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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Yeah, let stuff that's not connected to the campaign at all do any sort of POW attack. Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd say that the McCain camp is trying to bait them into bringing it up by constantly referencing POW.


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Tamanon said:
From Drudgy:

How odd! What odd timing indeed.

And the central conceit of the whole Houses thing isn't that he has so many houses and is super-rich because of his wife, it's that his economic outlook is just different, that's one of the symptoms of it.

:lol :lol McCain has to be a joke character right? How do you fake an anthrax attack after getting your ass whipped by Obama in one day?

I thought he was tuff.


mckmas8808 said:
:lol :lol McCain has to be a joke character right? How do you fake an anthrax attack after getting your ass whipped by Obama in one day?

I thought he was tuff.
John McCain learned a lot about toughness after his plane was shot down and he was held captive and tortured for 5 years.
This Ayers ad bothers me. That's up there with Willie Horton in terms of misleading/playing on people's fears. They basically called him a terrorist.

It's interesting McCain camp waited on this one for so long... I guess they were waiting for Obama to hit on something that might stick -- the 7 houses -- but the only thing Obama has going for him in this is that the VP pick and convention should drown out any backlash from this Ayers commercial.

I hope. The more this is unfolding, the more I almost wish he'd pick Clinton and be done with it.
polyh3dron said:
I say fuck it, the gloves should be off. Hit McCain with the POW.

"Maybe if John McCain was a better pilot, he wouldn't have been a POW. Do you want to entrust this man to steer the entire country when he couldn't steer a simple fighter pilot?"

I don't think that would work too well.
Scott32020 said:
Drudge Report is reporting "McCain Office in Denver Receives Envelope with White Powder and Death Threat...Developing"

Scott32020 is not reading " PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (NASA cuts taken off the table)"... Developing.


:lol @ CNN. Their headline is "Obama's past comes back to haunt them." They are so full of shit.

siamesedreamer said:

That's a really good ad. The story is fairly complex, but the ad does a good job of simplifying it (and twisting the story to make Obama look like a terrorist.) That's going to seriously scare some people.

The main problem is that it's so blunt... more effective ads are ones like the wolves ad or the 3am ad are the ones that are subtle, but seem to trigger fear in people.


when is my burrito
worldrunover said:
This Ayers ad bothers me. That's up there with Willie Horton in terms of misleading/playing on people's fears. They basically called him a terrorist.

*waits for independent Democratic group to educate swing voters about the Keating 5*

The difference is that McCain was actually reprimanded while Obama had absolutely nothing to do with Ayers or Rezko's wrongdoings.
polyh3dron said:
Comparing Obama to Britney and Paris was a terrible idea. All their attacks have been terrible ideas.
Okay, I'll concede the point that the whole celebrity attack angle was dumb and perhaps even mildly offensive. Perhaps that should have sank his campaign and painted him as someone who would make completely arbitrary and baseless attacks.

However, you CANNOT attack someone's status as a war hero for being a POW. Did you not pay attention to what happened to Wesley Clark for simply making an flippant remark that argued that getting shot down in a plane doesn't qualify one to be president?


Obama was 8 years old playing with GI Joes Ayers when was doing nasty things....

Obama born and raised to be a terrorist CONFIRMED.
tanod said:
*waits for independent Democratic group to educate swing voters about the Keating 5*

The difference is that McCain was actually reprimanded while Obama had absolutely nothing to do with Ayers or Rezko's wrongdoings.

Do the dems have it in them? I've seen no evidence to suggest that they do.

Also, there's a large gap in perception and reality that Obama isn't hitting on... McCain says he will follow Osama to the gates of hell... yet he still agrees with the Iraq war, which essentially handcuffed us from actually getting Osama... so why isn't there a connection made where Bush/McCain has basically let Osama go free 7 years after the 9/11 attacks?
Steve Youngblood said:
Okay, I'll concede the point that the whole celebrity attack angle was dumb and perhaps even mildly offensive. Perhaps that should have sank his campaign and painted him as someone who would make completely arbitrary and baseless attacks.

However, you CANNOT attack someone's status as a war hero for being a POW. Did you not pay attention to what happened to Wesley Clark for simply making an flippant remark that argued that getting shot down in a plane doesn't qualify one to be president?
Yes I did, but that only played out the way it did because he never repeated it and Obama repudiated it. If they were to keep repeating it it would have played differently.
Haha, yeah CNN really pushed the whole Ayers thing. They ended the segment showing all the terrible things the weatherman group did. :lol The McCain campaign couldn't have asked for better.

Still, the whole Ayers thing is really weak. The terrible things they did were from a completely different era from Obama. Even if they somehow manage to find some connections with Ayers and Obama in recent years, it's a pretty big leap to say Obama is a supporter of a defunct 60/70s radical group when he was just a kid at the time.

McCain's Keating scandal seems much worse to me because McCain was actually involved himself. It's not just guilt by association.
the disgruntled gamer said:
:lol @ CNN. Their headline is "Obama's past comes back to haunt them." They are so full of shit.


That's a really good ad. The story is fairly complex, but the ad does a good job of simplifying it (and twisting the story to make Obama look like a terrorist.) That's going to seriously scare some people.

The main problem is that it's so blunt... more effective ads are ones like the wolves ad or the 3am ad are the ones that are subtle, but seem to trigger fear in people.
They need to give a response to that ad.
maynerd said:
Obama was 8 years old playing with GI Joes Ayers when was doing nasty things....

Obama born and raised to be a terrorist CONFIRMED.
Doesn't matter. They need to respond to it. If I were to say the one thing that could handle these types of ads: Satire. Satire satire satire satire. Make fun o fthe ad, and make it obvious.


Steve Youngblood said:
Did you not pay attention to what happened to Wesley Clark for simply making an flippant remark that argued that getting shot down in a plane doesn't qualify one to be president?

Honestly that was complete BS. Wesley Clark said the truth and it was blown up by the media, mccain and obama.
polyh3dron said:
Yes I did, but that only played out the way it did because he never repeated it and Obama repudiated it. If they were to keep repeating it it would have played differently.
No. Neither Obama nor anyone directly tied to the Obama campaign should go anywhere near saying anything that could be interpreted as an attack on his service. It would be a catastrophic mistake.




Who holds a football like that?
The Chosen One said:
McCain's Keating scandal seems much worse to me because McCain was actually involved himself. It's not just guilt by association.
Yeah but the whole point is to make baseless attacks that require an exhaustive response to explain why they're baseless. If you attack McCain on something that's true he just says "Yes, I did that and I apologize". People hear Obama try to refute these claims that are baseless to begin with and they tune it out. They need to make some baseless claims against McCain that spin a small truth so that it takes an exhaustive response to refute them, and then people think the accused is trying to weasel their way out of it.

You repeat the smear enough times and it drowns out any complicated response, but you have to repeat it consistently.

That is the way of the Republican Smear Machine.

If the smear is true, it doesn't work as well.


Steve Youngblood said:
No. Neither Obama nor anyone directly tied to the Obama campaign should go anywhere near saying anything that could be interpreted as an attack on his service. It would be a catastrophic mistake.

Exactly the one thing the records back up is the fact he refused to get shipped home ahead of earlier captives. Go on an attack about him and his time as a POW and it will end Obamas chances totally.
siamesedreamer said:
Brutally full of inneundo bullshit.

This is up there with McCain has a black baby and McCain went insane as a POW and cannot be trusted. But Karl Rove doesn't work for the Dems, so you won't see that kinds of stuff in this election.

Edit: The sad thing about this kind of shit is when people think it is cool for their side to spew lies . . . then when there sides turns out to lie to them (What? There were no WMDS? You really did leak the name of a CIA agent? You did know that Hess oil was working with the Kurds? etc.), they are surprised. If they will lie to the other side they'll lie to you too.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
TheKingsCrown said:
Doesn't matter. They need to respond to it. If I were to say the one thing that could handle these types of ads: Satire. Satire satire satire satire. Make fun o fthe ad, and make it obvious.

they already did I thought. Obama said,

"Mr. Ayers is a 60 year old man who lives in my neighborhood, who did something that I deplore, 40 years ago when I was 7 years old. By the time I met him, he is a professor of education at the University of Illinois. We served on a board that had republicans, bankers, lawyers, etc all focused on education.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
worldrunover said:
Also, there's a large gap in perception and reality that Obama isn't hitting on... McCain says he will follow Osama to the gates of hell... yet he still agrees with the Iraq war, which essentially handcuffed us from actually getting Osama... so why isn't there a connection made where Bush/McCain has basically let Osama go free 7 years after the 9/11 attacks?
If people don't already understand this stuff, they're probably beyond help.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Obama needs an ad that is just all irrefutable facts about McCain:

- First marriage ended due to his adultery
- Will tax people making less than 250K more harshly than Obama
- Has been voting in line with Bush at an increasing rate, currently sitting at 100% for the current year
- Graduated 5th from last in his schooling
- Crashed 5 different planes (multi-million dollar machines)

Seriously...what would they say? That stating facts is evil?


RubxQub said:
Obama needs an ad that is just all irrefutable facts about McCain:

- First marriage ended due to his adultery
- Will tax people making less than 250K more harshly than Obama
- Has been voting in line with Bush at an increasing rate, currently sitting at 100% for the current year
- Graduated 5th from last in his schooling
- Crashed 5 different planes (multi-million dollar machines)

Seriously...what would they say? That stating facts is evil?

Simple. McCain is a POW.
RubxQub said:
Obama needs an ad that is just all irrefutable facts about McCain:

- First marriage ended due to his adultery
- Will tax people making less than 250K more harshly than Obama
- Has been voting in line with Bush at an increasing rate, currently sitting at 100% for the current year
- Graduated 5th from last in his schooling
- Crashed 5 different planes (multi-million dollar machines)

Seriously...what would they say? That stating facts is evil?

I don't know, those kinds of character attacks like past adultery, crashing planes and educational failings usually don't mean shit in the end. I mean look at Bush - his past is all kinds of fucked up.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
teruterubozu said:
I don't know, those kinds of character attacks like past adultery, crashing planes and educational failings usually don't mean shit in the end. I mean look at Bush - his past is all kinds of fucked up.
If people are so outraged by John Edwards' recent adulterous situation, surely they can't turn a deaf ear to McCain's.


RubxQub said:
If people are so outraged by John Edwards' recent adulterous situation, surely they can't turn a deaf ear to McCain's.
Are people or was it more of the fact the media kept it on tv for hours at a time to have a story to talk about. Most people I spoke to didnt give a shit one way or an other.

The most upset people I have seen are the ones who are upset he tried to run for president with such a secret trying to be covered up.
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