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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Bulla564 said:

Oh well...

McCain: putting the Country first

you can observe his incompetence by just hearing him speak
Guileless said:
Saddam is in material breach of the latest U.N. resolution. Yesterday's damning report by the U.N. inspectors makes clear again Saddam's contempt for the world and it has vindicated the President's decision last fall to go to the U.N. The legitimacy of the Security Council is at stake, as well as the integrity of the U.N. So if Saddam does not give up those weapons of mass destruction and the Security Council does not call for the use of
force, I think we have little option but to act with a larger group of
willing nations, if possible, and alone if we must.

--Senator Joe Biden, neocon warmonger and unilateralist (until there was no political advantage in that position)

It would be very hard for Obama to pick an experienced person who didn't vote for the war (unless you want him to make an even worse pick ala Sebelius/Kaine). Senators and congressmen had more access to information on Iraq yet still made the wrong decision; there was plenty of evidence readily available that contradicted most of Bush's claims. With that in mind there's no doubt that the democrats voted politically. They caved to a popular president and bloodlust/revenge mentality; it's been downhill since then.
Another thing reporters and pundits like to do is say that this or that candidate "has a great story to tell". Honestly, who care what their story is if they have the IQ of a field mouse and have shown terrible judgement in terms of policy, etc. There's a certain reporter on MSNBC that does this a lot (she writes for a some publication) that says this constantly.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
George Tenet's CIA told Congress that Iraq had WMDs. The idea that tricksy Bush neocons hoodwinked Congress to the point that they voted wrongly on the war exists solely so that Democrats who voted to authorize the war could present themselves as anti-war critics of the Bush Administration to y'all when that became politically advantageous.
Guileless said:
George Tenet's CIA told Congress that Iraq had WMDs. The idea that tricksy Bush neocons hoodwinked Congress to the point that they voted wrongly on the war exists solely so that Democrats who voted to authorize the war could present themselves as anti-war critics of the Bush Administration to y'all when that became politically advantageous.

And George Bush's White House made damn sure they chose the most convincing yet unreliable sources possible to support their war. What's your point


Senators like Ted Kennedy, Russ Feingold, Lincoln Chafee.....etc all did not vote for the war. It wasn't as clear cut OMG WMD'S GOTTA GO TO WAR NOW as those who voted for it and now regret it try to tell you.



Getting there.

And in an interview with Politico, McCain couldn't remember how many houses he owns.

"This story about John McCain losing track of how many houses he owns is a telling moment that helps to explain why he still thinks 'the fundamentals of our economy are strong' and why he offers just more of the same economic policies that we’ve gotten from President Bush for the last eight years," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton.
Cheebs said:
What state is this one in? Obama seems to make ad's for one state at a time.

I see it everyday. It's an obvious midwest ad; notice the states listed throughout the ad (Ohio, Indiana).


In an unusual move, Hillary Clinton's staff is creating a 40-member "whip team" at the Denver Democratic convention to ensure that her supporters don't engage in embarrassing anti-Obama demonstrations during the floor vote on her nomination, according to people familiar with the planning.

The team, which is being organized by longtime Clinton staffer Craig Smith, is working in conjunction with Obama's floor organizers to help foster the image of a unified front during a roll-call process Clinton herself has described as an emotional "catharsis" for her disappointed supporters.

"If people get down there on the floor and want to start blowing kazoos and making a scene we want to make sure we've got people who stand in front of them with Obama signs," said a person involved in the planning.

"Is it typical for a losing candidate to have their own whip team? No. But it's also not usual for a losing candidate to get 18 million votes either," said the person.

Clinton spokesperson Kathleen Strand emphasized the team would not seek to convince delegates to vote for the former first lady, but would hand out Clinton signs to supporters who requested them.

“We have been and are working closely with the Obama campaign to make sure we have an exciting and unified convention," Strand said. "Our delegate whips, along with the Obama delegate whips, are a part of a team that will be on the floor of the convention to make sure delegates have everything they need, whether that’s answering questions or passing out signs during Hillary's speech. The whips are a traditional part of every convention's floor operations.”

Plans for the squad were finalized last weekend. Although some former Clinton staffers balked at policing their own supporters, its ranks were filled by people itching for a floor pass -- not an easy get for Clinton's troops at the Obama-run convention.



Rural slice of a big state tests Obama
Once solidly Democratic, western Penn. is now uncertain political terrain
Ivan Stickles, a carpenter, worked on his motorcycle in his driveway in Hopewell. Mr. Stickles, 57, is not taking what he sees as a gamble on Obama.

“There’s this e-mail that he didn’t shake hands with the troops,” Mr. Stickles said of a false rumor. “I don’t have the time to check out if it’s true, but if it is, it’s very offensive.”

I believe that there's nothing that Obama can do that will make him more appealing to 'blue collar' 'white middle class' voters. Throughout that article people are quoted as saying that they don't know what he stands for. Compared to McCain, who relates everything to war and his time as a POW, Obama has been very detailed, elaborate and precise about what he wants to do as president.


NLB2 said:
I so hope Obama goes down this road.

If he tries to shape McCain to be unworthy to be president because he's economically successful (and thus out of touch with struggling Americans), its going to backfire hardcore.
Obama doesn't need to try to shape McCain that way, he just needs to point out the simple reality.

I just noticed that the topic of the last debate on October 15th is the economy. That is good.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
woeds said:

Rural slice of a big state tests Obama
Once solidly Democratic, western Penn. is now uncertain political terrain

I believe that there's nothing that Obama can do that will make him more appealing to 'blue collar' 'white middle class' voters. Throughout that article people are quoted as saying that they don't know what he stands for. Compared to McCain, who relates everything to war and his time as a POW, Obama has been very detailed, elaborate and precise about what he wants to do as president.

God I hate when I get emails like that... i.e. the 'flag pin' and Obama painting over the American flag over on his plane. People are just looking for any excuse not to vote for Obama at this point.


NLB2 said:
I so hope Obama goes down this road.

If he tries to shape McCain to be unworthy to be president because he's economically successful (and thus out of touch with struggling Americans), its going to backfire hardcore.
Obama's mentioning McCain's homes now. :D


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Many in PoliGAF need to realize that Obama as a black man was never gonna crush (be up by 15+ points) McCain(war hero) in the polls.

A black man has never even been nominated before. So why would one kill a POW war hero?


testicles on a cold fall morning
NLB2 said:
I so hope Obama goes down this road.

If he tries to shape McCain to be unworthy to be president because he's economically successful (and thus out of touch with struggling Americans), its going to backfire hardcore.
you mean like McCain making the contradictory argument that Obama is both an elitist (because he knows to much) and an empty suit (because he knows nothing)?


HylianTom said:
Okay.. I'm thoroughly impressed with how quickly the Obama campaign cobbled this together.

It's a commercial about McCain's houses, entitled "Seven"
that kinda comes off as douchbaggery, "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" can sound like it was taken out of context and I don't see the point with seven houses.

hey obama how about you use the quote where mccain said "I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE ABOUT OUR ECONOMY?"

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
mckmas8808 said:
Many in PoliGAF need to realize that Obama as a black man was never gonna crush (be up by 15+ points) McCain(war hero) in the polls.

A black man has never even been nominated before. So why would one kill a POW war hero?

I doubt that anyone here that is black is surprised. We are just disappointed. I just hate seeing all the bullshit road blocks placed in his way. Obama and Hillary's platform is like 95% the same. If this were about issues, the vast majority of these people that supported Hillary would support Barack, but a lot of them aren't. So that tells you that something else is at work that is the deciding factor.


5 million is rich? Make it a billion....umm wait even then they aren't rich...

In his interview with Politico yesterday, McCain again refused to give a number, saying that he defines rich “in other ways beside income.” He added that some people “are poor if they’re billionaires“:

He still did not give a number.

“I define rich in other ways besides income,” he said. “Some people are wealthy and rich in their lives and their children and their ability to educate them. Others are poor if they’re billionaires
Odrion said:
that kinda comes off as douchbaggery, "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" can sound like it was taken out of context and I don't see the point with seven houses.

hey obama how about you use the quote where mccain said "I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE ABOUT OUR ECONOMY?"

I disagree. It was a tough Ad but at least it isn't misleading.
NLB2 said:
I so hope Obama goes down this road.

If he tries to shape McCain to be unworthy to be president because he's economically successful (and thus out of touch with struggling Americans), its going to backfire hardcore.

Explain please

That's a good ad, and while it is negative it doesn't rely on any false claims. Bush I couldn't convince people he was feeling the pain of the economy. Bush II didn't run on the economy in 2004 but he was always able to magically convince people he was a regular dude. McCain's war record is going to make it tough for attacks like this but considering how fucking awkward he is in normal situations (grocery store lol) I think this could work in the long term, especially at a town hall debate.

During the primaries Obama constantly mentioned how he wasn't able to pay his mortgage or student loans until he wrote the book. That's the type of advantage he has that McCain can't touch; I'd be hammering that all the time


Odrion said:
Saying that Obama isn't winning because he's black is retarded and self-defeating.

I tend to agree. He's not winning outright because he isn't fighting. Taking the high road might've worked for the pie-in-the-sky idealists who vote in Democratic primary contests, but it won't work here.

This commercial is a step in the right direction. I like. You might think it's "douchbaggery," but I'm betting, sadly, that Americans like douchey commercials and campaigning tactics; it's why the GOP wins elections so often.


NLB2 said:
If he tries to shape McCain to be unworthy to be president because he's economically successful (and thus out of touch with struggling Americans), its going to backfire hardcore.
Really? People don't like hearing that while they're struggling, politicians who pretend to feel their pain are thriving.

I live in Ohio, and most of my family is conservative, and for the entire year in 2004 I got dozens of forwards everyday from friends and family with pictures of all of John Kerry's houses. The message works.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Agent Icebeezy said:
I doubt that anyone here that is black is surprised. We are just disappointed. I just hate seeing all the bullshit road blocks placed in his way. Obama and Hillary's platform is like 95% the same. If this were about issues, the vast majority of these people that supported Hillary would support Barack, but a lot of them aren't. So that tells you that something else is at work that is the deciding factor.

Yep pretty much. And nobody can use the experience bullshit reasoning either. Hillary's experience to me isn't much higher than Obama's.

Hell Id say they were equal if you really think about it.


woeds said:

Rural slice of a big state tests Obama
Once solidly Democratic, western Penn. is now uncertain political terrain



Obama NEEDS western PA to carry the state. It's impossible otherwise, because Philly alone (which will no doubt go blue) can't do it, and the middle of the state sure as hell isn't voting Obama.

If my neck of the woods becomes the new Ohio I'm going to scream.

Fucking hell, people in this state are SO FUCKING STUPID.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
mckmas8808 said:
Many in PoliGAF need to realize that Obama as a black man was never gonna crush (be up by 15+ points) McCain(war hero) in the polls.

A black man has never even been nominated before. So why would one kill a POW war hero?

Hoping against hope that people learn lessons inflicted upon them by 8 years of total incompetence?

Ah such a pie in the sky dream it is.


NLB2 said:
I so hope Obama goes down this road.

If he tries to shape McCain to be unworthy to be president because he's economically successful (and thus out of touch with struggling Americans), its going to backfire hardcore.
This is funny.

McCain himself isn't economically successful. Almost all of his money came from the work of Cindy McCain's father.

Well, I guess McCain leaving his crippled wife in order to get at the money might have been difficult for him. But I doubt it.



McCain responds to Obama's commercial about his houses:

“Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses? Does a guy who worries about the price of arugula and thinks regular people ‘cling’ to guns and religion in the face of economic hardship really want to have a debate about who’s in touch with regular Americans?”

I will now propose Obama's response: "Hmm.. $4 million, eh? According to you, John, I'm technically in the middle-class." :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Odrion said:
Saying that Obama isn't winning because he's black is retarded and self-defeating.

We really can't afford having McCain win.

So show me who the hell said that in this thread! What I saidwas it was always going to be a some what close race. And a lot of that has to do with his race. A lot has to do with his experience.

Obama has been in the national and state senate for what....11 years? That's good to me, but compared to 26 years of national experience and being a war hero/POW that's white was always going t be hard to beat.

Even beating Hillary wasn't easy.


HylianTom said:
I will now propose Obama's response: "Hmm.. $4 million, eh? According to you, John, I'm technically in the middle-class." :lol

THat's good... :)

If anyone thinks McCain is more in touch with average citizens than Obama really needs to get their head checked.


maynerd said:
THat's good... :)

If anyone thinks McCain is more in touch with average citizens than Obama really needs to get their head checked.
There's a scary amount of Americans who need to get their heads checked, then.
HylianTom said:
This commercial is a step in the right direction. I like. You might think it's "douchbaggery," but I'm betting, sadly, that Americans like douchey commercials and campaigning tactics; it's why the GOP wins elections so often.
Despite my cynicism, I don't think that's entirely fair. At the very least, 'like' is not the correct word. I don't think it's that we 'like' negative attack ads, so much as they are effective at evoking an emotional response.

Obama certainly could go negative. There's no shortage of McCain gaffes that he could blast him on. But he doesn't necessarily have to go negative. He just needs to be more aggressive, be it offensively or defensively. Obama has a reputation for being a charismatic and charming orator. He also has an enormous and heavily devoted base of supporters thanks to his grassroots efforts. Why, then, can he not effectively counter a perception that McCain only recently cooked up of him being an unpatriotic opportunist who has no energy plan, is all flash and no substance, and wants America to lose the fight for freedom in Iraq?

The only solace that gets offered is "wait for the debates!" It just eludes me that thanks to politics and an increasingly lazy press corps, politicians just engage in sound bite wars in the hopes of gaining single digit point leads. If your Obama, and your opponent is gaining ground with the dubious pro-war, pro-drilling, anti-tax, pro-America rhetoric, why is it so difficult to counter that? And before you answer that, responding with "it's because Americans are stupid" is not a correct answer.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
ChrisGoldstein said:
Quite the contrary really considering the shape we're in now after 8 years of a republican.

who stole the presidency in the first place!

I wonder how many in america still remember how the presidency was stolen in the first place.
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