximum360's post three above yours indicates I'm not the only one that thinks Smiles and Cries has a rather... insulting... view of americans generally (of course, he happens to AGREE with that perspective)



Gaborn said:
Sorry, calling the american public "stupid as a whole" is not singling out racist opponents of him.

Edit - Also, Maximum360's post three above yours indicates I'm not the only one that thinks Smiles and Cries has a rather... insulting... view of americans generally (of course, he happens to AGREE with that perspective)
Given Bush's sustained bottom at 29% approval, I'm gonna assume that there's a substantial amount of stupid floating around out there. Don't undersell the ignorance of the general public. They may not be idiots, but they sure act like a bunch of uninformed buffoons. PEACE.
Gaborn said:
Because people that disagree with Obama's politics are stupid :lol :lol :lol wow, and people wonder why liberals are sometimes thought of as elitist.

you so amused by such a shameful thing. should we all be proud of how stupid we can become as a whole? =_=

if you are stuck on the stupid as a whole point... I would like to point out I include myself in that thinking... as a whole america is being pulled down to an insane level of ignorance by consuming idiotic news stories to base voting choices upon. The attacks on Obama have not been very impressive, people are calling output the elitist card when they fail to understand the ignorance being dished out in the media. We don't have to agree politically to understand there are higher levels of thinking than what we are seeing from the story I was replying to. Stupid is a gift that keeps on giving since voting for a president affect the whole than I can only point out if stupid wins out America is indeed Stupid as a Whole...

alas I still need more sleep =_=


Pimpwerx said:
Given Bush's sustained bottom at 29% approval, I'm gonna assume that there's a substantial amount of stupid floating around out there. Don't undersell the ignorance of the general public. They may not be idiots, but they sure act like a bunch of uninformed buffoons. PEACE.

That's the thing though. I don't agree with the neocons or the liberals at all, but my default assumption is NOT that they're stupid or uninformed, it's that they're different than me. I don't view political differences as a sign of stupidity, I recognize that people are different and I don't mind that, I just advocate the view I feel is correct. Smiles and Cries sounds like anyone that disagrees with him is assumed to be stupid.

Reilo - thank you for your insightful response to my pointing out you clearly did not read his post.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
That's the thing though. I don't agree with the neocons or the liberals at all, but my default assumption is NOT that they're stupid or uninformed, it's that they're different than me. I don't view political differences as a sign of stupidity, I recognize that people are different and I don't mind that, I just advocate the view I feel is correct. Smiles and Cries sounds like anyone that disagrees with him is assumed to be stupid.

Reilo - thank you for your insightful response to my pointing out you clearly did not read his post.

Thinking Obama is a secret Muslim ready to take over the world and kill all of us infidels, makes you, by default, a fucking moron. I'd be hard pressed to find a neoceon that doesn't believe that and truly dislikes Obama based on his policies.

The truly smart neoceons are the ones pulling the strings - the Cheneys, Wolfowitz's, and so forth. And they are by far the most dangerous. Thus, the voting public needs to smarten the hell up and quit enabling them and giving them any inch of power - even if its an abysmal 29%, that's 29% too many.
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