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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Incognito said:

Its worth noting that 90% of americans make less than 100k per year. 50% make less than 30k.

That chart gives the false impression that those brackets are distributed in some meaningful way.
So wait a minute, McCain doesn't think that bringing the troops home from Iraq is important?

What are they suppose to do, live there for the rest of their lives under the threat of being shot or blown up?

As the GE is getting under way McCain is really starting to show what a weak candidate he truly is.


Cheebs said:
Obama who was taking the day off in Chicago after a flood canceled his event in Iowa will be holding a impromptu press conference near his home to comment on McCain's Today Show interview.

I'm amazed McCain's campaign would utter a single peep about Jim Johnson considering their own internal problems. Glass houses and such.

Too bad McCain won't get any traction out of it since he chose to open his mouth about Iraq. I hope Obama hammers him on it. Over and over.


CowboyAstronaut said:
So wait a minute, McCain doesn't think that bringing the troops home from Iraq is important?

What are they suppose to do, live there for the rest of their lives under the threat of being shot or blown up?

See, this is exactly why his initial "100 Years" comment didn't even need to be taken out of context. Fantasy Land Iraq wherein our soldiers are chillin' hard, no beef, no bombs.


has calmed down a bit.
GhaleonEB said:
In the poll being discussed, Obama just went up by three points. And the laughing emoticon is for....?

Read the quote out loud. And don't say Michigan. Read the abbreviation instead.


First Read is teasing their NBC/WSJ poll again.

Here's one question from today's NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that we're releasing early: 59% say it's more important to have a president who will focus on progress and moving America forward, versus 37% who would rather the president protect what has made America great.

For more on the poll -- the match up between McCain and Obama, whether adding Hillary Clinton to the ticket helps or hurts Obama -- tune into NBC Nightly News tonight or click onto MSNBC.com at 6:30 pm ET.

Hmmm, I wonder who that benefits.


Clinton's Enemy List

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was gracious in her full-throated endorsement of Senator Barack Obama. But that does not mean all is forgiven by others in the Clinton universe.

For proof, look no further than Doug Band, chief gatekeeper to former President Bill Clinton.

Band keeps close track of the past allies and beneficiaries of the Clintons who supported Obama's campaign, three Clinton associates and campaign officials said.
Indeed, he is widely known as a member of the Clinton inner circle whose memory is particularly acute on the matter of who has been there for the couple — and who has not.

...The lineup invariably begins with A-list members like Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico; Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, the House Democratic whip; Gregory Craig, Bill Clinton's lawyer in his impeachment and trial; David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist; Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri; and several Kennedys. Some members of the Democratic Party's rules committee, the state of Iowa and the caucus system in general are also near the top.

The news media have already focused on some list entries, including the online gossip purveyor Matt Drudge (who had the nerve to show up at Hillary Clinton's departure speech on Saturday), Todd Purdum of Vanity Fair (the author of a recent profile of Bill Clinton) and the cable network MSNBC (whose hosts Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann are charter list members, Clinton associates said).


"I won't forget these people," said Susie Tompkins Buell, a co-founder of the Esprit clothing company and a longtime friend of the Clintons who describes herself as "a soul sister" to Hillary Clinton.

When asked to name "these people," Buell specifies "all the women who sold out Hillary." She declined to volunteer names on her list but answered "all of the above" when read a roster of prominent women supporting Obama that includes Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona and Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.


has calmed down a bit.
the state of Iowa and the caucus system in general are also near the top.


Oh man, forgive the smilies guys. But this thread has some hilarious stuff. The state of Iowa is on the Clinton enemy list?!?!?!?!?!

How ridiculously absurd is that?


Jim Webb = Confederate Sympathizer

Jim Webb said:
Most Southern soldiers viewed the driving issue to be sovereignty rather than slavery,” he said. “Love of the Union was palpably stronger in the South than in the North before the war — just as overt patriotism is today — but it was tempered by a strong belief that state sovereignty existed prior to the Constitution and that it had never been surrendered.


This isn't going to help.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
mckmas8808 said:
Guys go to http://money.cnn.com/2008/06/11/new...roposals_tpc/index.htm?postversion=2008061110

It actually shows what the average tax return will be in 2009 if McCain or Obama were president. It breaks down the numbers for everybody. I can't copy and paste the chart here because Im on a phone. :(

Okay so I can at least post this.

Here's how the average tax bill could
change in 2009 if either John McCain's or Barack Obama's tax proposals were fully in place.


Avg. tax bill
Avg. tax bill

Over $2.9M

$603K and up







Under $19K

That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.


GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.
Obama taxes? What are you talking about? Unless you make over SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND your taxes aren't going up (well by $12 if you make over 200k but thats nothing).


GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.

What category/bracket do you fall into?


Setec Astronomer
GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.
Worried you might have to sell your second house? Seriously though, you couldn't have suffered that much in the 90s.

Justin Bailey

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thekad said:
Jim Webb = Confederate Sympathizer


This isn't going to help.
I think calling him a sympathizer is going a little overboard, but how is this going to hurt? The last thing Republicans want to get in an argument about is racism, and black voters aren't going to switch to McCain because of this. If anything, he'd get MORE votes in the South with Webb on the ticket.
GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.
Which bracket do you fall into?


If you make over 600k a year and you are whining about taxes are just plain being an idiot. And no one who makes under 600k is getting a tax hike that document shows.

I think we can all agree that GashPrex either has made a fool of himself or he is a millionaire.


GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.
Ah, so you're one of those 3-4% who make more than $600,000? Congratulations. I don't know how you're going to make it through an Obama presidency.


GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.

According to this chart, Obama's tax cut will affect us (as in, the majority of the people in the US) by greatly easing our tax burden. And the serious tax increases are only for people who make a million dollars or more in two years or less- also known as "the upper one percent".

I'm assuming you read this wrong. If not, you got some 'splaining to do.


GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.

you make over $600k??

GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.
Man I wish I had your tax problem.


listen to the mad man
GashPrex said:
That is incredibly disgusting. I can't imagine paying those Obama figures in taxes, holy shit fuck that. As an independent who disagrees with both candidates on issues on either side, that certainly is important to me. Sometimes people forget to see how this government will personally affect us, and not other nations or other people.

How much do you make per year?


Setec Astronomer
Trakdown said:
According to this chart, Obama's tax cut will affect us (as in, the majority of the people in the US) by greatly easing our tax burden. And the serious tax increases are only for people who make a million dollars or more in two years or less- also known as "the upper one percent".

I'm assuming you read this wrong. If not, you got some 'splaining to do.
More to the point, those increases are the result of rolling back cuts that weren't there in the 90s.
"sovereignty rather than slavery"

I'm not a big Civil War historian or anything...but wasn't slavery the primary thing they wanted "sovereignty" to do?


See, what happened is that Prex's personal assistant doesn't really know anything about economics and only reads at a 4th grade level. He's sure to lose his position once boss man catches wind of this though.


I peaked around his post history. He is a intern. Meaning there is a 0% chance he makes over 600k.

So he pretty much has made a fool of himself. :lol


listen to the mad man
Cheebs said:
I peaked around his post history. He is a intern. Meaning there is a 0% chance he makes over 600k.

So he pretty much has made a fool of himself. :lol

Maybe he's mad that he has to pay less tax because he wants to pay more tax to help restore America's infrastructure?

Justin Bailey said:
I mean if it was just a misunderstanding then you guys are like fucking piranhas :lol

To be fair, calling something "incredibly disgusting" without actually reading what you're responding to is like sticking a bloodied limb into the pirahna tank.


Justin Bailey said:
I think calling him a sympathizer is going a little overboard, but how is this going to hurt? The last thing Republicans want to get in an argument about is racism, and black voters aren't going to switch to McCain because of this. If anything, he'd get MORE votes in the South with Webb on the ticket.
I don't know. Sympathizing, or whatever you want to call it, with the people who fought to keep your forefathers in chains probably won't play too well with the blacks that Obama hopes to turnout in record numbers. The Confederate sympathizer bloc probably aren't going to vote in large numbers for Obama no matter what.

soul creator: Yeah, even those without slaves fought for the hope that they may one day become slaveholders, as well.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Justin Bailey said:
I mean if it was just a misunderstanding then you guys are like fucking piranhas :lol
I love this description :lol

But seriously...he got way too outraged over a misinterpretation. Did he think Obama was giving money to rich people based on the numbers?

It sounds like he read the chart as:

Minus = How much you pay
Plus = How much you get back

With this mentality, under Obama's plan once you pass 600K, Obama starts GIVING YOU MONEY!
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