Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
soul creator said:I tell you what, John McCain knows a lot about VP's. He was a VP - Vietnam Prisoner - for 5 1/2 years
:lol :lol
You guys are really getting funny with this.
soul creator said:I tell you what, John McCain knows a lot about VP's. He was a VP - Vietnam Prisoner - for 5 1/2 years
laserbeam said:People are saying this isnt a big deal cause Hillary went this route and it did nothing for her. Truth is Hillary is not the Republican machine when it comes to this stuff. She had to hold back her overall attack even while going on the offensive.
The republican machine doesnt have to hold back and this will become a big story.
Father_Brain said:No one is making fun of that. What we're making fun of is McCain's surrogates constantly invoking his POW experience to deflect any criticism of him, as though what he went through in those five years means that he is a man of flawless and unimpeachable moral character.
Beaten. Oh well.
I certainly don't believe he is flawless.schuelma said:Ahh, gotcha. I don't think that is any different from some of the stuff Obama's campaign falls back on, but that's a debate I'm unlikely to win here.
I don't think anything Obama's campaign has done really compares. They do not respond to every single criticism with the same desperate plead for sympathy.schuelma said:Ahh, gotcha. I don't think that is any different from some of the stuff Obama's campaign falls back on, but that's a debate I'm unlikely to win here.
schuelma said:Ahh, gotcha. I don't think that is any different from some of the stuff Obama's campaign falls back on, but that's a debate I'm unlikely to win here.
The article said sometime before Saturday afternoon.Clipjoint said:I can't believe he's not taking advantage of Friday's media.
Odrion said:holy shit, obama successfully emulated the republican noise machine
and this isn't even from that big of a mistake, it was just a response to a normal mccain gaffe that occured yesterday
Odrion said:BURLINGTON, VT: Vermont State Representative Rachel Weston will be speaking outside her home about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
LA CROSSE, WI: State Rep. Jen Shilling and La Crosse Obama supporters host a news conference on McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
MADISON, WI: Former US Senator Jean Carnahan holds event in Madison with Women For Obama where she will talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
DES MOINES, IA: Kansas Governor, Kathleen Sebelius campaigns in Des Moines this afternoon where she will discuss McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
KANSAS CITY, MO: Obama Heartland Change RV Tour with State Senator Wes Shoemyer will visit a Missouri family in Kansas City to discuss McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
ST. PAUL, MN: State Senator Tarryl Clark discusses McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
BANGOR, ME: Rep. Mike Dunn, and House Majority Whip Sean Faircloth will hold a press conference to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
PUEBLO, CO: State Rep. Terrance Carroll will hold an event with Obama supporters in Denver and State Sen. Abel Tapia about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
OH: Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen will talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns at events throughout southeast Ohio
ALTOONA, PA: State Senator John Wozniak will headline an event in Altoona, PA on McCain losing track of how many homes he owns and the campaign is also announcing a statewide search for anyone who doesnt know how many houses they own
MI: Campaign for Change offices across Michigan are launching a Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: McCain Edition contest where volunteers will be able to win a free Exxon-McCain bumper-sticker if they correctly guess the number of houses John McCain owns. Prizes will be only be awarded after McCain clarifies exactly how many houses he owns. To win, the answer must be specific -- at least four doesnt count.
TAMPA , FL: Campaign for Change in Florida launched a statewide search to find Floridians who, like John McCain, have so many homes that they just cant keep track of the number.
Raleigh, NC: Campaign for Change in North Carolina is holding a press conference in Raleigh with Representative G.K. Butterfield to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
BILLINGS, MT: A local family will hold an availability in front of a house slated for foreclosure
NV: Congresswoman Berkley will host a conference call to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
ANCHORAGE, AK: Local residents will hold a press availability to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns
I mean holy shit they're going to blow this beautifully out of proportion.
Odrion said:I mean holy shit they're going to blow this beautifully out of proportion.
Tamanon said:I disagree, while Hillary did "hold back" a decent amount on them, the news media still delved into the issues rather deeply. The Rezko story, there is no wrongdoing, there are no unanswered questions, that was gone through with a fine-toothed comb. The Wright story everyone knows about, there's nothing to add there.
Well, just so that this is clear, I don't think that the attack is based on the fact that since he owns 7 houses he must be Richy Rich and out of touch with Americans. I think the attack is just based on the idea that it's laughable that one would have no idea how many properties he owns. That does sound pretty bad. "Wow, he's so rich that he owns places even he doesn't know about!"laserbeam said:We will have to see if this actually has any impact. People already know McCain married rich thats not some surprise waiting to be revealed.
For further context: Bush Sr. got hammered for not knowing the price of milk.Steve Youngblood said:Well, just so that this is clear, I don't think that the attack is based on the fact that since he owns 7 houses he must be Richy Rich and out of touch with Americans. I think the attack is just based on the idea that it's laughable that one would have no idea how many properties he owns. That does sound pretty bad. "Wow, he's so rich that he owns places even he doesn't know about!"
Are you serious?GhaleonEB said:For further context: Bush Sr. got hammered for not knowing the price of milk.
NLB2 said:Are you serious?
I have no fucking clue what the price of milk is...
Tamanon said:McCain's spokesman he had on FOX was hilariously bad.
When asked about why McCain didn't know how many houses he said "Well, he has four, but we're changing the subject to Rezko" and then said that Obama was desperately "trying to change the subject".:lol
Come on, make the commercial of Bush saying "gas at four dollars a gallon? really?" and McCain saying "I don't remember how many houses I own"
Its 3.85-4.05 a gallon.NLB2 said:Are you serious?
I have no fucking clue what the price of milk is...
laserbeam said:We will have to see if this actually has any impact. People already know McCain married rich thats not some surprise waiting to be revealed.
Fact is the wife has most of the money and control of asets such as houses etc to this day due to the pre-nup
NLB2 said:Are you serious?
I have no fucking clue what the price of milk is...
GhaleonEB said:For further context: Bush Sr. got hammered for not knowing the price of milk.
schuelma said:Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?
pxleyes said:Its 3.85-4.05 a gallon.![]()
StopMakingSense said:My fav. Bush Sr. anecdote: when he got hammered for not knowing what the fuck the grocery scanner was.
schuelma said:Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?
Hey, I said beautiful!mckmas8808 said:Out of proportion compared to what? Obama being compared to Paris Hilton?
I say run with it Barack. Say it every day.
My 'favorite': during the primary when he said he didn't consider atheists patriots or citizens.StopMakingSense said:My fav. Bush Sr. anecdote: when he got hammered for not knowing what the fuck the grocery scanner was.
Don't like soy, don't even know what arugula is, and I'm only a (assosciate) professor for a few more months :lolFrank the Great said:You probably drink soy millk while eating arugula, you elitist professor.
Reminds me of Hillary versus the coffee machine from the primary.StopMakingSense said:My fav. Bush Sr. anecdote: when he got hammered for not knowing what the fuck the grocery scanner was.
Beaten!Tamanon said:I remember when that was brought back up when Hillary couldn't operate that coffee machine.:lol
And that, in and of itself, is not entirely damning. But why on earth would even a rich person not be able to reason through that by at the very least being able to think it through in a "well, let's see, we've got that home there, and that beach house there, and that condo at the other place..." He's not being mocked because he couldn't name off all 500 DVDs he owns.laserbeam said:How many houses simply shows he is rich.
laserbeam said:See thats the whole thing though. The price of milk,the price of gas that shit effects everyday life for people. How many houses simply shows he is rich.
I live in Jacksonville, FL...Jason's Ultimatum said:The hell? Where do you live? It's over 5 dollars here in Florida.
NLB2 said:Don't like soy, don't even know what arugula is, and I'm only a (assosciate) professor for a few more months :lol
Tamanon said:From Drudgy:
How odd! What odd timing indeed.
And the central conceit of the whole Houses thing isn't that he has so many houses and is super-rich because of his wife, it's that his economic outlook is just different, that's one of the symptoms of it.
Holy shit. Really?Jason's Ultimatum said:The hell? Where do you live? It's over 5 dollars here in Florida.
Sorry, I'm not a native to the area. I don't have a damn clue what you are talking about. :lolPhoenixDark said:I'm sorry to hear that
A voting system used in 34 states contains a critical programming error that can cause votes to be dropped while being electronically transferred from memory cards to a central tallying point, the manufacturer acknowledges.
The problem was identified after complaints from Ohio elections officials following the March primary there, but the logic error that is the root of the problem has been part of the software for 10 years, said Chris Riggall, a spokesman for Premier Election Solutions, formerly known as Diebold.
Riggall said he was "confident" that elections officials through the years would have realized votes had been dropped when they crosschecked their tallies to certify final elections results and would have reloaded cards so as not to lose votes.
"I can't provide odds on whether dropped votes were not recognized" during the decade GEMS has been used, Rigall said, "but based on what we know about how our customers run their elections and reconcile counts we believe any results not uploaded on election night would have been caught when elections were being certified."
Unlike other software, the problem acknowledged by Premier cannot be fixed by sending out a coding fix to its customers because of federal rules for certifying election systems, Rigall said. Changes to systems must go through the Election Assistance Commission, he said, and take two years on average for certification and approval -- and that is apart from whatever approvals and reviews would be needed by each elections board throughout the country.
pxleyes said:Sorry, I'm not a native to the area. I don't have a damn clue what you are talking about. :lol
Orlando homegrown.
StopMakingSense said:My fav. Bush Sr. anecdote: when he got hammered for not knowing what the fuck the grocery scanner was.
SupahBlah said:Its his answer for everything.
In a question to why he likes ABBA's song Dancing Queen he said he was shot down by a surface to air missile.