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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Limbaugh Parrot
I love Bobby Jindal (because he's a CONSERVATIVE), but I would rather see him turn around Louisiana first before he becomes a VP. I want McCain/Romney.

If McCain picks Romney or Jindal, it will help satiate the Conservative base, which will let McCain woo independents and moderates.

As much as you all will hate to admit it, you will miss Bush for moments like this:


here come the vitriolic, venomous I WILL NOT MISS BUSH AAARGH rants

But anyway, I'm pretty certain McCain will NOT pick Charlie Crist. The man has done 0 since being elected governor, except for show up for every ribbon-cutting and large event with cameras around the state.


Mercury Fred said:
So if someone were to make fun of Obama's appearance, say the consistency of his hair or the shape and color of his lips, that wouldn't be racist it would just be "childish"?
Well I think everyone here is smart enough to know what physical features they point out would paint them in a bad light.

But Obama's ears are fair game.

edit: And trust me when I say that I would of liked Hillary a thousand times more if she didn't act so repulsive.


Mandark said:
harSon @ 226: "Gutgina" is sexist. The way Hillary's appearance is a general subject for mockery because she's a middle-aged woman is sexist. I'm not going to push this, since a ton of people were willing to argue that "bitch" and "cunt" weren't at all sexist, and I'd just wind up giving really humorless Feminism 101 lectures and offending people.

avatar299 @ 225: Your problem is that the electorate aren't hardcore capitalists like you. I seriously doubt McCain could get much traction running in favor of free trade agreements and against net neutrality.
While I will agree that those terms are sexist and even go one further and say that misogyny is for whatever reason more acceptable than racism these days, I still maintain that the underlying reasons FOR a lot of the things said about Hillary had nothing to do with her being a woman or who she was and more to do with her being the frontrunner. That's what happens in politics- the frontrunner gets torn down. Obama has shown he can weather that storm better than Clinton during the primaries, imo.

Doesn't make how she was treated ok, tho. Of course it's also perfectly possible to dislike her for who she is and the policies she represents and not have it be anything related to her gender.


JohnTinker said:
But anyway, I'm pretty certain McCain will NOT pick Charlie Crist. The man has done 0 since being elected governor, except for show up for every ribbon-cutting and large event with cameras around the state.
But it would probably guarantee a Florida win, and allow McCain to pour even more money into Ohio and Pennsylvania.


JohnTinker said:
I love Bobby Jindal (because he's a CONSERVATIVE), but I would rather see him turn around Louisiana first before he becomes a VP. I want McCain/Romney.

If McCain picks Romney or Jindal, it will help satiate the Conservative base, which will let McCain woo independents and moderates.

As much as you all will hate to admit it, you will miss Bush for moments like this:


here come the vitriolic, venomous I WILL NOT MISS BUSH AAARGH rants

But anyway, I'm pretty certain McCain will NOT pick Charlie Crist. The man has done 0 since being elected governor, except for show up for every ribbon-cutting and large event with cameras around the state.
He wouldn't leave Louisiana even if picked. Since the chances of McCain winning are very very slim from a objective outlook.


JohnTinker said:
As much as you all will hate to admit it, you will miss Bush for moments like this:


here come the vitriolic, venomous I WILL NOT MISS BUSH AAARGH rants
Who's underwear is he holding?


Master of the Google Search
JohnTinker said:
But anyway, I'm pretty certain McCain will NOT pick Charlie Crist. The man has done 0 since being elected governor, except for show up for every ribbon-cutting and large event with cameras around the state.

Actually that sounds like the idle VP


First tragedy, then farce.
Cheebs said:
A lot can happen in 4-10 years. But still he is too much of a rising star to not eventually get the nomination eventually I think.

If Jindal is not the VP (and I say about 65% he wont be) I guarantee you he'll give the Republican Convention's keynote address. Ala Obama in 2004.

BTW I bet the dems will have Teddy Kennedy give it at theirs, assuming he is healthy enough.

I agree, Teddy for keynote or introduction for Obama.

I also say if they get that turncoat lieberman speak at the RNC we go get Hagel to speak at the DNC. It cancels out their having a "liberal" speak at the RNC, with one crucial difference.

1) Lieberman differs from the dems when it comes to foreign policy, and choses a very very unpopular strategy to back.

2) Hagel differs from the republicans when it comes ot foreign polciy, and choses a very popular strategy to back.

I think its a big win for the dems if it happens.

If only we had succeeded in ousting Lieberman in 06.


Cheebs said:
He wouldn't leave Louisiana even if picked. Since the chances of McCain winning are very very slim from a objective outlook.
Eh, if they picked him, he'd campaign pretty hard


Master of the Google Search
StoOgE said:
I agree, Teddy for keynote or introduction for Obama.

I also say if they get that turncoat lieberman speak at the RNC we go get Hagel to speak at the DNC. It cancels out their having a "liberal" speak at the RNC, with one crucial difference.

1) Lieberman differs from the dems when it comes to foreign policy, and choses a very very unpopular strategy to back.

2) Hagel differs from the republicans when it comes ot foreign polciy, and choses a very popular strategy to back.

I think its a big win for the dems if it happens.

If only we had succeeded in ousting Lieberman in 06.

The Dems countered Zell Miller with Ron Reagan in 2004. And just like then, no one would give a damn about cross party speakers


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
avatar299 said:
The public doesn't oppose net neutrality becuase the majority of the public don't understand it. The internet is already tiered and most are on the superhighway. if McCain could point out the obvious he would win that debate.
Net neutrality is about more than simple tiering...

You're absolutely insane if you think the public would oppose net neutrality if they became informed about it.


Small balls, big fun!
Triumph said:
While I will agree that those terms are sexist and even go one further and say that misogyny is for whatever reason more acceptable than racism these days, I still maintain that the underlying reasons FOR a lot of the things said about Hillary had nothing to do with her being a woman or who she was and more to do with her being the frontrunner. That's what happens in politics- the frontrunner gets torn down. Obama has shown he can weather that storm better than Clinton during the primaries, imo.

Doesn't make how she was treated ok, tho. Of course it's also perfectly possible to dislike her for who she is and the policies she represents and not have it be anything related to her gender.

No doubt Hillary took a lot of heat because she was the frontrunner, then the main competition to the most popular candidate on GAF, and cause her campaign turned pretty sour.

But that in no way justifies using a bigoted tone for the criticism towards her. Using bigotry as a vehicle for personal attacks just turns it into a general swipe at an entire group, usually a marginalized one at that. Women deal with enough crap without having that added to the pile.

I hope I never tinge my rants about Condi Rice with racism, and as much as the sight of Joe Lieberman angers me, if anyone used him to trot out some anti-semitic stereotype I would hie myself to #ga and throw a massive shitfit until that person was banned.


Dan said:
Net neutrality is about more than simple tiering...

You're absolutely insane if you think the public would oppose net neutrality if they became informed about it.
Predicting a Reagan-esque landslide win was bad enough.


Limbaugh Parrot
Diablos said:
But it would probably guarantee a Florida win, and allow McCain to pour even more money into Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Those of us who actually pay attention to the news around the state and are active in current politics do not favorably look upon Charlie Crist. The man has skeletons in his past that local media had buried in the run up to the gubernatorial election against Jim Davis, and McCain would not want those to resurface and leave his VP open to attack.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
JohnTinker said:
As much as you all will hate to admit it, you will miss Bush for moments like this:


here come the vitriolic, venomous I WILL NOT MISS BUSH AAARGH rants

But anyway, I'm pretty certain McCain will NOT pick Charlie Crist. The man has done 0 since being elected governor, except for show up for every ribbon-cutting and large event with cameras around the state.
Whats the story behind that picture? And here's another Bush pic with him acting like a frat boy.



Well gee, if you think calling a woman fat is the same as insulting someone based entirely on stereotypes then have at it.
JohnTinker said:
Those of us who actually pay attention to the news around the state and are active in current politics do not favorably look upon Charlie Crist. The man has skeletons in his past that local media had buried in the run up to the gubernatorial election against Jim Davis, and McCain would not want those to resurface and leave his VP open to attack.
Yup. Crist is gay and I'm sure it would come to the surface if he were the VP candidate.

Oh, and Mandark, nicely said.

thekad said:
Well gee, if you think calling a woman fat is the same as insulting someone based entirely on stereotypes then have at it.
Yes, that's exactly what I said.


Limbaugh Parrot
Mercury Fred said:
Yup. Crist is gay and I'm sure it would come to the surface if he were the VP candidate.
Mercury Fred
time to drop the homocard

Illegitimate child(ren), upon other damning skeletons. Being gay is not one of them. Good guess though! And I'm not going to speak about this particularly anymore.
JohnTinker said:
Illegitimate child(ren), upon other skeletons. Being gay is not one of them. Good guess though! And I'm not going to speak about this particularly anymore.
Limbaugh Parrot

The Talk of the Green Iguana
Will American voters elect the first gay vice president in November?

By Bob Norman
published: February 28, 2008

The rumors about Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and the Green Iguana just wouldn't go away.
The story goes that the Florida governor frequented the Green Iguana, a bar in Tampa, back in the early 1990s when he was just starting his political career. He was less careful back then, people say, and during his partying at the Green Iguana, he was openly gay.

When I got Rick Calderoni, the bar's well-known owner, on the phone, I expected him to stonewall me about it.

He didn't.

Calderoni, who is gay, confirmed that Crist came into his bar quite often and that the two of them became friends.

Getting to the point, I asked him if he knew Crist to be gay.

"Yes," he answered bluntly. "I just wish he would come out and admit it. That would be a great thing if he did."

I asked Calderoni if he was certain that Crist is gay. He told me that Crist socialized with a gay clique of friends but conceded that he'd never actually seen Crist become intimate with another man.

So how can he be sure Crist is gay?

"The way he acted," Calderoni said.

How did he act?

Calderoni laughed and said, "Very feminine."

The Green Iguana owner then told me that he knew someone who could provide me more information and that he would have him call me. The call never came.

It wasn't proof. Just more circumstantial evidence that Florida's Republican governor is gay, a prevalent rumor in Tallahassee for years.

The topic may soon, however, get some national play. After helping to deliver Florida in the GOP primary, Crist is widely believed to be on the short list to become John McCain's nominee for vice president.

If he were to be chosen, imagine how interesting this presidential election would be. Not only would the American people be asked to vote for the first black president or female commander in chief, but, at least in terms of subtext, also the first gay vice president.

Are they ready for it? Do they even care?

Most voters will tell you they don't, that they couldn't care less about anyone's sexuality. Of course, they aren't telling the truth. Human nature demands that they at least be curious. But, absent a Jim McGreevy-/Mark Foley-/Larry Craig-type scandal, I don't think the issue would change an election. If anything, the buzz would only bring more intrigue to the candidate and possibly add to his support. Being boring is a lot bigger political sin than having sexual secrets in your closet. Americans knew full well that Bill Clinton was a poonhound before they elected him, didn't they?

Most Floridians had probably at least heard the rumors about Crist before they elected him governor. During the election, I reported about two male GOP staffers' boasts of having had affairs with Crist when he was running for governor in 2006. The stories burned across the internet and got a bit of play in the mainstream press. Crist won in a landslide anyway. Republicans homophobic? Not in Florida.

If McCain chooses Crist, it would be interesting to see how the voracious national press (as opposed to cautious Florida newspapers) would handle the issue. Would the New York Times put a small team of reporters on the story in an effort to dig up the truth?

I think so. Just last week, a writer with a major national magazine called me on the topic. He said he was doing a general piece about the recent spate of Republican outings and scandals, but the V.P. talk surely has given a bit of urgency to the project.

Finding the truth when it comes to Crist, though, is a slippery endeavor. For years, opposing candidates and private investigators have dug into the matter and found scintillating evidence. Just no proof.

My own efforts, as the Calderoni interview shows, have gone the same way. I began looking into the matter about 16 months ago, when a tipster in Fort Lauderdale told me that a young Republican aide had boasted to him at a dinner party that he was having an affair with Crist, who was then Florida's attorney general.

The tipster, who is gay, said he came forward because he found it terribly hypocritical that Crist opposed gay marriage and adoption by gay couples. Not to mention the whole pesky "living a lie" thing. I agreed, and before long, I had found numerous sources who said that GOP insiders Jason Wetherington and Bruce Carlton Jordan had boasted to them about romances with Crist.

Wetherington, who served as a regional director for Katherine Harris' U.S. Senate campaign and as a legislative aide for state Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff, denied that he'd had an affair with Crist (though, after I started asking questions, he was taken under the wing of Hollywood lawyer Todd Payne and moved to Georgia until the election was over. Payne, a real estate attorney, wouldn't comment).

Jordan's story runs a bit deeper. A member of the pioneering Crum family in Central Florida's Sumter County, he's a longtime Tallahassee political operator, a childhood friend of Harris', and a convicted felon. His most recent political title was executive director of the Florida Funeral Home Directors Association. It was in that capacity that he snagged Crist as a fill-in guest speaker for a convention after then-Gov. Jeb Bush suddenly canceled an event in 2003.

Two years later, Jordan was fired after it was discovered he'd stolen thousands of dollars from the association for personal vacations. He was also convicted of two theft-related felonies.

After his arrest, he went to his old friend Harris and asked if she needed a hand for her U.S. Senate campaign. She quickly hired him as her personal travel aide.

Then Jordan began telling other campaign workers about having a long-term romantic relationship with Crist, who was then running for governor. Among those he told was campaign pilot Jay Vass, who has worked for numerous GOP officials, including Jeb Bush, Tom Gallagher, and Crist himself.

What Jordan didn't know was that Vass was friends with Gallagher, who at the time was running against Crist in the Republican gubernatorial primary. Vass and his girlfriend, Dee Dee Hall, gave Gallagher sworn statements about Jordan's detailed admissions. Hall even sat down for a videotaped deposition, which I obtained, in which she said that Jordan had told her that Crist was undergoing counseling because he was so conflicted about the relationship.

Since reporting the stories, I have spoken with an ex-boyfriend of Jordan's, who said he too had heard of the affair. He told me that even before the affair allegedly began, Jordan boasted of his friendship with Crist. The ex-boyfriend, who traveled in Tallahassee political circles, said Jordan and Crist may have been introduced by a mutual friend named Jennifer Faga, a wealthy socialite from the Hamptons who owned land in Florida and who lived for a time in Tallahassee.

He said that Faga and Jordan both had crushes on Crist and that Jordan apparently won out. I contacted Faga on the phone and asked if she knew Crist.

"I'm going to say 'no comment' because I don't know what you're calling about," she said.

Then I asked her if she introduced Jordan to Crist.

"No comment," she said before hanging up.

Jordan's ex-boyfriend led me to a Florida lobbyist who he said knew more about Jordan's alleged affair with Crist. I called the lobbyist, who commented on the condition of anonymity. He said that Jordan was dating Crist through much of 2006. He said that Jordan shared details with him about what they did together and where they met (at Jordan's rented carriage house in Tallahassee's Southwood development).

He said he was with Jordan on several occasions when Crist would allegedly call. Jordan would tell him "It's Charlie" and then run off to meet him.

But the lobbyist never actually saw Jordan together with Crist. He said that, while he assumed his friend was telling the truth, he couldn't be sure. Jordan, he added, boasted about a lot of things he sometimes couldn't back up, and he turned out to be a thief.

Jordan, for all his blabbing, has been publicly silent on the issue. On both occasions that I reached him, the last time being last week, he quickly hung up on me. When I called Crist about Jordan and Wetherington before the election, he denied not only that he was gay but that he even remembered meeting either man.

So what does it all add up to? Well, one thing that is certain is that Jordan and Wetherington ran in rarefied Republican circles and told numerous people, in some detail, that they'd had romantic relationships with Crist.

I find it hard to believe that both of them were lying about it, but it's possible. Could be that Calderoni was mistaken about Crist as well. Maybe his gaydar was off. Weirder things have happened.

Oh, well. Nobody cares anyway, right?




Dan said:
Net neutrality is about more than simple tiering...

You're absolutely insane if you think the public would oppose net neutrality if they became informed about it.
No, it simply is. It's proponents have tried to turn it into many things, including an extension of the first amendment, but it is mainly about who is paying the bills for the development of the hardware behind the internet.


The hilarious thing about Crist is the fact that Roger Stone (GOP consultant) wanted (wants?) to shop around a video of Crist kissing a woman to "prove" that he's heterosexual, just to make the rumors go away. :lol
I get gay vibes from Crist, I think it's kind of obvious but maybe he's bi... or maybe he's 100% straight, whatever.. I don't think it's fair to judge people like that "he act's feminine" therefore he must be gay or whatever... Anyway, McCain doesn't need Crist on the ticket to win Florida and the fact that there are such rumors out there about him means he won't get past the vetting stage anyway so this is kind of a pointless conversation.


Junior Member
JohnTinker said:
I love Bobby Jindal (because he's a CONSERVATIVE), but I would rather see him turn around Louisiana first before he becomes a VP. I want McCain/Romney.

If McCain picks Romney or Jindal, it will help satiate the Conservative base, which will let McCain woo independents and moderates.

As much as you all will hate to admit it, you will miss Bush for moments like this:


here come the vitriolic, venomous I WILL NOT MISS BUSH AAARGH rants

But anyway, I'm pretty certain McCain will NOT pick Charlie Crist. The man has done 0 since being elected governor, except for show up for every ribbon-cutting and large event with cameras around the state.

you are 100% from new orlenas arent you (i'm swasted after just coming back from the bulldog)

is that mute math in your avatr?


No, wait, the funny thing is Porno Pete's obsession with calling the Governor's office in Florida to demand to know if Crist is straight, and his obsession with outing him as a homosexual. Or maybe the funny thing is that the woman whom Crist brought with him as " to the White House Correspondents Dinner in DC (Carole Rome) is, uh, married. To someone else. Well, at least they're separated and going through a divorce, right? Or maybe the funny thing is the fact that two men have claimed to have had relations with him.

Oh, I hope the McCain picks him. I just want to see the reaction of a certain subset of Republican voters. :lol


Master of the Google Search
Democratic Keynote Speakers
2004- Barack Obama
2000- Harold Ford
1996- Evan Bayh
1992- Barbara Jordan
1988- Ann Richards
1984- Mario Cuomo
1980- Ted Kennedy
1976- Barbara Jordan

Republican Keynote Speakers
2004- Zell Miller
2000- n/a
1996- Susan Molinari
1992- Pat Buchanan
1988- Thomas Kean
1984- Katherine Ortega
1980- Guy Vander Jagt
1976- Howard Baker

Democrat Keynotes >>>>>>>>>>> Republican Keynotes


Limbaugh Parrot
Mumei said:
The hilarious thing about Crist is the fact that Roger Stone (GOP consultant) wanted (wants?) to shop around a video of Crist kissing a woman to "prove" that he's heterosexual, just to make the rumors go away. :lol
We're getting way off topic here, but, a friend of a friend has been a cheerleader for the Bucs for the last year or so, and one of the games I went to Crist was there in an open-air box, one next to where we were (our seats were towards the front of the box). Aside from the bodyguards, he was accompanied by a drop dead gorgeous young brunette. On more than one occasion they weren't shy about showing PDA when back towards the back of the box. The next couple days other eyewitnesses there at the game weren't hesitant to call into local sports talk radio (the one in particular that I heard was Ron & Ian, on 620am locally) and said they spotted the governor with his date, and with other women around town during the weekend at different events. If he is gay, then he sure can find some great looking decoys, and most likely bi.

On topic:


And no, esbern, I'm not from New Orleans, been in Tampa FL all my life. And yes, it is Mute Math :D


Small balls, big fun!
Wouldn't McCain's intense personal dislike of Romney throw a wrench into that?

I guess it could be a Dole/Kemp situation.


Limbaugh Parrot
Mandark said:
Wouldn't McCain's intense personal dislike of Romney throw a wrench into that?

I guess it could be a Dole/Kemp situation.
Reagan and Bush weren't exactly best friends during the primary either.

Bush was back at the hotel bar having a beer watching Reagan's speech when Reagan announced he was picking HW for his VP.


Master of the Google Search
Mandark said:
Wouldn't McCain's intense personal dislike of Romney throw a wrench into that?

I guess it could be a Dole/Kemp situation.

There are alot of people who McCain intensly dislikes yet becomes chummy with them for some reason. Example -- Falwell and Bush


Small balls, big fun!
Star Power: Mark Warner is a cinch for a Senate seat that would be pretty hard to take otherwise.

Plus he's a DLC centrist type. Not the guy I'd want in the Oval Office if Obama got shot.


aka surume
JohnTinker said:
The man has skeletons in his past that local media had buried in the run up to the gubernatorial election against Jim Davis, and McCain would not want those to resurface and leave his VP open to attack.

a Romney and McCain ticket would have an epic number of flip flops between the two

Romney is even worse with McCain in that regard, so he would just drag down the ticket


Master of the Google Search
Gamer @ Heart said:
I liked the site but got some "seceret" code after i finsihed. I don't know what to do.
I don't even know how you did that. After finishing the quiz you should see a graph of your closest candidates. There is no secret code involved.
grandjedi6 said:
I don't even know how you did that. After finishing the quiz you should see a graph of your closest candidates. There is no secret code involved.

Its weird. On teh results tab, a white square shows up with the words " Het Spectrum wordt geladen. Ean ogenblik geduld a.u.b."


Maybe i am "the one"?


Master of the Google Search
Gamer @ Heart said:
Its weird. On teh results tab, a white square shows up with the words " Het Spectrum wordt geladen. Ean ogenblik geduld a.u.b."


Maybe i am "the one"?

Did you choose the Netherlands option? Why did you choose the Netherlands option?
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