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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
RubxQub said:
Obama needs an ad that is just all irrefutable facts about McCain:

- First marriage ended due to his adultery
- Crashed 5 different planes (multi-million dollar machines)

Seriously...what would they say? That stating facts is evil?
you! stay away from the democratic party! now! [smacks head]
The Ayers ad is only running in OH and MI. Its a $2.8 million buy.

I wonder how long that buys?

Seems like they could run it in a few other states as well - particularly PA.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
scorcho said:
you! stay away from the democratic party! now! [smacks head]


when is my burrito
RubxQub said:
If people are so outraged by John Edwards' recent adulterous situation, surely they can't turn a deaf ear to McCain's.

The only people outraged are his close campaign aides who defended him and the media for not getting more ratings out of the deal.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
tanod said:
The only people outraged are his close campaign aides who defended him and the media for not getting more ratings out of the deal.
So if Edwards was the Democratic nominee, you don't think that would ruin his chances of getting elected?
Tamanon said:
Not really, they allow you to just flat out say "My opponent is lying" instead of explaining anything.
Did any of the news outlets come out and say that McCain was lying about Obama raising taxes to people who make $42,000+ a year? No, the liberal pundits may have said it but it got drowned out by the repetition of the accusation.


Ayers ad is pretty harsh.

And it doesn't matter if the ad makes no sense, the average joe watching that will be amazed that Obama even was associated with this guy in the first place. That's the point. Talk a bit about Obama, then quote Ayers saying crazy things, then link it back to Obama.


RubxQub said:
Obama needs an ad that is just all irrefutable facts about McCain:

- First marriage ended due to his adultery
- Will tax people making less than 250K more harshly than Obama
- Has been voting in line with Bush at an increasing rate, currently sitting at 100% for the current year
- Graduated 5th from last in his schooling
- Crashed 5 different planes (multi-million dollar machines)

Seriously...what would they say? That stating facts is evil?

I have some better advice, lifted from Texas Monthly's advice column to Rick Noriega, the Democratic challenger to John Cornyn:

It’s the economy, stupid. Ann Richards used to joke that she lost to George W. Bush because of his ability to stay on message. “If you said to George, ‘What time is it?’ he would say, ‘We must teach our children to read.’ ” Ever since he defeated her, in 1994, the second rule of Texas politics—right behind “Be a conservative”—has been to run as he ran: Find no more than four issues and stick to them. His were education reform, tort reform, welfare reform, and juvenile justice reform. Yours should be the economy, the economy, the economy, and the economy.

I know you’ve preferred to talk about the war and immigration. Of course you’re still going to talk about those issues. But the idea here is to recast them in economic terms. Wouldn’t our economy be better if we hadn’t thrown $600 billion down that spider hole in Iraq? Wouldn’t a reasonable guest-worker program prompt job-seeking immigrants to enter America through the front door, freeing up our Border Patrol to spend its resources hunting down drug smugglers? Doesn’t that make better business sense than building a wall? Cornyn is already on the wrong side of those issues, as well as health care (he enjoys that Cadillac congressional health insurance but voted against expanding health insurance coverage for kids). And where has he been on the mortgage crisis? As always, he’s standing on the far right with Bush, threatening judges and meddling with social issues when he should be tending to the pocketbook issues that matter most to Texans.

The economy is the number one issue and it's also one of the bigger qualms conservatives have about Democrats. Paint the issues in those terms and I suspect Obama is more likely to reassure voters and help bridge the gap across party lines. McCain's step back from his immigration platform and inability to reframe it only helps rob him one of his own strengths.


I really think there needs to be something that prevents people from putting out these lies about candidates in commercials. It should be illegal and people should be prosecuted. This is for the most important job in the country and people should not be allowed to put out flat out lies in their advertisements.


Diablos said:
Ayers ad is pretty harsh.

And it doesn't matter if the ad makes no sense, the average joe watching that will be amazed that Obama even was associated with this guy in the first place. That's the point. Talk a bit about Obama, then quote Ayers saying crazy things, then link it back to Obama.

Exactly. The whole point of the Ad is to say this guy did this horrible stuff and later on Obama would speak highly of him and even work along side him.

Most people would avoid such a person for the rest of their life and want nothing to do with them so its apealing to that aspect of people.
laserbeam said:
Exactly. The whole point of the Ad is to say this guy did this horrible stuff and later on Obama would speak highly of him and even work along side him.

Most people would avoid such a person for the rest of their life and want nothing to do with them so its apealing to that aspect of people.

"America is stupid" rears its ugly head again.

Also, the media is to blame in part for this whole issue. Obama's been on the campaign trail forever, been to every state countless times (well at least democratic and swing states), and yet they pound home daily the "Obama is still an unknown commodity" to the delight of John McCain. Being labeled as "unknown" in US politics is enough to incite fears in mostly the white electorate, especially considering Obama is black and spent some of his early years in Indonesia. Frankly I'm amazed that Obama has made it this far. The only thing that Obama could do to blow my mind and lessen his chances even more if to put another black guy on the ticket.


laserbeam said:
Exactly. The whole point of the Ad is to say this guy did this horrible stuff and later on Obama would speak highly of him and even work along side him.

Most people would avoid such a person for the rest of their life and want nothing to do with them so its apealing to that aspect of people.

the key is having people ask how are ayers methods any different from bin laden's. he probably killed fewer innocent people but thats about it.
GhaleonEB said:
The group is dumping nearly $3m into running that ad a few swing states. It will get heavy play.
This could topple the Obama campaign. They need to strike back. There are too many dumb people who will take it to heart.


TheKingsCrown said:
This could topple the Obama campaign. They need to strike back. There are too many dumb people who will take it to heart.

the content of the ad is historically factual. what can obama deny?


minus_273 said:
the key is having people ask how are ayers methods any different from bin laden's. he probably killed fewer innocent people but thats about it.

The ad itself is sleazy and an attack add but its genius. To this day Ayers says what they did was not awful or horrendous and that he doesnt regret placing bombs etc.

Most of these comments came before Obama defended him as a good person etc too.


minus_273 said:
the content of the ad is historically factual. what can obama deny?
From when it was brought up in the primary.


Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.

Whatever his past, Ayers is now a respected member of the Chicago intelligentsia, and still a member of the Woods Fund Board. The president of the Woods Fund, Deborah Harrington, said he had been selected for the board because of his solid academic credentials and "passion for social justice."

"This whole connection is a stretch," Harrington told me. "Barack was very well known in Chicago, and a highly respected legislator. It would be difficult to find people round here who never volunteered or contributed money to one of his campaigns."


I can't believe the crap the media talks about. So McCain's campaign sent themselves some envelopes of powdered sugar. Big deal.


laserbeam said:
The ad itself is sleazy and an attack add but its genius. To this day Ayers says what they did was not awful or horrendous and that he doesnt regret placing bombs etc.

Most of these comments came before Obama defended him as a good person etc too.

the ad quotes him as saying he wished he did more than just plant bombs and shows it was in the NYT on 9/11/01. Im surprised they didnt show the WTC. I suppose they will highlight that in the next ad. You dont say on 9/11 you wish you had planted more bombs.. damn.


minus_273 said:
the ad quotes him as saying he wished he did more than just plant bombs and shows it was in the NYT on 9/11/01. Im surprised they didnt show the WTC. I suppose they will highlight that in the next ad. You dont say on 9/11 you wish you had planted more bombs.. damn.

It was in that morning's NYT, he didn't say it after it happened. It's just a fucked up coincidence.


minus_273 said:
the ad quotes him as saying he wished he did more than just plant bombs and shows it was in the NYT on 9/11/01. Im surprised they didnt show the WTC. I suppose they will highlight that in the next ad. You dont say on 9/11 you wish you had planted more bombs.. damn.
As has been said - a terrible thing to say, but the timing was a coincidence. Not that is has anything to do with Obama, of course.


GhaleonEB said:
As has been said - a terrible thing to say, but the timing was a coincidence. Not that is has anything to do with Obama, of course.

terrorists are terrorists its not the ideas its the methods. if this was an unrepentant islamic terrorist that obama said was a nice guy would your reaction be the same?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So is there any reason why the media isn't talking about the DNC raising more money than the RNC in July?

Why aren't they talking about Obama receiving 25 million more dollars a month than Mccain?

This IS news right?


minus_273 said:
terrorists are terrorists its not the ideas its the methods. if this was an unrepentant islamic terrorist that obama said was a nice guy would your reaction be the same?
That has literally nothing to do with my post.


minus_273 said:
we are not talking about obama we are talking about ayers.

Exactly, and the quote was in the morning paper before the planes hit. Both you and the ad are connecting the two when there is no connection.


minus_273 said:
if obama or mccain for that matter were friends with an islamic terrorist instead of a domestic one would you feel the same?
If McCain served on a board to combat poverty with someone who did bombings when McCain was eight years old, I wouldn't care. Regardless of their ethnic or religious background.


Banstick Emeritus
minus_273 said:
we are not talking about obama we are talking about ayers.
It's obvious that we're talking about Ayers, and in case it wasn't made clear, his quote was not triggered by the events of 9/11. See mrmyth et al.

Strike two.
TheKingsCrown said:
Its importance.

I'd argue it is important to McCain's line of attack. McCain has been hammering Obama on judgment for awhile now, and there's no denying Obama's connections to these characters call that into question. Sure Obama doesn't agree with Ayers and has spoken out against him, but who in their right fucking mind would start their political career in the man's house, or serve on a board with him? Those loose connections will probably help cost Obama the election; that ad is merely the beginning. You don't dismiss a man who tried to blow up the capitol by saying "oh, that was 40 years ago!" People in Ohio and Penn. aren't going to buy that
PhoenixDark said:
I'd argue it is important to McCain's line of attack. McCain has been hammering Obama on judgment for awhile now, and there's no denying Obama's connections to these characters call that into question. Sure Obama doesn't agree with Ayers and has spoken out against him, but who in their right fucking mind would start their political career in the man's house, or serve on a board with him? Those loose connections will probably help cost Obama the election; that ad is merely the beginning. You don't dismiss a man who tried to blow up the capitol by saying "oh, that was 40 years ago!" People in Ohio and Penn. aren't going to buy that
I agree with everything you said. But Obama doesn't need to defend against this. He just needs to turn everyone's attention away from it.

There are far more important things than that relationship, such as our economy and our status as a world power (which is currently fading into oblivion).


PhoenixDark said:
I'd argue it is important to McCain's line of attack. McCain has been hammering Obama on judgment for awhile now, and there's no denying Obama's connections to these characters call that into question. Sure Obama doesn't agree with Ayers and has spoken out against him, but who in their right fucking mind would start their political career in the man's house, or serve on a board with him? Those loose connections will probably help cost Obama the election; that ad is merely the beginning. You don't dismiss a man who tried to blow up the capitol by saying "oh, that was 40 years ago!" People in Ohio and Penn. aren't going to buy that

Thanks Cheebs.
TheKingsCrown said:
I agree with everything you said. But Obama doesn't need to defend against this. He just needs to turn everyone's attention away from it.

There are far more important things than that relationship, such as our economy and our status as a world power (which is currently fading into oblivion).

You're right. I agree there are far more important things, I'm just saying this line of attack makes perfect sense from McCain's position. His numbers went up after his campaign went negative, there shouldn't be any backlash with this either.

syllogism: I'm trolling because I think Obama is going to lose unless Hillary's his VP? Whatever. Your fantasy world is slowly falling down
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