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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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The black man everyone at Activision can agree on

From the mouth of a super delegate no less....

Fred Hobbs, a [Tennessee] Democratic Party Executive Committee member representing part of [Rep. Lincoln]Davis’ district, said he understands why Davis is not endorsing Obama and is “skeptical” of the Illinois senator himself.

“Maybe [it’s] the same reason I don’t want to — I don’t exactly approve of a lot of the things he stands for and I’m not sure we know enough about him,” Hobbs said when asked why he thought Davis wasn’t endorsing Obama. “He’s got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be.”

Davis was not made available for comment.

His chief of staff, Beecher Frasier, said he doesn’t know for sure if Obama is “terrorist connected” but he assumes he’s not.

<sigh> Yeah this country still has a ways to go....
BROWN: Let me get your take on this. And by running a campaign that’s promoting higher ethics, a new kind of politics, does Obama and McCain, who has done this himself to a certain degree, do they set themselves up to be measured to a higher standard?

FARAI CHIDEYA, HOST, NPR’S NEWS & NOTES: I think this is a Americans really are looking for new kinds of leadership, whether it’s Republican, Democrat, independent. And they are holding politicians to incredibly high standards.

I also think that Senator Obama has a very specific issue going on.

Christopher John Farley of “TIME” magazine once wrote an essay about the magical African-American friend, which is the idea in movies often, that there’s this nice black man who’s my black friend, and he’s not like other black people. He’s so nice.

And I think that some people, some supporters have put Senator Obama in the magical African-American friend box.
And therefore, for them there’s a double high standard, which is not only that he has to be squeaky clean as it relates to other politicians, but he has to be sort of this super-nice person. Politics is not always nice. We know that.

Damn. So that's why I support Obama!
One does not simply become the first black president!

You have to trudge through the murky wastes of leftover racism...



φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Incognito said:
Damn. So that's why I support Obama!
So this story implies Obama has magic powers right?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
RubxQub said:
So this story implies Obama has magic powers right?

I was thinking he was more like Alec Baldwins rendition of the Shadow and can cloud men's minds!

Magic Negroes... I can't even say that without chuckling....


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Incognito said:
Damn. So that's why I support Obama!
I like how he's afraid to use the actual term, magical negro.

Also, he clearly doesn't understand what a magical negro is.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Incognito said:
Damn. So that's why I support Obama!

And I think its racist like thinking too going on. So people that vote and like McCain like him because of his policies but people that voted and like Obama do it because he's their secret magical negro friend and really don't care about Obama's policies.

Its straight BS!!


I for one welcome the opportunity for a magical president. The evangelicals might have a problem with his wizardry, however.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
So let me try this...

Obama started out as Obama the Grey. He was a community organizer and had some sweet spells such as "Organizra" and "Grassroots IV".

In his epic fight with the Hillrog, in which he ultimately defeated her in a close battle, he himself went through a transformation. He emerged from this fight as Obama the White.

Confusing name...but I guess I understand why he's considered magical.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
So let me try this...

Obama started out as Obama the Grey. He was a community organizer and had some sweet spells such as "Organizra" and "Grassroots IV".

In his epic fight with the Hillrog, in which he ultimately defeated her in a close battle, he himself went through a transformation. He emerged from this fight as Obama the White.

Confusing name...but I guess I understand why he's considered magical.

I'm so tempted to Photoshop Obama as Gandalf, but I got work to do :p


First tragedy, then farce.
said this in the other thread, but I really hope it isnt true.

I watch him every Sunday on meet the press, one of my favorite rituals.


testicles on a cold fall morning
now i kinda feel bad over all the vitriol i spewed at Russert.

well, not really. still, tragically young death.


I'm stunned. He wasn't perfect, but he was a great debate moderator and interviewer. Meet the Press has been an institution for years.

58, too. Way too young. :(
United Farm Workers to endorse Obama

On Saturday, the United Farm Workers, its executive board and worker leadership from throughout the United States will throw their support behind Sen. Barack Obama in his quest to be the country’s next president.

Obama will accept the endorsement from the UFW during a 9:45 a.m. call with the union.

The Monterey County call will take place at the UFW office at 437 E. Alisal St. in Salinas.

“Throughout his career, beginning as a community organizer to his present position as senator, Barack Obama has shared the values of the United Farm Workers,” said UFW President Arturo Rodriguez. "Sen. Obama stands firm in his conviction for comprehensive immigration reform. He has been a strong supporter of the UFW-sponsored AgJOBS – legislation that would help stabilize our nation’s agricultural workforce. As president, he will continue to hold fast to his convictions by signing comprehensive immigration reform, increasing the minimum wage and making sure every American has affordable and quality health care."

The UFW, founded in 1962 by Cesar E. Chavez and Dolores Huerta, is the first successful farm labor union in the history of the United States. Throughout its 40 years, the UFW has worked to organize farm workers, raise wages and improve working conditions for its members and all farm workers.
GREAT endorsement.

Dolores Huerta was a huge Clinton advocate in Texas.


We already knew about Obama calling out McCain (and his Iran-lobbyist advisor on this), but I still thought this was pretty cool...


Take a stand Barack just co-sponsored a bill in the Senate that you should know about.

Under current law, Washington lobbyists can hide their dealings with foreign businesses and governments. This bill will close that loophole and establish a new standard for disclosure.

Fixing this lobbyist loophole is an important step in the fight for greater transparency and accountability in Government.

Barack is taking a stand against powerful interests -- but he can't change Washington without your help.

If we are going to win this race and make accountability a priority in the White House, we each need to step up and help build this movement for change.

Take a stand with Barack now -- sign our online petition to show your support for bringing accountability and ethics to Washington:


While Barack Obama is working to change the culture in Washington, John McCain has turned a blind eye to the lobbyist loophole.

He has to if he's going to look out for his friends.

A number of McCain's senior campaign staffers are Washington lobbyists who have exploited this loophole to avoid disclosing their activities. And McCain has built his fundraising strategy around huge checks from Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs. He literally cannot afford to lose their support.

This campaign is different. We have never accepted contributions from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs, so Barack is only accountable to ordinary people like you.

John McCain is committed to perpetuating politics-as-usual in Washington -- but you can help stop him and bring about the change this country needs.

Take a stand on this important issue by signing our online petition right now:


Thank you for working for real change,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America​


Fun article about Schwarzenegger and his wife, that Ben Smith linked to:


In California, a House Divided Stands Strong
It is one thing to disagree about politics with your spouse at a backyard barbecue. It is quite another to do it in front of the 38 million people of California, with apparent and abundant passion.
The lawn of their Brentwood home has dueling campaign signs. The breakfast table has become a casual debating society. Ms. Shriver is even threatening to bring a life-size cutout of her preferred candidate into the house, something the governor has seen her do in other elections. “When one of the candidates screws up,” Mr. Schwarzenegger said of the cutouts, “the kids carry them outside.”
“I think there are great benefits to having kids grow up understanding that we do not live in a one-party system,” Ms. Shriver said. “That there are two ways at looking at an issue. To be patient, and to compromise, those are good lessons not just in politics but for life. I grew up believing there was only one way to think. There isn’t.”

It all began this winter when Mr. Schwarzenegger announced his allegiance to Mr. McCain, unsurprisingly, and then Ms. Shriver showed up — quite surprisingly — on the stage at a rally for Mr. Obama in Los Angeles proclaiming her support along with other members of the extended Kennedy family just days later.

On Super Tuesday, the governor awoke to a lawn full of Obama signs. Seeking fair and balanced landscaping, he immediately called his aides to procure an equal number of McCain signs. (Perhaps not the easiest request on the day when the Republicans were looking to deliver the state to Mr. McCain. Also not one, under the circumstances, to be farmed out to the first lady’s office.)

While voters here are long accustomed to the Republican governor and his Kennedy-family wife, the spectacle of them avidly supporting two different presidential candidates is likely to become even more pronounced to the rest of the nation as the campaign enters the general election phase, with both playing an active role.

He and she are likely speakers at each party’s convention this summer. Ms. Shriver has been mentioned as a possible chairwoman for Mr. Obama’s California effort, and is considered to be one of its most endearing assets in the state.
“People get it,” he said. “People know that she is not for Bush even though she is sitting there at the convention with me.”

Time spent around the kitchen table is sometimes enlivened by discussions on topics ranging from Mr. Obama’s pastor to the fuel tax (because nothing says, “Please stop hiding the peas under your napkin,” like a good gas tax riff) and gender issues. “The girls were for Hillary, and now they are with Obama,” the governor said. “The boys are more with McCain.”

It is a relationship that gives hope to other mixed marriages.
Superdelegate says he doesn't like what Obama stands for? What exactly is wrong with what Obama stands for?

A father from Kenya? The nerve of him right? Black? What the hell is his problem?

What is with these disgusting, shameful people that give all these bogus reasons for why they don't like the man. People should dislike him because they don't agree with him on policy or think he's a terrible person based on how he conducts himself.

What exactly is wrong with what Obama stands for?

Racism is not at the level it once was, but when it rears it's head it's ugly. Un-American or a possible terrorist is the new racism in this Country. It's a clever substitute that they use to justify their hatred for African Americans. We don't know what he stands for. We don't know what he's all about. I don't see these kinds of "be careful, he might be dangerous" and secretly hate America scare tactics with White Candidates.

It's funny how Obama's church has been dubbed un-american just because people in a black church had the audacity to speak out about whats wrong with our country. It's never an issue when it's done in a White chruch.
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