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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Lv99 Slacker said:
He's doing the final one, right before the election. Gotta send McCain off on a good note. (Though there are plenty of other worse choices.)


According to an Obama aide, the new effort dovetails with a renewed push by the Obama team in Pennsylvania to poke fun at John McCain's recent claim that he would rather hear the roar of "50,000 Harleys" than the cheering of 200,000 Berliners.

As the Obama camp was quick to point out, McCain opposed legislation that would have forced the U.S. government to buy American-made motorcycles.

The Obama camp's push on the issue includes running this recent ad, which was running in the York market and mocks McCain's Harley quote while pointing out McCain's position on American-made bikes, in two new markets in Pennsylvania beginning tomorrow -- the Pittsburgh and Scranton/Wilkes-Barre markets.

Obama's Pennsylvania campaign, the aide says, will be hitting the ground this weekend in around five towns around the state with stickers and flyers bearing the above "Buy American, Vote Obama" logo.

The events will feature a few dozen actual Harley riders for Obama that have been recruited for the weekend's events.

"Harley riders aren't typically supportive of Democratic candidates," the aide says. "But we're making a play for them by saying that Obama's economic policies are the true patriotic ones."

If "Buy American, Vote Obama" catches on, it could conceivably be unveiled in other battlegrounds.



Sounds like Obama's finally a candidate who seizes on the problem with saying "Buy American" on one hand and "Free trade for all!" on the other:p
maximum360 said:
Also, I think we can officially "officially" write Texas off:.
Whether people should have the right to bring guns into schools is a long-drawn out argument that I don't really care to address.

But I think the fact that people feel the need to bring guns into schools is a really pathetic statement on the current situation. Are we reverting back to the wild west days?
Frank the Great said:
The Obama campaign has been using the time since the end of the primaries to now building campaign infrastructure, organizing GOTV, registering new voters, and focusing on local issues in key states while McCain has been spending most of his money on nation-wide attack ads.

The Obama campaign are ace at what they do. They took down HRC, they can take down anyone. You all need to look at this campaign in the broader picture and not get panicked because it looks like he isn't as forceful at the moment.

Besides, he IS attacking McCain in key states. He's just not using the corporate media to do so (which is probably another reason why he isn't the media's darling anymore.)
Mind you, I'm far from being in panic mode. However, I do find it a little unnerving that the "Is Obama more of a celebrity and less of a leader" nonsense actually manged to gain even slight traction. Furthermore, McCain seems to have gained a little traction on the all-important energy debate by simply checking "all of the above" with no clear plan, all the while calling Obama "Dr. No" for not supporting popular, if dubious solutions like off-shore drilling.

These are baseless attacks. I would have liked to have seen them immediately swatted down as baseless attacks that made McCain look bad for trying him, but he seems to be amassing some small short-term victories with these weak campaign shenanigans.

Still, though, I'm happy to concede that Obama has plenty of time.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
speculawyer said:
Whether people should have the right to bring guns into schools is a long-drawn out argument that I don't really care to address.

But I think the fact that people feel the need to bring guns into schools is a really pathetic statement on the current situation. Are we reverting back to the wild west days?

If the teacher feels they'll be safer with a gun at school then:

a) The parents have failed the children
b) The teachers have failed the children
c) All of us have failed the children
AniHawk said:
"Well that word actually derives from something else, and his generation was used to a different time so really you can understand why..."

"I don't think John McCain would really do something like that on purpose. Obviously it was some sort of slip. The guy has way too much experience for that!"

"POW Alan, POW!!!"


maximum360 said:
Texas school district to let teachers carry guns
Source: Reuters

HOUSTON (Reuters) - A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district's superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States.

Fuckin' A. If it's a individual's constitutional right, and these rights are guaranteed by our government, why is our government forbidding its employees to exercise the right on public property?

speculawyer said:
But I think the fact that people feel the need to bring guns into schools is a really pathetic statement on the current situation. Are we reverting back to the wild west days?

Fuck "need." Justify the authority to say otherwise. I don't need to do a lot of things I'm allowed to. I don't need to burn a flag. I don't feel the need. I sure as shit can.

reilo said:
If the teacher feels they'll be safer with a gun at school then:

a) The parents have failed the children
b) The teachers have failed the children
c) All of us have failed the children

Think of "the children!" We all have a duty to "the children!"

Dax01 said:
*barfs* I am SO glad I don't go to school in a place like that. What the hell are these people thinking?!

What the hell are you thinking, chief?

maximum360 said:
Seriously, Texas is de-evolving as we speak.

JayDubya said:
Fuckin' A. If it's a individual's constitutional right, and these rights are guaranteed by our government, why is our government forbidding its employees to exercise the right on public property?

Fuck "need." Justify the authority to say otherwise. I don't need to do a lot of things I'm allowed to.

Think of "the children!" We all have a duty to "the children!"

What the hell are you thinking, chief?

You have to be a joke character, planted here for comic relief. This is about as idiotic as those clamoring for people to let guns into Disney World. Time to clean Mickey's six-shooter again.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
speculawyer said:
The 'elitist' thing is annoying. How is it something to make fun of anyway? Don't you want the president to be an elite?

No, if anything John Kerry would have been Bush lite without the likeability.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
Fuckin' A. If it's a individual's constitutional right, and these rights are guaranteed by our government, why is our government forbidding its employees to exercise the right on public property?

The government owns the schools. They make the rules regarding the schools.

University of Oregon is a public school, but you have to meet certain criteria in order to enroll there. Is that discrimination? It's a public school!

Anyone that wishes to participate in its educational program ought to be able to do so without having to meet certain criteria.

JayDubya said:
Think of "the children!" We all have a duty to "the children!"

I'd rather try to keep our children smart and safe than the almighty dollar that liberterians are all obsessed over.


maximum360 said:

Also, if The Walt Disney Company wanted to allow concealed carry or open carry on their property, that would be The Walt Disney Company's business.

I have a right to free speech. That doesn't mean I have a right to exercise it wherever I want to, like yelling out epithets repeatedly at an amusement park.

I have a right to keep and bear arms. That doesn't mean individual owners want people bringing guns with them.

This is directly analogous.

A public school restricting the gun possession of an adult teacher wreaks of the worst sort of hypocritical paternalism.

I'd rather try to keep our children smart and safe than the almighty dollar that liberterians are all obsessed over.

Good comeback. I must hate children. You have a future in politics. :lol

Also, good spelling. :p

reilo said:
The government owns the schools. They make the rules regarding the schools.

The government is also beholden to the supreme law of the land.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
Also, if The Walt Disney Company wanted to allow concealed carry or open carry on their property, that would be The Walt Disney Company's business.

I have a right to free speech. That doesn't mean I have a right to exercise it wherever I want to, like yelling out epithets repeatedly at an amusement park.

I have a right to keep and bear arms. That doesn't mean individual owners want people bringing guns with them.

This is directly analogous.

A public school restricting the gun possession of an adult teacher wreaks of the worst sort of hypocritical paternalism.

Considering most public schools have police officers from their district patrolling the schools nowadays, what reason would a teacher have to own a gun? Whom are they protecting by bringing said gun to school?
JayDubya said:
Fuck "need." Justify the authority to say otherwise. I don't need to do a lot of things I'm allowed to. I don't need to burn a flag. I don't feel the need. I sure as shit can.

Well, that is kind of my point . . . whether or not you have the right to burn a flag, it would be a pretty sad state if you felt the need to do so.


reilo said:
Considering most public schools have police officers from their district patrolling the schools nowadays, what reason would a teacher have to own a gun? Whom are they protecting by bringing said gun to school?

That's the city's prerogative based on need. Irregardless, I could care less* about "what reason" they'd have. Why should they have to justify their rights to you? What about protecting themselves? If I worked at a school where the city felt it was neccessary to have police actively patrolling, I'd certainly feel less safe and want to exercise my right to carry.

Is the next argument that we have cops all over the place patrolling the streets, so what reason do citizens have?


The streets of America would be a safer place if everyone carried a gun, to defend themselves against criminals.

The world would be a safer place if every country had nuclear weapons, to defend themselves against other nations.

What could go wrong?


has calmed down a bit.
speculawyer said:
And there really is a huge disinterest in science that is hurting this country.

Maybe so, but it's irrelevant to the discussion on intelligence. As to the "wow" part of your post, the flat earth theory, the sun at the center of the solar system, etc. all took time to sink in, even by some scientists at the time. People will eventually come around to evolution. It's by no means a legitimate tool for judging intelligence. And neither is an individual's interest in science.


JayDubya said:
That's the city's prerogative based on need. Irregardless, I could care less* about "what reason" they'd have. Why should they have to justify their rights to you? What about protecting themselves? If I worked at a school where the city felt it was neccessary to have police actively patrolling, I'd certainly feel less safe and want to exercise my right to carry.

Is the next argument that we have cops all over the place patrolling the streets, so what reason do citizens have?
You're still missing the point where the schools have their own separate rules that can and do differ from those outside of that property.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
That's the city's prerogative based on need. Irregardless, I could care less* about "what reason" they'd have. Why should they have to justify their rights to you? What about protecting themselves? If I worked at a school where the city felt it was neccessary to have police actively patrolling, I'd certainly feel less safe and want to exercise my right to carry.

Is the next argument that we have cops all over the place patrolling the streets, so what reason do citizens have?

It must be nice living inside your bubble where everything is made up of absolutes.


has calmed down a bit.
I work for the Department of Education, and I think it's a bad idea to have teachers going to school with guns. It's hard for me to see the upside to it. I think more metal detectors plus more monitors is a better solution imo.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
JayDubya said:
It must be easy living inside the world of simpering compromise.

Yeah, like the time I lived for 6.5 years in that place you would dub "hell" aka Germany and for a total of 12 years in Europe.

Then again, must be nice living in a libertarian society... oh wait.
Can someone explain to me why McCain never really rises in the Gallup poll, it's only Obama who peaks and valleys? Is it because McCain has a set number of core supporters and that's all he's going to get (much like Bush's 29%) and it's the undecideds who waver on whether Obama (he also having a 44% solid base) is worthy of their vote? If so, I don't see any problem come election day. I think most decisions that you waver on for a length of time, when it comes time to decide and it costs you nothing, you opt to say "yes."


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
kkaabboomm said:
McCain ad responds to Obama DHL ad --

“Maybe the applause has gone to his head… Saying John McCain cost Ohio jobs, though it’s just not true.”


they're still pushing the celeb attack...

I find it funny that McCain quotes FactCheck.org, where, inevitably, FactCheck.org will fact check this ad and say the lines about taxes are not actually true.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
adamsappel said:
Can someone explain to me why McCain never really rises in the Gallup poll, it's only Obama who peaks and valleys? Is it because McCain has a set number of core supporters and that's all he's going to get (much like Bush's 29%) and it's the undecideds who waver on whether Obama (he also having a 44% solid base) is worthy of their vote? If so, I don't see any problem come election day. I think most decisions that you waver on for a length of time, when it comes time to decide and it costs you nothing, you opt to say "yes."

The way I see it is that even though there are supposed to be more democrats than republicans, the republicans are stronger when it comes to voting for the party. Like McCain's mom said, they will hold their nose and vote for McCain. Dems can act wishy-washy sometimes.

Not to mention I don't think these polls are entirely true. They make for good conversation pieces though.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Did Bush really just say that the way Russia v. Georgia is being handled is "not the way we do policy in the 21st century" and "Russia's bullying is unacceptable" ?!

Oh my.

Also, MSNBCs new Politics Page and Data Explorer is quite nice:



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
lawls at the Republican strategist that was just on Hardball.

No, the bigger lawl was Schuster saying that if Obama wants to boost his foreign policy credentials with voters, he should pick Hillary as his veep.

EDIT: Wait, the Indiana & Ohio ads by Obama are considered "negative" and they undermine Obama's message?

I want to slap McCain for his "Ready to tax" ad. Such fucking lies.
reilo said:
EDIT: Wait, the Indiana & Ohio ads by Obama are considered "negative" and they undermine Obama's message?

I want to slap McCain for his "Ready to tax" ad. Such fucking lies.
He's not being negative if he is being factual.


Dax01 said:
He's not being negative if he is being factual.
Negative is apparantly defined by saying something not nice about your opponent, even if it is true. As opposed to McCain who manages to lie in nearly every single one of his ads.
Ventrue said:
The streets of America would be a safer place if everyone carried a gun, to defend themselves against criminals.

The world would be a safer place if every country had nuclear weapons, to defend themselves against other nations.

What could go wrong?

I like the way you think.
reilo said:
Did Bush really just say that the way Russia v. Georgia is being handled is "not the way we do policy in the 21st century" and "Russia's bullying is unacceptable" ?!
Oh my.
It makes you wonder . . . does he even see the hypocrisy? Or is he so good at rationalization that he sees absolutely nothing even remotely comparable between his invasion of Iraq and Russia's invasion of Georgia?

I'm not gonna say they are exactly the same . . . they are not . . . but if you can't even see some parallels, you are delusional.


All the regular hosts seem to have time off with the Olympics and the conventions coming up, those are going to be REALLY long work days for them.:lol


Ha, I just saw an Obama ad attacking McCain over tax breaks to oil company, hurting the country, we can't afford John McCain, etc. Nice.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
grandjedi6 said:

Truly awesome, I haven't seen a good Democrat joke in ages.

It's funny, but my first reaction was that of cognitive dissonance. Maybe it's just me, but I don't associate democrats as being the ones with low moral standards.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Uh...isn't the joke making fun of both parties?

Democrats: Set the bar low so it's easy to get over it.
Republicans: Set the bar too high and they can't reach it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
Uh...isn't the joke making fun of both parties?

Democrats: Set the bar low so it's easy to get over it.
Republicans: Set the bar too high and they can't reach it.

Hence where I am lost on the joke.
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