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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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mittens for 20,001th post?
no one? is it just me or does the idea of a man worth $200+ million as the VP for a guy worth $100 million just, umm, connect with the average working man?


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laserbeam said:
Mccains New Hampshire office apparently recieved a power filled envelope as well now and had to be evacuated
It's been a good run Democrats...but it's over. Repubs are importing power.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Clinton vs Sebellius

Clinton is old school politics; has shown her true colors during primary season; and it hasn't been pretty.

Clinton has a much more energized fan base. But also a much more energized hate base. Her main fanbase derives from clinton fans + women voting for women.

Most of the clinton fans are located in blue areas; helps with population totals, but not as much with electoral vote totals.

women fans spread out evenly througout the country.

Sebellius is a successful redstate governor, popular in her own state, with sound fiscal policies. Should be able to bring her red state into play, providing the ticket with a crucial tipping point over the Kerry wins.

Obama is currently been hammered on economic policy; bringing on a strong economic candidate onto the ticket will be handy in reassuring some doubts, as well as been handy post election, when the fallout of Americas economic failings in the past 8 years start to really peak.

Sebellius will appeal equally to women that vote for women; hardcore feminists that want Hilary are really hardcore clintonites.

And Sebellius doesn't rankle the republicans like Clinton does; doesn't energize them to pull together and vote Obama/Sebellius out like an Obama/Clinton ticket does (other than misogynists, which we're assuming will number less than females that are voting for female someone on ticket).


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Dax01 said:
Okay, so new thread when Obama announces his VP pick, or sometime tomorrow?
Don't worry Dax, you shall wake to:

PoliGAF thread of GILFy Veeps and Changium
laserbeam said:
I dont buy it other day insiders were saying McCain was calling regional offices and saying Ridge was the man
If McCain picks a pro-choice candidate, he might as well use his campaign money to buy another 7-10 houses.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think Romney's a solid choice for McCain. Certainly not a blockbuster, but he really didn't have any qualified blockbusters to choose from. Michigan will be interesting, that's for sure.


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Dax01 said:
That title sucks.

I prefer: PoliGAF thread of VP Announcements and Conventions.
Well you're asleep, so you don't get to chose. :D


when is my burrito
kkaabboomm said:
mittens for 20,001th post?
no one? is it just me or does the idea of a man worth $200+ million as the VP for a guy worth $100 million just, umm, connect with the average working man?

"I think most voters would like the person that looks like them rather than the person who looks like the one who laid them off."

<3 Huckabee


Mumei said:
I live in Indianapolis. He's dreadfully boring.

I'm not denying that (from what I can tell; I was too young when he was actually governor) his record as governor was good... just that he really is very boring.
Let's remember that I was comparing him to Sebelius, and compared to Snoozebelius he's got Bill Clinton 1992 levels of charisma.


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the disgruntled gamer said:
Let's remember that I was comparing him to Sebelius, and compared to Snoozebelius he's got Bill Clinton 1992 levels of charisma.
Shoulda went with Seborius



Huh.....McCain trying to get Bob Barr taken off the Pennsylvania ballot.....that's gotta be a good sign it's not Ridge then at the least.

Atlanta, GA - Bob Barr's presidential campaign has recently learned of an action by the McCain campaign and the Pennsylvania Republican Party to have Barr removed from the state's ballot, this despite McCain's promise in the 2000 election that he would, "never consider, ever consider, allowing a supporter of [his] to challenge [his opponent]'s right to be on the ballot in all 50 states.''

In 2000, McCain told reporters, ''Let's not have the kind of Stalinist politics that the state of New York, the Republican Party, has been practicing."

"This move by the McCain campaign completely contradicts everything John McCain stood for in 2000 when his competitors were trying to keep him off the ballot," says Barr. "McCain has become a part of the same corrupted machine he spoke vehemently against only eight years ago."

"This is America, where people have a right to run for office and a right to compete for the chance to lead the people of this nation," Barr continues. "I look forward to the chance to compete fairly against Senator McCain for votes in Pennsylvania and every other state."

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
the disgruntled gamer said:
Let's remember that I was comparing him to Sebelius, and compared to Snoozebelius he's got Bill Clinton 1992 levels of charisma.

You hate on Sebellius because she's boring.

You know that Sebellius just has to appear in photos next to Obama for the most part right? They look like a charming couple in photos.

As far as their media representation goes, VPs get a bullet point contrasting in talking head chat ups.

I can't recall for the life of me any exceptional VP speeches in the past, and that facet of VPs has never struck me as important.

What do you expect the Veep to do anyway? It's still largely going to be an Obama vs McCain fight... the veep will simply add flavour to the ticket; and it's not going to be the kind of flavour where you have them as assist characters in fighting games, where you can pull them out in a nick of time to throw in a couple soundbites on your way to a huge combo finish.
It's going to be the type of flavour of narrative that the media constructs out of the choice of candidate; Sebellius enforces Obama's overarching charismatic change narrative he's been running the whole campaign.


Voters feel like they don't know Barack Obama or what he stands for. On the other hand, what John McCain stands for is very simple: the complete opposite of everything he stood for in 2000.

Crayon: I hate on Sebelius because I feel that she brings nothing to the ticket. You talk about adding flavor, she has no flavor. She won't help out in any key areas or demographics. She adds nothing.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I've been watching YouTube videos of Biden for the last hour now, and I love the guy. Total badass. I really hope he is the guy.
the disgruntled gamer said:
Voters feel like they don't know Barack Obama or what he stands for. On the other hand, what John McCain stands for is very simple: the complete opposite of everything he stood for in 2000.

John McCain had to stand...for 5 1/2 years, against his will
Captain Pants said:
I've been watching YouTube videos of Biden for the last hour now, and I love the guy. Total badass. I really hope he is the guy.

Yea, though that 7-11/donut shop shit (speaking about Indians) was a bit disheartening...


Byakuya769 said:
Yea, though that 7-11/donut shop shit (speaking about Indians) was a bit disheartening...

Ya, but luckily racially insensitive remarks from candidates probably won't get much airplay. *cough*"I will hate the gooks for as long as I live"*cough*

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
the disgruntled gamer said:
Voters feel like they don't know Barack Obama or what he stands for. On the other hand, what John McCain stands for is very simple: the complete opposite of everything he stood for in 2000.

Crayon: I hate on Sebelius because I feel that she brings nothing to the ticket. You talk about adding flavor, she has no flavor. She won't help out in any key areas or demographics. She adds nothing.

She's a woman.

She's a successful red state governor.

She fits in well with Obama's change message.

Her main negative is that she's probably got the weakest presence out of the lot in debates and speeches. But to whom does that matter?

She's not going to pull the hate that Clinton will, but she'll boost female support just like Clinton will.

And her addition onto the ticket best gels with the Obama narrative that has already been created (i.e. positive change in Washington... and to a lesser extent, photogenic politicians).

A secondary benefit of Sebellius is that the dems aren't pulling a senator out; it means they'll have a better chance of super majority.


Crayon Shinchan said:
She's a woman.

She's a successful red state governor.

She fits in well with Obama's change message.

Her main negative is that she's probably got the weakest presence out of the lot in debates and speeches. But to whom does that matter?

She's not going to pull the hate that Clinton will, but she'll boost female support just like Clinton will.

And her addition onto the ticket best gels with the Obama narrative that has already been created (i.e. positive change in Washington... and to a lesser extent, photogenic politicians).

A secondary benefit of Sebellius is that the dems aren't pulling a senator out; it means they'll have a better chance of super majority.

All this.

I hope it's Sebelius.

the disgruntled gamer said:
Voters feel like they don't know Barack Obama or what he stands for. On the other hand, what John McCain stands for is very simple: the complete opposite of everything he stood for in 2000.

I still find it hilarious that MSM talking heads continue to say that "people don't know Barack Obama" when not too long ago there was a survey that people were tired of hearing about him. Fucking hilarious if you ask me.

Will someone also please wake up the McCain supporters who keep shouting "Maverick" and let them know it's not the year 2000 anymore??


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tamanon said:

This is some bullshit! How the hell can McCain tell his own supporters that they are too lazy to pick lettuce for $50 ($100,000 a year)?!

WTF seriously! If the Obama campaign and the democratic party don't make this into a big deal then I'd question how much they really want to win.


mckmas8808 said:
This is some bullshit! How the hell can McCain tell his own supporters that they are too lazy to pick lettuce for $50 ($100,000 a year)?!

WTF seriously! If the Obama campaign and the democratic party don't make this into a big deal then I'd question how much they really want to win.

A) They weren't his supporters, it was some union thing back during the Iowa stuff
B) $50 an hour won't even pay for his household help!
Tamanon said:
Ya, but luckily racially insensitive remarks from candidates probably won't get much airplay. *cough*"I will hate the gooks for as long as I live"*cough*

true... but....


someone should make a comic strip where mccain is the 60's batman and sean hannity is his robin. In this strip the only sound effect would always be POW as they beat down the "librals"!



People close to the campaign also floated a wild-card choice, Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq. They said it was not beyond the realm of possibility that Mr. McCain would ask him to join the ticket, although General Petraeus has no experience in elective government and has said repeatedly that he is not interested in the vice presidency.

One adviser characterized General Petraeus, who presided over a recent reduction of violence in Iraq, as more of a wish-list candidate for Mr. McCain, who, like the general, long supported sending additional troops to quell the insurgency. The adviser said the campaign was putting forth his name in part in a bid for attention at a time when Senator Barack Obama&#8217;s choice of running mate, which is to be announced in the next few days, was dominating the media.

Huh? That's a rather stupid thing to do, to even imply that a currently acting general should be under consideration for public office. Especially then to say that you're actually only even saying it to try and get attention.


Tamanon said:

Huh? That's a rather stupid thing to do, to even imply that a currently acting general should be under consideration for public office. Especially then to say that you're actually only even saying it to try and get attention.
The adviser said the campaign was putting forth his name in part in a bid for attention

Heh. He's been doing that a lot lately. I wonder how Petraeus feels about it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
siamesedreamer said:
Rezko sentencing moved from 9/4 to 10/28 - the week before the election. :lol

Now you know that's some bullshit! They did the same thing for his court day when it was Obama vs. Hillary.
bggrthnjsus said:
has this been posted yet?

mccain says our economy is fundamentally strong, yet he can't remember how many houses he owns (it's seven), and obama's campaign is quick to turn that into a pretty sweet burn


nope, hasn't been discussed. thank you for linking to what would seem to be an important moment in the campaign. we shall now commence discussing the possible ramifications that stem from said gaffe and subsequent ad, "Seven"

once again, thank you for keeping poli-gaf up-to-date on the latest campaign news. we anxiously await your report tomorrow night about whatever happens tomorrow morning
this is snark, i'm just kidding/being sarcastic.
mj1108 said:
It's like Christmas Eve. :D

twas the night before veepsmas, everyone's talking about it
and john mccain can't remember his houses
deus ex machina stares at his cell
in hopes of Sebelius, oh boy that'd be swell
mckmas8808 said:
Obama you now what the fuck to do with this!!!! LETS GOOO!!!!!!!!!

McCain - need I remind you, my friends, that my opponent not only had one opponent taken off the ballot when running for his first "elected" position, he had all of his opponents taken off the ballot.

Not worth touching. Let the libertarians fight that battle.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives


One would think the adviser wouldn't say that, but hey, McCain's got some stupid advisers. Although isn't it bad to imply that Petraeus should be a Republican candidate anyways while still serving and commanding?


If he picks Hillary he's making a dumb choice.

The msm greatly exaggerated her appeal to the everyman. Nothing will mobilize the core of the GOP to get off their asses and vote like Hillary would.

I've caught myself (even today) thinking/saying that it would make sense to pick her so Obama doesn't lose those women voters, but you have to look at the bigger picture.

Not like this matters either way, deep down inside Hillary wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012. Another four years go by quickly when you are a Senator, and not to mention, Hillary's age. I honestly don't think she wants the job.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
A lady on CNN just said that people could be receiving text messages at 3:00 am in the morning!!
kkaabboomm said:
nope, hasn't been discussed. thank you for linking to what would seem to be an important moment in the campaign. we shall now commence discussing the possible ramifications that stem from said gaffe and subsequent ad, "Seven"

once again, thank you for keeping poli-gaf up-to-date on the latest campaign news. we anxiously await your report tomorrow night about whatever happens tomorrow morning
this is snark, i'm just kidding/being sarcastic.
that post was the first time i ever looked at this thread lol
Diablos said:
If he picks Hillary he's making a dumb choice.

The msm greatly exaggerated her appeal to the everyman. Nothing will mobilize the core of the GOP to get off their asses and vote like Hillary would.

I've caught myself (even today) thinking/saying that it would make sense to pick her so Obama doesn't lose those women voters, but you have to look at the bigger picture.

Not like this matters either way, deep down inside Hillary wants Obama to lose so she can run in 2012. Another four years go by quickly when you are a Senator, and not to mention, Hillary's age. I honestly don't think she wants the job.

And you know this how? It's already been reported that Hillary wants to do MORE for Obama but his campaign hasn't given her much to work with. She has nothing to gain from an Obama loss considering the base will wind up heaping some blame on her and Bill

At the end of the day there are more democrats than republicans, and even in 2004 with such high turnout they still only won due to one state. Hillary would help secure that state dude - who cares if republicans in the south and heartland come out in mass, McCain will win those states anyway. Meanwhile Obama would maintain Michigan and Penn. while taking Ohio and possibly flipping Florida. Game over

speaking of Michigan
Detroit Free Press poll

Obama 46%, McCain 39%
“Nearly one-third — 31% — of those polled said they could be persuaded to change their minds by Election Day.”

• Obama leads 80%-13% among Detroit voters.

• Obama leads 45%-41% among voters in suburban Oakland and Macomb counties.

• McCain leads among white voters statewide, 46%-38%.

• Obama gets 92% of African Americans.
(lots of poll details at link)

Perhaps most striking is Obama's 17-point edge among independent voters -- a bloc McCain has cultivated since he first ran for president in 2000. Most experts say independents will decide this year's race because both candidates have strong support from core voters in their respective parties.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Man, the suspense is killing me, I can't wait to see who Obama picks as his running mate, still holding out hope for Hilary.
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