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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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GhaleonEB said:
It will be announced by Saturday. Could be Friday. Could be Saturday morning. Could be *checks watch* in ten minutes.

I just love that no one knows when he's announcing nor who he will announce. Drives the media crazy. :lol
Drives me crazy.



I repeat:

hokahey said:
Not sure if it's been posted already, but CBS is reporting that Obama will name his pick on Friday.

There's also reports that McCain will name his pick a week later on the 29th.


In the past week or so we've had "confirmations" that:

--Kaine is going to be veep
--Bayh is going to be veep
--Clark is going to be announced ("on Wednesday")
--Obama will announce on Wednesday
--Obama will announce on Saturday
--Obama will announce on Friday

And that's all after:

--Obama will announce before the Olympics

Regarding CBS, they left themselves an out:


(This plan could change, of course.)

Pardon me if I'm more than a little skeptical. I don't think anyone in the media has any clue whatsoever. They're all flying blind.
GhaleonEB said:
In the past week or so we've had "confirmations" that:

--Kaine is going to be veep
--Bayh is going to be veep
--Clark is going to be announced ("on Wednesday")
--Obama will announce on Wednesday
--Obama will announce on Saturday
--Obama will announce on Friday

And that's all after:

--Obama will announce before the Olympics

Regarding CBS, they left themselves an out:


Pardon me if I'm more than a little skeptical. I don't think anyone in the media has any clue whatsoever. They're all flying blind.

As I've told others, Obama will/won't announce his VP choice days before/at/during the convention, and it will or won't be a man/woman. His VP choice will/won't be based on experience/change/outsiderness in foreign policy/washington knowledge/comfortability/trust and will/won't leak before Obama/his campaign announces it publicly.

It really couldnt be any clearer, honestly


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dole campaign spokesman Dan McLagan downplayed the potential statewide impact of the MoveOn buy, saying Dole had been hit with a million dollars in outside spending, "and they are welcome to spend more. That dog ain't gonna hunt down here. These are the same surrender monkeys that called for a peaceful response to the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. Their credibility in North Carolina is pretty low."

What is this? 2002?

Note: After 9/11 even hippies were baying for blood.


when is my burrito
GhaleonEB said:
Pardon me if I'm more than a little skeptical. I don't think anyone in the media has any clue whatsoever. They're all flying blind.

I agree. Even if it is or isn't Biden, Biden is just the type of person who would like fucking with the media. Matter of fact, I'm sure all the final VP picks probably relish (maybe) knowing who is or isn't going to be picked playing along with the campaign and screwing with the media.

It's all very carefully planned and the only reason we know ANYTHING about the supposed timing of the text message on Friday night and the rally Saturday in Illinois is because David Axelrod WANTS the media to know that.

It controls the media narrative for the week, it will control the media narrative straight into the convention. John McCain would have to announce his own VP pick or start WW3 to derail the train Obama has running from now until his speech next Thursday. Pretty damn brilliant, I'd say.

Plus, people are still into the Olympics this week and once they are over, the VP pick comes and they get all of this exposure.


tanod said:
I agree. Even if it is or isn't Biden, Biden is just the type of person who would like fucking with the media. Matter of fact, I'm sure all the final VP picks probably relish (maybe) knowing who is or isn't going to be picked playing along with the campaign and screwing with the media.

It's all very carefully planned and the only reason we know ANYTHING about the supposed timing of the text message on Friday night and the rally Saturday in Illinois is because David Axelrod WANTS the media to know that.

It controls the media narrative for the week, it will control the media narrative straight into the convention. John McCain would have to announce his own VP pick or start WW3 to derail the train Obama has running from now until his speech next Thursday. Pretty damn brilliant, I'd say.

Plus, people are still into the Olympics this week and once they are over, the VP pick comes and they get all of this exposure.

Also, gotta give lots of credit to the Obama camp for the secrecy. Shows they're quite the tight knit operation.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Dole campaign spokesman Dan McLagan downplayed the potential statewide impact of the MoveOn buy, saying Dole had been hit with a million dollars in outside spending, "and they are welcome to spend more. That dog ain't gonna hunt down here. These are the same surrender monkeys that called for a peaceful response to the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. Their credibility in North Carolina is pretty low."
What is this? 2002?

Note: After 9/11 even hippies were baying for blood.
And what many people got so mad about was that the Iraq war took the focus away from going after the people that did 9/11! It was the right that failed to adequately respond to 9/11 with that Iraq war!


testicles on a cold fall morning
not sure if this has been posted, but Sillybus might be golfing with Biden this weekend - http://www.mcclatchydc.com/election2008/story/49274.html

At a town hall meeting in Raleigh, N.C., Obama took a question from a voter who noted the active role that Vice President Dick Cheney plays in President Bush's administration and asked, if Obama were elected, "What's your plan to utilize your vice president?"

Obama's answer was predictably critical of the Bush-Cheney team, but his response also may have been revealing.

He used the word "he" to describe his choice rather than the phrase "he or she," which would appear to exclude potential female running mates such as Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.

A senior Obama strategist, Robert Gibbs, said that reporters shouldn't "read anything into" Obama use of the masculine pronoun.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Tamanon said:
See! Saying "he or she" would've kicked off Clinton speculation, saying "he" means he must mean a man. It's simply just easier to say:p
seeing that Obama already made the pick i think it likely that it's a slip. let's all remember folks, he's human, not an infallible god.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
seeing that Obama already made the pick i think it likely that it's a slip. let's all remember folks, he's human, not an infallible god.

Yep it's a guy. And why is the media allow to be huge sexist on TV?
AniHawk said:
FoxNews: Barack Obama's tight-knit campaign: What ELSE is he hiding?
Fox News Pundit: He's obviously hiding his plan to suicide bomb the Mile High stadium when it's at full capacity. His speech will be short, he'll say "Fellow Americans, Allah u Akbar" and then he'll blow the place up.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You'll never know whether Obama slipped or simply was using masculine as a general pronoun since chances are much, much higher that the VP will be male anyway.

polyh3dron said:
Fox News Pundit: He's obviously hiding his plan to suicide bomb the Mile High stadium when it's at full capacity. His speech will be short, he'll say "Fellow Americans, Allah u Akbar" and then he'll blow the place up.
Is that something Fox News would support or oppose?
Imagine the shitstorm that would've been created in the media if Obama referred to his unknown VP as "he or she."

Obama is a highly trained politician, he knows what he's doing. He either referred to the VP as he because it really is a he and to avoid a media frenzy, or to throw everyone off. Either way, we can't really speculate anything from this.
Lemonz said:
Tom Daschle and Evan Bayh were called and told they will not be 'it' according to several sources. I don't have anything on Tim Kaine -- other than insiders tell me that Obama has decided against him -- mostly because he doesn't help check off the foreign policy box or experience box. I just don't hear much about Kathleen Sebelius so am not counting her as a strong candidate.


horray for bayh, sad its not daschle (as he'd would be better than bayh) -- i wonder who the 'sources' were? people from bayh and daschle's camp? because isn't daschle well integrated in the obama camp anyway?
Lemonz said:
Tom Daschle and Evan Bayh were called and told they will not be 'it' according to several sources. I don't have anything on Tim Kaine -- other than insiders tell me that Obama has decided against him -- mostly because he doesn't help check off the foreign policy box or experience box. I just don't hear much about Kathleen Sebelius so am not counting her as a strong candidate.



Agent Icebeezy said:
Superman Wesley Clark. :D
From the same article:

Wesley Clark and Bill Richardson were not seriously considered according to sources -- and Jack Reed, who Obama likes a great deal, would not allow himself to be vetted. I don't believe Chris Dodd was high on the list.
He's predicting Biden. Apparantly before Biden said he wasn't it. (I'm assuming he got that call around the same time as the other two.)


testicles on a cold fall morning
Clemons has a post up later following Biden's 'i'm not the guy' announcement.

i'm not sure what to think about the announcement. Biden is pretty sharp on foreign policy/national security issues, but fell in line to vote for the war; he's been in the Senate for more than half his life while Obama bases his campaign as a reformer; Biden panders to the credit industry while Obama fondles the loving breasts of the corn/ethanol sector.

meh. this whole VP selection is nothing but extravagant window dressing anyhow.


GhaleonEB said:
From the same article:

He's predicting Biden. Apparantly before Biden said he wasn't it. (I'm assuming he got that call around the same time as the other two.)
Chuck Todd says Bidens line means nothing, that it is still him.


Disappointing (if true) about Bayh. Although it seems like the media's just guessing at this point, so I'll wait and see.


Cheebs said:
Chuck Todd says Bidens line means nothing, that it is still him.
As much as I like Chuck Todd, he's as much a part of the conventional wisdom with this as anyone else. I don't think it's Biden. Nor does Biden, apparantly.


GhaleonEB said:
As much as I like Chuck Todd, he's as much a part of the conventional wisdom with this as anyone else. I don't think it's Biden. Nor does Biden, apparantly.
Except Biden said he didn't know, not that it wasn't him after golfing. And the Wash. Note says there has been Radio Silence with Biden so it won't leak.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the worst political cartoon ever made.


Credit for this piece of filth goes to Glenn McCoy. Today's WORST. PERSON. IN THE WORLD.
ZealousD said:
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the worst political cartoon ever made.


Credit for this piece of filth goes to Glenn McCoy. Today's WORST. PERSON. IN THE WORLD.
Holy shit.. When I posted that they would come out saying Obama Murders Babies, I was making a gross exaggeration to basically say that the Repubs could say whatever they wanted about him without being seriously challenged by the media, I didn't think they'd actually do it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
scorcho said:
if this were true i'd imagine the poll numbers would be a lot different right now.

For a black man running for president with a small amount of national expirence versus a older white man that's a war hero/POW?

Yeah I think Obama is doing just fine.


ZealousD said:
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the worst political cartoon ever made.


Credit for this piece of filth goes to [b]Glenn McCoy[/b]. Today's [b]WORST. PERSON. IN THE WORLD[/B].[/QUOTE]

Well to be devil's advocate. Obama did oppose a bill requiring survivors to be given medical treatment. Instead they are left to die rather inhumane ways. Political cartoons are known to be in your face and tend to be politically incorrect


laserbeam said:
Well just to ask to be devil's advocate. What about it all bothers you? That someone drew the art or that a person opposed a bill thus allowing survivors to be killed or what?
That's not devil's advocate. That's sleaze.


GhaleonEB said:
That's not devil's advocate. That's sleaze.

Thats politics. Every position you take can and likely will come back at you eventually especially when you make comments that contradict voting record. Personally the image is offensive
I'd rather have Hillary than Sebelius. Sebelius adds almost nothing to the ticket imo; she doesn't deliver a state, she doesn't add any foreign policy experience, she's not a particularly good debater, etc. She's got executive experience sure, but yea..

The more I think about it the more I think Hillary or Biden would be the best picks. Both aren't change politicians but I don't think that's going to matter much. I think Hillary would guarantee a win while Biden would help minimize McCain's biggest (perceived) advantage


laserbeam said:
Thats politics. Every position you take can and likely will come back at you eventually especially when you make comments that contradict voting record. Personally the image is offensive

Eh, the fetus bill you're talking about seemed like it was unnecessary at the time, the state already had a law on its books saying that any aborted fetus that was still alive afterwards legally required care. It's just really a smear, you don't think Hillary of all people would've beat this into the ground if there was any substance?
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