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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
Byakuya769 said:
We post on the same message board, am I going to be linked to whatever dumbass decisions/comments some of our "upstanding citizens" here at GAF commit?

David Lynch's Dune is a masterpiece.


Byakuya769 said:
Gotta ask, so is the desired allegation that Obama chose to organize this meeting at Ayres house because they are such good friends?

Because logically if an incumbent was going to endorse me to take their seat, I would likely be prone to attend the meeting made to announce this endorsement. Doesn't really mean I have some deep ties with the owner of the house it's at.

Furthermore, serving on a board with someone does not prove deep ties as well. Obama did not form the board then ask Ayres to join it with him. They had similar positions that were primarily independent of one another.
If people put this much thought into analyzing attack ads, none of them would work. Yet they work wonderfully.
aswedc said:
If people put this much thought into analyzing attack ads, none of them would work. Yet they work wonderfully.

Yea, I wasn't sure if you were stating the effectiveness of the add or lauding the accuracy and relevance of it.
Tamanon said:
McCain was wearing gloves?:p This is exactly what you talked about earlier and nothing new at all. Ooooo scary scary white man from the 60s that nobody had heard of before this election.
Having never seen a picture of him, I always assumed William Ayers was black.



The Chosen One said:
I knew she was getting her own show but I didn't know Verdict was getting canceled so quick. I thought Rachel's show didn't start until sometime in September.

It doesn't. It's just the conventions will be taking over coverage for the networks for the next 2 weeks.

adamsappel: If he had been black, the attack would've taken off HUGE.


besada said:
He wasn't a career soldier, though. He's spent less than a third of his life as a soldier, and yet the state paid for his birth and will pay for his funeral, not to mention paying for all his health care in between and his college.

And yet he thinks the state paying for health care is wrong. He thinks the state paying for college is wrong. Except when the state provides him cradle to grave health care and education.

The state was and is his employer. Before that, the state was his father's employer while he was a dependent.

Not even a minarchist libertarian like myself would view military service in the light you're putting it.

This is the same argument people made about SCHIP or hypothetical future socialized healthcare setups - elected officials get government healthcare so why can't so-and-so?

Everyone else is getting their coverage through their employer, so when your employer is the government, then taxes are logically going to pay for your wages and benefits. Granted, they shouldn't employ so many goddamn people in the first place, but that's immaterial.


AniHawk said:
No, I just find sleep highly overrated.
Having seen The Machinist recently, I now value sleep even more than ever.

Dax: no one has any idea. Some think he'll announce in the morning to maximize coverage during the day. Some think he'll get in some last-minute campaigning in the morning before the veep announcement swallows all political news over the weekend. Some think he won't announce until Saturday morning, right before the joint appearance in Illinois. I'm guessing he'll announce tomorrow, but it's not certain.


Master of the Google Search
My wish: Sebelius or Biden
My Prediction: Biden
My Least Wanted: Bayh (though I guess I can get use to it if he turns into Gore 2.0)

Dax01 said:
If the VP is getting announced tomorrow, what time should I wake up in order not to miss anything?

Just wake up normally. It's not like obama is going to send out the announcement at 3 AM :lol


force push the doodoo rock
I think at this point Hillz would probably be the thing he needs. They really would be unstoppable.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Tamanon said:
Clark for the world's largest fakeout.


Would be awesome,

And, yes, total fakeout!

Clark just needs to be more elegant in making his points,
His POW Comment would not have made nearly as much coverage if put another way. Way way too blunt.


Here's a new word to describe Obama: Pompous

Can Obama win over those voters who find him pompous?
Article said:
LITTLETON, Colo. — Something about Barack Obama's manner bothers Margaret Cowan.

"There's something egotistical about him," the Sheridan, Colo., retiree said. "It's the way he struts around."

Article said:
Obama has Ivy League degrees from Columbia and Harvard universities. He's extraordinarily articulate and exudes self-confidence. Those credentials and qualities combine to strike some people as arrogant.

Article said:
Voters who voice the objection cite the way Obama cocks his head when he orates, his sometimes professorial demeanor, his failure to speak in succinct sound bites and his noted reference to "arugula" rather than "lettuce" when chatting with Iowans. All are easy to caricature.

Article said:
Penni Pier, a rhetoric expert at Iowa's Wartburg College, saw another factor at work: Elitism as a euphemism for race.

"You can't come out and say, 'I'm uncomfortable with a black man as president,' but it's entirely possible that there's a segment of the population that feels that way," she said.

Kristine Cole, an Obama supporter from Raleigh, N.C., agreed. Elitism, she said, "is code for the N-word. . . . If he's a white guy no one's saying he's elitist; he's doing what everybody else is doing."

McCain backers and undecided voters dispute that point.

"He's just not my kind of candidate. Certainly some of it is inexperience, but some is attitude," said Sally Whittaker, a Boulder, Colo., clothing store manager.

"I get a pompous vibe from him, and I don't like that."
McCain's playing incredibly loose with both facts and timeline of the Rezko accusations. I can see this ad backfiring big time when the fact checking begins.
sp0rsk said:
I think at this point Hillz would probably be the thing he needs. They really would be unstoppable.

There's a lot of downsides to picking Hillary as well. Including boosting Republican hate and turnout for the Democratic ticket this year.
typhonsentra said:
McCain's playing incredibly loose with both facts and timeline of the Rezko accusations. I can see this ad backfiring big time when the fact checking begins.
When was the last time Americans cared about facts? Republicans have painted facts as liberal (He slammed factcheck.org for this.. yeah they're going to debunk his bullshit more when he is bullshitting more)

Americans didn't care about facts with the whole swiftboat thing, and they didn't care about facts with the whole willie horton thing.


grandjedi6 said:
Fuck that qualified guy who thinks he is good enough to run a country! I'd much rather have the other guy who thinks he is good enough to run a country!

I like voting for guys that don't want to run the country. =P
ToyMachine228 said:
There's a lot of downsides to picking Hillary as well. Including boosting Republican hate and turnout for the Democratic ticket this year.
To be fair, the GOP seems to have been successful in boosting their base's hatred of Obama, I don't see how it could get much worse now.

However I think winning with Hillary would be a pyrrhic victory.
ToyMachine228 said:
There's a lot of downsides to picking Hillary as well. Including boosting Republican hate and turnout for the Democratic ticket this year.

What's with this old argument? The republicans are lock step behind McCain right now, even more so than democrats are for Obama. There was a lot of talk about how running against Obama would be tough but they've simply used the tired but true "he's a liberal liberal liberal tax tax tax" scheme and it's working. The base is already fired up and ready to humble The Messiah, as Rush has dubbed him.

Hillary on the ticket would secure Obama in Ohio, Penn., and Florida. In short, he'd win the election hands down. People act like she'd ruin him with independents but never explain that position. I'd argue she'd help him in places like Virginia and Colorado.
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