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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Everything within me tells me that Hillary is not the choice, given all the speculation and everything that has been going on.

I'm predicting Hillary Clinton. I have a sneaking suspicion that the plan has been in place for a while.


PhoenixDark said:
What's with this old argument? The republicans are lock step behind McCain right now, even more so than democrats are for Obama. There was a lot of talk about how running against Obama would be tough but they've simply used the tired but true "he's a liberal liberal liberal tax tax tax" scheme and it's working. The base is already fired up and ready to humble The Messiah, as Rush has dubbed him.

Hillary on the ticket would secure Obama in Ohio, Penn., and Florida. In short, he'd win the election hands down. People act like she'd ruin him with independents but never explain that position. I'd argue she'd help him in places like Virginia and Colorado.

Obviously Obama would easily win with Clinton as the VP but after what went down in the primaries I'm not sure he'd pick her. Plus it would really go against his "Change Washington" message.
PhoenixDark said:
What's with this old argument? The republicans are lock step behind McCain right now, even more so than democrats are for Obama.

Not necessarily. I talk to A LOT of Republicans who are disgusted with the direction of the Republican party and will likely stay home this year. And many are even taking the next step and switching their registration to independent.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Hootie said:
Obviously Obama would easily win with Clinton as the VP but after what went down in the primaries I'm not sure he'd pick her. Plus it would really go against his "Change Washington" message.

If he wants to win he'll pick her, now if he wants to come close to winning he'll pick Biden or some other guy.
Guts Of Thor said:
If he wants to win he'll pick her, now if he wants to come close to winning he'll pick Biden or some other guy.
He isn't guaranteed to lose if he picks Biden or someone else. Look at the youtube video about Biden; he's a badass.
ToyMachine228 said:
Not necessarily. I talk to A LOT of Republicans who are disgusted with the direction of the Republican party and will likely stay home this year. And many are even taking the next step and switching their registration to independent.

The enthusiasm gap is stuff of legend, already.
Dax01 said:
He isn't guaranteed to lose if he picks Biden or someone else. Look at the youtube video about Biden; he's a badass.

He's guaranteed to lose if he picks Clinton.

a) His supporters will start to doubt him.
b) Seven hundred metric tons of shit will be uncovered about the Clintons. A new campaign shattering scandal every three days.


Agent Icebeezy said:
This shit feels like NPD day :lol :lol :lol
Ready the gifs!
BenjaminBirdie said:
He's guaranteed to lose if he picks Clinton.

a) His supporters will start to doubt him.
b) Seven hundred metric tons of shit will be uncovered about the Clintons. A new campaign shattering scandal every three days.
And talk about the enthusiasm gap. Republicans aren't happy about voting for McCain, but you can be damned sure they'ed be fired up to vote against Clinton.


I think it will be Biden.

I hope it will be Bayh.

I hope it's not Sebelius.

GAFers please, lend me your eyes so I can plead my case one last time:
The only reason any of you has ever given me for wanting Sebelius is that she was a great governor. However, Bayh was also a great governor. He also appeals to conservatives. But unlike Sebelius, he's charismatic, from a key area, and appeals to Clinton hold-outs (Sebelius would piss them off.)

Please GAFers, reconsider your puzzling and illogical positions.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
If I wake up to VPness, I'll feel so cheated :(


Man I didn't even realize how much of a shitbag Lieberman was being.

A) Obama actually campaigned for him on his independent run
B) He openly said that the reason he was running was to help elect a Democratic president in 2008.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Tamanon said:
Man I didn't even realize how much of a shitbag Lieberman was being.

A) Obama actually campaigned for him on his independent run
B) He openly said that the reason he was running was to help elect a Democratic president in 2008.

I've wondered about this too. I think someone in the RNC had dirt of Joe.


Dax01 said:
So will there be a new thread for the conventions or when Obama announce his VP pick?

I think there should be. This thread is unwieldly enough as it is. And it is labelled an "Interim Thread"


Dax01 said:
So will there be a new thread for the conventions or when Obama announce his VP pick?
I'd like to see a seperate thread for veeps and conventions, then a new thread leading up to the general. Then a new thread for election day.
Dax01 said:
So will there be a new thread for the conventions or when Obama announce his VP pick?

That's probably a good idea. PoliGAF Thread of VP Picks and Conventions to cover both candidates VP choices and both party's conventions.


Dax01 said:
So will there be a new thread for the conventions or when Obama announce his VP pick?

All I know is that the Election Day Superthread will be hell.

Boy oh boy if Obamaton loses...GAF will implode.


Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Dax01 said:
He isn't guaranteed to lose if he picks Biden or someone else. Look at the youtube video about Biden; he's a badass.

Biden is indeed a badass but my main concern is party unity. I know it's anecdotal evidence but my mother,my two brothers,my aunt and my in laws will not vote for Obama unless Hilary is on the ticket. Granted that's only a few people, how many more people out there feel the same?


Guts Of Thor said:
Biden is indeed a badass but my main concern is party unity. I know it's anecdotal evidence but my mother,my two brothers,my aunt and my in laws will not vote for Obama unless Hilary is on the ticket. Granted that's only a few people, how many more people out there feel the same?

Frankly, for all the talk about VPs, I doubt it'll have much of an impact. Obama will likely turn away as many voters as he gains by choosing Clinton and I doubt any other candidate is going to have much of an impact. Nor is Romney or any strong Republican candidate likely to do much for McCain. For all the rumor mongering, at the end of the day, it's a VP pick.

That said, since I was a supporter of Biden long before Obama, needless to say, I'd be rather amused if Biden was "the guy".
Guts Of Thor said:
Biden is indeed a badass but my main concern is party unity. I know it's anecdotal evidence but my mother,my two brothers,my aunt and my in laws will not vote for Obama unless Hilary is on the ticket. Granted that's only a few people, how many more people out there feel the same?
That's stupid. Why are they doing that? If they aren't informed enough about Obama and his stance on important issues, teach them.
And plus, he will lose as many supporters as he gains.
Guts Of Thor said:
Biden is indeed a badass but my main concern is party unity. I know it's anecdotal evidence but my mother,my two brothers,my aunt and my in laws will not vote for Obama unless Hilary is on the ticket. Granted that's only a few people, how many more people out there feel the same?

People talk that way but it'll get less and less when it comes closer to November. Remember, if they just say "I'm not voting for Obama" that doesn't mean they're voting for McCain. And the majority of people who say that will vote for Obama or just stay home but not align with McCain.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Dax01 said:
That's stupid. Why are they doing that? If they aren't informed enough about Obama and his stance on important issues, teach them.
And plus, he will lose as many supporters as he gains.

Trust me man I've tried. Obama wouldn't lose me as a supporter, I want to win this fucking election at any cost. I just can't shake this gut feeling that he will pick Clinton.

ToyMachine228 said:
People talk that way but it'll get less and less when it comes closer to November. Remember, if they just say "I'm not voting for Obama" that doesn't mean they're voting for McCain. And the majority of people who say that will vote for Obama or just stay home but not align with McCain.

I really hope you're correct.
This is possibly my final post before we know who the VP is. I will use this opportunity as a last hurrah for my dark horse candidates, because after tomorrow I may never get a chance to pimp them again.



And a new, final addition...


I hope that one of these three (most preferred listed first) are chosen. If not, I'm sure I will be happy with the choice anyway, but I would REALLY like to see one of these people as the VP.


the disgruntled gamer said:
But unlike Sebelius, he's charismatic, from a key area, and appeals to Clinton hold-outs (Sebelius would piss them off.)

Bayh is as charismatic as dried paint. :lol


FOX News Poll: Obama Leads 42% to 39% Going Into Convention

Days before the Democratic Convention begins, Barack Obama has a slim 42 percent to 39 percent edge over John McCain in the race for the White House, according to a FOX News poll released Thursday.

A month ago Obama led by 41 percent to 40 percent. Both leads for Obama – this month and last – are well within the margin of sampling error.

Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from August 19 to August 20. The poll has a 3-point error margin.

Yes, he increased his lead in the FOX poll from 1 point to 3 points, it's WELL within the margin of error....which is also 3 points......that's some spinning:p

And about Sebelius, if it would piss off Clinton diehards, I would say stuff it. You can't profess to be a feminist and then say, but only if its Hillary!


At this point, I think the idea that Obama needs Clinton to win is silly. HOWever, I do think she would make Obama's road to victory easier, so I'm okay with her. My main concern is Obama winning the election. Plus, I'm not holding a grudge from the primaries. So hilldawg is okay with me.

Now, Kathleen "treestump" Sebelius is a different story.


Hell, no matter who it is outside of Biden, they're going to look uncharismatic next to Obama. As long as they can stump and debate well, it'll be golden.

Eh, if it's Romney, that explains why he floated all that crap about Pro-Choicers, so that people can settle. Although won't that kinda make the healthcare debate a bit tricky?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
List of Presidential Election Hotnesses

1. Announce Candidacy
2. Win Party Nomination

3. Announce VP Candidate
4. Convention Craziness
5. General Election Debatery
6. Vote Or Die Day
7. Become the Big Man


when is my burrito
I'm hoping I wake up to a VP announcement but I don't think Obama would let the 7 houses gaffe miss a morning news cycle. We'll probably have to wait until tomorrow afternoon so he can hit the evening news. :(





Also, YAY Mitt Romney. Say goodbye to any chance in hell of winning a midwestern state McCain.


Ridge'd be a really tough opponent, but I think Huckabee might actually stage a revolt at the convention if that were to happen. And with Paul already causing a ruckus, it could be bad.:lol

Hell, already Paul will probably cause more of a disruption than any PUMA crap.


the disgruntled gamer said:
Not really. He's very charismatic and likeable, especially to midwesterners.

I live in Indianapolis. He's dreadfully boring.

I'm not denying that (from what I can tell; I was too young when he was actually governor) his record as governor was good... just that he really is very boring.
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